EG :: Volume #14

#1301: Divides the camp again

When Wind & Rain Electronics , etc. were winning over other Company, when joins to the hdv camp, Sony , etc. continuously attention Company, first obtains the news. 风雨电子等正在拉拢其他企业,加入到hdv的阵营中时,嗦尼等一直关注的企业,也第一时间得到消息。 They have discovered the Wind & Rain Electronics intention, therefore is also promoted to join up to discuss that gives up the detail that various some argued, ahead of time promotes the high-definition digital video standard. 他们发现了风雨电子的意图,于是也晋级联合起来商量,将一些原本各家争论的细节放弃,提前推出高清数码摄像机标准。 Not long, Sony and other Corporation, have not paid attention to China Company, even has not paid attention to Company of US, in their opinion, can the electronic Company competition with Japan, only then Company of Europe, four magnitude Corporation of South Korea are not good. 曾几何时,嗦尼公司,根本没把华夏企业放在眼里,甚至没把米国的企业放在眼里,在他们看来,能跟岛国的电子企业竞争的,只有欧洲的企业,就连南韩的四星等公司都不行。 But now way of the world change is too rapid, since continuously China that they look down upon, braves a Feng Yu such freak unexpectedly, the development consumer electronics industry, under the numerous pressures, rushed out a stretch of new world vigorously unexpectedly. 但现在世道变化太快,一直以来他们看不起的华夏,竟然冒出来冯宇这么一个怪胎,大力发展消费电子产业,竟然在重重压力之下,闯出了一片新天地。 If only this, then Sony , etc. will not be depressed, what most makes their depressed is, child Corporation of this Feng Yu, the product of research and development as if everywhere is opposing with them. 如果只是这样,那么嗦尼等也不会太郁闷,最让他们郁闷的是,这个冯宇旗下的子公司,研发的产品似乎处处在跟他们作对。 From initial hears mp3 along, from vcd to the optical disk drive, from the computer to the cell phone, each product, is fighting for the market with them, moreover snatched to win! 从最初的随身听到mp3,从vcd到光驱,从计算机到手机,每一种产品,都在跟他们抢夺市场,而且还都抢赢了! Each Japan electron camp has any new product to promote, or is going to promote, that side China earlier braves. From the earliest product competition, to the present standard struggle, was getting more and more excessive. 每一次岛国电子阵营有什么新产品推出,或者是将要推出,华夏那边就会更早的冒出来。从最早的产品竞争,到现在的标准之争,越来越过分了。 In the DVD standard, they fell behind, have a look afterward to lose in a big way. Not only the DVD product loses is not small, the loss of optical disk drive market. dvd标准上,他们落后,看看后来损失多大吧。不只是dvd产品损失不小,还有光驱市场的损失。 Mobile handset market Sony is also Asia was top, but after the Wind & Rain cell phone appears, they have to the letter with the love collaborate, have established the new Sony brand. Sony is influential in Asia, perhaps this Corporation called to love suo! 手机市场本来嗦尼也是亚洲顶尖的,但风雨手机横空出世后,他们就不得不跟爱里信联手,成立了新的嗦爱品牌。要不是嗦尼在亚洲还算有影响力,说不定这个公司就叫爱嗦了! However this time, regarding the standard struggle of high-definition digital video, Sony is fully-confident. 不过这一次,对于高清数码摄像机的标准之争,嗦尼信心百倍。 The Tom grandson has the digital video actually, but Philips and Wind & Rain, Aihua , etc., does not have the digital video. Your product does not have, must apply the standard, this is not talks nonsense! 汤姆孙倒是有数码摄像机,但是飞利普风雨爱华等,都没有数码摄像机呢。你们连产品都没有,就要推行标准,这不是扯淡么! Sony camp these, or are the Japan camps, has the digital video product, not only there is hand-held dv, they are still making that type of large-scale equipment, can photograph the digital video of movie. 嗦尼阵营这些,或者说是岛国阵营,都是有数码摄像机产品的,不但有手持dv,他们还在做那种大型设备,就是可以拍摄电影的数码摄像机。 Thus lets make the movie no longer to need that many films, can photograph to save the massive costs for the movie, lets more costs, invests into the other aspects of movie, thus promotes the movie quality. 从而让拍电影不再需要那么多的胶片,可以为电影拍摄节省大量的成本,让更多的成本,投入到电影的其他方面,从而提升电影质量。 Sony, Dongzhi , etc. had movie Corporation, the film market is prosperous, they can also earn a higher profit. 嗦尼东之等可是有电影公司的,电影市场繁荣,他们也能赚得更高的利润。 The development of this high-definition digital video, the significances is significant to Sony and other Corporation. Is strategic research and development, but is not only one new product. 这个高清数码摄像机的开发,对嗦尼公司的意义重大。是一种战略研发,而不仅仅是一种新产品。 After Sony and other Japan Corporation study, sends for relating other electrons and electric appliance Corporation, they also want in their camp, presents many Company, particularly they send for major movie Corporation specially, wanting these movie Corporation also to support their standards. 嗦尼岛国公司研究后,又派人去联系其他的电子、电器公司,他们也要自己的阵营中,出现更多的企业,尤其是他们特意派人去各大电影公司,想要这些电影公司也支持他们的标准。 ...... …… Fellow Company representatives, fellow media friends, good afternoon. Today our Wind & Rain Electronics, Wind & Rain Appliances and Philips group and Tom Sun Jituan, Four Star Group, Aihua Electronics...... Waits for Corporation to decide that collaborates to apply the hdv standard, is the high-definition digital video standard.” “各位企业代表,各位媒体朋友,大家下午好。今天我们风雨电子风雨电器飞利普集团、汤姆孙集团、四星集团爱华电子……等公司决定,联手推行hdv标准,也就是高清数码摄像机标准。” This is one type bases on...... We intend to a better picture quality to enjoy, take to the consumer, gives various Company to provide the recent development direction. We do not need to be again worried for research and development direction, does not need therefore to have various senseless competitions again......” “这是一种基于……我们意在将更好的画质享受,带给消费者,同时也给各企业提供新的发展方向。我们不需要再为研发方向而苦恼,不需要再因此而产生各种无谓的竞争……” Jiang Wanmeng stands on the stage speaks, various Company represent with the media representatives earnestly is listening to and record. But some people, but also keeping looks at the cell phone. 姜万猛站在台上发言,各企业代表和媒体代表都在认真听着和记录。而一些人,还在不停的看着手机。 Reads the short note, looks at electronic e-mail , accesses the net to search the news. 看短信,看电子邮箱,上网搜索新闻等。 Naturally did not say that this time release conference is not splendid, insipidness that they listen , because in the Japan Tokyo, Sony and other Corporation is also holding the press conference, similarly applies the standard of high-definition digital video. 当然不是说这次的发布会不精彩,他们听的索然无味,而是因为在岛国的东京,嗦尼公司也正在召开新闻发布会,同样是推行高清数码摄像机的标准。 These Company represent with the media represents regarding this unusual attention, they also want to know, the standard that two big camps apply, has anything to be the same and different. 这些企业代表和媒体代表对此都非常的关注,他们也想知道,两大阵营所推行的标准,有什么相同与不同。 Some of they person of naive believing, why will not unify two standards, forms a brand-new standard, in that case, did no one have the superiority? 他们也不会有人天真的认为,为什么不将两种标准结合起来,形成一个全新的标准,那样的话,岂不是谁都没有优势了? Carries out standard Corporation, hopes that other Company implement their standard, will not be thinking the compromise unless it is absolutely essential absolutely. 推行标准的公司,都希望其他企业执行自己的标准,不到万不得已,绝对不会想着妥协的。 Feng Yu also in front of the computer, glances over the online news, naturally, but must look at these emails that Kameido Masao sends. 冯宇也在电脑前,浏览网上的新闻,当然,还要看龟田正雄发来的那些电子邮件。 The Feng Yu originally thinks the standard of one applying is earlier, can have the overwhelming superiority. But has not thought that that side Sony also sped up, his some extremely underestimated Sony and other Company. 冯宇原本以为自己这边推行的标准更早,可以占据绝对优势呢。但没想到,嗦尼那边也加快了,他有些太过小看嗦尼企业了。 After all camel of skinny is big, let alone Sony did not have the skinny, is still a profit good electronics giant. Moreover joins up with Japan other electronic Company, cannot be underestimated. 毕竟瘦死的骆驼比马大,更何况嗦尼还没瘦死呢,依然是一家盈利不错的电子巨头。而且跟岛国的其他电子企业联合起来,不容小觑。 The electronic Company union of previous generation Japan, can other challenge world Company, this, although missed, but had very formidable strength similarly. 前世岛国的电子企业联合,都能叫板全世界其他所有企业,这一世虽然差了一些,但同样拥有非常强大的实力。 Above the technical research and development, is on Corporation background, Sony and other Corporation are the world-class electronics giants, this without a doubt. 无论是在技术研发上面,还是公司底蕴上面,嗦尼公司都是世界级的电子巨头,这点毋庸置疑。 Feng Yu must make this digital video, is knows profit that this product can get in the future. Did not say home small dv, the large-scale equipment that but these photography movies and soap operas use, has the how big market. 冯宇要做这个数码摄像机,也是知道这个产品未来能获得的利润。不说家用的小型dv,但是那些拍摄电影、电视剧用的大型设备,就有多么大的市场啊。 In the future the traditional film camera will have almost eliminated, is the same with the film camera, the cost of use is too high. Can be cheaper, the use cost and inexpensive, the effect is not bad, who doesn't need to be cheaper? 未来传统的胶片摄像机几乎完全淘汰了,就跟胶卷照相机一样,使用的成本太高。能有更便宜的,使用成本及其低廉,效果也不差的,谁不用更便宜的? In Feng Yu looks to begin the short note, suddenly frowned, has not thought that Japan these Company have the skill very much, won over these many Company to join their camps. 冯宇看着手里的短信,忽然皱起眉头,没想到岛国这些企业很有本事啊,拉拢了这么多企业加入他们的阵营。 Lg of South Korea, Taiwan some Company, southern coastal provinces and other Southeast Asia of some Company, joined Sony and other Corporation the camps, it seems like wants to surround the Asian market. 南韩的lg,还有宝岛的一些企业,南洋等东南亚的一些企业,也加入到了嗦尼公司的阵营,看来是想包围亚洲市场啊。 Four Star Group is Wind & Rain Electronics the camp, lg has actually joined Sony and other Corporation the camps, the Company choice of South Korea is very interesting. 四星集团风雨电子这边阵营的,lg却是加入了嗦尼公司的阵营,南韩的企业选择很有意思啊。 Company of South Korea always seeks the safest route, for example struggles in the plasma and liquid crystal, they do. Simultaneous developments, regardless of that side has had problems, they can at any time the adjustment direction. Although the possible initial period to lose some superiority, but will definitely not have the too big inferiority. 南韩的企业总是寻求最稳妥的路线,比如在等离子和液晶之争上,他们就都做。两条腿走路,无论那边出问题了,他们可以随时调整方向。虽然可能初期会失去一些优势,但绝对不会有太大的劣势。 But Company of South Korea unites very much, at least in foreign, the unusual unity, this South Korean two big electronics giants join two camps separately, it seems like is also intentionally for it. 而南韩的企业是很团结的,至少在对外的时候,非常的团结,这次南韩两大电子巨头分别加入两个阵营,看来也是故意为之。 Where in the future regardless of wins, they can recommend by another Corporation, thus transforms the camp, this calculation hits, very loud. 将来无论哪边获胜,他们都可以由另外一家公司引荐,从而转换阵营,这小算盘打得,很响啊。 In this most makes Feng Yu not happy, is the Taiwan these Company treachery, it seems like must increase to the suppression of Taiwan Company, must let their little darlings follows the mainland step, they in province make any Yao Ezi again! 这里面最让冯宇不高兴的,就是宝岛那些企业的倒戈,看来要加大对宝岛企业的压制,要让他们乖乖的跟着内地的步伐走,省的他们再弄什么幺蛾子! ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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