EG :: Volume #13

#1300: HDV

After the Wind & Rain cell phone new product release conference had ended, Wind & Rain flies back to Shanghai, but at this time, Jiang Wanmeng had brought a good news. 风雨手机新品发布会结束后,风雨就飞回魔都,而这时候,姜万猛又带来了一个好消息。 Initially made h DVD time, Feng Yu has raised with Jiang Wanmeng, must make a high-definition camera, was exquisite, was portable importantly, is clear, to aim at the present high-definition TV market. 当初做hdvd的时候,冯宇就跟姜万猛提过,要做出一种高清摄像机,要小巧,便于携带,最重要的就是清晰,以针对现在的高清电视机市场。 The digital video, had much long time ago, earliest develops the end product, is Sony. It can be said that in electronic products innovation, Sony is competent, placed the world to say. 数码摄像机,很早就有了,最早开发出成品的,也是嗦尼。可以说在电子产品创新上,嗦尼还是非常有实力的,放在全世界都可以这么说。 However Sony attaching great importance to regarding this is at first insufficient, or the Japan Corporation common failing, always likes the best technology staying in the laboratory, is going to the new technology to push to the market, thus guarantees the maximization of profit. 但是嗦尼最初对此的重视不够,或者说岛国公司的通病,总是喜欢将最好的技术留在实验室,然后将次新的技术推向市场,从而保证利润最大化。 When they discovered when has the competitor promotes with their level similar product, again unveils the newest product , to continue to guarantee the high quota the profit. 当他们发现有竞争对手推出跟他们水平差不多的产品时,再推出最新的产品,继续保证高额的利润。 However such does , the shortcoming, that is the product that Sony unveils, technically insufficiently absolutely is always in the lead, thus constantly challenges their opportunities to other Corporation. 但是这么做,也有一个缺点,那就是嗦尼推出的产品,技术上总是不够绝对领先,从而给其他公司不断挑战他们的机会。 Sony believes that they have a better technology, thinks that other Corporation challenge, can only bring contempt upon oneself, even is helps them eliminate the obsolete technology. Also can delay the research and development footsteps of opposite party by this, making the opposite party waste the research cost, and maintains their technology leading consumer impression. 嗦尼坚信,他们有更好的技术,认为其他公司挑战,只能自取其辱,甚至是帮助他们淘汰老旧技术。还能以此来拖延对方的研发脚步,让对方浪费研发成本,并保持他们技术领先的消费者印象。 Once Sony discovered that the opposite party has to pursue the possibility of their technology, then Sony will select another method, that is the union. For example although Sony with Song, Xia Pu, in addition can, jvc, first peak and other Corporation be the competitor, but they have also carried out the cooperation in many aspects. 一旦嗦尼发现对方有追赶上他们技术的可能,那么嗦尼会采用另外一种方式,那就是联合。比如嗦尼虽然跟淞下、夏谱、加能、jvc、先峰等公司是竞争对手,但是他们在多种方面也都进行了合作。 It can be said that Japan these electronic Company, is maintaining the relations that the competition and cooperation coexist. Occasionally these 2-3 Corporation cooperation, push aside several other Corporation, occasionally the operation target has traded, pushed aside once partner, in brief chaotic. 可以说岛国的这些电子企业,相互之间一直都是保持着竞争与合作并存的关系。偶尔这两三家公司合作,排挤另外几家公司,偶尔合作对象又换了,排挤曾经的合作伙伴,总之乱的很。 Feng Yu remembers, previous generation time, Sony and other once competitors worked with Xia Pu, collaborates to formulate the high-definition digital video standard, limited the development of colleague by this, was makes them gain a big pen very much. 冯宇记得,前世的时候,嗦尼就跟夏谱等几家曾经的竞争对手合作,联手制定了高清数码摄像机标准,以此来限制同行的发展,很是让他们赚了一大笔。 The high-definition digital video is an aspect, on the other hand, Feng Yu has also raised with Jiang Wanmeng, future cell phone, must be able to photograph, the digital camera with the digital video must be able to link, the function of electronic products, must diversify, must make the consumer buy the same product, has the function of beforehand diverse product. 高清数码摄像机是一方面,另外一方面,冯宇姜万猛也提过,未来的手机,也要能摄像,数码照相机跟数码摄像机要能结合在一起,电子产品的功能,都要多样化,要让消费者买一样产品,就有之前多样产品的功能。 Feng Yu this two minimally invasive new concept of products combines, the Corporation person was already familiar. 冯宇这种两种产品结合的微创新概念,公司人早就熟悉了。 Jiang Wanmeng has had the person personally in the technology of public relations high-definition digital video, naturally, Philips and Tom grandson and other Corporation are also helping. 姜万猛一直亲自带人在公关这个高清数码摄像机的技术,当然,还有飞利普汤姆孙等公司也在帮忙。 Must want to apply the standard, must have many Corporation support and executions is good, only if otherwise like is vcd, the foundation patent in your hands, can succeed. 要想推行标准,就要有更多的公司支持和执行才好,否则除非像是vcd一样,基础专利在你手里,才能成功。 Even if were vcd to afterward DVD, high-definition DVD, did not draw other Company to coalize, can make the standard be able to carry out fast. 就算是vcd到后来的dvd,高清dvd,不也是拉了其他企业加入联盟,才能让标准得以快速推行么。 Jiang Wanmeng told him suddenly, the high-definition digital video researched and developed successfully, moreover obtained Philips and Tom grandson and other Corporation the approvals, then indicated that they should be able to collaborate to promote standard. 姜万猛忽然告诉他,高清数码摄像机研发成功了,而且也得到了飞利普汤姆孙等公司的认可,那么就表示,他们应该可以联手推出标准了。 This can limit the development of other Corporation, if you do not defer to our standard executions, then on the high-definition digital video, must divide the camp once more, thus causes the product unable to be compatible. 这样就能限制其他公司的发展,你们要是不按照我们的标准执行,那么高清数码摄像机上,就要再次分阵营,从而造成产品无法兼容。 Feng Yu does not certainly fear a minute of camp, but was worried that this standard was set by the Sony and other Corporation initiatives, thus was carried out by many Corporation, then they were too passive. 冯宇当然不怕分阵营,而是担心这个标准被嗦尼公司先制定出来,从而被更多的公司所执行,那么他们就太被动了。 In the camp Company are more, nature gets the advantage on exceed. 阵营中企业越多,自然就越占优势。 ...... …… Chief Feng, this is the standard that we apply, is divided into two types, one type is 1280 * 720 p high-definition, another type is 1920 * 1080 p, we call ultra high-definition. Naturally, these two standards, with high-definition the standard union of television and high-definition monitor.” 冯总,这就是我们推行的标准,分为两种,一种是1280*720p高清,另外一种是1920*1080p,我们称之为超高清。当然,这两种标准,也是跟高清电视机、高清显示器的标准结合的。” This standard, what with is the line-by-line scanning, is a picture, a scanning is completed, the advantage of this technology, will not have the twinkle and climbing phenomenon. Actually we have also studied the technology of another interlace, but that technology is inferior to this type, because a picture needs to scan two, demonstrated fine picture or still frame time, will have the twinkle and climbing phenomenon.” “这种标准,采用的是逐行扫描,也就是一幅画面,一次扫描完成,这种技术的好处,是不会有闪烁和爬行现象。其实我们还研究了另外一种隔行扫描的技术,但那种技术不如这种,因为一幅画面需要扫描两次,显示精细画面或者静止画面的时候,就会有闪烁和爬行现象。” Naturally, in this also the difference of field repetition rate, but several that divides, concrete is......” “当然,这里面还有一个场频的不同,而分出来的几种,具体是……” Feng Yu hurries to beckon with the hand: Was good, these I who you said cannot understand. You think that met the standard to be good, I believed you.” 冯宇赶紧摆摆手:“行了,你说的那些我也听不懂。你们认为达到标准就行了,我相信你们。” Feng Yu knows that 720 p and 1080 p, as for the concrete principle, classify anything in detail, which his understands. 冯宇就知道720p和1080p,至于具体原理啊,还有详细分类啥的,他哪儿懂啊。 „Our holds the press conference, applies this standard officially?” Jiang Wanmeng asked. “那我们这就召开新闻发布会,正式推行这个标准?”姜万猛问道。 What meaning Philips and Tom grandson Corporation are , etc.?” 飞利普汤姆公司等是什么意思?” They also believe that promotes the standard as soon as possible, serves everybody's benefit, particularly Japan that side Corporation it is said also jointly is developing, if by their first one step, we were in the passive inferiority. However they believe that should many Corporation come, some electrons and electric appliance big Company, can haul in our camps to be best, for example the domestic television makes Company, Four Star Group of South Korea, Taiwan these Corporation wait / etc., we must be responsible for hauling in the camp, but the Tom grandson is responsible for the camp of Americas, Philips is responsible for Europe, making our teams expand as soon as possible, thus forces Japan Company to implement our standards!” “他们也认为,尽快推出标准,更符合大家的利益,尤其是岛国那边公司据说也正在联合开发呢,要是被他们抢先一步,我们就处于被动的劣势了。不过他们认为,应该拉更多的公司进来,一些电子、电器大企业,能拉进我们的阵营最好,比如国内的电视机制造企业啊,南韩的四星集团,宝岛的那些公司等等,我们要负责拉进阵营,而汤姆孙负责美洲的阵营,飞利普负责欧洲,让我们的队伍尽快壮大,从而逼迫岛国企业必须来执行我们的标准!” Feng Yu nods: Ok, contacted with us once these people of h DVD alliance, making them join, the common development and implemented this hdv standard. Also, can the technology of this digital video, when unify truly with the cell phone? Unifies with the digital camera?” 冯宇点点头:“可以,联系我们曾经hdvd联盟的那些人,让他们加入进来,共同开发和执行这个hdv标准。还有,这个数码摄像机的技术,什么时候能真正跟手机结合起来?或者跟数码照相机结合起来?” Quick, at the end of the year can promote the new product.” “很快,年底就能推出新品。” Feng Yu is not quite satisfied: Must achieve as far as possible quickly, we can think that cell phone with digital camera union, they can think of the cell phone with the digital video union. The manufacturer of these production digital camera and digital video, can think that combines two functions.” 冯宇还是不太满意:“要尽量做到最快,我们能想到手机跟数码照相机结合,他们就能想到手机跟数码摄像机结合。那些生产数码照相机和数码摄像机的厂商,也能想到将两种功能结合起来。” Now why digital camera and can't digital video unify? Magnetic tape that because the digital video uses, but is not that type of old style big recording tape, but is an exquisite recording tape, wants small half compared with the personal stereo scallop. 现在为什么数码照相机和数码摄像机没能结合?因为数码摄像机采用的还是磁带,不过已经不是那种老式的大录像带了,而是一种小巧的录像带,比随身听的带子还要小一半。 But the flash memory stick that the digital camera, uses saves, the different memory way, had decided these two products are unable to unify temporarily. 而数码照相机呢,则采用的闪存存储卡进行存储,不一样的存储方式,决定了这两种产品暂时无法结合。 But if these two products do use the flash memory, the hard disk memory or the optical disc storage? Then the functions of two products unify, very easy. 但如果这两种产品都采用闪存存储、硬盘存储或者光盘存储呢?那么两种产品的功能结合起来,将非常的容易。 Chief Feng felt relieved that we guaranteed at the maximum speed, completes the union of product feature. New product that our next must unveil, is the high-definition dv video camera!” 冯总放心,我们保证以最快的速度,完成产品功能的结合。我们下一步要推出的新产品,就是高清dv摄录机!” ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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