EG :: Volume #13

#1298: Most expensive and cheapest

At present this model of Wind & Rain s1 cell phone, is most expensive one that the Wind & Rain cell phone promotes, the selling price will be 1499 US dollars. In the present cell phone universal several hundred US dollars time, it may be said that was second to none. 这款风雨s1手机,是目前风雨手机推出的最贵的一款,售价将达到1499美元。在现在手机普遍几百美元的时代,可谓是首屈一指了。 Naturally, its function also very formidable. Xu Lihua when at the new product release conference demonstrates, under the stage transmits calls out in alarm intermittently. 当然,它的功能也是非常的强大。许立华在新品发布会上展示的时候,台下传来阵阵惊呼。 The function of this model of cell phone, and other strong many did not say compared with the blackberry, Nokia, Dopuda, the top functions of many ordinary cell phones. 这款手机的功能,比黑莓、诺记亚、多普达等强不少不说,还有许多普通手机的顶尖功能。 The screen not only developed 260,000 color colored tablets, but also touched the screen, and camera has carried on turning to a new generation. When Xu Lihua demonstrated these ps and other functions, is makes many people surprised extremely. 屏幕不仅开发出了260000色彩屏,而且还是触屏的,并且摄像头进行了升级换代。当许立华展示那些ps等功能的时候,更是让很多人惊讶万分。 They have not known that the cell phone has been able to achieve this point at this time. 他们还不知道,手机此时已经能做到这一点了。 However many people said that the selling price of this model of cell phone, was too high, but does not have the means that this model of cell phone has applied Wind & Rain Electronics and other most new technologies, the production cost, reaches as high as 1000 US dollars, is only the cost of system software, is higher than other cell phones, because has the Wind & Rain cell phone and Aihua cell phone use. 不过还是有很多人说,这款手机的售价,太高了,但是没办法,这款手机应用了风雨电子等所有的最新技术,制造成本,就高达1000美元,光是系统软件的成本,就比所有其他手机都高,因为只有风雨手机和爱华手机采用嘛。 However Xu Lihua said that in less than six months, along with the screen and other cost of the drops, the cost of system software drops, the selling price of cell phone will decline. 不过许立华说了,用不了半年时间,随着屏幕等成本的下降,系统软件的成本下降,手机的售价会下调的。 However Xu Lihua they also believe that this type of cell phone should take the high-end route, the selling price should maintain at over 1000 US dollars. Now the hottest blackberry, the selling price so is not but high. 但是许立华他们也认为,这种手机就应该走高端路线,售价应该保持在1000美元以上。可是现在最火的黑莓,售价也没这么高啊。 They after the market survey, think that the cell phone high-end market also compares the blank, they want to occupy first. Is Feng Yu does not know like this good, but he suggested that thinks the means to fall the cell phone selling price as soon as possible, the cell phone should also in view of the product of ordinary household, in the future to become the most common electronic products. 他们经过市场调查,认为手机高端市场还比较空白,他们想先占据了。冯宇也不知道这样行不行,但是他建议,还是尽快想办法将手机售价降下来,手机还应该是针对普通家庭的产品,未来要成为最常见的电子产品。 Xu Lihua also said at this time, was not you have said that can the cell phone toward the two-pole development? The function are many, price expensive and basic functions and low-cost two directions? 许立华这时候又说了,不是你说过,手机要往两极发展吗?功能多、价格贵和基础功能、价格便宜两个方向吗? Feng Yu is somewhat speechless, has not thought that their returns the extreme. 冯宇有些无语,没想到他们比自己还极端。 Old Xu, you look, the selling price of your this model of cell phone, was more expensive than pc. You think, now pc how much money? A notebook , more than 1000 US dollars, you thought that the consumer won't feel expensively?” 老许,你看啊,你这款手机的售价,都比pc更贵了。你想想,现在pc才多少钱?一款笔记本,也才1000多美元,你觉得消费者不会感觉贵吗?” Therefore this s1 cell phone, what now mainly faces is the developed country, here rich man are many. The next selling price, can turn into about 1000 US dollars, when the time comes we were the impression of high-end cell phone should also strike root in the hearts of the people, at that time was we in the good opportunity of smartphone domain expansion market share.” “所以这个s1手机,现在主要面向的是发达国家,这边有钱人多啊。下一款的售价,就能变成1000美元左右了,到时候我们是高端手机的印象也该深入人心了,那时候就是我们在智能手机领域扩大市场占有率的良机。” Well? Feng Yu thinks carefully that originally is this meaning, probably also is really means. 咦?冯宇仔细想了想,原来是这个意思啊,好像还真是一个办法。 However the issue, that will also make others believe that the profit that the Wind & Rain cell phone starts is specially high, otherwise afterward can reduce prices that many? 但是还有一个问题,那就是会让别人认为,风雨手机开始的利润特别高,否则后来怎么能降价那么多? This...... Probably is also good, after you study, thinks that feasible that is feasible, but as the matter stands, I thought that what money our China market couldn't make?” “这……好像也行,你们研究后认为可行那就可行吧,不过这样一来,我看咱们华夏市场就赚不到什么钱了吧?” China market retail price is about 10,000, same has the profit, aims at is also the high-end market. This model of cell phone is also the test piece, making the person note our product advantage now, the coordination propagandizes, after our plans are three generations, starts into the mainstream of smartphone.” 华夏市场零售价为10000左右,一样有利润,针对的也是高端市场。这款手机也算是试验品,让人现在注意到我们的产品优势,配合宣传,我们的计划是三代之后,开始成为智能手机的主流。” According to one year one generation of plans, after three generations, is three years later. Feng Yu thinks, three years later, probably the smartphone was unable to substitute for the non- smartphone. 按照一年一代的计划,三代之后,也就是三年之后。冯宇想了想,三年之后,好像智能手机也还没能取代非智能手机呢。 But depends on this model of cell phone, do you plan to surpass Motorola?” “但是就凭这一款手机,你们就打算超过摩托萝拉?” The sales volume of this model of cell phone, should not be high, surpasses Motorola? Motorola is Boss of American market, Nokia does not do after all in the American market. 这一款手机的销量,应该不会太高吧,怎么超过摩托萝拉摩托萝拉毕竟是美洲市场的老大,诺记亚在美洲市场都干不过呢。 Xu Lihua shows a faint smile: Chief Feng, but also remembers that you have told us, can make a model of most inexpensive cell phone? The development of this model of cell phone, good of progress, it is expected that the end of the year time, can promote.” 许立华微微一笑:“冯总,还记得你跟我们说过,要制造出一款最为廉价的手机吗?这款手机的开发,也进展的不错,预计年底的时候,就可以推出了。” Feng Yu selects the eyebrow: What you said is the cell phone of that basic function? How many can the cost control?” 冯宇一挑眉毛:“你说的是那款只有基本功能的手机?成本能控制到多少?” „About 45 US dollars, we plan selling price 50 US dollars!” “45美元左右,我们计划售价50美元!” 50 US dollars selling price, was actually more expensive than the previous generation that Nokia god machine. In the future this type of inexpensive cell phone, will have been all the rage one very much. Not only in China, but also sells in many developed countries unusual is hot. 50美元的售价,其实比前世那款诺记亚的神机还是贵了一些的。未来这种廉价手机,很是风靡了一阵。不只是在华夏,还在许多发达国家也卖的非常火。 In the world a sales volume highest model of cell phone, is Nokia 1110, 250 million, were known as that forever is unable to surmount. 世界上销量最高的一款手机,就是诺记亚的1110,250000000台,号称永远无法超越。 Even if a cell phone only then one US dollar profit, then also has 250 million US dollars profit. 一台手机哪怕只有一美元的利润,那么也有250000000美元的利润呢。 At the end of the year can certainly promote?” “年底一定可以推出吗?” Issue is not big. At present is conducting the final material testing, we plan the service life of this model of cell phone, must amount to for three years.” “问题不大。目前就是在进行最后的材料测试,我们计划这款手机的使用寿命,也要达到三年。” Only can use for three years?” Feng Yu remembers that the previous generation Nokia god machine does not have the issue with 56 years. “只能使用三年吗?”冯宇记得,前世诺记亚的神机可是用56年都没问题的。 Chief Feng, this was not you said that was the cell phone service life, best to control about three years? Otherwise the consumer exchanging cell phone, our market will not reduce. Our cell phone three years of life, insisted that the words, should not have the issue with four years.” 冯总,这不是你说的,手机使用寿命,最好控制在三年左右吗?否则消费者不换新手机,我们市场会缩小啊。我们的手机三年寿命,坚持一下的话,用四年应该也没问题。” Good, is reasonable. 呃好吧,也有道理。 The previous generation with 1110 people, generally is also the student and old person, afterward also had the keyboard to be bigger, a character bigger old man-machine, this in view of the inexpensive machine of low-income groups, compared cost-effective/worthwhile with three years, average three talent money rmb, not necessarily had the phone bill to be expensive. 前世用1110的人,一般也都是学生和老人,后来又有了键盘更大,字更大的老人机,这款针对低收入人群的廉价机,用三年也比较划算了,平均三天才一块钱rmb,还不一定有话费贵呢。 This model of cell phone, if makes, our Wind & Rain cell phone forever will be always remembered in the cell phone historical. You thought how many this model of cell phone can sell?” “这款手机要是制造出来,我们风雨手机将永远被铭记在手机的历史上。你觉得,这款手机能销售多少台?” One year 10 million do not have issue, can sell for three years.” “一年10000000台没问题吧,怎么也能销售三年。” 30 million? 30000000台? Feng Yu shot a look at Xu Lihua one: Dream can greatly.” 冯宇瞥了许立华一眼:“梦想可以大一点。” Greatly? Can sell 50 million?” “大一点?难道能卖50000000台?” Only is our China, almost can sell 50 million!” Feng Yu assured saying. “光是咱们华夏,差不多就能卖50000000台!”冯宇笃定的说道。 What? Only is China can sell 50 million?! Your meaning, can the world sell over a hundred million?” “什么?光是华夏就能卖50000000台?!那你的意思,全世界能卖上亿台?” Continues. You think that the bp machine vanished now, but mobile communications equipment that the people use, is the cell phone. You think that initially the development speed of bp machine, again does think now the development speed of cell phone? The handset cost is very high, many people think expensive, but you said person who these do not have the cell phone, envies to have the cell phone? After the cell phone of low price appears, I believe that labor who works in the city, will buy one, lets in the family|home has the matter time, can find him.” “不止。你想啊,现在bp机已经消失了,而人们使用的移动通信设备,就是手机。你想想,当初bp机的发展速度,再想想现在手机的发展速度?手机价格很高,很多人觉得贵,但你说那些没有手机的人,是否羡慕有手机的?当有一款低价的手机出现后,我相信很多在城里打工的民工,都会买一台,让家里有事儿的时候,可以找到他。” „The present student, you said that they do want the cell phone? The school expense is so expensive, generally the family studies for the child is not easy, cannot afford any electronic products. But if this model of cell phone wants 400, you said that parents'meeting to give up? Has not given up with the old person of cell phone, they do not give up, is not they do not want to use.” “还有现在的学生,你说他们想不想要手机?学费那么贵,一般家庭供孩子读书就不容易了,买不起什么电子产品。但如果这款手机只要400块,那你说家长会不会舍得?还有一些舍不得用手机的老人,他们是舍不得,不是他们不想用。” Therefore this model of cell phone, will lead the unrest of inexpensive cell phone, perhaps crosses two annual meetings to have a more inexpensive cell phone to appear, for example selling price below 40 US dollars. Therefore must work hard in the cell phone cost, some basic functions, cannot certainly have the issue, then we can become the overlords in low-end mobile handset market!” “所以这款手机,将会带领廉价手机的风潮,或许过两年会有更加廉价的手机出现,比如售价在40美元以下的。所以在手机成本上还要下功夫,一些基础功能,一定不能有问题,那么我们就能成为低端手机市场的霸主!” ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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