EG :: Volume #13

#1297: Smartphone

The competition ended, Feng Yu plans to return to homeland, but actually because of a matter, stayed in New York. 比赛结束,冯宇打算回国呢,但却因为一件事,又留在了纽约。 The Wind & Rain cell phone, must promote the new product, moreover this time new product, out of the ordinary, because is the smartphone! 风雨手机,要推出新品了,而且这一次的新品,与众不同,因为是智能手机! What is smartphone? Only like pc, there is an independent operating system, independent operational space, and can install and use the procedure that the third partner service business provides, a significant feature, can access the net! 什么叫智能手机呢?就只像pc一样,有单独的操作系统,单独的运行空间,且可以安装、使用第三方服务商提供的程序,还有一个重要特点,就是能够上网! Moreover this model of smartphone, touches the screen, Wind & Rain Electronics will touch the screen technology to step up the world advanced level finally, no longer will have the screen not to be keen, or keen and other issues. 而且这款智能手机,还是触屏的,风雨电子终于将触屏技术提升到了世界先进水平,不再会有屏幕不灵敏,或者过于灵敏等问题了。 This model of smartphone, is the straight board, but has a transparent cover. Does not have the means that this time phone screen very frail, particularly touches the screen. 这款智能手机,是直板的,但是却有一个透明的盖子。没办法,此时的手机屏幕十分的脆弱,尤其是触屏的。 In order to protect the screen, has to come out such means. Moreover this touches screen cell phone, similarly has the keypad, this makes this model of cell phone very big, looks like somewhat unwieldy. 为了保护屏幕,不得不想出来这么一个办法。而且这一款触屏手机,同样配有按键键盘,这样就使得这款手机很大,看起来有些笨重。 Actually early in 93, IBM studied the smartphone, but at that time so-called smartphone, is a concept, is not easy-to-use. 其实早在93年的时候,ibm就研究出来了智能手机,不过那时候所谓的智能手机,也就是一个概念而已,根本不好用。 Afterward the smartphone entered the rapid growth time, in the blackberry and love the letter, Motorola, Nokia, Dopuda and others were quite prominent. 后来智能手机进入了快速发展时期,其中黑莓、爱里信、摩托萝拉诺记亚、多普达等较为突出。 However this time smartphone, function compared with before the Feng Yu rebirth, the day leaves badly. The cell phone disposition before Feng Yu rebirth, quickly can catch up with the present computer. 不过此时的智能手机,功能比冯宇重生前,还是天差地别。冯宇重生前的手机配置,都快能赶上现在的计算机了。 Moreover the blackberry, is Dopuda, or is in Nokia, Motorola and love believes that in system, not. Personally using product on, few very much, is mainly accesses the net, the receiving and dispatching email, to look at stock anything, does not have too many functions. 而且无论是黑莓,还是多普达,又或者是诺记亚摩托萝拉、爱里信,在系统上,都不咋地。个人应用产品上,也少的很,主要就是上网、收发电子邮件、能看个股票啥的,没有太多的功能。 But Feng Yu they have put forward many requests to Xu Lihua, can achieve these, is the true smartphone. The hardware aspect did not say that this was difficult to go bad has made the system development Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation software Corporation. 冯宇许立华他们提了不少的要求,能做到这些,才算是真正的智能手机。硬件方面不说,这难坏了做系统开发的连想银山软件公司 Fortunately, they already in deferring to the request of Feng Yu did, in addition had that side the Russia specialists together, development good of. 还好,他们早就在按照冯宇的要求做,再加上有俄罗斯那边的专业人员一起,开发的还不错。 Computer system most one year can also handle, but the cell phone system, after their tests, was stable, therefore the Wind & Rain cell phone has introduced this model of smartphone immediately, must enter the smartphone market officially! 电脑系统最多一年也能搞定了,而手机系统,经过他们的测试,已经非常稳定,所以风雨手机马上推出了这款智能手机,要正式进军智能手机市场! The traditional mobile handset market, the Wind & Rain cell phone has been able to achieve with Nokia and Motorola three points of world, the Nokia market share is still first, but the Wind & Rain cell phone has differed with the Motorola market share are not many. 传统手机市场,风雨手机已经能做到跟诺记亚摩托萝拉三分天下,其中诺记亚的市场占有率依然是第一,但是风雨手机跟摩托萝拉的市场占有率已经相差不多了。 But this time, the goal of Wind & Rain cell phone, surmounts Motorola, rises to the market second. 而这一次,风雨手机的目标,是超越摩托萝拉,上升到市场第二。 Old Xu, the function of this model of cell phone is very good, do you name as s1 this model of cell phone?” 老许,这款手机的功能很不错,你们将这款手机命名为s1?” Right, the meaning of s is the super first letter, is Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation development the end letter of the model of system software, this model of system software called hos, the meaning of China operating system. What 1 expressed was the first generation, we planned are every year promote one generation, must achieve the renewal in various functions, in three years, achieved in the smartphone first position!” “对,s的意思是super首个字母,同时也是连想银山开发的这款系统软件的末尾字母,这款系统软件叫hos,华夏操作系统的意思。1表示的是第一代,我们计划是每年推出一代,在各种功能上都要做到更新换代,三年内,做到智能手机第一的位置上!” I remember that now the system of smartphone is mainly the blackberry, the match class and Microsoft and other types, you have made the evaluation, do our hos systems, have the distinct superiority?” “我记得现在智能手机的系统主要是黑莓、赛班和微软等几种,你们做过测评吗,我们的hos系统,是否具有明显的优势?” Distinct superiority is insufficient but actually, but many functions of our system, have achieved being in the lead. For example we carried the ps software, can make the people process the picture on the cell phone. Our cell phone has been able to write the documents, our wps, are Microsoft word. We have also achieved like receiving and dispatching and edition email, our cell phone can support three types of browsers, letting the person can use the cell phone internet to surf......” “明显优势倒不至于,但是我们系统的很多功能,都做到了领先。比如我们搭载了ps软件,可以让人们在手机上处理图片。还有我们手机已经可以书写文档,不论是我们的wps,还是微软的word。像收发、编辑电子邮件等我们也都做到了,还有我们手机可以支持三种浏览器,让人可以使用手机上网冲浪……” Also let alone, these functions are quite complete. Present cell phone internet, is 2 g internet/network, the speed is quite slow, but better than nothing. Some communication quite developed countries, then had 2.5 g internet/network. 还别说,这些功能都还比较齐全的。现在的手机上网,也就是2g网络,速度比较慢,但聊胜于无。一些通信比较发达的国家,则已经有2.5g网络了。 In the future the internet/network speed will be getting more and more fast, Feng Yu reminded Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation, the internet function, must take the key point, with emphasis is the picture editor, this is complements one another with the photograph function. 未来网络的速度会越来越快,冯宇提醒了连想银山,上网功能,要作为重点,还有重点就是图片编辑,这是跟拍照功能相辅相成的。 At that time Feng Yu said picture editor time, puzzled of Lei Dajun face, who will also edit the picture with the cell phone. The Feng Yu heart said that is you are not clear, in the future the autodyne can have being all the rage how. 当时冯宇说图片编辑的时候,雷大军还一脸的不解,谁会用手机编辑图片啊。冯宇心说,那是你根本不明白,未来自拍会有多么的风靡。 Regardless of everybody, more or less autodyne, many autodyne crazy demons. But at that time, the cell phone picture of beautiful woman handsome fellow was actually called by many netizens, the picture is only for reference. 无论男女老少,或多或少都自拍过,还有很多自拍狂魔呢。而那时候,美女帅哥的手机图片却被很多网友称为,图片仅供参考。 This point, not only in China, in Europe and America and other countries , is the same, everyone thinks that own picture looks like attractive. 这一点,不只是在华夏,在欧美等国家,也是一样,谁都想自己的照片看起来更加的漂亮。 But the meaning of Lei Dajun, smartphone should be more dedicated in the commercial function, for example the blackberry, that is the first choice of business professional, when the US had that big matter the year before last, US majority of communication interrupt, but the blackberry has the wireless Internet, can receive the real-time information of disaster site anytime and anywhere. 雷大军的意思,智能手机应该更加专注于商务功能,比如黑莓,那就是商务人士的首选,在米国前年发生那件大事儿的时候,米国大部分通信中断,但是黑莓有无线互联网,可以随时随地的接收灾难现场的实时信息。 This point, made the blackberry rise truly, at this time business professional in North America, almost every Blackberry, Ralph they, was a Wind & Rain cell phone, a Blackberry, this made Feng Yu quite discontented. 这一点,也让黑莓真正崛起了,此时北美的商务人士,几乎人手一台黑莓手机,就连拉尔夫他们,也是一台风雨手机,一台黑莓手机,这让冯宇颇为不满。 However does not have the means that many functions of blackberry, the Wind & Rain cell phone did not have at that time. 但是没办法,黑莓的许多功能,当时风雨手机不具备啊。 Now, completely was different, when the Wind & Rain cell phone has the intelligent function, and after other aspects also comprehensively surpass the Blackberry, believes that will have more people to choose the Wind & Rain cell phone, but was not a person must take two cell phones. 现在嘛,就完全不同了,当风雨手机具有智能功能,且在其他方面也全面超过黑莓手机后,相信会有更多的人选择风雨手机,而不是一个人要拿着两个手机了。 Previous generation blackberry peak time, occupied the world smartphone market to surpass one-third, once had achieved 60% in North America, it can be said that the representative of smartphone. 前世黑莓巅峰的时候,占据了世界智能手机市场超过1,在北美更是一度达到了60,可以说是智能手机的代表。 Mentioned the smartphone, many person first thought was the blackberry. 一提到智能手机,很多人第一个想到的就是黑莓。 However the previous generation after the Android system appears, the smartphone market started to all flowers bloom together, at that time classified by the system, but Android system, then occupied over 80% of market, that was the absolute overlord. 不过前世在安卓系统出现后,智能手机市场就开始百花齐放了,那时候是以系统来分类的,而安卓系统,则占据了市场的八成以上,那是绝对的霸主。 Feng Yu told Lei Dajun, the smartphone, the user cannot only face the business professional, anybody, was the potential customer. In the future the smartphone, is all people will purchase the first choice of cell phone. 冯宇告诉雷大军,智能手机,用户可不能只面对商务人士,任何人,都是潜在的客户。未来智能手机,将会是所有人购买手机的首选。 Although Lei Dajun does not believe that but has chosen the execution. In this case, the Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation work load increased much. However they also believe that if can grab one-third market shares, then this system can be Corporation brings the continuous profit. 雷大军虽然不太相信,但还是选择了执行。这样的话,连想银山的工作量又增加了不少。但是他们也认为,如果能占据1的市场份额,那么这个系统就能为公司带来源源不断的利润。 Feng Yu emphasized three characters: User-friendly. Characteristics that this is the previous generation Android system loved to talk about. 冯宇就强调了三个字:人性化。这是前世安卓系统最被人津津乐道的特点。 The operation of cell phone must be simpler, must conform to the custom of user, but does not force to request the user to conform to your custom. The development of system, must stand in the viewpoint issue of customer, this can let this cell phone system, was liked by the user. 手机的操作要更加简便,要符合用户的习惯,而不是强制要求用户符合你的习惯。系统的开发,要站在客户的角度考虑问题,这样才能让这款手机系统,更加的被用户喜欢。 ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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