EG :: Volume #13

#1296: Unexpected result

The first competition, did not have the accident, the own basket team has won eight points. Many people denounce George Carl, being on site strain is insufficient, unexpectedly spelled to attack with the own basket finally, forgets you to defend? 第一场比赛,不出意外,篮网队赢了八分。很多人都诟病乔治?卡尔,临场应变不足,居然跟篮网拼进攻到最后,难道忘了你们防守更好吗? The fans in New York hi, such splendid competition, many years had not seen. Finds not to have, our Brooklyn own baskets, do not defend can also win. 纽约的球迷嗨了,这么精彩的比赛,多少年都没看到了。瞧见没,我们布鲁克林篮网,不防守也能赢球。 The final, two teams both can obtain over 120, that is many years ago has the record that. 总决赛,两支球队都能得到120以上,那是多少年前才有的记录啊。 The players of Wind & Rain team somewhat were embarrassed, but Feng Yu said to them after the game: Plays well, competes today is very attractive, the luck has missed a point.” 风雨队的球员本来还有些不好意思呢,但冯宇赛后却对他们说:“打得不错,今天比赛很好看,运气差了一点而已。” This score, nobody of these gambling balls can guess to obtain, picked Corporation Boss to be wild with joy abundantly. 这个比分,那些赌球的没人能猜得到,博采公司老板们都乐坏了。 The second competition, two teams die to fight for the defense, this chapter of both sides score overflowed hundred, but the own basket has won five points. 第二场比赛,两队死拼防守,这回双方比分都没过百,但还是篮网赢了五分。 Has 2 : 0 scores to return to Los Angeles, George Carl not to have any pressure. He through these two competitions, was also seeing many own baskets the strains on site, has saying that own basket that Kyd truly can be joined to the alliance first to control the appraisal of health/guard. 带着二比零的比分回到洛杉矶,乔治?卡尔却没什么压力。他也正通过这两场比赛,看到了许多篮网的临场应变,不得不说,篮网那个基德确实配得上联盟第一控卫的评价。 Coach Carl, away game loses one game after another two, what you had to say?” Has the Los Angeles reporter to ask. 卡尔教练,请问客场连输两场,你有什么想说的吗?”有洛杉矶的记者问到。 I did not have anything to say.” “我没什么想说的。” You think that who should shoulder the primary responsibility?” “那你认为谁应该承担主要责任呢?” Very obviously is I, I am the head coach of team.” “很显然是我,我是球队的主教练。” „The New York media claimed that the own basket can sweep away our Wind & Rain team, defends successfully, regarding this point, what you had to say?” “纽约媒体声称,篮网会横扫我们风雨队,卫冕成功,对于这一点,你有什么想说的?” „The person who I do not like speculating with these discussed the competition, I had found the method of winning.” “我不跟那些喜欢臆测的人谈论比赛,我已经找到赢球的方法了。” ...... …… Snort, that did Feng Yu regret? Helps the team of that Russia person rise, now captured the opportunity of champion not to have! 哼,那个冯宇后悔了吧?帮着那个俄罗斯人的球队崛起,现在自己夺得冠军的机会没了! Paul Allen heard that own basket 2 : 0 Wind & Rain teams, inner heart somewhat is unexpectedly happy. If because of this matter, they broke off noisily were better. 保罗?艾伦听说篮网二比零风雨队,内心竟然还有些痛快。要是因为这件事,两人闹掰了就更好了。 Paul Allen is the heartfelt hope, these two teams have problems. Best is the playoff hits, or the main force is all injured, the next season looks at their also dai Chinese zither not! 保罗?艾伦是衷心的希望,这两支球队都出问题。最好是季后赛打起来,或者主力全受伤,下个赛季看他们还嘚瑟不! Elena, do you want to walk tomorrow?” Feng Yu is hugging Elle, somewhat does not give up. 艾琳娜,明天你就要走了吗?”冯宇搂着艾莉娜,有些舍不得。 Yes, must go to other cities to tour tomorrow, next week must return to Moscow, this preparation ballet, I wanted perfect answering a curtain call.” The Elena cat same rolls up in the Feng Yu bosom. “是啊,明天要去其他城市巡演了,下周就要回到莫斯科,该准备芭蕾舞了,我要完美的谢幕。”艾琳娜小猫一样蜷缩在冯宇的怀里。 Good, left is too tired. Has anything to request, should not be impolite with Kirilenko.” “好吧,别太累了。有什么要求,别跟基里连科客气。” Mr. Kirilenko takes care of me very much, I know that this looks in your face.” 基里连科先生很照顾我,我知道这都是看在你的面子上。” They is hugging, while spoke, unknowingly, entangled in one. 两人一边搂着,一边说话,不知不觉,又缠在了一起。 Elena walked, in her expression has does not abandon, but Feng Yu actually encourages her to track down own dream. If the people did not have the dream, life will be more arid. 艾琳娜走了,她的眼神中有不舍,但冯宇却鼓励她追寻自己的梦想。人要是没有了梦想,生活将枯燥很多。 After packing off Elena, Feng Yu returns to hall, the third competition must start immediately. 送走艾琳娜后,冯宇回到球馆,第三场比赛马上就要开始了。 This team wounded and sick list inside person activates, but the Wind & Rain team really has also ruled the competition in the inside connection, finally the superiority wins, draws a city. 这一次球队伤病名单里面的人重新激活,而风雨队也果然在内线统治了比赛,最终十分优势获胜,扳回一城。 Has separated for day, when the Wind & Rain team wins once more, the score rewrites 2 : 2 times, these experts and famous elders are not calm, they have not thought that the Wind & Rain team really so has the toughness, wins two games at the home game. 隔了一天,当风雨队再次获胜,将比分改写成二比二的时候,那些专家、名宿都不淡定了,他们没想到,风雨队竟然如此有韧性,在主场连扳两局。 Naturally, this point two teams of head coaches already thought. 当然,这一点两队的主教练早就想到了。 The following two competitions, two teams are the home game win, the away game is regretfully lost. 接下来两场比赛,两支球队又都是主场获胜,客场惜败。 Two teams, even the fans in two cities hi, the final has projected on snatched seven, no one wants to lose. 两支球队,甚至两个城市的球迷都嗨了,总决赛打到了抢七,谁都不想输。 Everybody listened, we must act seriously, this competition, we were primarily the outwire to attack, the inside connection must reduce take action completely, protected the backboard. The outwire player must pay attention, must attack the basket, plays their inside connections. Defense time do not fear to violate a regulation, violates a regulation is ruthless, do not make into 2 + 1 opportunities to the opposite party......” “大家都听好了,我们要动真格的了,这场比赛,我们以外线进攻为主,内线全部都要减少出手,保护篮板。外线球员也要注意,要冲击篮筐,将他们的内线打下去。防守的时候不要怕犯规,犯规要狠,不要给对方打成2+1的机会……” George Carl in arrangement tactic, moreover one side, own basket team also in positive discussion countermeasure. 乔治?卡尔这边在布置战术,另外一边,篮网队也在积极的商讨对策。 But at this time, Boss of two teams instead in office/bureau, the drinking water, were eating between -meal snack fruit tray. 而这时候,两支球队的老板反而在办公室,喝着酒水,吃着零食果盘呢。 Feng, you thought that we who can win?” “冯,你觉得咱们谁能赢?” I thought that my team can win.” “我觉得我的球队能赢。” Why, this is my home game, person who refuels, is the fans in New York!” Kirilenko disaffection. “为什么,这是我的主场,来加油的人,都是纽约的球迷!”基里连科十分的不满。 Because our substitution are stronger . Moreover the fighting spirit is fuller. You want to win, wait next year.” “因为我们的替补更强,而且斗志更足。你们想赢,等明年吧。” Actually Feng Yu is so confident, because of the understanding Kirilenko. Own basket these competitions, score highest is not Carter, is not Kyd, is not Gassol, but is Andre. 其实冯宇这么有信心,是因为对基里连科的了解。篮网这几场比赛,得分最高的不是卡特,不是基德,不是加索尔,而是安德烈。 Clearly, Kirilenko wish makes his hometown person Andre take mvp. 很明显,基里连科想要让他的家乡人安德烈拿mvp。 Did not say that Andre is not good, Andre very versatile, but the biggest shortcoming is shooting does not permit. Wants the high score, wants multi- take action. But Kirilenko this request, destroyed the tactical system of own basket. 不是说安德烈不好,安德烈非常的全能,但最大的缺点就是投篮不准。想要得高分,就要多出手。而基里连科这个要求,就破坏了篮网的战术体系。 Feng Yu also wants to make Dayao take mvp, but Dayao limits with Gassol mutually, no one is able to erupt. The meaning of Feng Yu, allows nature to take its course, according to the idea of coach, who has confidence, who comes multi- take action. 冯宇也想让大姚拿mvp,可是大姚跟加索尔互相限制,谁也无法爆发。冯宇的意思,是顺其自然,按照教练的想法,谁更有把握,谁来多出手 I look not necessarily, we will win, moreover Andre will attain mvp. A Russia person, in US best basketball game, obtains the Most Valuable Player, is interesting.” Kirilenko has filled liquor, enjoyment of face. “我看不一定,我们会赢,而且安德烈会拿到mvp。一个俄罗斯人,在米国最好的篮球比赛中,得到最有价值球员,多有意思啊。”基里连科灌了一口酒,一脸的享受。 Feng Yu shakes the head: Perhaps.” 冯宇摇摇头:“或许吧。” The competition started, this chapter of two teams feel suffocated, must win the final victory of this competition. 比赛开始了,这回两队都是憋着一口气,要夺得这场比赛的最终胜利。 In the first half, two teams 50 : 50 tie, the double foul number of times are quite many. 上半场,两队50比50打平,双方犯规次数都比较多。 Quick, the own basket team head coach complexion changed, he discovered that the intention of Wind & Rain team, this is must hit Gassol, then their inside connection will not have the barrier again. Regarding bus, Landuofu and other inside connections, the speed is too slow, the guard basically is one. 很快,篮网队主教练脸色变了,他发现风雨队的意图了,这是要把加索尔打下去,那么他们内线将再无屏障。至于说大巴、兰多夫等内线,速度都太慢,后卫基本上都是一步过掉。 However what he cannot think through, Billups and Mobley two violating a regulation number of times of guards were also too many, this way, these two quick will also be fouled out. 不过他想不通的是,比卢普斯和莫布里两个后卫的犯规次数也太多了啊,这样下去,这二位很快也会被罚下场啊。 A calm of Carl face, he did not fear that these two were punished, because of the two substitution guards of Wind & Rain team, is the skilled in both field health/guard, scores points and passes well, in other teams, can hit absolutely. 卡尔一脸的淡定,他根本就不怕这两位被罚下去,因为风雨队的两替补后卫,都是双能卫,得分、传球都不错,在其他球队,绝对都能打。 The third section more than half, Gassol was punished, third ended, Billups, Mobley and Dayao completely were also fouled out. 第三节过半,加索尔被罚下去了,第三节结束,比卢普斯、莫布里和大姚也全部被罚下。 But at this time, another two guards of Wind & Rain team entered the stage, received the music director stick with ease. Ali Nurse and Ginobili, in them outside throw suddenly, starts for three minutes in fourth, was the Wind & Rain team has established the lead. 而这时候,风雨队的另外两名后卫出场,轻松接过了指挥棒。阿里纳斯和吉诺比利,两人里突外投,在第四节开始三分钟,就为风雨队建立了十分的领先优势。 But before Ali Nurse , the alliance first wave, center line two far, have thrown unexpectedly, Kyd has not responded, the ball entered! 阿里纳斯可是库里之前联盟第一浪,三分线两步远,居然就投了,基德还没反应过来呢,球进了! Ginobili's strange rhythm, makes Carter unable to defend, the level of NBA against breakthrough, was worse than Europe is far. 吉诺比利诡异的节奏,也让卡特根本防不住,nba防突破的水平,比欧洲差远了。 The end sentry post sound, the Wind & Rain team 12 superiority wins, when the mvp name was read, no one has thought that unexpectedly is Ginobili, he substitutes! 终场哨响,风雨队12分优势获胜,当mvp名字被念出来的时候,谁都没想到,竟然是吉诺比利,他可是替补啊! However Ginobili these seven competitions unexpectedly are the Wind & Rain team are on average highest, particularly seventh, obtained 32, helping the team win. 但是吉诺比利这七场比赛平均竟然是风雨队最高的,尤其是第七场,得到了32分,帮助球队获胜。 The final, foreign mvp appears. 总决赛,外籍mvp出现。 Feng Yu looks to Kirilenko: What kind, I said that my team will win?” 冯宇看向基里连科:“怎么样,我说我的球队会获胜吧?” An excitement of Kirilenko face: Ha, mvp is not an American, what wants to have a look at the complexions of these alliance officials is really!” 基里连科一脸的兴奋:“哈哈哈,mvp不是米国人,真想看看那些联盟官员的脸色是什么样!” Feng Yu „......” team lost so was happy, Brother Ki, your heart was really big! 冯宇“……”球队输了还这么开心,基兄,你心真大! ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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