EG :: Volume #13

#1295: star flash New York

Pre-game time, Feng Yu arrives at the hotel that the Wind & Rain team stays, spoke to all people. 赛前的时候,冯宇来到风雨队下榻的酒店,给所有人讲话。 Normally, Boss should encourage own player, strives for success diligently, must spell to try to win. But the speech of Feng Yu, are out of the ordinary. 正常情况下,老板应该激励自己的球员,努力拼搏,要拼尽全力获胜。而冯宇的讲话,却与众不同。 Everybody, I knows that you want to win the chief championship very much, but must know that the own basket is not good to cope. Everybody do not have the burden, unshackles to be good, the victory and loss is unimportant.” “各位,我知道你们都很想夺得总冠军,但是要知道,篮网也不是好对付的。大家不要有包袱,放开手脚就好,输赢不重要。” All people were scared, what meaning, Boss said that the victory and loss is unimportant? Is this meaning that must admit defeat? 所有人都傻眼了,啥意思,老板说输赢不重要?这是要认输的意思? Pierce is in this fighting spirit is highest, initially Boss made Carter leave, making him stay behind, this is makes him make the outwire core, he must prove itself, Bickart is stronger. 皮尔斯是这里面斗志最高的,当初老板让卡特离开,让他留下,这就是让他做外线核心啊,他要证明自己,比卡特更强。 But Martin is very similarly uncomfortable, he has changed Carter, finally the own basket won the chief champion immediately, similarly was the foremost person in the field, how the disparity can be so big! 而马丁同样很难受,他换了卡特,结果篮网马上就拿总冠军了,同样是状元,差距怎么能这么大! At this time Carl added: „The meaning of Boss, the first away game victory and loss is unimportant, we must take one on the line, returns to Los Angeles, including the next two cities, we can occupy the initiative.” 这时候卡尔补充道:“老板的意思,第一个客场输赢不重要,我们要拿下一场就行,回到洛杉矶,连下两城,咱们就能占据主动权了。” All people are then suddenly enlighted, originally Boss is this meaning. 所有人这才恍然大悟,原来老板是这个意思啊。 However everybody took a stand, certainly will strive to win! 不过大家还是纷纷表态,一定会争取获胜! Everybody plays the competition, must pay attention to protect itself, injured. You look at this year the playoff time, Kobe of that Lakers, did not pour in on. “大家打比赛,要注意保护自己,不要受伤。你看今年季后赛的时候,那个湖人的科比,不就倒在了场上么。” Kobe under Bao Wen defense of Spurs, accident turned the foot, thus made Spurs win the game series. However Bao Wen that move is useless to Pierce, Pierce little jumps is so high, even if will be steps on foot not wai. 科比在马刺的鲍文防守下,“意外”扭到了脚,从而让马刺赢得了系列赛。不过鲍文那一招对皮尔斯没用,皮尔斯很少跳那么高,就算是踩脚也不会崴到。 ...... …… The competition started, the players start to enter the stadium, Kirilenko arrives at side Feng Yu: Middle place time, gives you a pleasant surprise.” 比赛开始了,球员们开始入场,基里连科走到冯宇身边:“中场的时候,给你一个惊喜。” Feng Yu is puzzled, today is not my birthday, moreover this time is the home game of your own basket, what pleasant surprise do you give me? 冯宇一脸困惑,今天又不是我生日,而且这次是你篮网的主场,你给我啥惊喜? But Kirilenko said that took a seat that side oneself team to go, Feng Yu had not asked with enough time. 可是基里连科说完就坐回自己球队那边去了,冯宇也没来得及问。 The beginning jump ball, Gassol forcing Dayao, the own basket team starts to attack. 开场跳球,加索尔力压大姚,篮网队开始进攻。 Kyd receives the ball, turns toward preceding performance to throw directly, Carter meets the tomahawk slam dunk spatially, lit the polar bear hall instantaneously, is the hall of Brooklyn own basket. 基德接到球,直接向着前场一抛,卡特空接战斧扣篮,瞬间点燃了北极熊球馆,也就是布鲁克林篮网的球馆。 A depression of Mobley face, he followed obviously, but jumps Carter. 莫布里一脸的郁闷,他明明跟上了,但跳不过卡特啊。 But after the Wind & Rain team serves, ran unexpectedly, many fans had doubts, Dayao time on the scene, they never expelling bang tactic? 风雨队这边发球后,竟然也跑起来了,很多球迷非常疑惑,大姚在场的时候,他们从来不打跑轰战术啊? Both sides frequent each other, first before official suspension, two teams actually have not been called the suspension. 双方你来我往,第一节到官方暂停之前,两队竟然都没有叫暂停。 The score is also high, looks like today the Carl tactic, puts together the attack with the own basket. 比分也非常高,看起来今天卡尔的战术,是跟篮网拼进攻。 Many experts illustrated that was saying, Carl this was muddleheaded. Heard that the Wind & Rain team has not renewed a contract with Carl, it is estimated that is also thinks that Carl was not suitable to coach the Wind & Rain team. 很多专家解说等都在说,卡尔这是昏头了。听说风雨队没有跟卡尔续约,估计也是认为卡尔不适合执教风雨队了。 They do not know that before had not renewed a contract, is Feng Yu does not have remember. 他们根本不知道,之前没有续约,是冯宇根本没想起来 The first section ended, both sides score is 38 : 35, the own basket is in the lead. In athletic field of final, can get the so high score, is very rare, audiences hi. 第一节结束,双方比分是38比35,篮网领先。总决赛的赛场上,能打出如此高的比分,也是非常少见,观众们都嗨了。 The second section starts, two teams still put together the attack, but makes everybody has doubts, Pierce the feel surpasses obviously today, why entered three after continuously, was traded by Carl? 第二节开始,两队依然还是拼进攻,只是让大家疑惑的是,明明皮尔斯今天手感超好,为什么连续进了三个后,就被卡尔换下去了? Pierce is also puzzled, Carl said that Pierce was tired, needs to rest, otherwise is easy to create the weary internal illness caused by overexertion. Pierce can also say anything, the coach is protecting him. 皮尔斯也是不解,卡尔却说皮尔斯累了,需要休息,否则容易造成疲劳伤。皮尔斯还能说什么呢,教练是在保护他啊。 Therefore to the middle place ended, the own basket 70 : 62 have been in the lead for eight points. The half-court so high score, making these experts not think. 于是到中场结束的时候,篮网已经70比62领先八分了。半场如此高的分数,让那些专家都没想到。 How two teams have not defended, this is the final! 两个球队怎么都没防守,这是总决赛啊! This matter, only then Boss and head coaches of two teams understand why other people do not know. 这件事,只有两个球队的老板和主教练明白,其他人都不知道为什么。 The middle place ended, the players went to restroom. Before Kirilenko had summoned fan in New York, do not disturb to the Wind & Rain team, they can also win open and aboveboard. 中场结束,球员都去休息室了。之前基里连科号召过纽约的球迷,不要给风雨队捣乱,他们堂堂正正也能赢。 Therefore this time, the Wind & Rain team has not met any disgusting matter. 所以这一次,风雨队并没有遇上什么恶心的事儿。 The players have rested, but Feng Yu actually also sits on the seat, he that waited for Kirilenko to say pleasantly surprised. 球员去休息了,但是冯宇却还坐在座位上,他等着基里连科说的那个惊喜呢。 The light is suddenly dim, above one bunch of spotlights, projected on the location center, the pupil of Feng Yu reduced fiercely. 灯光忽然昏暗下来,上面一束追光,打到了场地中央,冯宇的瞳孔猛地缩小。 Elena? She how here! 艾琳娜?她怎么在这儿! The music resounds, the delightful singing sound spreads over the hall, all audiences were suddenly peaceful. 音乐响起,悦耳的歌声传遍球馆,所有的观众忽然安静了。 Feng Yu looks to Kirilenko, the light is too what a pity black, anything cannot see. This is pleasant surprise that Kirilenko said that does the middle place perform? 冯宇看向基里连科那边,可惜灯光太黑,什么都看不见。这就是基里连科说的惊喜,中场表演? Didn't Elena that side Europe, go to the US? 艾琳娜不是在欧洲那边吗,怎么来到米国了? However lets him do what he pleases, sees Elena, Feng Yu is very happy. Especially hears the Elena singing sound once more, Feng Yu feels incomparable enjoyment. 不过管他呢,见到艾琳娜,冯宇还是很高兴的。尤其是再次听到艾琳娜的歌声,冯宇感觉无比的享受。 The audience has also been shocked, before only saw the middle place to perform in the entire star athletic field, has not seen in the final athletic field. Was not wins, this first, the performance must spend a lot of money. 现场的观众也惊呆了,之前只在全明星赛场见过中场表演,还从来没在总决赛赛场看到过呢。又不是赢定了,这才第一场啊,表演得花不少钱呢。 However as soon as they listen, this clearly is Russian song, it seems like it is this Russia big Boss invites. 不过他们一听,这分明是俄语歌曲啊,看来是这个俄罗斯的大老板请来的。 But the people of some attention music discovered that this is not the recent special edition in the European big Russia reddest female singer, before was the Russia most renowned ballet dancer, you looked at that stature, was good! 而一些关注音乐的人则发现,这位不是最近专辑在欧洲大的俄罗斯最红的女歌手么,之前是俄罗斯最著名的芭蕾舞演员,你看那身材,多棒啊! They also truly discovered that this singing sound was too interesting to listen, hall that made noise, becomes the incomparable peace. 他们也确实发现,这歌声真的太动听了,本来喧嚣的球馆,变得无比的安静。 Elena sang two songs, second song middle, a dance. 艾琳娜唱了两首歌,第二首歌曲的中间,还有一段舞蹈。 This is different in the dance of ballet, coordinates the Elena figure, making the audience hi turn. 这是不同于芭蕾舞的舞蹈,配合艾琳娜的身段,让现场观众嗨翻了。 Even many audiences were saying, after going back, must buy a Elena special edition, must think her mv, if there is a concert, must look. 甚至很多观众都在说,回去之后,一定要买一张艾琳娜的专辑,要看她的mv,要是有演唱会,也要去看。 New York these fans, but few poor people, they regarding head trip on, but gives up to spend. 纽约这些球迷,可没有几个穷人,他们对于精神享受上,可是非常舍得花钱的。 Elena this performance, by the entire beautiful live transmission, thus lets the people in entire beautiful to see her performance, hears her singing sound. 艾琳娜这一次表演,会被全美直播,从而让全美的人都能看到她的表演,听到她的歌声。 This, can make Elena open the popularity in the entire beautiful. Regarding American whether likes the performance of Elena, likes her song, looked the excited slogan that fan knew. 这一下,就能让艾琳娜在全美打开知名度。至于说米国人是否喜欢艾琳娜的表演,喜欢她的歌,看现场球迷的激动呐喊声就知道了。 Wind & Rain team staff who Feng Yu warm applause, some have not gone to the restroom, is applauding. They discovered that probably Boss looks not heavily regarding the success and failure of this competition. 冯宇也跟着热烈的鼓掌,一些没去休息室的风雨队工作人员,也都在鼓掌。他们发现,好像老板对于这一场比赛的得失看得并不重啊。 The pleasant surprise that Kirilenko said that Feng Yu unusual liking. After Elena leaves the stage, Feng Yu also left the field. 基里连科说的这个惊喜,冯宇非常的喜欢。当艾琳娜退场之后,冯宇也离开了球场。 In Kirilenko to restroom that Elena prepared, Feng Yu saw was waiting for his girl. In singing, Elena expression on has been seeking for Feng Yu a moment ago. 基里连科艾琳娜准备的休息室,冯宇看到了正在等他的女孩。刚才在唱歌的时候,艾琳娜眼神就一直在寻找冯宇 Dear, did I sing a moment ago of pleasant to hear?” Elena throws to the Feng Yu bosom. “亲爱的,我刚才唱歌好听吗?”艾琳娜扑到冯宇怀里。 Feng Yu is stroking the Elena long hair: Of pleasant to hear, anybody will not have thought of pleasant to hear. What kind, I have said that sang with dancing same is very interesting?” 冯宇抚摸着艾琳娜的长发:“好听,没有任何人会觉得不好听。怎么样,我说过,唱歌跟跳舞一样很有意思吧?” Un, at the end of this year my also several ballet tour, next year I will thoroughly leave the ballet stage.” “嗯,今年年底我还有几场芭蕾舞巡演,明年我就会彻底退出芭蕾舞舞台了。” You have a bigger stage, you will become the international giant star!” Feng Yu very affirmative saying. “你还有更大的舞台,你会成为国际巨星!”冯宇十分肯定的说道。 ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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