EG :: Volume #13

#1294: Projects on seventh

Returns to office/bureau, Feng Yu to dial the coach telephone of Los Angeles Wind & Rain team: George, is I.” 回到办公室,冯宇拨通洛杉矶风雨队的教练电话:“乔治,是我。” Boss, we rushed in the final once more!” In the telephone broadcasts the excited sound that George Carl cannot constrain. 老板,我们再次闯进总决赛了!”电话里传来乔治?卡尔压抑不住的兴奋声音。 I know, good that you make. The team gives you, I felt relieved very much. I in New York, final starts, I with all people in the same place.” “我知道,你做的不错。球队交给你,我很放心。我在纽约呢,总决赛开始的时候,我会跟所有人在一起。” The George great happiness, had Boss to assume personal command, can definitely make the team morale rise sharply. 乔治大喜,有了老板坐镇,肯定能让球队士气大涨。 Boss felt relieved that I can definitely attain a victory in New York, then returns to Los Angeles to win streak two, this year we are very hopeful!” 老板放心,我肯定能在纽约拿到一场胜利,然后回到洛杉矶连胜两场,今年我们很有希望!” George, you listened to me to say. Previous time signed for five years to make with you, I thought that you contribution to the team were very big, planned renewed a contract for five years with you, you opened a price.” 乔治,你听我说完。上一次跟你签了五年约,我觉得你对球队的贡献很大,打算跟你续约五年,你开个价吧。” This year the George Carl contract has expired, before Feng Yu to him had not talked matter that renews a contract, he also thinks that Feng Yu is discontented with his these two years leading result. Actually he also has the difficulties, if Carter were not changed the own basket, west the team successive the champions will unable to attain. 今年乔治?卡尔的合同就到期了,之前冯宇一直没有跟他谈续约的事儿,他还以为冯宇对他这两年的带队成绩不满呢。其实他也有苦衷,如果卡特不被换去篮网,球队不会连西部冠军都拿不到啊。 Now finally Feng Yu must with the matter that his he renews a contract, he very happy. Although to other team, he same can find the wage good work, but here is Los Angeles . Moreover the new lineup of Wind & Rain team he feels is very hopeful, at least three years, have to attack the opportunity of chief champion, he does not want to miss this good opportunity. 现在终于冯宇要跟他他续约的事儿了,他非常的高兴。虽然到别的球队,他一样能找到薪水不错的工作,但是这里是洛杉矶啊,而且风雨队的新阵容他感觉很有希望,至少三年内,都具有冲击总冠军的机会,他可不想错过这种好机会。 George Carl thinks: Boss, average one year 5 million US dollars?” 乔治?卡尔想了想:“老板,平均一年5000000美元可以吗?” Other team to the wage that he opens also over 4 million US dollars, but here is Los Angeles, Feng Yu so is also natural, he thought that can gain. 别的球队给他开出来的薪水也在4000000美元以上,但这里是洛杉矶,冯宇又那么大方,他觉得能多赚一点。 Ok, then we sign five years of contract again.” “可以,那么我们再签五年合同。” Many thanks Boss!” The George Carl great happiness, Boss is really natural, he wage in this time coach, is top one approved. “多谢老板!”乔治?卡尔大喜,老板果然大方,他在此时教练中的薪水,也算是顶尖的一批了。 I confessed that now your matter, this matter you know was good, team Manager do not say.” The Feng Yu expression suddenly becomes somewhat serious. “我现在交代你一件事,这件事你自己知道就行了,连球队经理都不要说。”冯宇语气忽然变得有些严肃。 George Carl one hear, does Boss want to make him hold a concurrent post of team Manager? That was better, even if the wage does not rise, his authority can also be bigger, bonus anything can also take much. 乔治?卡尔一听,难道老板想让他兼任球队经理?那就更好了,哪怕是薪水不涨,他的权力也能大许多,奖金什么的也能多拿不少啊。 George Carl expels office/bureau other people, respectful said to this telephone: Boss, my present person does not have, you said that I am listening.” 乔治?卡尔将其他人赶出办公室,恭敬的对这电话说道:“老板,我身边现在一个人都没有,你说,我听着呢。” First two at the competition in New York, I want you to lose!” “头两场在纽约的比赛,我要你输!” What?! 什么?! George Carl in great surprise, Boss what is this, does Boss bet the ball? If this were discovered that is the enormous scandal! 乔治?卡尔大惊,老板这是什么意思,难道老板赌球吗?这要是被发现了,可是极大的丑闻啊! Boss, I do not understand your meaning.” 老板,我不明白你的意思。” Do not want to be many, I have not bet the ball the meaning, I do not like betting. I with Boss Kirilenko of own basket team am a good friend, this as we all know. Therefore we agreed that seventh, one decides the victory and defeat. Beforehand all competitions, whose home game, who wins, did you understand?” “别想多了,我没有赌球的意思,我个人不太喜欢赌。我跟篮网队的老板基里连科是好朋友,这个大家都知道。所以我们约定了,第七场,一场定胜负。之前的所有比赛,谁的主场,谁赢,你明白了吗?” Did George Carl grow up the mouth, the competition has also been able to agree in secret? You are the stone cut the knife-shaped copper coin decision? 乔治?卡尔长大了嘴巴,比赛还可以私下里约定?你们是石头剪刀布决定的吗? However the competition projects on seventh, to two teams, is the good deed, the ticket can sell, they can also obtain many playoff bonuses. 不过比赛打到第七场,对两支球队来说,也是好事,球票可以多卖,他们也能分得更多的季后赛奖金。 Words as the matter stands, regarding age that big Olajuwon, but bore. 只是这样一来的话,对于岁数那么大的奥拉朱旺来说,可就是负担了。 Olajuwon plans to spell this year finally for one year, attains a ring to be good to retire. If this projects on to snatch seven, Olajuwon's physical strength not necessarily can support, the efficiency will definitely drop. 奥拉朱旺打算今年最后拼一年,拿到一枚戒指好退役呢。这要是打到抢七,奥拉朱旺的体力未必撑得住,效率肯定会下降啊。 Although the team had Dayao, but Dayao is quite immature, the physical strength is also the issue. One competition about 30 minutes can guarantee the efficiency, surpass are not good. Olajuwon as substitution, is the super substitution, although his age was very big. 虽然球队有了大姚,但是大姚还是比较稚嫩,体力也是问题。一场比赛30分钟左右可以保证效率,超过就不行。奥拉朱旺作为替补,也是超级替补,虽然他岁数已经很大了。 Especially Gassol of that own basket, the fighting method with Dayao to subdue|grams, he is also planning mutually, making Olajuwon spell, hits Gassol. 尤其是那个篮网的加索尔,打法跟大姚互克,他还计划着,让奥拉朱旺拼一场,将加索尔打下去呢。 In this case, the inside connection with ease was ruled by Dayao. By the gentle feel in Dayao, most little can obtain 30 points! 这样的话,内线就被大姚轻松统治了。以大姚的柔和手感,最少可以得到三十分! In this case, team odds of success on tall Duo. Now this, the superiority will turn into the inferiority, although the own basket that side also has the old center, but usually does not go on stage, affects has no way to compare with Olajuwon completely! 这样的话,球队胜算就高多了。现在这样,优势将会变成劣势啊,篮网那边虽然也有岁数大的中锋,但平时根本也不怎么上场啊,作用跟奥拉朱旺完全没法比! Boss, drags to seventh, is very disadvantageous to us, our several substitutes, the age was big.” The George Carl astringent sound said. 老板,拖到第七场,对我们很不利啊,我们的几个替补,岁数都大了啊。”乔治?卡尔涩声说道。 Feng Yu relaxed saying: Their several, have not been injured temporarily, front couldn't several hit?” 冯宇语气轻松的说道:“他们几个啊,不是暂时受伤了,前面几场都打不了吗?” George Carl awakens suddenly, right, since front is the attacking the sellers of fake and low-quality goods ball, can make Olajuwon and other old fogies have a vacation greatly. As the matter stands, the seventh time, they wait at ease for an exhausted enemy, the odds of success increases! 乔治?卡尔猛然惊醒,对啊,前面既然是打假球,大可以让奥拉朱旺等老家伙放假啊。这样一来,第七场的时候,他们就是以逸待劳,胜算大增啊! Remember, the main force cannot be injured, cannot be too false. The away game can train some new tactics, considered the tactic to be in unfavorable situation. You took such high wage, the team defeat time, the responsibility you want anti-.” “记住,主力不能受伤,不能太假了。客场可以演练一些新战术,就当是战术失利了。你拿了这么高的薪水,球队失利的时候,责任你要抗住。” Boss felt relieved that I guaranteed victory and loss makes everybody feel normal, will not make the person look at us in the attacking the sellers of fake and low-quality goods ball!” 老板放心,我保证输赢都让大家觉得正常,不会让人看出来我们在打假球!” Was good, other I did not say that should dozen of competitions, you be how clear. However if seventh you can win, 08 Olympic Games time, I know that you are not the head coach in US, I can make you head coach of China team, the China player, you are also quite familiar, that wage, will not be short of you!” “好了,别的我就不说了,该怎么打比赛,你自己清楚。不过第七场如果你能赢了,08奥运会的时候,我知道你不是米国的主教练,我可以让你成为华夏队的主教练,华夏的球员,你也比较熟悉,那份薪水,也不会少了你!” Feng Yu allow in order to help, in any case China that head coach level is once more common at this time, but in the summer of every year many China men's basketball team athletes at the Los Angeles training, very much respect to Carl. 冯宇再次许之以利,反正华夏此时那个主教练水平一般,而每年夏天都有很多华夏的男篮运动员在洛杉矶集训,对卡尔也很尊敬的。 Can lead a Olympic team, this to George Carl is very attractive. The position of US Men's basketball team trainer does not give him unexpectedly, he must these to have a look, is they are blind! 能带领一支奥运球队,这对乔治?卡尔还是很有吸引力的。米国男篮居然连个助理教练的位置都不给他,他也要让那些人看看,是他们眼瞎! In the two years the status promotion of NBA four big professional leagues in US are many, this year is Los Angeles and New York two big city showdowns, moreover is the offensive and defensive balances, the style of playing magnificent team, can definitely create the viewing ratio peak again! 这两年nba在米国的四大职业联赛的地位提升不少,今年又是洛杉矶和纽约两大城市对决,而且都是攻守平衡,球风华丽的球队,肯定能再创收视率高峰! The competition has not started, various types of media, start to carry on to the final preheating. The public relations of two teams, there is public relations of NBA alliance. 比赛还没开始呢,各种媒体,就开始对总决赛进行预热。有两支球队的公关,也有nba联盟的公关。 Last year the own basket to Lakers, topical was very good, before the own basket, Lotto. This year the own basket moves New York, made the New Yorker taste the taste of final once more, this was rousing. 去年篮网对湖人,话题性就很好,篮网之前还是乐透嘛。今年篮网搬迁到了纽约,就让纽约人再次尝到了总决赛的滋味,这多令人兴奋啊。 Last year the own basket has defeated Los Angeles, this year own basket once more to Los Angeles, but is actually another team, could they once more win? Had the Wind & Rain team of that NBA first center to win highly? 去年篮网击败了洛杉矶,今年篮网再次对上洛杉矶,不过却是另外一只球队,他们能否再次获胜?还是有了那个nba第一高度中锋的风雨队获胜? Dayao initially gave up extremely easy to obtain foremost person in the field position, the non- competition switched to the Wind & Rain team, has almost not irritated the alliance officials. Was good has made the sale price because of Dayao, has not wasted them that to promote Dayao in the past. 大姚当初放弃唾手可得的状元位置,非选秀加盟了风雨队,差点没把联盟官员气死。好在大姚打出了身价,也没枉费当年他们那么鼓吹大姚。 Many people discovered that this time, is two foreign Boss the war of NBA team, in this case, laughed uproariously is fuller! 很多人又发现,这一次,是两支外籍老板nba球队之战啊,这样的话,噱头更足了! In the anticipations of all fans, the first final, started. 在所有球迷的期待中,第一场总决赛,开始了。 ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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