EG :: Volume #13

#1293: Donald who compels ignorant

Is a guest in Russia for three days, Feng Yu with Kirilenko, looked at polar bear mining industry Corporation, the polar bear supermarket group, Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation Moscow branch offices. 俄罗斯又做客三天,冯宇跟着基里连科,看了北极熊矿业公司,北极熊超市集团,连想银山莫斯科分公司等。 Especially mining industry Corporation, before Feng Yu Kirilenko discussed the investment project to complete with the steel mill, the hard coke factory that started to produce. 尤其是矿业公司,之前冯宇基里连科商量的炼钢厂、焦炭厂等均投资建设完成,已经开始生产了。 Feng Yu read these years polar bear mining industry Corporation report form, the big accident rate is zero, very rare, although the minor incident has, but has not caused the serious damage, did not have what personnel dead and cripple, most was injured, cured. 冯宇看了这几年北极熊矿业公司的报表,大事故率为零,十分的罕见,小事故虽然有一些,但都没造成重大损失,更没有什么人员死亡、致残,最多就是受伤,也都治好了。 Feng Yu thought personally that the safe indemnity is high, cannot compare a human life. Leave alone before , is short of money, so long as person is living, all also hopeful. 冯宇个人觉得,保险赔偿金再高,也比不上一条人命。别管之前多缺钱,只要人活着,一切就还有希望。 Moreover in the future the mining industry will be getting better and better, did not say the petroleum, coal, natural gas and other energy minerals, even if these rare metals, iron ore, copper mine, gold ore, which can't big making money? 而且未来矿业会越来越好,不说石油、煤炭、天然气等能源矿产,就算是那些稀有金属、铁矿、铜矿、金矿等,哪一个不能大把的赚钱? Becoming the world's richest is very happy, but if others poke your backbone in the back, said that your wealth, with others' blood, that was too disgusting. 成为世界首富很开心,但如果别人在背后戳你脊梁骨,说你的财富,伴随着别人的鲜血,那就太恶心了。 Now Feng Yu retires, he is also confident, wrests away the position several years of this world's richest, even dozens years. What Bill? Gates, or is Buffett, or is short the person who the previous generation these rush to the world rich and powerful people first place, will not bring any threat to him. 现在冯宇就算是退休,他也有信心,霸占这个世界首富的位置十几年,甚至几十年。什么比尔?盖茨,或者是巴菲特,又或者是前世那些短暂冲到世界富豪榜首的人,都不会给他带来任何威胁。 Even discussed the cash, these people did not have him to be many. The Wind & Rain Consultation golden futures contract, momentarily can finalize, momentarily can leverage tens of billions US dollars, is more convenient than the stock. 甚至论起现金,那些人都没有他多。风雨咨询的黄金期货合约,随时都可以交割,随时都能套现几百亿美元,比股票还方便呢。 Once whose property has to surpass the Feng Yu possibility, only needing lets the Taihua holding or child Corporation of Wind & Rain Holding Company goes on the market such 1-2, sufficiently once more with ease steps on them. 而且一旦谁的资产有超过冯宇的可能,只需要让泰华控股或者风雨控股旗下的子公司上市那么一两家,就足以将他们再次轻松踩下去。 Any whole family Corporation goes on the market, the property most little can turn 34 times, even several times, dozens times. But placed the front these people, they no longer had the possibility that the property rose suddenly. 任何一家子公司上市,资产最少能翻34倍,甚至十几倍,几十倍。而排在前面那些人,他们则不再有资产暴涨的可能了。 Now what Feng Yu pays more attention is Buffett, previous generation old fogy, in 03 the end of the year bargain-hunting delicious and other blue chip stock of US, 34 years, did the property once approach Bill? Gates. 冯宇现在更关注的是巴菲特,前世这个老家伙,在03年底抄底可口等多家米国的蓝筹股,34年的时间,资产一度逼近比尔?盖茨。 Perhaps this, this old fogy might recover while these years stockmarket, the property rose was more ominous. This stock god title, does not proclaim, but is industry in almost all people recognizes. 这一世,这个老家伙或许有可能趁着这几年股市复苏,资产涨的更凶。这位的股神称号,可不是自封的,而是业内几乎所有人公认的。 Naturally, some people refuse to accept, for example Soros. But Soros has stood up from failure at this time successfully, although cannot compare the previous generation to be so rampant, but the property should also have tens of billions US dollars. 当然,还是有一些人不服的,比如索罗斯。而索罗斯此时已经成功翻身,虽然比不上前世那么嚣张,但资产也应该有上百亿美元了。 What is most important, Soros relates well with many bank and financiers, can raise money. The history perhaps also according to the wheel of previous generation, making Soros go to Japan and other places to toss about once more. 最重要的是,索罗斯跟多位银行家、金融家关系不错,能够筹到钱。历史或许还会按照前世的车轮,让索罗斯再次到岛国等地方折腾一圈呢。 Feng, my internet/network science and technology Corporation you must visit, they really made the search engine, did not compare that any Google and Baidu difference.” “冯,我的网络科技公司你要参观一下吗,他们可是真的做出来搜索引擎了,不比那个什么古歌千度差啊。” At that time Kirilenko hear of Feng Yu said that made the independent search engine to be very promising, he let under also hurry to develop. Happen to knows that small Corporation in development search engine, he was direct master stroke to buy. 那时候基里连科冯宇说做独立的搜索引擎很有前途,他就让手下也赶紧开发。正好知道一个小公司在开发搜索引擎,他就直接大手笔买下来了。 Now, almost occupied the Eastern European market, who lets the entire Eastern European common language is Russian. 现在呢,几乎已经占据了东欧市场,谁让整个东欧通用语言是俄语呢。 Google also wants to enter the Eastern European market at that time, the result is unaccustomed to the climate, withdraws low-spirited, tackled the Western European market with single-hearted devotion. But the Asian region, Baidu Corporation is expanding. 古歌当时也想进入东欧市场,结果水土不服,黯然退出,专心攻坚西欧市场去了。而亚洲地区,千度公司正在扩张。 Kirilenko also gives his Corporation to order, can try to other countries, competed with Google and other benignity, Feng Yu will not say anything. 基里连科也给他的公司下了命令,可以到其他国家试试嘛,跟古歌等良性竞争,冯宇不会说什么的。 Congratulates you, Brother Ki, this Corporation profitability, did you also see? I did not visit, to be honest, to these technologies, I knows nothing.” “恭喜你,基兄,这家公司的盈利能力,你也看到了吧?我就不去参观了,说实话,对这些技术,我是一窍不通。” Oh, I do not understand, but they understood on the line. We invest, when the time comes divided money to be good.” Kirilenko laughs to say. “啊哈哈哈,我也不懂啊,但是他们懂就行了。我们投资,到时候分钱就好了。”基里连科大笑道。 Brother Ki, I look at the words that is all right, we go to the US, the final, is not about to start.” 基兄,我看没事儿的话,我们就去米国吧,总决赛,不是快开始了么。” Lives in Kirilenko here, daily must drink, Feng Yu wants to hurry the US to go, when the time comes he can hide for several days to Los Angeles. 基里连科这儿住着,天天都要喝酒,冯宇想要赶紧到米国去,到时候他可以到洛杉矶躲几天。 Also right, that we will walk tomorrow, I make the person arrange gets out of the airplane.” “也对,那明天我们就走,我让人安排一下飞机。” ...... …… The airplane lands on New York, Feng Yu with Kirilenko one line, comes to the Wind & Rain Empire State Building in New York. After that matter, the rent of Wind & Rain Empire State Building rises once more. 飞机在纽约降落,冯宇基里连科一行人,来到纽约的风雨帝国大厦。那件事情之后,风雨帝国大厦的租金再次上涨。 Although at that time that matter regarding some Wind & Rain Empire State Building also influences, but is not really big. Moreover after that two tall buildings collapse, the Wind & Rain Empire State Building once more becomes the New York most famous terrestrial reference. 虽然当时那件事对于风雨帝国大厦也有一些影响,但真的不大。而且那两栋高楼倒塌后,风雨帝国大厦再次成为纽约最著名的地标。 Naturally, that two buildings in the original address reconstruction, may be reconstruct, big Corporation will not choose to rent. The high position invites criticism, previous time teaches. 当然,那两栋楼正在原址重建呢,可就算是重建好了,很多大公司也不会选择租用了。树大招风,上一次就是教训。 These days Donald Trump always with a laugh, is not only because the rent of Wind & Rain Empire State Building rises, the Trump building that he buys, some peripheral commercial buildings, the price rose. 这段时间唐纳德?特朗普总是笑呵呵的,不但是因为风雨帝国大厦的租金上涨,他买下来的特朗普大厦,还有周边的一些商业楼,价格都上涨了。 Has been short of such two tall buildings, office/bureau is obviously insufficient. 少了那么两栋高楼,办公室明显不够用了嘛。 In addition Trump at this time has paid off all debts, the property returned above One billion US dollar, did not say is elated with success, was feels proud and elated. 再加上特朗普此时已经还清了所有欠款,资产重新回到十亿美元以上,不说是春风得意,也算是扬眉吐气了。 At that time with his same real estate big shot, many went bankrupt. He not only insisted, but also turned over, and also became one of the Wind & Rain Empire State Building owners, although had 5% stocks, but that was also Boss. 那时候跟他一样的地产大亨,好多都破产了呢。他不但坚持下来了,还重新翻身,并且还成为风雨帝国大厦的拥有者之一,虽然只有5的股份,但那也是老板啊。 Trump has invested many real estates in New York in the two years, but also in other big cities of US, has invested, and made money completely. 特朗普这两年又在纽约投资了不少地产,还在米国的其他大城市,也投资了一些,并且全部赚钱了。 But now, Trump has invested a television station, he has discovered the news media , if controls, then has very big advantage to his enterprise. 而如今,特朗普又投资了一家电视台,他发现了新闻媒体如果是自己掌控,那么对他的事业有着非常大的好处。 Simply speaking, he told everybody through the television station, recently office/bureau of New York was insufficient, then before , rented somewhat difficult office/bureau, was easy to rent. 简单来说,他通过电视台告诉大家,最近纽约的办公室不够用,那么之前一些租出去有些困难的办公室,就容易租出去了。 If he told everybody, space that real estate anything of New York has not risen, then can through the low price, through controlling other Corporation , helping the real estate property that he bought him to buy. 他要是告诉大家,纽约的房地产没什么上涨的空间了,那么就可以通过低价,通过操控其他公司,帮他买下来他想买的房产物业。 Feng, Kirilenko, you came back.” “冯,基里连科,你们回来了。” Donald, heard that you had recently bought a television station, and has expressed an opinion, attack present US President?” Kirilenko eyes shines, sees not to have, the Americans do not support that silly x President! “唐纳德,听说你最近买了个电视台,而且发表了一番言论,攻击现在的米国总统?”基里连科双眼放光,看到没,米国人都不支持那个傻x总统 Right, that idiot knows to launch the war, actually does not know that makes the domestic people abundant. The war spends, besides letting these munitions chiefs gains a big pen, is the huge military spending! If I comes, when President, definitely the first matter lets the US economic recovery, making the American once more get rich!” “没错,那个白痴就知道发动战争,却不知道让国内的人民富足起来。战争就是花钱,除了让那些军火头子们赚一大笔以外,就是庞大的军费支出!如果是我来当总统,肯定第一件事就是让米国经济恢复,让米国人再次富起来!” Heard these words, the smiling face on Kirilenko face vanished instantaneously, cold snort|hum, turned around to leave. 听到这些话,基里连科脸上的笑容瞬间消失了,冷哼一声,转身离开。 Do the Americans get rich once more? First waited for our Russia person to get rich to say again! 米国人再次富起来?先等我们俄罗斯人富起来再说! Ignorant a Donald face compels looks to Feng Yu: Feng, a moment ago what did I have to speak incorrectly?” 唐纳德一脸懵逼的看向冯宇:“冯,我刚才有说错什么吗?” Feng Yu racket his shoulder: No, thinks that has done, I favor you!” 冯宇拍拍他的肩膀:“不,想好了就去做吧,我看好你!” ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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