EG :: Volume #13

#1292: Busy is the good deed

In Feng Yu looks to begin mp3, is AIWA latest, his curious takes the earphone, starts to sing in a loud voice. 冯宇看着手里的mp3,是aiwa的最新款,他好奇的将耳机带上,开始放歌。 Well? 咦? The Feng Yu eyebrow selects, this is, Elena singing sound! 冯宇眉毛挑起来,这是,艾琳娜的歌声! Before although Elena the voice was good, but cannot sing, but this singing sound, very obvious has very mature skill now. 之前艾琳娜虽然嗓音不错,但并不太会唱歌,但是现在这个歌声,很明显已经有着非常成熟的技巧了。 Elena has learned some time from the teacher, finally had an achievement? 艾琳娜跟老师学了一段时间,总算是有所成就了吗? Feng, this is I gives a special edition that Elena publishes, except for you to these songs that she writes, her teacher writes to her. Perhaps you are not quite clear, Elena this special edition, may be too hot in our Eastern Europe.” “冯,这是我给艾琳娜出的一张专辑,除了你给她写的那些歌,还有她老师给她写的。或许你不太清楚,艾琳娜这张专辑,在我们东欧可太火了。” Kirilenko looks at Feng Yu, thanked my appearance quickly. 基里连科看着冯宇,一副快来感谢我的样子。 Brother Ki, that may really be too thank you. The Elena matter, you took the trouble.” Feng Yu heartfelt thanks said. 基兄,那可真是太谢谢你了。艾琳娜的事儿,你多费心了。”冯宇由衷的感谢道。 Any need has not thanked my, her condition is good, is willing to try hard. Itself is one of the here most famous ballet dancers, she publishes the special edition time, the person who likes her dancing buys. Told the sentence truth, initially I have not thought that her song can be liked by these many people.” “没什么需要谢我的,她自己条件好,又肯努力。本身就是我们这儿最有名的芭蕾舞演员之一,她出专辑的时候,很多都是喜欢她跳舞的人买的。说句实话,当初我也没想到,她的歌能被这么多人喜欢。” Kirilenko this is the truth, he helped to look for a Russia best platform to Elena, Elena can be so hot, could not leave with his help, but could not separate with the Elena talent diligently. 基里连科这是实话,他只是帮着给艾琳娜找了一个俄罗斯最好的平台,艾琳娜能这么火,跟他的帮助离不开,但跟艾琳娜的天赋和努力也是分不开的。 You must make Kirilenko push a throat common singer, the special edition sales volume can currently have 1/10 burn the high-grade incense. 你要让基里连科推一个嗓子一般的歌手,专辑销量能有现在的1就算烧高香了。 Said that Feng Yu also had had not met with Elena for a long time, they have sent some mails actually online, has made several phone calls. 说起来冯宇也有很长时间没跟艾琳娜见面了,倒是两人在网上发送过一些邮件,也打过几个电话。 Each time, Elena said that is practicing the song, or is practices to dance. Even if starts to sing, even the special edition, Elle dance has not put down. 每一次,艾琳娜都说是在练歌,或者是练习舞蹈。即使是开始唱歌,甚至出专辑了,艾莉娜的舞蹈还是没有放下。 With the Elena words, her age in the ballerina, is big. If non- multi-hop several times, perhaps two years, have jumped now motionless. 艾琳娜自己话来说,她的岁数在芭蕾舞女演员中,已经算是大的。如果现在不多跳几次,恐怕过两年,就跳不动了。 Naturally, later she will dance, but may not dance the ballet. 当然,以后她还是会跳舞,但不一定会跳芭蕾舞了。 Was right, Elena, how not in Moscow?” He comes to Moscow, Elena is also knows that how to have come to see him? “对了,艾琳娜呢,怎么没在莫斯科吗?”他来莫斯科,艾琳娜也是知道的,怎么没来见他? She went to Germany to attend presentation ceremony, recently must do to tour, it is estimated that these months could not idle. She is female singer of Corporation thrust, will be our Russia now the world's mainstream musical world future hope.” “她去德国参加颁奖典礼了,最近还要做巡演,估计这几个月都闲不下来。她可是公司力推的女歌手,也是我们俄罗斯现在世界主流乐坛未来的希望。” Already to this altitude? 已经到这个高度了吗? Feng Yu thinks that previous generation Russia truly does not have the female singer of fiery/popular worldwide scale probably, male has a Vitas actually, now should also start hot? 冯宇想了想,前世俄罗斯好像确实没有火爆世界范围的女歌手,男的倒是有个维塔斯,现在应该也开始火了吧? Was right, that music is Corporation your? Has to sing the opera, called Vitas, signed him, can definitely the fire, be able to make money.” The Feng Yu reminder said. “对了,那个音乐公司是你的吧?有个唱歌剧的,叫维塔斯,把他签下来吧,肯定能大火,能赚大钱。”冯宇提醒道。 „Did you say that throat specially high young fellow? He registered my Corporation. Also let alone, his special edition sales volume is also the unusual fire, moreover that side Europe and America, Elena is hotter, that throat,” “你说那个嗓子特别高的小伙子吧?他本来就签到我公司了啊。还别说,他的专辑销量也是非常的火,而且在欧美那边,比艾琳娜的更火,那嗓子,啧啧” Did Feng Yu stare the big eye, Vitas is also signed by Kirilenko? I scratch, this goods anything life. He knows about the music, unexpectedly the hottest singer will sign in the future around the world Russia. 冯宇瞪大眼睛,维塔斯也被基里连科签下来了?我擦,这货什么命啊。他懂音乐吗,居然将俄罗斯未来在世界范围内最火的歌手签下来了。 How you discussed that how you know he can be hot?” Feng Yu curious asking. “你怎么谈的,你怎么知道他能火?”冯宇好奇的问道。 Is very simple, he is also the student of Teacher Elena, Teacher Elena knows that I purchased music Corporation, makes me sign while convenient this boy. This boy has not wanted to sign here, he looked for other Corporation to discuss.” “很简单啊,他也是艾琳娜老师的学生,艾琳娜老师知道我收购了一家音乐公司,就让我顺便把这个小子签下来。本来这个小子还不想签我这儿呢,他自己去找别的公司谈了。” But I looked that Teacher Elena is so big a musician to go all out to recommend, I listened to his opera 2 also to shock, therefore initially you how taught me to detain Soviet Union these engineers was coming before remember.” “但我一看艾琳娜老师那么大一个音乐家都拼命推荐,我听了他的歌剧2也非常震撼,于是就想起来当初你教我怎么挽留前苏联那些工程师来着。” „Have you given his double treatment?” “你给了他双倍的待遇?” Initially the Soviet Union disintegration, the first Soviet Union engineer, that may be the world is top. Soviet Union was poor at that time, many people are about unable to eat meal, internationally these Corporation, start the coming high salary to dig the person. 当初苏联解体,前苏联的工程师,那可很多都是世界顶尖的。苏联那时候多穷啊,很多人都快吃不上饭了,国际上那些公司,就开始都过来高薪挖人。 Europe, the Americas, piece of big Corporation, brandishes the check to dig the person. However told the sentence truth, the treatment that at that time these Corporation gave, does not conform to the sale prices of these engineers. 欧洲的、美洲的,一片大公司,都挥舞着支票来挖人。但是说句实话,当时那些公司给出的待遇,根本就不符合这些工程师的身价。 If this engineer is the person in their country, then the treatment definitely will be higher than much. They have settled on, first Soviet Union these engineers and scientists poorly have feared, gives one to let their satisfactory treatments slightly, can poach the person. 如果这位工程师是他们国家的人,那么待遇肯定会高出不少。他们就是看准了,前苏联这些工程师、科学家都穷怕了,稍微给出一个让他们满意的待遇,就能把人挖走。 Previous generation time, before these , the Soviet Union engineer, scientist and other state-of-art talented people, had been poached by the European and American countries on the majority, the so-called high salary of paying, actually is not high. 前世的时候,这些前苏联的工程师、科学家等尖端人才,就大部分被欧美国家挖走了,付出的所谓高薪,其实也不算高。 But this, the majority of former Soviet Union scientist and engineer had been left behind by Kirilenko, had been dug by Feng Yu, naturally, European and American these countries have also poached one batch, but had not been poached the majority finally. 而这一世,大部分的前苏联科学家、工程师则被基里连科留下了,还有许多被冯宇挖了过来,当然,欧美那些国家也挖走了一批,但总算是没有被挖走大部分。 In Kirilenko Corporation, had the engineer and scientist of many initial country words. 基里连科公司中,就有许多当初的国字号的工程师、科学家呢。 But Kirilenko digs method/trick of person, with the Feng Yu study. Do not make money to eat meal, can support the family? Goes to discuss with other Corporation. 基里连科挖人的手段,跟冯宇学的。你们不是要赚钱吃饭,要养家吗?去跟别的公司谈吧。 At that time these engineers and scientists were confused, if can obtain the same treatment in own country, even was the poor treatment, they can accept, no one is willing to be forced to leave native place. 当时那些工程师和科学家都一头雾水,如果能在自己国家就得到相同的待遇,甚至是差一点的待遇,他们都能接受,谁也不愿意背井离乡啊。 But this Kirilenko said obviously wants them to go to him to work, how to discuss the treatment? 可这基里连科明明说要他们去给他工作,怎么不谈待遇呢? Some people are helpless, looked for other Corporation to discuss, by their technologies, was not worried in any case nobody wanted. 一些人无奈,就去找其他公司谈了,反正以他们的技术,不担心没人要。 When they discussed similar, Kirilenko sent for once more. 当他们谈的差不多的时候,基里连科再次派人过来了。 Did you reach an agreement with xx Corporation? Good, comes here, adds 50% according to them to the wage that you open! 你跟xx公司谈好了吧?行了,来我这儿,按照他们给你开的薪水加50! Also can stay in the home, the income can also propose the first year big truncation, they chose certainly to stay behind. 既能留在国内,收入还能提高一大截,他们当然选择留下了。 Therefore many people, such have signed the contract with Kirilenko. 于是很多人,就这么跟基里连科签订了合同。 But this means that are the Feng Yu origination. At that time Feng Yu eagerly sought people of talent, these scientists and engineers, that richly could not buy. 而这个办法,就是冯宇首创的。当时冯宇可是求贤若渴,这些科学家、工程师,那很多都是有钱也买不来的。 Did not say other, Bing City Machinery manufacture group, Wind & Rain Electronics and other Corporation, before have are many , the Soviet Union engineer and scientist, they were Corporation have also created the extremely high value. 不说别的,冰城机械制造集团、风雨电子公司,就有很多前苏联的工程师和科学家,他们也为公司创造了极高的价值。 The Feng Yu means that are first do not contact with these talented people, wait for them to discuss with other Corporation. After reaching an agreement, told them, came here, the wage turned time, left home also near, went to the US to be far. Moreover before our Corporation had are many , the Soviet Union expert, respects to you. 冯宇的办法,就是先不跟那些人才接触,等着他们跟其他公司谈。谈好了后,告诉他们,来我这儿吧,薪水翻倍,离家还近,去米国多远啊。而且我们公司本来就有很多前苏联的专家,对你们也非常的尊重。 Actually some experts, give to turn time of treatment, is low, the treatment that because they reached an agreement is not high, but their technologies, guaranteed sufficiently they can create a higher value. 其实一些专家,给出翻倍的待遇,也算是低的,因为他们原本谈好的待遇就不高,而他们的技术,足以保证他们能创造出更高的价值。 At that time some China state-owned units, has such done, before seizing the chance to dig one batch, Soviet Union expert. 当时华夏一些国有单位,也这么做了,趁机挖到了一批前苏联的专家。 Closes right up against these method/trick, before these wants to poach cheaply, European and American Corporation of Soviet Union talented person, finally has to start out conforms to these person of status the treatments, thus made them spend a lot of money. 就是靠着这些手段,那些想要便宜挖走前苏联人才的欧美公司,最终不得不开出符合这些人身份的待遇,从而让他们多花了很多钱。 Feng, do you will think that Elena was too busy, or do I make her rest some time?” “冯,你会不会觉得艾琳娜太忙碌了,要不我让她休息一段时间?” Feng Yu beckons with the hand: No, busy is the good deed. Has the matter to do, she will be happier, like this is very good to her.” 冯宇摆摆手:“不,忙碌是好事。有事情做,她会开心许多,这样对她很好。” Feng Yu had not planned that making Elena make one to close the canary in cage. 冯宇可没打算,让艾琳娜做一只关在笼中的金丝雀。 ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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