EG :: Volume #13

#1291: Same and different

Brother Ki, congratulations, the madame had a son to you, this you were the children complete in both, this in our China, added up to a good character, special Luck.” 基兄,恭喜恭喜,夫人给你生了一个儿子,这回你可是儿女双全了,这在我们华夏,就凑成了一个好字,特别的吉力。” Ha, right? I also think. Initially constructed the geomancy Grandmaster in this manor to say to me, I definitely had have the female, has not thought that was really effective. According to your China custom, can I also give him to wrap a red package?” Kirilenko smiles grins with ear to ear. “哈哈哈,是吗?我也觉得好。当初给我建造这个庄园的风水大师就说了,我肯定有儿有女,没想到还真灵验。按照你们华夏的规矩,我是不是还得给他包个红包?”基里连科笑得合不拢嘴。 Volume perhaps, should, possibly want.” Which Feng Yu knows that he has not invited similar person. However Kirilenko is happy, when asked for a good good luck. “额或许,应该,可能要吧。”冯宇哪儿知道啊,他也没请过类似的人啊。不过基里连科心情好,就当讨个好彩头了。 Today you are certain a lot drink several cups.” Kirilenko draws Feng Yu to say. “今天你一定得多喝几杯。”基里连科拉着冯宇说道。 Feng Yu looks the embarrassment: Good, I as far as possible. Right, this is called the longevity lock pendant worn by children, is our China ancient tradition, the implication is to let the child healthy growth.” 冯宇面露难色:“好,那我尽量。对了,这个叫做长命锁,是我们华夏古老的传统,寓意是让小孩子健康的成长。” This is Feng Yu can think that the gift of most ancient suitable child. 这是冯宇能想到的,最古老的适合小孩子的礼物了。 „Is this your China charm amulet? The pure gold builds, interesting. This child definitely likes, wears on the neck?” “这是你们华夏的护身符吗?纯金打造的,有意思。这个孩子肯定喜欢,是戴在脖子上的?” Right, is a chart good fortune.” Feng Yu knows that Brother Ki likes the shining thing. Previous time delivers him that precious oil painting, had not looked that he blossoms happily. “对,就是图个吉利。”冯宇就知道,基兄还是喜欢金灿灿的东西。上次送他那么贵重的油画,也没看他乐开花啊。 Evening's time, Feng Yu drank high. He has controlled as far as possible, may not control. 晚上的时候,冯宇又喝高了。他已经尽量控制了,可还是没控制住。 Next day wakes, quick noon, Feng Yu got up to catch up has had the lunch. 第二天醒过来的时候,已经快中午了,冯宇起来就赶上了吃午餐。 Feng, how you rested was so long, yesterday you had not drunk many.” Kirilenko complained. Doesn't Feng Yu this alcohol capacity, how see to rise? “冯,你怎么睡了那么久,昨天你也没喝多点啊。”基里连科埋怨道。冯宇这酒量,怎么就不见涨呢? Feng Yu „......” haven't one bottle of white liquors called many? You work as anyone to be the same with you, drink with drinking water! 冯宇“……”一瓶白酒还叫没多点?你当谁都跟你一样,喝酒跟喝水似的呢! Was right, previous time asked you, you said that the internet/network commercial city here supermarket has gotten online, how many did the registration user have?” Feng Yu asked. “对了,上次问你,你说这边超市的网络商城上线了,注册用户有多少了?”冯宇问道。 Here internet/network commercial city, with the US, China is slightly different, this truly bases on the internet/network commercial city in supermarket, or is the online supermarket is also good. 这边的网络商城,跟米国的,还是华夏的都略有不同,这个才是真正基于超市的网络商城,或者说是网上超市也行。 Here internet/network commercial city is also the b2c pattern, the supermarket takes Company, sold to individual, the price is completely same as the ordinary supermarket, the discount, preferential benefit are the synchronization. 这边的网络商城也是b2c模式,超市作为企业,卖给个人,价格跟普通的超市完全相同,就连折扣、优惠等都是同步的。 Only what is different from the supermarket, here must deliver goods, but delivers goods must collect fees. 唯一跟超市不同的是,这边是要送货的,而送货是要收费的。 Naturally, this point customer can also understand that you drive to go to the supermarket, wants the charge for oil? Let alone, this is confined at home, can buy the commodity. 当然,这一点顾客也都能理解,你就算开车去超市,也要油钱吧?更何况,这可是足不出户,就能买到商品呢。 The especially thoses big city, city has this polar bear supermarket chain, on the same day can deliver goods to the doorstep, facilitates. 尤其是那些大城市的,市里就有这个北极熊连锁超市,当天就能送货上门,方便的很。 Overall registration user, has surpassed 1 million, what kind , is the speed fast?” Kirilenko is somewhat self-satisfied, this speed, may compared with the speed that Ebay and Amazon developed at that time quickly. “整体的注册用户,已经超过了1000000,怎么样,速度快吧?”基里连科有些得意,这个速度,可比易贝亚马孙那时候发展的速度快多了。 Also good, then the liveness of user? How many single business every day can have, on average each list sales volume how many, profit how many?” Feng Yu pursues asks. “还不错,那么用户的活跃度呢?每天能有多少单生意,平均每一单销售额多少,利润多少?”冯宇追问道。 These I do not know.” “呃这些我不知道啊。” Feng Yu „......” does not know said so is loud! 冯宇“……”不知道说的还这么大声! Good, if asked that turnover anything of Taihua supermarket, Feng Yu does not know, Kirilenko is the same with Feng Yu, was used to work as the waving the arms about storekeeper. 好吧,如果问泰华超市的营业额啥的,冯宇也不知道,基里连科冯宇一样,都习惯了当甩手掌柜。 You and other, I telephone, making the person bring the material to come.” “你等一下,我打个电话,让人带着资料过来。” After one hour, the head in polar bear supermarket came. 一个小时后,北极熊超市的负责人来了。 Feng Yu is reading the material on hand, the development speed of supermarket is truly quick, has formed the huge scale in Eastern Europe, US and Western European these large supermarket groups, basic on the expansion. 冯宇看着手上的资料,超市的发展速度确实很快,已经在东欧形成了庞大的规模,米国和西欧那些大型超市集团,根本就扩张不过来。 Moreover the expansion speed of polar bear supermarket is also fast, from the main cities, expanded the ordinary city, and has formed the name effect, the popularity is getting higher and higher. 而且北极熊超市的扩张速度也非常快,从主要城市,已经扩张到了普通城市,并形成了品牌效应,知名度越来越高。 In expansion, not only opens new store, annexes others' supermarket, thus makes the scale of polar bear supermarket make a snowman expands. 在扩张的时候,不只是开新店,还有吞并别人的超市,从而让北极熊超市的规模滚雪球般的壮大。 Naturally, this polar bear supermarket is the same with Taihua Supermarket Group, although at this time the sales volume is high, gross profit(s) Run is also good, but in the account, has not actually made money. 当然,这个北极熊超市跟泰华超市集团一样,此时销售额虽然高,毛利润也不错,但账面上,却还没赚钱呢。 Expansion time, the loan may be many, but in less than three years, can be Kirilenko and Feng Yu they brings the continuous profit. 扩张的时候,贷款可不少,但用不了三年,就能为基里连科冯宇他们带来源源不断的利润。 Starts this online commercial city, is an investment. Moreover is the same, the initial investment of this online commercial city is not low, at least two years, cannot see the kitty. 紧接着又上马这个网上商城,又是一笔投资。而且是一样的,这个网上商城的初期投资不低,至少两年内,是看不到回头钱的。 Luck good words, the third year can gain, perhaps the luck not good words, the fourth year can gain. But Feng Yu believes that so long as manages normally, the third year profit should the issue not be big, will not lose money in any case absolutely. 运气好的话,第三年可以盈利,运气不好的话,第四年或许才能盈利。但冯宇坚信,只要正常经营,第三年盈利应该问题不大,反正绝对不会亏本。 Also before had Brother Ke and other, Second Generation help of Soviet Union, occupied the entire Eastern European market not to have the issue absolutely. If occupied such big market, was unable to gain, that also too dregs. 再说有科兄等几位前苏联二代帮忙,占据整个东欧市场绝对没问题。如果占据了这么大的市场,还不能盈利,那也太渣了。 After your market share surpasses 50%, can formulate the industrial criterion. The industrial criterion is you are drawed up, naturally will formulate according to own Corporation superiority, such can be in an impregnable position. 当你市场占有率超过50以后,就可以制定行业标准了。行业标准是你制定的,当然会按照自己公司的优势来制定,那样就能立于不败之地了。 For example the polar bear supermarket biggest superiority, is the ample supply and prompt delivery. They establish a gate column the industrial criterion, how many type of commodities must have, even how many type of foreign commodities are the large-scale internet/network commercial cities, such other person makes the internet/network commercial city time, natural was classified as a small character, but how also to compete? 比如北极熊超市最大的优势,就是货源充足。他们将行业标准设置一个门栏,要拥有多少种商品,甚至多少种外国商品才算是大型网络商城,这样别的人做网络商城的时候,天然就被冠以一个小字,还如何竞争? This does not eat meal, many people like going to the shop. Generally goes shopping normally, most people will choose the big market. The line of goods is complete, the creditworthiness is high. If the large-scale retail store, then the price will be cheaper. 这可不是吃饭,很多人喜欢去小店。一般正常买东西,大部分人还是会选择去大商场的。商品种类齐全,信誉度高。如果是大型的零售卖场,那么价格还会更便宜呢。 Although the polar bear internet/network commercial city is also the b2c pattern, but with Amazon some different, the biggest diversity, has polar bear supermarket entity retail chain supermarket, all commodities of internet/network commercial city, with the supermarket is completely same. Even has the issue from goods of internet/network commercial city purchase, can directly to the polar bear supermarket communication returned goods. 北极熊网络商城虽然也是b2c模式,但跟亚马孙还是有很多不同,最大的不同点,就是有北极熊超市这个实体零售连锁超市,网络商城的所有商品,跟超市都是完全一样的。甚至从网络商城购买的物品有问题,可以直接到北极熊超市沟通退货。 But is also the cash flow of polar bear supermarket, is supporting the present internet/network commercial city. 而也是北极熊超市的现金流量,支撑着现在的网络商城。 Now Feng Yu with the Kirilenko holding or the share-holding internet/network commercial city, the pattern has the difference completely. Naturally, has been discussing, seeks for a more suitable pattern, making everybody grow strong together. 现在冯宇基里连科控股或者参股的网络商城,模式全部都有差别。当然,相互之间也一直在探讨,寻找一种更适合的模式,让大家共同发展壮大。 Future time, among these internet/network Corporation, has the possibility of cooperation. But once they cooperate, can collaborate to defeat these other internet/network Corporation, thus achieves the fact monopoly. 未来的时候,这些网络公司之间,不是没有合作的可能性。而他们一旦合作起来,就能联手击败那些其他的网络公司,从而做到事实垄断。 Any profession, once has achieved monopoly, then the profit naturally will come in waves. Even does not need to monopolize completely, so long as the market share surpasses 50%, basically can achieve the influence market. 任何行业,一旦做到了垄断,那么利润自然就会滚滚而来。甚至不需要完全垄断,只要市场占有率超过50,基本上就可以做到影响市场了。 Brother Ki, to be honest, this internet/network commercial city, imagines being better that also develops compared with me. Is the present fund, quite tight?” 基兄,说实话,这个网络商城,比我想象中发展的还要好。只是现在的资金,比较紧张吧?” All right, has the loan to support. If cannot support, our again capital. Now that money invests to inside not cost-effective/worthwhile, invests the golden stock to be good, every month looks one time, discovered that the price is rising!” Kirilenko is on the contrary calmer than Feng Yu. “没事儿,有贷款撑着呢。要是真撑不住的时候,咱们再注资。现在那钱投资到里面不划算,投资黄金期货多好啊,每个月看一次,发现价格都在上涨!”基里连科反倒比冯宇更加淡定。 Feng Yu smiled, these issues, he can think that Brother Ki should also be able to think. Even if Brother Ki cannot think, then Brother Ki some subordinate also definitely people can think. 冯宇笑了笑,这些问题,他能想到,基兄应该也能想到。就算基兄想不到,那么基兄的下属也肯定有人能想到。 Was right, Feng, this listens to you.” “对了,冯,这个给你听听。” ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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