EG :: Volume #13

#1290: Domestic-made also good

Come, the wife, eats Apple.” “来,老婆,吃苹果。” Li Na looks at Apple that Feng Yu hands over, truncates a skin, can slice off half Apple, but also has the level really! 李娜看着冯宇递过来的苹果,削个皮,能把一个苹果削掉了一半,还真有水平! You eat, I could not eat up.” “你自己吃吧,我真吃不下了。” Good, Feng Yu puffed and blew several to truncate good Apple to solve this. 好吧,冯宇吭哧吭哧几口就将这削好的苹果解决了。 Several days later I will go to Russia, then must go to US.” “过几天我去一趟俄罗斯,然后还要去米国一趟。” Un, you also accompanied me at home for a long time, the matter in business I could not add on you.” “嗯,你在家也陪我很长时间了,生意上的事儿我也帮不上你。” Relax, is back and forth quick, for half a month about was similar.” “放心,来回很快的,半个月左右就差不多了。” Goes to that side Russia, is the Brother Ki child full moon, Feng Yu has not known that Russia also establishes any full moon liquor, perhaps was also that geomancer says. Feng Yu also had a look at Russia that side business, that side Russia also to start to make the internet/network commercial city on the way, Feng Yu wants to have a look at what kind of development. 俄罗斯那边,是基兄的孩子满月,冯宇还不知道,俄罗斯也兴办什么满月酒呢,或许又是那个风水先生说的吧。顺道冯宇也看看俄罗斯那边的生意,俄罗斯那边也开始做网络商城了,冯宇想看看发展的怎么样。 Naturally, various countries' national condition is different, experience of Feng Yu also not necessarily appropriate, but can also make the comment, they refers for Kirilenko. 当然,各国的国情不同,冯宇的经验也未必就合适,但是也可以提一下意见,供基里连科他们参考。 As for the US that side, was this year's beautiful pro basketball must enter the final purely, now has projected on 2 : 1 with Spurs, had the hope to enter the finals very much, but that side the east, the pedestrian quickly was also killed by the own basket. 至于米国那边,纯粹是今年美职篮又要进总决赛了,现在跟马刺打到了2:1,有很大希望晋级决赛,而东部那边,步行者也快被篮网干掉了。 Last year entered Lakers of final, this year cannot Spurs that pass/test, does not know, but also to be whether able to be the same with the previous generation history, composed super f4! 去年进入总决赛的湖人队,今年都没能过的了马刺那一关,也不知道,还能否跟前世历史一样,组成超级f4! Kirilenko was boasting shamelessly said that this final, front six wanted the attacking the sellers of fake and low-quality goods ball, a person won three, everybody stone cut the knife-shaped copper coin, seventh, started true striving for success again, a game decided the victory and defeat! 基里连科更是大言不惭的说,这次总决赛,前面六场要打假球,一人赢三场,大家石头剪刀布,第七场,再开始真正的拼搏,一局定胜负! In this case, has sold seven tickets, everybody can also gain. So long as the competition is more attractive, nobody can say anything. 这样的话,卖了七场球票,大家也能多赚一些。只要比赛好看一些,就没人能说什么。 The team enters the final, Feng Yu also planned that goes to the scene to encourage to the player, what naturally is important urges them, this turning on the water time must turn on the water, others turn on the water, must seize the opportunity! 球队打进总决赛,冯宇也打算去现场给球员鼓励一番,当然重要的是叮嘱他们,该放水的时候一定要放水,别人放水的时候,也一定要抓住机会! Moreover Feng Yu must go to Amazon to have a look, now Amazon development unusual is good, is the world biggest b2c internet/network commercial city, Feng Yu does not hope that Amazon has any accident. 而且冯宇也要去亚马孙看看,现在亚马孙发展的非常好,已经是世界最大的b2c网络商城了,冯宇可不希望亚马孙出现什么意外。 The Amazon development speed, is better than the previous generation. Moreover has not experienced the stock disaster, because Amazon has not gone on the market. Also makes Amazon especially was anticipated, many investors are waiting for Amazon to go on the market. 亚马孙的发展速度,比前世更好。而且没有经历过股灾,因为亚马孙还未上市么。也就使得亚马孙格外的受到期待,很多投资者都在等着亚马孙上市呢。 In any case expanding Zhang Zhilu who Amazon must carry on the overseas, that certainly must go on the market financing, otherwise fund affirmation insufficiency. However they also worried that Amazon comes non- listing direction detection financing once more, but the possibility is not big, does not have reason these investors not to leverage, is only waiting for drawing bonus, when can that receive the investment? 反正亚马孙要进行海外的扩张之路,那就肯定要上市融资的,否则资金肯定不足。不过他们也担心亚马孙再次来个非上市定向融资,但可能性不大,没理由那些投资者都不想套现啊,只等着分红,那什么时候才能收回来投资? Normally, besides voting stock, will not leverage generally, waits to draw bonus, non- voting stock holds in the right way, has almost not leveraged the profit. 正常情况下,除了投票股,一般不会套现,等着分红以外,非投票股的持有方,几乎没有不套现获利的。 Only then makes Corporation go on the market, these investors can quickest receives the high-power repayment, the rate of return of drawing bonus was too low. 只有让公司上市,这些投资者才能最快的获得高倍回报,分红的回报率太低了。 Amazon must certainly go on the market, but is not now, at least is not this year. Bezos has discussed with Kameido Masao and Feng Yu, the plan is next year goes on the market. 亚马孙肯定也是要上市的,但不会是现在,至少不会是今年。贝左斯龟田正雄冯宇都商量过,计划是明年上市。 Corporation can close right up against the loan to expand now, when the time comes the fund of listing financing, can also fall the loan, remaining can continue to be used to expand. 公司现在可以靠着贷款进行扩张,到时候上市融资的资金,可以还掉贷款,剩下的可以继续用来扩张。 After control market, the profit will naturally come in waves. Now on pursue profit, but gives up expanding the market, that future will want to expand time, but is not easy. 当掌控市场之后,利润自然就会滚滚而来。现在就追求利润,而放弃扩张市场,那未来想要扩张的时候,可就没那么容易了。 To put it bluntly gives up the present benefit, pursues the long-term benefit. In this case, these investments cannot see the profit temporarily, even Corporation these two years profits will be low. 说白了就是放弃眼前的利益,追求长远的利益。这样的话,那些投资暂时就看不到利润,甚至公司这两年的利润都会非常低。 Was good because of this time, most internet/network Corporation profits were the negative growths, but Amazon can also maintain the profit and profit margin increased little, this was rare. 好在这个时候,绝大多数的网络公司利润都是负增长呢,而亚马孙还能保持利润与利润率均增加了一点点,这就非常难得了。 The management of Feng Yu to Bezos, is very satisfied. Naturally, Feng Yu also enough supports to Bezos, promotions of Amazon these management, is Bezos was deciding basically, although Ralph has hung a board member/director post in Amazon, but also merely facilitates the relation, management of Corporation, has not meddled. 冯宇贝左斯的经营,还是非常满意的。当然,冯宇贝左斯也足够支持,亚马孙那些高管的提拔,也基本都是贝左斯在决定,虽然拉尔夫亚马孙挂了一个董事的职衔,但也仅仅是方便联系,公司的管理,也都没插手过。 When the Feng Yu preparation leaves Russia, Director Fang has made a phone call to Feng Yu. 就在冯宇准备动身去俄罗斯的时候,方主任冯宇打了一个电话。 Chief Feng, previous time you asked my matter, had problems.” 冯总,上次你拜托我那件事,出了点问题。” What's wrong, can't help me have one? That considers as finished, I go to relate with Cigna Corporation, the words of satellite launching, I also looked for the foreign country to complete.” “怎么,不能帮我带一颗吗?那算了,我自己去跟信诺公司联系,卫星发射的话,我也找外国来做好了。” Feng Yu some were not quite happy that he does not have little helps above busy, above this time looks helps, to be how good? 冯宇有些不太高兴,他没少帮上面的忙,这次找上面帮个忙,怎么就不行了? Chief Feng, you listened to me to say. Trouble that I said that is not above is not willing to help you, but is Cigna Corporation satellite order, has arranged to three years later, did not have the means to give you gasser. Satellite that on us agrees after meeting, use planned, did not have the means to move one to you. However above said that can low price rent to your two frequency bands relay.” 冯总,你听我说完。我说的麻烦,不是上面不愿意帮你,而是信诺公司的卫星订单,已经排到三年后了,没办法给你加塞啊。咱们上面订的卫星,用处都计划好了,也没办法挪出来一颗给你。但是上面说了,可以低价租给你两个频段的中转器。” Two frequency bands? Too few, is insufficient. That considers as finished, I look for others, although price higher, but can also accept.” Feng Yu plans to look for Kirilenko, although cannot be cheap, but can the gasser, let him earlier the satellite launching, earlier can use this satellite. “两个频段?太少了,不够用啊。那算了,我还是找别人吧,虽然价格高一点,但也还能接受。”冯宇打算还是找基里连科,虽然不能便宜,但可以加塞,让他早点将卫星发射上去,早点能用上这颗卫星。 Chief Feng, the second means that the Eastern rainbow No. 3 satellite, the frequency band are more, Cigna were many four, they are 14, our is 18. I know that you thought this service life is too short, only then eight years, but you think, this also very cost-effective/worthwhile. Moreover above leadership said that if you have bought Eastern rainbow 3rd, can make you order one Eastern rainbow 4 th. This service year arrived, just right lifts off on the 4 th. The 4 th service life, was 15 years.” 冯总,还有第二个办法,东方虹三号卫星,频段更多,比信诺的多了四个,他们是14个,我们这是18个。我知道,你觉得这个使用寿命太短,只有八年,但你想想,这也很划算啊。而且上面领导说了,如果你买了东方虹三号,可以让你订购一个东方虹四号。这个服役年限到了,正好四号发射升空。四号的使用年限,就是15年了。” „, You use our satellites, one set served us to wrap, buying overseas cost-effective/worthwhile are more. Moreover there is on -hand merchandise, if you comply, next month can launch the heaven to you. Early can a day uses, early a day make money is not? Our launch expenses, is in the technical good country lowest one grade, this time comes up with our country own two satellites together, guarantees successfully!” “还有啊,你用咱们自己的卫星,一套服务我们全包了,比买国外的划算多了。而且有现货啊,你要是答应,下个月就能给你发射上天。早一天用上,就能早一天赚钱不是?咱们的发射费用,也是技术好的国家中最低的一档,这次跟咱们国家自己的两颗卫星一起上去,保证成功!” Happen to the country must continue to launch the broadcast-communication satellite, takes Feng Yu this, can handle together, a ball multi- star. 正好国家要继续发射广播通信卫星呢,带上冯宇这个,也能一起搞定,一弹多星么。 This satellite is some foreign Corporation order, but the opposite party had afterward bought the satellite of US, here penalty others recognized. 原本这颗卫星是某外国公司订购的,但对方后来买了米国的卫星,这边的违约金人家认了。 Clearly, therefore that side US Corporation is up to mischief, this is wants totally to block to the China satellite enterprise. 很明显,于是米国那边的公司搞鬼,这是想对华夏的卫星事业彻底封锁啊。 Therefore the mistake arising out of chance circumstances, happen to Feng Yu wants to buy the satellite, worry that also wants, this gave Feng Yu. 于是阴差阳错,正好冯宇想要买卫星,要的还着急,这就给冯宇了。 Feng Yu has thought that although this active time short many, but frequency band were many four, that profit can also increase much. Moreover the cost was lower, is not suffers a loss. 冯宇想了一下,虽然这个服役时间短了不少,但是频段多了四个,那利润也能增加不少。而且成本还低了一些,也不算吃亏。 More importantly the country complies to give him to have custom-made one Eastern rainbow 4 th, this has solved his extra worries. 重要的是国家答应给他定制一颗东方虹四号,这就解决了他的后顾之忧了。 Ok, that such settled, I have the matter this month, making Wind & Rain Holding Company Kameido Masao come to sign the contract with you, the satellite ascends the sky, the tail funds arrive at the account immediately!” “行,那就这么说定了,我这个月有事,让风雨控股龟田正雄来跟你们签合同吧,卫星上天,尾款马上到账!” ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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