EG :: Volume #13

#1289: Gives the name

Feng Yu this just returned to the Bing City two days, accompanied Li Na to go to one time to produce the exam, naturally was elder sister's hospital. This has determined, is the Longfeng embryo, not only Feng Yu, two family members both are glad to grin with ear to ear. 冯宇这刚回冰城两天,陪着李娜又去了一次产检,当然就是姐姐的医院。这回确定了,是龙凤胎,不只是冯宇,两家人都乐得合不拢嘴。 Now Li Na has become the treasure of two family members, daily both sides parents, in addition ahead of time please good moon/month sister-in-law, what attendance is meticulous. But this, Li Na instead is not used. 现在李娜成了两家人的宝贝,天天双方父母,加上提前请好的月嫂,照顾的是无微不至。可是这样,李娜反而不习惯了。 After Feng Yu comes back, accompanies Li Na every day to take a walk, reads, this makes the Li Na mood better. Before the school, some that many colleagues and students, she was also lives it up every day. 冯宇回来后,陪着李娜每天可以散散步,看看书,这才让李娜心情好很多。之前在学校,每天都有那么多同事、学生,她也是热闹惯了。 A person has been used to it usually with more person contacts, suddenly the transformation environment, especially is the pregnant woman of moving about with difficulty, unavoidably does not adapt. 一个人习惯了平时跟更多的人接触,突然变换环境,尤其又是行动不便的孕妇,难免不适应。 Feng Yu, I was also fat several jin (0.5 kg).” Li Na the face was saying painstakingly. 冯宇,我又胖了好几斤。”李娜苦着脸说道。 That is good, this can provide more nutrition to our son daughters, the wife, was laborious you.” “那多好啊,这样才能给咱们儿子女儿提供更多的营养,老婆,辛苦你了。” „It is not right, the elder sister is pregnant, does not have fat these many. Zhang Han is pregnant, does not have fat these many, their children live, more than seven jin (0.5 kg).” “不对啊,姐姐怀孕的时候,也没胖这么多。张涵怀孕的时候,也没胖这么多,他们的孩子生下来,都七斤多呢。” That is different, what they cherish is one, we are two, can this compare?” “那不一样啊,她们怀的是一个,咱们是两个,这能比吗?” But I compared with over ten jin (0.5 kg) of their weight gain, have not been able saying that our child does have ten jin (0.5 kg)?” “可是我比她们增重的超过十斤了都,总不能说,咱们一个孩子就有十斤吧?” ~ Feng Yu hurries brain fast to revolve, probably could not arrange, your breast milk was also sufficient, two children, can not eat one time.” “呃~”冯宇赶紧大脑飞快运转,好像编不下去了,“你的奶水也要充足啊,两个孩子,不得多吃一倍么。” Repugnant, said anything.” Li Na is angry to say. “讨厌,说什么呢。”李娜嗔道。 Comes, I listen, having a look at them to do.” “来来来,我听听,看看他们在干什么。” Talked nonsense only, you can also hear anything to resemble.” Although Li Na said that but saw that the Feng Yu head pastes on her lower abdomen, has shown the happy smiling face. “净瞎说,你还能听到什么似的。”李娜虽然这么说,但看到冯宇脑袋贴到她小腹上,还是露出了幸福的笑脸。 „, You said that what name gives to be good to our children?” Feng Yu remember, the name has not taken suddenly probably. “诶,你说给咱们儿女起什么名字好呢?”冯宇忽然想起来,好像名字还没取呢。 Grandfather had not said that what name gives?” Li Na asked. “爷爷没说取什么名字吗?”李娜问道。 My genealogy already did not have, you looked that I am different from my elder sister and my cousin's name, haven't I called Von pill space?” “咱家家谱早就没了,你看我跟我姐和我堂哥的名字就不一样,我就没叫冯丹宇吧?” That also asks the grandfather, making the grandfather take a character to be also good.” “那也问问爷爷啊,让爷爷取一个字也好啊。” Feng Yu has blown the nose of Li Na with a smile: You are intelligent. Ok, a while grandfather played chess from activity center, I ask.” 冯宇笑着刮了一下李娜的鼻子:“就你聪明。行,一会儿爷爷从活动中心下棋回来了,我去问问。” Feng Yu too does not trust parents' giving a name level in any case, another Feng Yu and with Li Na are the name that the parents give, their children, are they give certainly the name. 反正冯宇对父母的起名水平是不太信任,再一个冯宇和跟李娜都是父母起的名字,他们的孩子,当然也是他们自己起名字。 However Li Na said that makes the grandfather take a character, this cannot pervert, the old gentleman can also be happier. 不过李娜说让爷爷取一个字,这倒不错,老爷子也能开心许多。 ...... …… Snort, that Xiao Liu, has clearly depended on a horse, unexpectedly had not acknowledged!” The old gentleman the driver meets, but also indignant was mumbling, next time will not play with that kid.” “哼,那个小刘,分明就是赖了一个马,居然还不承认!”老爷子被司机接回来的时候,还愤愤不平的嘟囔着,“下次再也不跟那个小屁孩儿玩了。” Kid Xiao Liu of old gentleman mouth, already more than 60, but compares with the old gentleman, is not the kid, Uncle Feng Yu with that Xiao Liu almost big. 老爷子嘴里的小屁孩儿小刘,也已经60多了,但跟老爷子比起来,可不就是小屁孩儿么,冯宇大伯就跟那个“小刘”差不多大啊。 Father, you do not lower oneself to the same level with him, has won on the line.” Feng Xingtai said. “爸,您甭跟他一般见识,赢了就行。”冯兴泰说道。 Goes equally, he acted shamelessly has not let say!” “一边儿去,他耍赖还不让说了!” Li Na caught up compact in the past, sweet saying: Grandfather, you came back.” 李娜赶紧凑过去,甜甜的说道:“爷爷,您回来了。” Feng Yu shakes the head in side, clearly, the old gentleman lost, if has won, came back definitely to say a moment ago: That Xiao Liu was acts shamelessly has not won me! What what a pity is, the father has not looked that this records the flatter not to pat. 冯宇在旁边摇摇头,很明显,老爷子是输了,要是赢了,刚才回来肯定是说:那个小刘就算是耍赖也没赢了我!可惜的是,老爸没看出来,这记马屁没拍准。 Sees Li Na, the old gentleman beams with joy immediately: „, Came back. Nana, sits quickly, careful. Grandfather is healthy, does not need to hold.” 看到李娜,老爷子立马眉开眼笑:“诶,回来了。娜娜,快坐着,小心点。爷爷身体好着呢,不用扶。” Sees the granddaughter-in-law, he is happy, this blooms a loose leaf. The twin, is rare, with him in these people that an activity center plays chess, the daughter-in-law or the granddaughter-in-law, have not had the twin! 见到孙媳妇,他就开心,这可是开枝散叶啊。双胞胎,多难得啊,跟他在一个活动中心下棋的那些人里面,无论是儿媳妇还是孙媳妇,都没有生双胞胎的! Snort, they also asked that has any secret recipe, that is the type of our Old Feng! 哼,他们还问有什么秘方,那是我们老冯家的种好! Grandfather, do not lower oneself to the same level with him.” Li Na then said. “爷爷,别跟他一般见识。”李娜接着说道。 Right, I do not lower oneself to the same level with child. Next time, even if he has depended, when I have not seen, when the time comes kills his wiped out to the last man same!” Saying of old gentleman heroic spirit. “对,我不跟小孩子一般见识。下一次,就算他赖了,我也当没看见,到时候一样杀他个片甲不留!”老爷子豪气的说道。 Was right, Grandfather. I said to Feng Yu a moment ago that should give your great-grandson and great-granddaughter giving a name character, you said that what of pleasant to hear called?” “对了,爷爷。刚才我跟冯宇说,该给您重孙子、重孙女起个名字呢,您说叫什么好听?” Grandfather has not read many books, does not have any culture, in the past the uncle and your father-in-law's name, found the person to get up. My you study many, name you got up are good.” Old gentleman saying of a laugh. “爷爷没读过多少书,没啥文化,当年你大伯和你公公的名字,都是找人起的。咱家你读书最多,名字你起就好了。”老爷子笑呵呵的说道。 That is not good, you are child's Grandpa Zu, this child's name you must certainly check, or this name do you give to take a character? I discussed with Feng Yu, added a character as the name again.” “那不行,您是孩子的祖爷爷,这孩子的名字您肯定要给把关啊,要不这名字您给取一个字?我跟冯宇商量一下,再添一个字作为名字。” This? I must think well.” The old gentleman blossomed happily, the granddaughter-in-law such trusts him, was too happy. “这行吗?那我可得好好想想了。”老爷子乐开了花,孙媳妇这么信任他,太开心了。 Feng Yu has gesticulated to Li Na secretly a thumb, 2-3 words, coax the old gentleman such happily. Has studied the psychology really worthily, discusses a request is high. 冯宇暗暗冲着李娜比划了一个大拇指,三两句话,就把老爷子哄得这么开心。真不愧是学过心理学的,情商就是高。 Feng Xingtai opened mouth in side, closed. He also thought Li Na most has the culture, the teacher lecturers, gives the name to the child, they do not mix. But has not thought that but can also have a character? 冯兴泰在旁边张了张嘴,又闭上了。原本他也是觉得李娜最有文化,大学老师呢,给孩子起名字,他们就不掺和了。但怎么就没想到,还能起一个字呢? But this opportunity, was taken away by the old gentleman, he does not dare to snatch, old gentleman that walking stick, has not brandished. 但这机会,被老爷子拿去了,他也不敢抢啊,老爷子那拐棍,还不抡起来啊。 Feng Yu sees the old gentleman to arrive at the study room, turned for quite a while, looks through a Xinhua Zidian! 冯宇就看到老爷子到书房,翻了半天,翻出来一本新华字典! Sweat, giving a name character, but can also look through the dictionary? 汗,起个名字,还要翻字典吗? Feng Yu thought faintly that as if makes old gentleman take a character is the wrong decision. But thinks that a character, which can wrong to go. 冯宇隐隐觉得,似乎让老爷子取一个字是错误的决定。但又想了想,一个字,能错到哪儿去。 Feng Yu are not necessarily able to give any good name, but the Li Na affirmation, this Feng Yu believes. 冯宇自己未必能取什么好名字,但李娜肯定可以,这点冯宇还是相信的。 Crossed for a half hour, the Feng Yu mother shouted the old gentleman to eat meal, the old gentleman walked from the study room, in the hand was also taking a paper, has placed the Li Na front. 过了半个多小时,冯宇母亲喊老爷子吃饭,老爷子才从书房走出来,手里还拿着一张纸,放在了李娜的面前。 Nana, these characters I think well, is the good characters, which appropirateness do you have a look at?” 娜娜,这几个字我觉得都不错,都是好字啊,你看看哪个合适?” Feng Yu stretched the neck to look at the past, humph! The full paper, above is the character. How many characters did this call? 冯宇抻着脖子看过去,嚯!满满一张纸,上面都是字啊。这叫几个字? Your this has prepared dozens generations of characters. 您这是准备了几十代的字啊。 Feng Yu eager looks at Li Na, you make the old gentleman make a character to come out, the old gentleman has made dozens characters, this what to do? 冯宇眼巴巴的看着李娜,你让老爷子弄个字出来,老爷子弄了几十个字,这回咋办? Li Na has swept one, ignites several characters to look to the old gentleman with the hand: Grandfather, you looked that these characters are what kind of? Sets up, virtue, to cultivate and study, to subdue|grams and oneself, virtue. These characters link are Lide are the virtues, studies denies oneself. This was the thought of ancient profound scholar Confucius, later happen to be our genealogy to pass around.” 李娜扫了一眼,用手点着几个字给老爷子看:“爷爷,您看,这几个字怎么样?立、德、为、贤、修、学、克、己。这几个字连起来就是立德为贤,修学克己。这都是古代大儒孔子的思想呢,以后正好可以作为咱们的家谱传下去。” Well good, these characters, are you are learned, we can also pass on a genealogy!” The old gentleman excited complexion of becomes flushed. “好好好,就这些字,还是你有学问,咱们还能传个家谱!”老爷子激动的脸色涨红。 Feng Yu speechless looks at Li Na, you also really can pull, but from these characters, can select eight characters , is really not easy, more importantly can also justify oneself. 冯宇无语的看着李娜,你还真能扯,不过从这些字里面,能挑出来八个字,也还真不容易,重要的是还能自圆其说。 As for genealogy anything, is happy along with old gentleman. Said that later the son daughter must call Feng Li anything, did not call Feng Gong in any case on the line! 至于家谱什么的,随老爷子高兴吧。这么说,以后儿子女儿就得叫冯立什么了,反正不叫冯巩就行! ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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