EG :: Volume #13

#1288: Set-top box( sought subscription)

Chief Feng, you said that we can start to make the set-top box now?” Zong Qingxian knits the brows to look at Feng Yu. 冯总,你说我们现在要开始做机顶盒了?”宗庆先皱眉看着冯宇 Right, what's wrong, no?” Some Feng Yu doubts, the country early in 98, had carried on the cable TV Village Access Project, although some remote districts use the antenna of oneself family|home to watch the television, but did the most areas, have a liking for the cable TV? “对啊,怎么,不行吗?”冯宇有些疑惑,国家早在98年的时候,就进行了有线电视村村通工程,虽然还是有些偏远地区采用自己家的天线收看电视,但是大部分地区,都已经看上有线电视了吧? But in the city, had the satellite TV, there are appearances of some set-top boxes, these set-top boxes, were the electro-optical subordinate unit produce, general that sold, was mainly many people thought that the charge was too expensive. 而城市里,更是已经有了卫星电视,也有了一些机顶盒的出现,这些机顶盒,就是光电下属单位生产的,不过卖的一般,主要是很多人觉得收费太贵。 The beforehand cable TV they look well, watches a television, needs that many channels? Naturally, did not deny that some cable TV can only receive several television stations, but is cheap. You can receive the set-top boxes of that many programs, the charge was also too expensive! 之前的有线电视他们看着就不错,看个电视而已,需要那么多频道么?当然,不否认一些有线电视只能收到十几个电视台,但便宜啊。你能收到那么多节目的机顶盒,收费也太贵了! Cable TV also advantage, that with a jack box, can pay a money, thus connects many televisions. However the set-top box is not good, a television set-top box, your family, if three televisions, then needs three set-top boxes, pays three money! 有线电视还有一个好处,那就是用一个分线器,就可以交一份钱,从而连接多台电视。但是机顶盒则不行,一台电视一个机顶盒,你家要是有三台电视,那么就需要三个机顶盒,交纳三份钱! Money many people think expensive, do not say three money. 一份钱很多人都觉得贵呢,更不要说三份钱了。 But this year, the China electro-optic had just designated 49 cities as the set-top box pilot city, from the beginning of the year to the present, already over 100,000 set-top box users. 而今年,华夏光电刚刚选定了49个城市作为机顶盒试点城市,从年初到现在,已经有超过100000的机顶盒用户了。 User who however currently uses the set-top box, majority is government employee/civil servant and Company official/manager anything, in any case their these money, are the unit junctions, they will not think expensive. To their family members, can many several stages look that is good. 但是现在使用机顶盒的用户,大部分都是公务猿企业干部什么的,反正他们的这些钱,是单位交,他们才不会觉得贵呢。对他们的家属来说,能多几个台看,多好啊。 The set-top boxes of these people, is not buys, but is the local operator, offers to the television user free of charge, waits to collect the working cost to gain. Naturally these set-top boxes are test user, in the future part, will definitely not continue to continue the fee. 这些人的机顶盒,也不是买的,而是当地运营商,免费向有线电视用户赠送的,就等着收使用费赚回来呢。当然这些机顶盒属于试用用户,未来其中一部分,肯定不会继续续费。 However next year time, set-top box will welcome the big eruption. Now above had the plan of vigorous development digital television, that side Europe and America started in 98 years. 但是明年的时候,机顶盒将迎来大爆发。现在上面已经有大力发展数字电视的计划了,欧美那边则在98年就开始了。 According to the memory of previous generation, the set-top box will enter 1 million families next year, from southeast coast, to some pilot cities, all-round blooming. Feng Yu previous generation, the set-top box that also installed at this time, it is said at that time his family|home had arranged after national 1 million, that explained that 04 years of time, will have the least 1 million set-top box users to appear. 按照前世的记忆,明年机顶盒将进入1000000家庭,从东南沿海,到一些试点城市,全面开花。冯宇的前世,也是这时候装的机顶盒,据说那时候他家已经是排在全国1000000名以后了,那就说明,04年的时候,将有最少1000000的机顶盒用户出现。 But as one of the world set-top box main habitats, many set-top box of China, is the exit / to speak. Therefore next year the market of set-top box, least several hundred more than ten million sales volumes, now enter, but also with enough time. If waits again, missed this good time. 而作为世界机顶盒的主要产地之一,华夏的很多机顶盒,还是出口的。所以说明年机顶盒的市场,最少有数百上千万的销量,现在进入,还来得及。要是再等等,就错过这个好时候了。 Chief Feng, this set-top box, are you plan exit / to speak first?” 冯总,这个机顶盒,你是打算先出口?” Zong Qingxian has not looked that China this set-top box has any market, perhaps now many people have not heard the set-top box. 宗庆先可没看出来,华夏这个机顶盒有什么市场,现在很多人恐怕还没听说过机顶盒呢。 Before Wind & Rain Appliances or Aihua Appliances, are the present domestic promotions, after seizing the domestic market, then slowly to the overseas expansion. 之前无论是风雨电器还是爱华电器,都是现在国内推广,占领国内市场后,然后徐徐向国外扩张。 Currently obviously this product only externally has the market, the home just started radically, then i.e., this time must open the sale from the overseas first. 现在明显这个产品只在国外有市场,国内根本刚开始,那么就是说,这一次要先从国外打开销路了。 Before regardless of produced any electric appliance or the electronic products, the domestic market, can digest a large part, but now, the domestic market has not done, must go the overseas to fight first, this very easy Failed. 以前无论生产什么电器还是电子产品,国内市场,就能消化很大一部分,但是现在,国内市场根本没做起来呢,就要先到国外打拼,这很容易失败啊。 Once product externally Failed, then effect on brand, but is not small. Wind & Rain Brand very much had popularity externally, all products that before unveiled, were successful. 而一旦产品在国外失败了,那对品牌的影响,可是不小啊。风雨牌在国外可是已经很有知名度了,之前推出的所有产品,均获得了成功。 If before , has Failed, that nothing. But this set-top box, if becomes first Failed, to is in the rise Wind & Rain Brand, but attacked is too big. 要是之前有过失败,那还没什么。可这个机顶盒,要是成为第一个失败品,对正处于上升期的风雨牌,可就打击太大了。 Domestic and foreign market gives dual attention. I know that the domestic present did not have many people to know this set-top box, but the next three years, the set-top box definitely will welcome the explosion stroke. Perhaps to 6 years of time, the domestic set-top box inventory can surpass thousands of stages. Let alone, the explosion stroke of overseas set-top box, we cannot miss this good time now.” “国内和国外市场兼顾。我知道,国内现在还没多少人认识这个机顶盒,但未来三年,机顶盒肯定会迎来爆发期。说不定到6年的时候,国内机顶盒保有量就能超过千万台呢。更何况,现在国外也正是机顶盒的爆发期,我们可不能错过这个好时候啊。” „Are you plan make the wired set-top box or the ground set-top box? Don't you want to make the satellite set-top box?” Zong Qingxian thinks suddenly that Feng Yu said that must buy the satellite the matter. “那你是打算做有线机顶盒还是地面机顶盒?你不会是想做卫星机顶盒吧?”宗庆先忽然想到,冯宇说要买卫星的事儿了。 What's wrong, no? The ground set-top box now not any outlet, the wired set-top box and satellite set-top box quite sells. And satellite set-top box, is mainly used in the exit / to speak, the wired set-top box faces the domestic market. Naturally, we must make the bidirectional set-top boxes, the high-definition set-top boxes, the multipurpose set-top boxes wait / etc..” “怎么,不行吗?地面机顶盒现在没什么出路,有线机顶盒和卫星机顶盒则比较好卖。其中卫星机顶盒,主要用于出口,有线机顶盒则面对国内市场。当然,我们还要做双向机顶盒、高清机顶盒、多功能机顶盒等等。” This set-top box, besides most basic watching the function of analog television and digital television, but should also have high speed data broadcast, Internet access, software online update, videophone and video on demand, music selection and broadcast, shopping, game and other functions. 这个机顶盒,除了最基本的收看模拟电视和数字电视的功能以外,还应该有高速数据广播、互联网连接、软件在线升级、可视电话、视频点播、音乐点播、购物、游戏等功能。 The future set-top box, the function is many, Bill? Gates has wanted to make Microsoft enter the set-top box market very much, wants to produce this kind of multipurpose set-top box, mainly modulating demodulator and set-top box union, enabling the set-top box directly to access the net. 未来的机顶盒,功能繁多,比尔?盖茨一直很想让微软进入机顶盒市场,也是想生产这类多功能的机顶盒,主要是将调制解调器与机顶盒结合,让机顶盒直接可以上网。 Believes that many people have also used that type, a television set-top box line, simultaneously can regard the mesh wire use. 相信很多人也使用过那种,一条电视机顶盒线,同时可以当成网线使用。 „Isn't this technology very simple? Our was also started from zero, can with enough time?” Zong Qingxian somewhat worried. “这个技术也不是很简单吧?我们这也算是从零开始了,能来得及吗?”宗庆先有些担忧。 How without enough time? In fact this basic electric circuit is not very difficult, by our Corporation technology, disassembles some others, can study own technology very much simply, unifies our some new tentative plans, can promote the multipurpose set-top boxes, thus occupies the high-end market. This chip and software are slightly more difficult, this needed Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation and other Corporation the coordination.” “怎么来不及?事实上这个基本电路不是很难,以我们公司的技术,拆开一些别人的,很简单就能研究出自己的技术,结合我们一些新的设想,就能推出多功能机顶盒,从而占据高端市场。只是这个芯片和软件稍微难一些,这就需要连想银山公司的配合了。” What to do then promotes?” “那么推广怎么办?” Domestic words, the promotion gives Changhong, they sell the television, while convenient is selling the set-top box, should not have the issue? Moreover don't forget, Changhong was also above key support Company, this set-top box sold the electro-optic people should not be difficult. Moreover is famous brand goods, should sell.” “国内的话,推广交给长红,他们是卖电视的,顺带着卖个机顶盒,应该没问题吧?而且别忘了,长红也是上头重点扶持的企业,这个机顶盒卖到光电应该不难。而且是名牌产品,应该会更好卖。” Regarding overseas, I want with our Wind & Rain Brand brand marketing channel, people should not be difficult. In case of resistance, then I will look for Bill? Gates, this aspect, can carry out the partial cooperation with them, they in the software development of set-top box, some experienced.” “至于说国外嘛,我想以我们风雨牌的品牌销售渠道,应该也不会太难。如果遇上阻力,那么我会去找比尔?盖茨,这方面,可以跟他们进行部分合作,他们在机顶盒的软件开发上,也有很多经验了。” Can not look for Bill? Gates cooperates, naturally does not look is better. Looked, appears Wind & Rain Brand does not handle the market to be the same. 能不去找比尔?盖茨合作,当然不找更好。去找了,显得风雨牌自己搞不定市场一样。 I transmit with below this idea, which Corporation having a look at to be willing to meet this project. If no child Corporation to be willing to meet, that can only restrain by force.” “那我把这个想法跟下面传达下去,看看哪个公司肯接这个项目。如果没有子公司肯接的话,那就只能强压了。” Was right, must make machine of card separation, is the core smart card, software and basic receiving apparatus separates, we can make the smart card and software development specially, the basic receiving apparatus, the outsourcing will give other small factories. This can reduce the production cost, can reduce the access cost of user, can increase our competitive powers.” “对了,要做出机卡分离的那种,就是核心的智能卡、软件与基本的接收设备分开,我们可以专做智能卡和软件开发,将基本的接收设备,外包给其他小厂子。这样可以降低制造成本,也能降低用户的接入成本,就能增加我们的竞争力了。” The Zong Qingxian eye is greatly bright, can be preponderant in the cost, then relies on the Wind & Rain Brand brand, this product must succeed is not difficult! 宗庆先眼睛大亮,能在成本上具有优势,那么凭借风雨牌的品牌,这个产品要成功就不难了! ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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