EG :: Volume #13

#1287: Helps me buy one

„Does Chief Feng, have free time to ask me to eat meal?” Director Fang puts down the chopsticks, has drunk tea. 冯总,怎么有空找我吃饭?”方主任放下筷子,喝了一口茶。 Director Fang, I heard, on us was discussing with Cigna Corporation that plans to purchase a number of Cigna No. 2 communication satellites?” Feng Yu approached asking. 方主任,我听说,咱们上面正在跟信诺公司谈,打算购买一批信诺二号通信卫星?”冯宇凑近了问道。 Right, our satellite technologies were not blocked by the US, planned that the later all spare parts have produced, therefore purchases a number of quite advanced satellites, we are also studying the Eastern rainbow four generations of satellites.” “对啊,咱们的卫星技术不是被米国封锁么,打算以后所有零部件都自己生产了,所以采购一批比较先进的卫星,咱们自己也在研究东方虹四代卫星。” This has nothing to conceal, in satellite technology, China can only be on, some distance top also disparities. However believes that about ten years, can achieve international superior, in the future can certainly become international top one batch! 这没什么可隐瞒的,卫星技术上,华夏只能算是中上,距离顶尖还有一些差距的。不过相信有个十年左右,就能达到国际上等,未来一定能成为国际顶尖的一批! Our Eastern rainbow four generations have been studying, when can complete probably?” “咱们的东方虹四代一直在研究,大概什么时候能完成?” Director Fang puts down the teacup, stares at Feng Yu to ask: Chief Feng, what this matter did you inquire?” 方主任放下茶杯,盯着冯宇问道:“冯总,这事儿你打听什么?” Hi, Director Fang not misunderstands, I want to buy a communication satellite. I heard that the country with Cigna Corporation order communication satellite, helping me buy one? Can the group buy words, be cheap?” “嗨,方主任莫误会,我是想买一颗通信卫星。我听说国家跟信诺公司订购通信卫星呢,帮我买一个呗?团购的话,能便宜吧?” „Do you want to buy the communication satellite? Why to use?” Director Fang in great surprise, Feng Yu must buy the satellite unexpectedly, buys the satellite to do personally? “你要买通信卫星?干什么用啊?”方主任大惊,冯宇居然要买卫星,个人买卫星干什么? Communication. Television program, telephone, facsimile, broadcast anything, not with communication satellite.” “通信啊。电视节目啊,电话啊,传真啊,广播啊什么的,不都用通信卫星么。” You rented were not good, if you want to rent, I helped you greet, the reasonable price, definitely gave you first.” Director Fang showed the whites of the eyes, you can use several frequency bands the transponders, but must buy the communication satellite, knows that a communication satellite wants many frequency bands the transponders, you can use! “那你租用不就行了,你要是想租,我帮你打个招呼,合理的价格,肯定给你优先。”方主任翻了个白眼,你能用几个频段的转发器啊,还要买通信卫星,知道一个通信卫星要多少个频段的转发器么,你用得完么! Moreover a satellite, from manufacture to the launch, arrives at ground base depot anything again, most little takes several hundred million US dollars, does flowered that wasted money do. 而且一颗卫星,从制造到发射,再到地面基站什么的,最少要几个亿美元,花那冤枉钱干什么。 Director Fang, spoke frankly with your me. A cost of satellite, how many hundred million US dollars? If I rent, a yearly rent of frequency band, almost does have 100 million US dollars? In other words normally, one year can take back invests, even can gain in the past. The frequency band that even if I rent are not many, then badly worst, can 2-3 years also recoup the cost? The surplus time, may gain. Matter that 34 hundred million US dollars can solve, do you want me to spend several hundred million US dollars to do?” 方主任,跟你我就直说了。一颗卫星的成本,几个亿美元是吧?如果我租出去,一个频段的年租金,差不多有100000000美元吧?也就是说正常情况下,一年就能收回全部投资,甚至当年就能盈利。哪怕我租出去的频段不多,那么最差最差,两三年也能收回成本了吧?剩余的时间,可都是赚的。34个亿美元能解决的事儿,您要我花十几个亿美元去做?” Director Fang curious looks at Feng Yu: You really have also known one about this. How, you planned that you do make communication? Makes the broadcast television? I reminded to you, we domestic, was comparable to this control, you were also not necessarily able to stretch the rules.” Director Fang shot a look at Feng Yu one. 方主任好奇的看着冯宇:“你对这个还真了解了一番啊。怎么着,你打算自己做通信?还是自己做广播电视?我给你提个醒,咱们国内,对这个管制可比较严,你也未必能有通融。”方主任瞥了冯宇一眼。 Director Fang, this do not deceive me. Our country, but permits the satellite phone and facsimile anything. Moreover broadcast television what, I have not planned to place the home, I planned that makes a television station in Hong Kong or Capital, didn't this have the issue? When the time comes the television signal returns the home, watches for our common people, doesn't this have the issue? The country is also allows to watch the overseas television station probably, do not say our special zone.” 方主任,这你可甭蒙我。咱们国家,可是允许有卫星电话、传真什么的。而且广播电视什么的,我没打算放在国内,我打算在香江或者葡京弄一个电视台,这就没问题了吧?到时候电视信号转回国内,供咱们百姓收看,这没问题吧?国家好像也是允许收看国外的电视台吧,更不要说咱们自己特区的了。” Feng Yu regarding this point, has considered. The home does not let the lane, Hong Kong and Capital. Similarly is the China area, although is the special zone, but the television signal changes to domestic is unzoned. 冯宇对于这一点,已经考虑过了。国内不让弄,香江和葡京可以啊。同样是华夏的地区,虽然是特区,但电视信号转到国内还是不受限制的。 Even in the previous generation, set-top boxes of some domestic Corporation, but can also watch the overseas television program. You pay the set-top box in any case monthly the expense on the line, these were also under domestic permission. 甚至在前世的时候,国内一些公司的机顶盒,还能收看国外的电视节目呢。反正你按月缴纳机顶盒的费用就行,这些也都得到了国内的允许。 Naturally, is some overseas lock code stages, the home does not permit the access likely, many countries do not permit. 当然,像是国外一些锁码台,国内还是不允许接入的,很多国家也都不允许。 Regarding renting of frequency band, this gave Kameido Masao to be good. The sixth sense group in US, Japan and European several countries, has the television station, although is not big, but also on the star channel, the matter in this aspect, Kameido Masao wants clear many compared with Feng Yu. 至于说频段的租赁,这个交给龟田正雄就好了。第六感集团在米国、岛国和欧洲几个国家,都有电视台,虽然不大,但也都上星频道,这方面的事儿,龟田正雄冯宇要清楚的多。 Can with oneself family|home Corporation satellite, why probably rent others? This satellite, must certainly hang in Wind & Rain Holding Company, Wind & Rain Holding Company made money, Kameido Masao is not same has to draw bonus. 能用自己家公司的卫星,为什么要租用别人的?这卫星,肯定是要挂在风雨控股旗下的,风雨控股赚了钱,龟田正雄不是一样有分红么。 You plan to make the television station, this I listened to Manager Jia to say. Does not make you make the television station, you have made any rancid fox channel.” “你还是打算弄电视台啊,这个我可是听贾台长说过。不让你弄电视台,你就弄了一个什么馊狐频道。” Director Fang, undeserved, the rancid fox channel is not I made that is rancid fox Corporation made. You looked that I am so lazy, which has free time the tube that internet/network Corporation matter.” 方主任,冤枉啊,馊狐频道可不是我弄得,那是馊狐公司弄得。你看我这么懒,哪有空去管那一个网络公司的事儿啊。” Director Fang is slanting is seeing Feng Yu, the meaning of that expression is very obvious: The attire, you continue to give me to install! 方主任斜着眼看冯宇,那眼神的意思很明显:装,你继续给我装! Was good, Chief Feng, you must buy this satellite, is you, is Corporation?” “行了,冯总,你要买这个卫星,是你个人,还是公司?” Is Corporation, the Wind & Rain Holding Company group. Our Wind & Rain Games do not hold the world athletics game big game, this world likes the person of athletics game is many, this is not the plan makes a game channel, special every day broadcasts various electronic skill live transmissions and video recording also some famous experts to explain anything.” “是公司,风雨控股集团。我们风雨游戏不是要举办世界竞技游戏大赛了么,这个全世界喜欢竞技游戏的人还是很多的,这不是打算弄一个游戏频道,专门每天播放各种电子竞技直播、录像还有名家讲解什么的。” What gadget? You for a game, but also makes a channel? Puts others to play the program of game , do some people look?” Obscure of Director Fang face, likes playing to play he to understand, but also do some people like looking at others to play the game? “啥玩意儿?你们为了一个游戏,还弄一个频道?放别人玩游戏的节目,也有人看?”方主任一脸的费解,喜欢玩游戏他能理解,还有人喜欢看别人玩游戏? Director Fang, did you have television video game(s) in childhood? No? Afterward had time, was the speed of development what kind of? You have not seen, some people do not play chess, but likes looking at others to play chess?” 方主任,你小时候有电视游戏机吗?没有吧?后来有了的时候,发展的速度怎么样?你就从来没见过,有人不怎么下棋,但偏偏喜欢看别人下棋吗?” Looks at others to play chess, that looks at the master, to raise own level.” Director Fang argued. “看别人下棋,那是看高手,为了提高自己的水平。”方主任辩解道。 Right, to raise own level, this electronic skill is also same. Our country acknowledged that the electronic skill is the 99 th sports, you should also be clear, this is the longan? Speaking of that any excessive preoccupation with trivia saps the will, existence is reasonable.” “没错,为了提高自己的水平,这个电子竞技也是一样。咱们国家已经承认了吧,电子竞技是第99种体育运动,你也应该清楚,这个是益智的吧?你还别说什么玩物丧志,存在即是合理。” You were the material were deficient at that time, therefore the spiritual life was more deficient. Do you believe that if you now is a child, guarantees also likes playing the game. You have a look in the Internet cafe, 30 - 40 years old person, is playing the game. Going to work time, others have not delayed, same can take the advanced worker.” “你那时候是物质匮乏,所以精神生活更加匮乏。你信不信,要是你现在是个孩子,保准也喜欢玩游戏。你在去网吧看看,很多三四十岁的人了,还是在玩游戏。上班的时候,人家也没耽误,一样能拿先进工作者。” Moreover this channel also incessantly faces our China, but also faces Europe and America, making a native of US , Europe also watch our programs, makes their money to go.” “而且这个频道还不止面对咱们华夏,还面对欧美,让欧美人也看咱们的节目,赚他们的钱去。” This...... You determined that can some people like looking?” Director Fang does not believe. “这……你确定能有人爱看?”方主任还是不相信。 I determined.” The Feng Yu heart said that did not say the previous generation many electronic skill channels, even if on internet/network , many electronic skills videos, hit rate superelevation. “我确定。”冯宇心说,不说前世有好多个电子竞技频道,就算是在网络上,也有很多电子竞技的视频,点击率都超高。 It looks like likes playing the basketball, saw that the basketball star same will be excited, same will like watching the competition of star, studies themselves and enriches. This electronic skill is also same, previous generation these electricity competition masters, have large quantities of fans similarly, electricity competes the illustration, can attain surely the wage! 就像是喜欢打篮球的,看到篮球明星一样会兴奋,一样会喜欢看明星的比赛,学习并充实自己。这个电子竞技也是一样,前世那些电竞高手,同样也有大批的粉丝,就连一个电竞解说,都能拿到千万薪水呢! I help you ask that this is all right probably, I am not clear, after all I am not responsible for these.” After Director Fang hesitates, complied. “那我帮你问问吧,这个好像是没事儿,我也不清楚,毕竟我不是负责这些的。”方主任迟疑后答应了。 That many thanks Director Fang, I make the commercial use. If the Eastern rainbow four generations of our country can develop successfully, in the future I definitely also will order 1-2, supports the domestic products.” “那就多谢方主任了,我就是做商业用途。如果咱们国家的东方虹四代能有研制成功,未来我肯定也订购一两个,支持国货么。” Director Fang shakes the head with a smile, supports the domestic products, pleasant to hear that said that how you do not buy the Eastern rainbow three generations now, has not shut out the active time to be short. 方主任笑着摇摇头,支持国货,说的好听,你现在怎么不买东方虹三代,还不是嫌弃服役时间短。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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