EG :: Volume #13

#1286: Satellite market reality

Feng Yu has to consider buys the satellite in China, however the China communications satellite, arrived at the Eastern rainbow three generations now, was the party the early 90's level. 冯宇不是没考虑过在华夏买卫星,但是华夏的通讯卫星,现在不过才到了东方虹三代,也就是国际先进的九十年代初水平。 Compared with internationally at this time advanced satellite, disparity big? 而跟国际上此时先进的卫星比起来,差距有多大呢? Simply from the economic perspective, the service year of Eastern rainbow three generations of satellites is eight years, but the satellite of party, the service year is 15 years. 简单从经济学角度来说吧,东方虹三代卫星的服役年限为八年,而国际先进的卫星,服役年限为15年。 One is to invest one time can use for 15 years, one is to invest one time can only use for eight years, the price, although has differed about one time, but a cost of satellite, not only but does the construction cost of satellite, launch the cost? 一个是投资一次可以用15年,一个是投资一次只能用八年,价格虽然相差了将近一倍,但一颗卫星的成本,可不只是卫星的造价,还有发射成本呢? Others launch one time, you must launch two, but now satellite launch price also very high, why China involves this domain, and can for some foreign satellite launches? Because of this time satellite launch lowest profit, has surpassed 20%, even some can reach as high as over 50%! 别人发射一次,你就要发射两次,而现在发射卫星的价格也非常的高,华夏为什么介入这个领域,并要为一些外国发射卫星呢?因为此时发射卫星最低的利润,都超过了20,甚至有的能够高达50以上! Except that US, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France, Britain, Japan, India and other countries in scrambling for this market, but in this most leading, is still the US. 除了米国,俄罗斯、乌克兰、德国、法国、英国、岛国、印度等多个国家都在争夺这块市场,而这里面最为领先的,依然是米国。 Next is Russia and Ukraine, because after Soviet Union disintegrates, Russia and Ukraine inherited many former Soviet Union intercontinental ballistic missiles, this re-equips slightly, can be used as the rocket the satellite launch. 其次就是俄罗斯和乌克兰,因为苏联解体后,俄罗斯、乌克兰都继承了不少的前苏联洲际导弹,这个稍微改装一下,就能作为火箭来发射卫星。 Originally these intercontinental ballistic missiles, according to the US-Soviet agreement, the strategic weapons that reduces, can only place, this instead recycles waste. 本来这些洲际导弹,就是根据美苏协议,削减下来的战略武器,只能放在库里,这回反而变废为宝。 Did not say that is zero cost, but also makes their costs drop rapidly, this US is the same. 不说是零成本,但也让他们的成本急速下降,这个米国是一样的。 Along with the China, India and other country of rising, the progress of some European national technologies, this market insufficiently divided in addition. The US thinks that moves Russia not cost-effective/worthwhile, that side is now poor, does not fear to go to war, moreover truly is also quite strong, therefore tries to find the solution, starts to punish the country of European and Asia. 随着华夏、印度等国家的崛起,加上欧洲一些国家技术的进步,这块市场不够分了啊。米国想了想,动俄罗斯划算,那边现在穷啊,不怕打仗,而且也确实比较强,于是就想办法,开始制裁欧洲和亚洲的国家。 Bears the brunt, is rising speed quickest China. 首当其冲的,就是崛起速度最快的华夏 China just had experienced the laid-off tide at that time, is in the labor pain time, moreover saw that this labor pain must pass, the economy of China must develop high-speed, the US has thought one move. 华夏那时候刚刚经历过下岗潮,正处于阵痛期,而且眼看着这个阵痛就要过去,华夏的经济要高速发展了,米国想了一个招。 First was a missile was crooked, has exploded a China embassy. Then concocts a report, said rocket that the China satellite launch uses, is the intercontinental ballistic missile. At that time what China used is an easy star rocket of ball multi- star, for saves the cost, the economic aspect, China has very big disparity with the US. 先是一颗导弹歪了,炸了华夏一个使馆。接着炮制一份报告,说华夏发射卫星用的火箭,就是洲际导弹。华夏那时候用的是一弹多星的易星火箭,为的就是节省成本,经济方面,华夏跟米国还是有很大差距的。 This easy star rocket, is the intercontinental ballistic missile of multiple warhead. All commercial satellite launches of China, to cover the research of military space and intercontinental ballistic missile. 这个易星火箭,就是多弹头的洲际导弹。华夏的所有商业卫星发射,就是为了掩盖军事航天和洲际导弹的研制工作。 Therefore the US does not permit China to launch the US satellite, making China unable to receive the satellite launch the order. Afterward looked, there is other order, therefore was intense, any had the satellite of US satellite part, did not permit China to launch, because they suspected the satellite technology of China larceny US! 于是米国不准华夏发射米国卫星,让华夏接不到发射卫星的订单。后来一看,还是有别的订单啊,于是变本加厉,任何有米国卫星部件的卫星,都不准华夏来发射,因为他们怀疑华夏偷窃米国的卫星技术! The US has displayed a series of fabricated charges to China, not only said the China larceny their satellite and other technologies, added the China larceny their nuclear technology, intercontinental ballistic missile technology, submarine technology wait / etc.. 米国给华夏罗列了一系列莫须有的罪名,不只是说华夏偷窃他们的卫星等技术,还说华夏偷窃他们的核武技术,洲际导弹技术,潜艇技术等等。 First did not say these technologies, if so is really good to steal, that the security protection of US was also too rotten, even if places some weak countries, does not have is so easy to steal, but also has stolen that many. 先不说这些技术如果真的那么好偷,那米国的安全防护也太烂了,就算是放在一些弱国,也没那么容易偷吧,还偷了那么多。 Said only they overall denied the China scientific research technology, denies contribution that the China scientists have made. Naturally, at that time really had much in the personnel of US That side Research institute work, returns to China unceasingly. However others return to their motherland, has the mistake? 单说他们全盘否定了华夏的科研技术,否定了华夏科学家们做出的贡献。当然,当时确实有不少在米国那边研究所工作的人员,不断回到华夏。但是别人回到自己的祖国,难道有错吗? According to the view of American, in the world any other countries, each science and technology that makes, steals the US. If this technology the US is better, that also stole other technologies of US to realize! 按照米国人的说法,世界上任何其他国家,取得的每一项科学技术进步,都是窃取米国的。如果说这项技术比米国的更好,那也是窃取了米国的其他技术才实现的! Naturally, afterward insisted American representative who these opinions, by being dumbfounded that China refutes. But no matter what, the US economically has also carried on certain sanction to China, particularly has seriously hindered the development of China aerospace technology. 当然,后来坚持这些言论的米国代表,被华夏驳斥的哑口无言。但不管怎么说,米国也在经济上对华夏进行了一定的制裁,尤其是严重阻碍了华夏航空航天技术的发展。 To put it bluntly is looked that China that several years of military power grows is too quick, the aerospace technology growth fast, felt the threat. 说白了就是看华夏那几年军事实力增长太快,航空航天技术增长飞快,感受到了威胁。 Another they also feared that China unites with Russia, then the aloof status of US, was challenged inevitably. 再一个他们也怕华夏俄罗斯联合,那么米国的超然地位,必然受到挑战。 But this result, urging China to think of another means that that with European that side cooperation. The US's influence to Europe is getting more and more weak, particularly the US often wants to punish Europe. Thinks initially to depend to Japan of US, when the US economy has the problem, Japan miserable, this gave Europe many countries to remind. 而这个结果,促使华夏想到了另外一个办法,那就是跟欧洲那边合作。米国对欧洲的影响力越来越弱,尤其是米国动不动就想制裁欧洲。想想当初靠向米国的岛国,在米国经济出现问题的时候,岛国有多惨,这给欧洲多国提醒了。 Therefore now China purchased the satellites of some European Cigna Corporation production, including one generation with Second Generation, the preparation promotes own technology. 于是现在华夏采购了一些欧洲信诺公司生产的卫星,包括一代和二代,准备提升自身的技术。 Most at least, must let satellite the life, can amount to for 15 years. 最起码的,要让卫星的寿命,能够达到15年啊。 On a communications satellite, several transponders, but transponder one year of rent, approaches 100 million US dollars. A satellite, including launch cost, several hundred million US dollars, launch a satellite, if can use normally for 15 years, the profit most little has ten times, even is higher! 一颗通讯卫星上,有十几个转发器,而一个转发器一年的租金,就接近100000000美元。一颗卫星,包括发射成本,也就几个亿美元而已,发射一颗卫星,如果能正常使用15年的话,利润最少有十倍,甚至更高! If this aspect can be monopolized by the US, will then have the how big sudden and huge profits. 这方面如果能被米国垄断,那么将有多么大的暴利啊。 Is good in the Feng Yu memory, in the future China satellite technology unceasing pursues the international advanced level, in certain aspects, even has achieved transcendence. 好在冯宇记忆中,未来华夏的卫星技术不断的追赶国际先进水平,在某些方面,甚至做到了超越。 Although profit anything, is inferior to European and American several big Corporation, but can achieve self-sufficiently, even traded to make money outward. 虽然利润什么的,还是不如欧美几家大公司,但已经能够做到自给自足,甚至向外贩卖赚钱了。 Even if at this time, China CZ-2 E and other rockets, can borrow the orders of many Asia, because is cheapest. Europe and America that side launch a satellite to take over a hundred million US dollars, China only to need 70 million US dollars. 30 million US dollars price difference, is not the small number. 就算是此时,华夏的长二捆等火箭,也能借到不少亚洲的订单,因为最便宜。欧美那边发射一颗卫星要上亿美元,华夏只需要70000000美元。30000000美元的差价,可不是小数目。 But now, China satellite technology, missed much, Russia in commercial satellite, was not good. Russia most excels, sells sending motor of launch vehicle, even trades the US. 而现在嘛,华夏的卫星技术,还是差了不少的,就连俄罗斯在商用卫星方面,都不行。俄罗斯最擅长的,就是卖运载火箭的发动机,甚至贩卖到米国。 The profit in this aspect, apparently does not have the profit of satellite entire profession to be high, even it can be said that sets the base. China saw this point, plans to make a fresh start, cannot take the Russia old route, has become the European and American big Corporation laborer. 这方面的利润,显然没有卫星整个行业的利润高,甚至可以说是垫底的。华夏就是看到了这一点,才打算另起炉灶,千万不能走上俄罗斯的老路,成了欧美大公司的打工仔。 China in turn will also compete with Europe and America in the future, don't you want to monopolize this market? China provides the take-out service, whole set satellite system, had all wrapped including the launch, operation and construction ground station, the training of manpower, attracted many Asian and African country very much. 华夏未来也反过来跟欧美竞争,你们不是想要垄断这个市场吗?华夏就提供打包服务,整套卫星系统,包括发射、运营、建造地面站、人员培训等全包了,很是吸引了很多亚洲、非洲国家。 This is an outright sale, not like European and American these Corporation, what provides rents the service. Can have the right to independence, naturally compared with renting cost-effective/worthwhile. 这是卖断,可不是像欧美那些公司一样,提供的是租赁服务。能有自主权,当然比租赁更加划算了。 ...... …… In two days, Ralph and Kirilenko feed back the news to Feng Yu, Kirilenko indicated that the Russia commercial satellite compared with China, the price will not be cheap. But Ralph told Feng Yu, that several Corporation that he related, are only willing to rent to the Feng Yu satellite, but is not willing to sell. 过了两天,拉尔夫基里连科都将消息反馈给冯宇,其中基里连科表示,俄罗斯的商用卫星不比华夏的强,价格也不会便宜。而拉尔夫则告诉冯宇,他联系的那几家公司,都只愿意租给冯宇卫星,而不愿意卖。 Feng Yu thinks that decided above looks helps. 冯宇想了想,决定找上头帮个忙。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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