EG :: Volume #13

#1285: Buys a satellite to play

Chief Feng, must say that this it man of the hour, you are most entitled. These very good creativity, the prosperity of it industry, could not have left you, may you reject.” Liu Chuanzhi said in side with a smile. 冯总,要说这个it风云人物,你最有资格。那些非常好的创意,还有it产业的繁荣,都离不开你,可偏偏你拒绝了。”刘传志在旁边笑着说道。 Old Liu, you do not tease I. My level, was inferior that your Corporation practice technician, the idea is good, if nobody does, is unable to become the reality. You, are too actually low-key this year, unexpectedly makes the Corporation people do not elect you.” “老刘,你就别打趣我了。我的水平,不如你们公司一个实习技术员,想法再好,要是没有人去做,也无法变成现实。倒是你,今年太低调了啊,居然让公司的人都不要选你。” Feng Yu fully realized own anything level, likes eating, will not represent will certainly do. Even if has carried the cookbook, not necessarily compares favorably with a chef in small restaurant. 冯宇是深知自己什么水平,喜欢吃,不代表一定会做。哪怕把菜谱背下来了,也未必比得上一个小餐馆的厨子。 Liu Chuanzhi shot a look at Feng Yu one: „Did you add me? Obviously you are ballot first, but you must let the person your famous stroke.” 刘传志瞥了冯宇一眼:“你还说我?明明你是选票第一名,可你非要让人把你的名字划了。” Although in 40 candidates does not have Feng Yu, but the people of these filling in ballots, in other that fences, have actually filled in the Feng Yu name, particularly ballot from Europe and America. 虽然40位候选人中都没有冯宇,但是那些填写选票的人,却都在其他那一栏,填上了冯宇的名字,尤其是来自欧美那边的选票。 That side person looks is very clear, the IT industry of China, is inseparable with Feng Yu. Although Feng Yu has not appeared in the onstage, but resembles China IT industry big Corporation, has the Feng Yu stock, even many develop under the support of Feng Yu. 那边的人看的很清楚,华夏的it行业,跟冯宇密不可分。虽然冯宇没有出现在前台,但好像华夏it行业很多大公司,都有冯宇的股份,甚至许多就是在冯宇的扶持下发展起来的。 Must say that Feng Yu does not have the qualifications, then who is entitled? 要说冯宇没有资格,那么谁有资格? Feng Yu makes the home the Company staff to him do not vote, but has not thought that the overseas these ballots elected him unexpectedly, but the home some Internet users anything, on own initiative have also chosen him. 冯宇只是让国内这边企业员工不要给他投票,但没想到,国外那些选票竟然都选他了,而国内这边也有一些网民什么的,主动选择了他。 Fortunately, this appraisal organization Feng Yu can also affect, prompt crossed out own name. Others thought that mounts the stage to receive an award is a glory, Feng Yu thought troubled, but must prepare one set of excuse, you said that whom Feng Yu should thank? 还好,这个评奖机构冯宇也能影响到,及时的将自己的名字划掉了。别人觉得上台领奖是一种荣耀,冯宇却觉得麻烦死了,还要准备一套说辞,你说冯宇该感谢谁? A main point, Feng Yu thought really one have not made anything, receives an award, always one type snatched others' glorious feeling. 最主要的一点,冯宇真的觉得自己没做什么,上去领奖,总有一种抢了别人荣耀的感觉。 The person on this stage, each is the previous generation ding-dong the expert, but also has the representatives of two country words. These two given names, slightly were weak little, Feng Yu did not even know. 这台上的人,每一位都是前世相当当的牛人,但其中也有两位国字号的代表。这二位的名号,就稍微弱了一点点,冯宇甚至都不认识。 But if Baidu these two personal history, very splendid. 但如果千度这二位的履历,也会非常的精彩。 In the state-owned enterprise, is many experts. After all the beforehand China policy, elite entered the state-owned enterprise and government employee/civil servant sequence, these general, takes over to the factory. 国企里面,还是有很多牛人的。毕竟之前华夏的政策,精英就都进了国企和公务猿序列,那些一般的,才到工厂接班呢。 Regarding going to sea to do business, are quite few. However many people, surfaced. These people have also caught up with the good time, at that time was nimble, is willing to endure hardship, a little personal connection, wanted to mix to raise one's head is also quite easy. 至于说下海经商的,也比较少。不过其中很多人,都脱颖而出了。这些人也是赶上了好时候,那时候头脑灵活,肯吃苦,又有一点人脉的,想要混出头也比较容易。 If wants to mix Lei Dajun their this degrees, not so was easy. Is better than history Dazhu, initially was one of the China ten big rich and powerful people, has not folded one time. 但是要想混到雷大军他们这个程度,却不那么容易了。强如史大柱,当初就是华夏十大富豪之一,不也折了一次么。 Must say in person who on the stage receives an award, most makes Feng Yu not think that is Yang Lan. 要说台上领奖的人中,最让冯宇没想到的,就是杨兰。 Once a Yang Tai director, when was reddest goes to the US to pursue advanced studies, then policy did not release people, therefore she resolutely resigned. After pursuing advanced studies to return, enters the phoenix satellite TV work, and established own work room. 曾经央台的一个主持人,在最红的时候去米国深造,当时的政策是不放人的,于是她就毅然决然的辞职了。深造归来后,进入风凰卫视工作,并创立了自己的工作室。 Is the director, while manages own Corporation, Yang Lan in the several years, managed the cultural industry, rose dramatically by own net worth, when first two years of stock price was highest, the net worth once approached two hundred million US dollars. 一边做主持人,一边经营自己的公司,杨兰在短短几年时间,经营文化产业,让自己的身家飙升,在前两年股价最高的时候,身家一度接近两个亿美元。 Even if now, hundred million US dollars net worth, and recently started quickly to rise again. 就算是现在,也还有一个多亿美元的身家,并且最近开始快速回升。 Yang Lan sunlight media, once continuously twice evaluated world 300 most potential small Company by «Forbes». Naturally, small Company in «Forbes» mouth, the property also takes over a hundred million US dollars. 杨兰的阳光传媒,曾连续两次被《福布斯》评为世界300家最具潜力的小型企业。当然,《福布斯》口中的小型企业,资产也是要上亿美元的。 In these, Feng Yu most is interested, is Yang Lan Corporation has the internet/network television. 这些中,冯宇最感兴趣的,就是杨兰的公司旗下有网络电视。 Internally, the internet/network television everywhere was limited. Not only the policy area, the internet/network construction of China is extremely slow. Moreover Feng Yu wants to establish the internet/network television station , the price ratio is troublesome, if establishes in Hong Kong, seemed simpler. 在国内,网络电视处处受到限制。不只是政策方面的,还有华夏网络建设太过缓慢。而且冯宇想要成立网络电视台,也比价麻烦,要是在香江成立,似乎就简单了许多。 On Yang Lan has many special characteristics, wisdom, courageous, firm and resolute, compatible, can be said as Yang Lan labels. 杨兰身上有许多特质,睿智、果敢、坚毅、亲和等,都可以说是杨兰的标签。 Naturally Yang Lan at this time the most remarkable label, is the China female representative. After all Olympic bid time, Yang Lan also attended as the China invited representative, was recalled to mind by the national audiences very much again, that once «Honorable Variety» beautiful woman director! 当然杨兰此时最显著的标签,就是华夏的女性代表。毕竟申奥的时候,杨兰也是作为华夏特邀代表出席了的,很是被全国观众再次记起,那个曾经的《正大综艺》美女主持人! Previous generation Yang Lan charity foundation, does also enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, she is one of the China female representatives. 前世杨兰的慈善基金会,做的也是风生水起,她算是华夏女性的代表之一。 Chief Feng, are you want to invest Yang Lan Corporation?” Zong Qingxian saw that Feng Yu has been staring at Yang Lan, guessed. 冯总,你这是想要投资杨兰的公司?”宗庆先看到冯宇一直盯着杨兰,猜测道。 Must say that Feng Yu to other Yang Lan ideas, Zong Qingxian actually does not believe. Did not say that their age slightly has disparity, said only he from Feng Yu expression, has not seen that desire. 要说冯宇对杨兰有些其他的想法,宗庆先却是不信的。不说两人岁数略有差距,单说他从冯宇眼神中,就没看到那种欲。 Turned head you to tell Zhang Chaoyang, Yang Lan Corporation, was happen to supplementary with the rancid fox channel, if can start the cooperation, rapidness that then can develop.” “回头你跟张超阳说一下,杨兰的公司,正好跟馊狐频道互补,如果能展开合作,那么会发展的更快。” Zong Qingxian also understands that originally Chief Feng had a liking for Yang Lan Corporation. However let alone, Yang Lan Corporation, is supplementary with some rancid fox truly many places. Moreover rancid fox not only now cooperates with Yang Tai, starts to seek with other television stations cooperates, if can open the Hong Kong market again, that quite in opening overseas market. 宗庆先也才明白过来,原来冯总看上了杨兰公司的这点啊。不过还别说,杨兰的公司,跟馊狐确实有很多地方互补。而且馊狐现在不只是跟央台合作,开始寻求跟其他电视台进行合作,要是能再打开香江的市场,那就相当于打开海外市场了。 Chief Feng, must say that development about rancid fox, Zhang Chaoyang has told me actually one time, but I think very difficult, happen to now tells you, you check.” 冯总,要说关于馊狐的发展,张超阳倒是跟我说过一次,不过我觉得很难,正好现在跟你说一下,你来把把关。” Zhang Chaoyang said that if purchases a television station from Hong Kong or Capital, then can on the star, be able to appear on television that in our China common people watch. Then copyright, internet/network operation anything became simply. As for the reaching an agreement program, believes everybody to profit by opinions from various sources, can definitely want to come out well some.” “张超阳说,如果从香江或者葡京收购一个电视台,然后就可以上星,可以出现在咱们华夏百姓收看的电视上。然后版权啊,网络运营啊什么的就变得简单许多了。至于说好节目,相信大家集思广益,肯定能想出来一些不错的。” „Does he want to purchase the television station?” Feng Yu pinched the chin to consider for quite a while, seemed not feasible. “他想要收购电视台?”冯宇捏着下巴考虑了半天,似乎也不是不可行。 Moreover before Second Young Master Li, is to run television station, this aspect asks him to help, should not be difficult. Regarding the words on star, procedure should not be difficult, externally, even can buy the satellite. 而且李二少之前就是经营电视台的啊,这方面找他帮个忙,应该不会太难。至于说上星的话,手续应该也不会太难,在国外,甚至可以自己买卫星呢。 Doesn't wait / etc., why buy a satellite? 等等,为什么不买一颗卫星呢? Future Baidu and other Corporation, are buys the satellite. One is communication security . Moreover the satellite can also have the multiple functions, for example map anything, the satellite phone, this is good. 未来的千度公司,都是自己买卫星啊。一个是通讯更加的安全,另外卫星也可以有多种用途嘛,比如地图什么的,还有卫星电话啊,这都不错。 Had a satellite, can handle a lot. 有了一颗卫星,能做很多事情呢。 Old Zong, you said that we do want to buy a satellite?” 老宗,你说咱们要不要买一颗卫星?” Zong Qingxian also waits to listen to the opinion of Feng Yu, suddenly heard Feng Yu to come such one, he had a scare. 宗庆先还等着听冯宇的意见呢,忽然听到冯宇来了这么一句,他吓了一跳。 Chief Feng, what did you say? Buys the satellite?!” 冯总,你说什么?买卫星?!” Right, doesn't the television station want on the star?” “对啊,电视台不是要上星吗?” „Was a that leased satellite channel OK? Why can buy?” “那个租用卫星一个频道就可以了啊?为什么要买?” We can afford, why can rent others? Moreover after we buy, but can also rent some channels to give others. Un, such has decided that turns head I to ask Brother Ki, or makes Ralph relate, buys a satellite to play!” “咱们自己买得起,为什么要租别人的?而且咱们买回来后,还可以租一些频道给别人啊。嗯,就这么定了,回头我问问基兄,或者让拉尔夫联系一下,买一颗卫星玩玩!” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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