EG :: Volume #13

#1284: IT man of the hour

leadership, fellow guests, good evening everybody. Welcome everybody to participate in the evaluation of second Aihua Cup China ten big it men of the hour, this list of candidates is still 50 people, separately from national each provinces and cities, autonomous regions, municipality and special administrative region......” “各位领导,各位来宾,大家晚上好。欢迎大家参加第二届爱华华夏十大it风云人物的评选,此次候选名单依然是50人,分别来自全国各个省市、自治区、直辖市和特别行政区……” How to make a profession emerge, not only need to see the advantage, but must to see the name. 如何让一个行业兴起,不但要让人看到利,还要让人看到名。 Most people, even, said all people extremely, the fetter of difficult running away fame and fortune. Some professions make money, but many people are not willing to do, some professions are command respect, but some same many people are not willing to do. 绝大多数人,甚至极端一点,说所有人,都难逃名利的束缚。有的行业赚钱,但是很多人不愿去做,有的行业受人尊敬,但一样有很多人不愿意去做。 When a profession not only can help you obtain the name, and can let you obtain the advantage the time, the person who is engaged in this profession will be getting more and more, can make this profession more and more prosperous. 当一个行业既能让你获得名,又能让你获得利的时候,那么从事这个行业的人就会越来越多,也能让这个行业变得越来越兴盛。 Before many people saw IT industry Daxing, made money very much. Makes the computer, makes internet/network, or makes software anything, very much makes money. 之前很多人看到it行业大兴,很赚钱。无论是做计算机,还是做网络,又或者是做软件什么的,都很赚钱。 However had not actually seen that this profession can be respected, you boasted with others that my son makes the software, others are confused, what is a software? 但是却没看到这个行业能够得到尊重,你跟别人吹嘘,我儿子是做软件的,别人都是一头雾水,啥叫软件? However starting from last year, all these were different, because many people on the television, in Yang Tai, saw the forms of these people, even saw national heavyweight leadership promulgates personally, knows that this profession so is unexpectedly important. 不过从去年开始,这一切就不同了,因为很多人在电视上,在央台,看到了这些人的身影,甚至看到了一位国家重量级领导亲自来颁奖,才知道这个行业竟然如此重要。 Previous generation China has such an award item, to promote the development of profession, moreover commends the contribution that these artificial industry growths make. If no these people, perhaps this profession, must be monopolized by the foreign country. 前世华夏就有这么一个奖项,一个是为了促进行业的发展,另外也是表彰这些人为行业发展做出的贡献。如果没有这些人,这个行业,恐怕又要被外国所垄断了。 But this, Feng Yu first raises, must make such a prize, must the it industrial reorganization together, should not be divided into the computer, software and internet/network anything, these are not it, everybody cannot leave anyone. 而这一世,冯宇则第一个提出来,要弄这么一个奖,要将it产业整合到一起,不要分成计算机、软件、网络什么的,这些不都是it么,大家谁也离不开谁。 Only then these effective unions, forms an ecological industry circle, can let all profession fast development. hardware cannot follow, the software good not to be again good, cannot lead. The software is good, does not have internet/network, turns into the single plane, that will be short of many pleasure without doubt, these complement one another. 只有将这些有效的结合起来,形成一个生态产业圈,才能让所有行业都快速的发展。硬件跟不上,软件再好也不行啊,带不动。软件好,没有网络,变成单机的,那无疑会少了许多乐趣,这些都是相辅相成的。 Therefore Feng Yu this proposition, had many person's support, particularly support of above leadership. 于是冯宇这个提议,就得到了很多人的支持,尤其是上面领导的支持。 The science and technology is the foremost productive forces, above leadership is most desired, is the advance in technology of China. Since made the result, should give the commendation, let alone was not they disburses money, has Aihua Electronics supported not? 科技是第一生产力,上面领导最希望看到的,就是华夏的科技进步。既然做出成绩了,就应该给予表彰,更何况又不是他们出钱,爱华电子赞助了不是吗? To make a prize, is not that easy. First must be able to allow everybody to participate, others participated, you must reimburse the round-trip travel expense, provides the board and lodging and location? 想要做一个奖,也不是那么容易的。首先要能让大家都来参加,人家来参加了,你得报销往返路费,提供食宿和场地吧? Must relate the media, reports? Cannot say that your this prize is in the small group plays. 还有要联系媒体,进行报道吧?总不能说,你这个奖是自己小圈子里玩的啊。 The awarding cup must manufacture, even if makes a small advantage, synthetic quartz, but can you have express? Anything indicated that bonus! 奖杯要制作吧,就算弄个便宜的,人造水晶的,但你也要有一些表示吧?什么表示,奖金啊! What, you said that these people don't care about the bonus? Can become man of the hour, definitely is not short of money. Can change a way, in the name of their, contributes a sum of money. 什么,你说那些人都不在乎奖金?能成为风云人物的,肯定都不差钱。可以换一个方式嘛,以他们的名义,捐出一笔钱啊。 Therefore Feng Yu lets Aihua Electronics and Aihua Appliances union, has supported this China ten big it men of the hour, and has related Yang Tai, makes the live broadcast. 于是冯宇就让爱华电子爱华电器联合,赞助了这个华夏十大it风云人物,并联系了央台,做现场直播。 This point, above leadership agreed that cannot say that this prize tops the name of country, then didn't Yang Tai report? Also, leadership must beam with joy. 这一点,上面领导同意了,总不能说,这个奖冠上国家的名义,然后央台都不报导吧?再说了,领导也要露脸呢。 After Yang Tai participation report, Sina net, rancid fox net and other large-scale well-known website, has contributed a strength for this reason, made a voting to link. 央台参与报导后,薪浪网、馊狐网等这些大型知名网站,也为此贡献了一份力量,做了一个投票链接。 Naturally, they do not owe, can the voting link page of Sina net, not propagandize their Chairman King Zhixi, the rancid fox net to dare not to propagandize Zhang Chaoyang? 当然,他们也不亏,薪浪网的投票链接页面,能不宣传他们的董事长王志西吗、馊狐网敢不宣传张超阳吗? Some mainstreams newspapers, magazines and other news media, for this reason carried on the propaganda to drum up support, even has also included some overseas media. 一些主流的报纸、杂志等新闻媒体,也都为此进行了宣传造势,甚至还包括了一些国外的媒体。 Naturally, the ballot is the paper, posts with the letter. On internet/network that voting links, but makes you know that has such a matter, how told you to vote, can throw to whom wait / etc., but was this, last year ballot had the small accident. 当然,选票都是纸质的,用信件寄送过来的。网络上那个投票链接,只是让你知道有这么一个事儿,告诉你怎么投票,可以投给谁等等,但就是这样,去年的选票还是出现了一点小意外。 What accident, some people the ballot throws to of bystanders non- 50 candidates, you said that this ballot should become invalid? Indicated that they have left out some people? 什么意外呢,就是有人将选票投给了非50位候选人之一的外人,你说这选票是否该作废?是不是表示,他们漏掉了一些人? But this year, then has carried on some changes, the candidate turned into 40, if simultaneously some people opposed that can fill in ten newspapers to come up, similarly is effective. 而今年,则进行了一些改变,候选人变成了40位,同时如果有人反对,可以自己填写十位报上来,同样有效。 Like this candidate, was not only 50, for the statistics of ballot, increased not the small difficulty. 这样候选人,就不仅仅是50位了,也为选票的统计,增加了不小的难度。 But has not related, Feng Yu believes in any case, elects first ten, definitely have Liu Chuanzhi and King Zhixi, Li Yanhong they. 但都没关系,反正冯宇相信,选出来的前十,肯定还是有刘传志、王志西、李严宏他们这些人。 However this year, believes that Ma Yun and history Dazhu also had very big opportunity, after all they were also the development of IT industry, has made the major contribution. 不过今年,相信马运、史大柱也有很大机会了,毕竟他们也为it行业的发展,做出了重大的贡献。 The directors said that beginning word, is leadership comes to power to speak as usual. This year the leadership rank is not low, was completed to speak a few words directly, was mainly encourages, thanked anything, but made everybody has the sense of honor, because of this leadership, but the country of representative. 主持人说完开场词,照例是领导上台讲话。今年来的领导级别也不低,直接脱稿讲了一段话,主要就是勉励啊,感谢啊什么的,不过却让大家更加有荣誉感了,因为这位领导可是代表的国家。 The ancients said that the riches and honor do not return home, just likes the brocade clothes travels by night. 古人说,富贵不还乡,犹如锦衣夜行。 They are also same, if becomes outstanding, could not be known by the people, there is a feeling that the brocade clothes travels by night. We have achieved the world leader, even is the world first, won for the motherland! 他们也是一样,要是出人头地,还不能被国人知道的话,也有锦衣夜行的感觉。我们做到了世界前列,甚至是世界第一,为国争光了! „...... This year altogether receives valid ballot 263,583, from national each area, but also has included the 27 national areas in overseas, explained that the influences of our award item are also getting bigger and bigger, internationally, had very high popularity......” “……今年总共收到有效选票263583张,来自全国各个地区,还包括了海外的27个国家地区,说明我们这个奖项的影响力也越来越大,在国际上,也拥有了很高的知名度……” Does Feng Yu curl the lip below, has certain popularity also almost, very high two characters from where mentions? However considers as finished, this type toward the matter that oneself toot one's own horn, does not need to pierce, everybody happily good. 冯宇在下面撇撇嘴,拥有一定的知名度还差不多,很高两个字从何谈起?不过算了,这种往自己脸上贴金的事儿,也没必要戳穿,大家高兴就好。 leadership gets on the stage once more: I announced that what the second Aihua Cup China ten big it men of the hour win an award, Lei Dajun, Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation software President Corporation. Yang Lan, Hong Kong sunlight culture internet/network television President Limited Company. history Dazhu, Chinese net Chairman, resists person internet/network Chairman and CEO. Ma Yun, Alibaba group Chairman and president. Li Yanhong, Baidu Corporation Chairman and CEO. Li Zekai, wins branch group Chairman and president......” 领导再次走上台:“我宣布,第二届爱华华夏十大it风云人物获奖的是,雷大军,连想银山软件公司总裁。杨兰,香江阳光文化网络电视有限公司主席。史大柱,华人网董事长,拒人网络董事长ceo马运,阿里吧吧集团董事长兼总裁。李严宏,千度公司董事长ceo李泽锴,赢科集团董事长兼总裁……” Li Zekai curious looks at Feng Yu: How also to have me?” No wonder Feng Yu telephone message he participates in this Awards Ceremony, but also thinks that Feng Yu is shouted he went through the motions , helping to promote the specification, after all he is the representative Hong Kong it elite. 李泽锴好奇的看着冯宇:“怎么还有我?”难怪冯宇电话通知他过来参加这个颁奖晚会,还以为冯宇是喊他来走个过场,帮着提升一下规格呢,毕竟他是代表香江的it精英嘛。 How cannot have you, this is everybody elects, I ensure does not have the safety strip. Also, has won branch group is also the representative of Hong Kong it science and technology, electing you is very normal. Mounts the stage to receive an award quickly, the leadership age is not small, making the person wait for not the politeness.” “怎么就不能有你,这可是大家选出来的,我保证没有暗箱操作。再说了,赢科集团也是香江it科技的代表,选你也很正常嘛。快去上台领奖吧,领导岁数也不小,让人等着可不礼貌。” The Feng Yu heart said that I do not have the safety strip, but leadership has. You are representative Hong Kong, moreover little has not won externally the prize, if domestic this prize you, haven't appeared this prize have the issue? If is really defers to the ballot, you arrange at exactly 11 th, after all the domestic ballot are more, therefore ranks tenth that to make the anti-virus software, can only yield. 冯宇心说,我没有暗箱操作,但是领导有啊。你是代表香江的,而且在国外也没少拿奖,要是国内这个奖没有你,岂不是显得这个奖有问题了?如果真是按照选票来的话,你恰好排在第11,毕竟国内的选票更多,于是排名第十的那个做杀毒软件的,就只能让步了。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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