EG :: Volume #13

#1283: Yo, post

In two days, there is a good news to transmit, the Baidu post got online. 过了两天,又有好消息传来,千度的贴吧上线了。 Original Baidu looked good that Sohu and other Corporation the forums make, some interested parties, gather in online, the exchange discussed that was welcome very much, therefore the Baidu person suggested with Li Yanhong that our Baidu can also make the forum. 本来千度看搜狐等公司的论坛做的不错,一些感兴趣的人,聚在网上,交流讨论,很是受人欢迎,于是千度的人就跟李严宏建议,咱们千度也可以做论坛啊。 But this proposition, by Li Yanhong otherwise. 可是这个提议,被李严宏否了。 The forum is good, the information content is big, the information update is quick, interactivity, but now the forum were too many, the rancid fox by better resources incline, grabbed the biggest market share, behind also has Xici, horizon and other emerging website, in addition Sina and net hundred million are also making the forum, this forum arrived at the time of outstanding heroes compete. 论坛是不错,信息量大,信息更新快,交互性强,但是现在论坛太多了,馊狐凭借更好的资源倾斜,占据了最大的市场份额,后面还有西祠、天涯等新兴网站,加上薪浪、网亿等也都在做论坛,这个论坛已经到了群雄逐鹿的时代。 The proverb was not said that person the altruism had, the person had me fine, the worldly person I transferred. 老话不是说么,人无我有,人有我精,人精我转。 Others present not only has, but also has achieved the essence, do you also go to capture the market? 别人现在不但有,而且已经做到了精,你还怎么进去抢市场? Therefore Li Yanhong proposed another tentative plan, that makes the post. 于是李严宏提出了另外一个设想,那就做贴吧。 The post with the forum maximum difference, is not divided the sector, oneself construct. Any topic, can construct a post, depends on the Baidu formidable search function, supports this business development. Future time, the post same can carry on the increment charge, for example member anything. 贴吧与论坛最大的不同,就是不分版块,自己建吧。任何一个话题,都能建造一个贴吧,依托千度强大的搜索功能,来支撑这项业务发展。将来的时候,贴吧一样可以进行增值收费,比如会员啊什么的。 Such an online exchange platform, moreover does not have the fetters of other forum moderators, definitely will obtain a quicker development. 这么一种在线交流平台,而且没有其他论坛版主的束缚,肯定会得到更快的发展。 Moreover this individual Corporation was unable to imitate, because this is one type based on the keyword subject exchange community, with the search closely links. Grasps the user's needs accurately, lives for interest. 而且这个别的公司还无法模仿,因为这是一种基于关键词主题交流社区,与搜索紧密结合在一起。准确把握用户需求,为兴趣而生。 Domestic this time has other search engine, but the scale and function are unable to place on a par with Baidu. As the matter stands, core technologies grasp in Baidu Corporation, can monopolize this market. 国内此时不是没有别的搜索引擎,但是规模和功能都跟千度无法相提并论。这样一来,核心技术就掌握在千度公司手里,就能独占这块市场。 Without the competition, the natural development can be more rapid. Even if were the future presented similar product, but the user has been used to the Baidu post, based on user inertia, Baidu post, can lead the field! 没有竞争,自然发展就能更快。哪怕是未来出现了类似的产品,但用户已经习惯了千度的贴吧,基于用户惯性,千度的贴吧,也能独占鳌头! What is most important, the post is the Baidu origination, overseas Google, or is other search engine core Corporation, does not have this product, this made Baidu first time lead the global colleagues! 最重要的是,贴吧是千度首创的,国外的古歌,或者是其他搜索引擎核心公司,也没有这种产品,这让千度第一次领先了全球同行! Once achieves the world to be in the lead, then the brand value can rise suddenly, this will go on the market to next year Baidu Corporation, has very big advantage. 而一旦做到全球领先,那么品牌价值就能急剧攀升,这对明年千度公司上市,有非常大的好处。 Is receives the anticipation Corporation, after the listing, the stock price rises is quicker, but these were rewarded the primitive stock undertaking personnel, can obtain more profits. 越是受到期待的公司,上市后,股价涨的就越快,而那些被奖励了原始股的创业人员,就能分得越多的利润。 Li Yanhong to had pledged with the person who he started an undertaking together, in the future everybody must become 1 million wealthy men, surely wealthy man, even was the billionaires. 李严宏曾经对跟他一起创业的人承诺过,未来人人都要成为1000000富翁,千万富翁,甚至是亿万富翁。 But the simplest means that are make the Corporation stock price rise dramatically, let all staff, therefore profits. Let the benefit of staff, with the Corporation benefit closely links, this can create the best work atmosphere, letting the staff can for Corporation diligently. 而最简单的办法,就是让公司的股价飙升,让所有的员工,都因此受益。让员工的利益,与公司的利益紧密结合在一起,这样就能营造最好的工作氛围,让员工可以为了公司更加努力。 This time post, just ended in had measured that formally starts beta-test. 此时的贴吧,刚刚结束了内测,正式开始公测 The Feng Yu point opens the page, enters, has discovered many issues. 冯宇点开页面,进入其中,发现了许多问题。 First pastes has not classified. Although said that the post is any interest hobby can become the internet/network community of subject, but if some people want to look for similar subject, without the classification, will be very difficult. 首先贴吧没有分类。虽然说,贴吧是任何一个兴趣爱好都能成为主题的网络社区,但如果有人想要找类似的主题,没有分类的话,就会很困难。 Although said that the post does not need like the forum, closes right up against the moderator management of various classified forums, but does not have the classified words, is insufficiently convenient, is more impossible to snatch the user of forum. 虽然说贴吧不需要像论坛一样,靠着各分类论坛的版主管理,但是没有分类的话,还是不够方便,更不可能抢过论坛的用户。 Another, post the registering page is not very clear, after coming, is equal to the tourist of forum, must train the custom that the user registers, such future will unveil the value-added service time, can better creating income. Otherwise everybody does not need to spend, you must provide various compensated services, when can that compensate? 另外一个,贴吧的登录页面还不够清晰,进来后,就是相当于论坛的游客,要培养用户登录的习惯,这样将来推出增值服务的时候,才能更好的创收。否则大家都不需要花钱,你还要提供各种有偿服务,那得赔到啥时候? ...... …… Chief Li, my Feng Yu. Only heard that the Baidu post got online beta-test, this product, was the international origination, Chief Li is really the great ability.” Feng Yu praised one first. 李总吗,我冯宇啊。刚刚听说千度的贴吧上线公测了,这个产品,可是国际首创,李总果然是大才。”冯宇先夸奖了一句。 „The Chief Feng erroneous approved, this is the idea that everybody profits by opinions from various sources, I do not dare to covet the merit. However we are confident to this product, we believe that in the future this product, will certainly substitute for the forum, becomes the people most commonly used internet/network exchange community.” 冯总谬赞了,这是大家集思广益的想法,我可不敢贪功。不过我们都对这个产品非常有信心,我们认为,将来这个产品,必将取代论坛,成为人们最常用的网络交流社区。” Li Yanhong is also very proud person, has discarded the high salary of US, returns to homeland to start an undertaking. Is rough, currently finally has some result. 李严宏也是非常骄傲的人,舍弃了米国的高薪,回国创业。一路非常坎坷,现在总算是有一些成绩了。 Initially his many idea, many people did not support, but Feng Yu unusual support, is Baidu can have today the achievement important reason. 当初他的很多想法,许多人都不支持,但是冯宇都非常的支持,也是千度能有今天成就的重要原因。 For example initially Baidu provided the search engine support to various internet/network Corporation, this was also at that time the origins of Baidu all income. Afterward Li Yanhong decided that wanted to be independent, made independent search engine website, and launched the tendering rank. 比如当初千度是给各网络公司提供搜索引擎支持的,这也是当时千度所有收入的来源。后来李严宏决定,要独立出来,做独立的搜索引擎网站,并展开竞价排名。 This idea, in then Corporation, all management opposed that makes the tendering rank, in the short-term has not received, and lost the sources of income of these website, Baidu this does! 这个想法,在当时的公司,所有高管都反对,做竞价排名,短期内是没有收入的,而又失去了那些网站的收入来源,千度这是作死啊! But Feng Yu said to him that goes about something with a free hand, if the fund is insufficient, then loans also well, the Feng Yu capital is also once more good, certainly will support. 冯宇却对他说,放手去做吧,如果资金不够,那么贷款也好,冯宇再次注资也行,一定会支持到底。 Therefore Li Yanhong has launched the lightning plan, must in a short time, technically pursue even surmounts Google Corporation, what rejoices, they succeeded. 为此李严宏展开了闪电计划,就是要在短期内,技术上追赶甚至超越古歌公司,庆幸的是,他们成功了。 Although the domestic gateway website majority of search engine has used the Google technology, even some have also used South Korean and Russia technology, but Baidu, and truly has achieved technically side by side Google. 虽然国内门户网站大部分的搜索引擎都采用了古歌的技术,甚至还有一些采用了南韩和俄罗斯的技术,不过千度挺过来了,并且真正做到了技术上比肩古歌 Naturally, for this reason Baidu Corporation has also spent a lot of money. Initially had the support of Feng Yu luckily, otherwise Baidu is really also not necessarily able very to come. 当然,为此千度公司也花费了很多的钱。幸好当初有冯宇的支持,否则千度还真未必能挺过来。 At that time if Feng Yu did not support, then Feng Yu had the opportunity, received in Baidu the pouch completely, others do not know that Li Yanhong was clear, Google major stockholder, was Feng Yu. 当时如果冯宇不支持,那么冯宇是有机会,将千度完全收入囊中的,别人不知道,李严宏可是清楚,古歌的大股东,也是冯宇 He still remembers that Feng Yu initially had said to him, China should in the search engine technology, achieve the world to be top, I think that you can achieve, he can very proud loudness say now: I achieved! 他还记得冯宇当初对他说过,华夏应该在搜索引擎技术上,达到世界顶尖,我想你能做到,他现在可以很自豪的大声说:我做到了! But now, Baidu leading has promoted the post, he believes that good that more and more Baidu can definitely develop. 而如今,千度又领先世界的推出了贴吧,他相信,千度肯定会发展的越来越好。 Chief Li does not need to be modest, this post I had tried a moment ago, had discovered the small issue, wants to exchange with you.” 李总不必谦虚,这个贴吧刚才我试了一下,发现了一点小问题,想要跟你交流一下。” Chief Feng please say.” Li Yanhong somewhat knits the brows, Chief Feng did not understand the people of it technology to discover the issue, in these were the person who measured suddenly not to discover? 冯总请说。”李严宏有些皱眉,冯总一个不懂it技术的人都发现了问题,那些做内测的人竟然都没发现? First, the post has not classified. I know that the post is any topic can become a discussion community, but if I do want to search a kind of being interested topic specially the post? For example, big star. This may not have at other forums, but our Baidu post can have, the star, believes that will reply on the strength of star, attraction many fans joins.” “第一个,贴吧并没有分类。我知道贴吧是任何话题都能成为一个讨论社区的,但是如果我想专门搜索一类感兴趣话题的贴吧呢?比如说,大明星。这个在其他论坛上可没有,但我们千度的贴吧可以有,明星吧,相信会借助明星的力量,吸引很多粉丝加入的。” „The second point, post the search must optimize, some Lord, looks like the forum moderator on internet/network is the same, they have many supporters, why can't have according to the author searches?” “第二点,贴吧的搜索也要优化,一些吧主,就像是网络上的论坛版主一样,他们也有很多支持者,那么为什么不能有按作者搜索?” „The third point, post the registering page is not very clear, above also has many writing descriptions, I know that this is the novice guides, but extremely complicated, making user excavate, is a pleasure...... Naturally, these are my some humble opinions, only supplies Chief Li to refer.” “第三点,贴吧的登录页面还不够清晰,上面还有很多的文字描述,我知道,这算是新手引导,但是太过繁复了,让用户自己去发掘,也是一种乐趣……当然,这些都是我的一些浅见,仅供李总参考。” Li Yanhong silent long time, returned with Feng Yu a few words: Chief Feng great ability!” 李严宏沉默了半晌,用冯宇刚才的一句话回过去:“冯总大才!” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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