EG :: Volume #13

#1282: This called a to praise

In many people when registers the Chinese net, Feng Yu has also registered an account number, a search, obtained by search Wen Dongjun. The head picture of this goods, owed flatly, on the neck has hung that many gold medals, made that resembled is world champion. 在很多人都在注册华人网的时候,冯宇也注册了一个账号,一搜索,就搜到文东军了。这货的头像,太欠扁了,脖子上挂了那么多金牌,弄得好像自己是世界冠军似的。 damn obviously is others, the facial skin was too thick! tm明显都是别人的,脸皮太厚了! The university roommate, Feng Yu increased, the good friend of high school, had Liu Kun except for Wen Dongjun and Zhang Han, as for other people, related at that time general. 大学室友,冯宇添加了,高中的好朋友,除了文东军张涵就只有刘坤了,至于其他人,那时候关系都一般。 However Feng Yu attempted to search a university roommate of next previous generation, has not thought that also really obtained by search one unexpectedly, originally in the memory already blurred that face, at this time slowly clear. 不过冯宇尝试搜索了一下前世的大学室友,没想到竟然还真搜到了一个,本来在记忆中已经模糊了的那张脸,此时又慢慢清晰了起来。 What what a pity is, Feng Yu increase opposite party, but the opposite party had not agreed that it seems like he does not like the stranger. 可惜的是,冯宇添加对方,而对方并未同意,看来他还是不喜欢加陌生人啊。 However has not related, previous generation time, these university roommates also mix, at least the house and wives have, in the family|home does not have any too big misfortune. 不过没关系,前世的时候,那些大学室友也混的都还可以,至少房子、老婆都有,家里也没什么太大的不幸。 These people, bury in memory, do not disturb their life. If one day can also meet, that was really the fate. 这些人,就埋藏在记忆中吧,还是别打扰他们的生活了。万一有一天还能遇上,那就真的是缘分了。 Chinese net this time page is quite simple, the function are not many. The principal function, is the person who relation once could not find. At present this point, does is much better compared with the school of previous generation. 华人网此时的页面还比较简单,功能也不多。主打的功能,就是联系曾经找不到的人。眼下这一点,做的比前世的校内要好得多。 The home page, the personal web page, photo album, good friend and diary and share six, these functions, are quite commonly used, Feng Yu selected look, these did also good. 首页、个人主页、相册、好友、日志和分享六项,这些功能,都是比较常用的,冯宇点开了看看,这些做的还不错。 The personal web page is the same with the oq space, can carry on the personalized establishment, moreover establishes the aspect in the personalization, does artistic. However Feng Yu believes that before long, the oq space can catch up, the penguin is such mysterious Corporation. 个人主页跟oq空间一样,可以进行个性化设置,而且在个性化设置方面,做的更加的美观。不过冯宇相信,过不了多久,oq空间就能赶上,企鹅就是这么一家神奇的公司 From this point, the penguin has some Japan Corporation shadows. Japan Corporation once was denounced, imitates others' product frequently, but can do is more careful than the opposite party, the service is better, thus captures the market, and defeats the inventor, even purchases. 从这一点上来说,企鹅有一些岛国公司的影子。岛国公司曾经就被人诟病,经常模仿别人的产品,但是都能做的比对方更加细致,服务更好,从而将市场抢过来,并将创造者打败,甚至收购。 The previous generation penguin also really has Japan venture capital, but this, did not have the Japan Corporation anything matter. However Feng Yu has not thought that penguin Corporation this strategy also has unexpectedly, is centered on the oq software, develops various applications, each perhaps gains are not many, but synthesizes, was very terrifying. 前世企鹅也确实有岛国风投,但是这一世,就没岛国公司什么事儿了。但是冯宇没想到,企鹅公司这种策略居然还有,以oq软件为核心,开发各种应用,每一项或许赚的都不多,但综合起来,就很恐怖了。 Naturally, in the future the Chinese net like this, will also develop various applications to make money. Otherwise only Chinese net free service, but also can not compensate. 当然,未来华人网也会这样,开发各种应用来赚钱。否则单凭华人网这种免费的服务,还不得赔死啊。 Feng Yu saw Wen Dongjun to share an article, was a reprint from the article of rancid fox forum, was said that China formally passed, electronic skill, as the article of 99 th sports. 冯宇看到文东军分享了一篇文章,是一个转载自馊狐论坛的文章,是说华夏正式通过,将电子竞技,作为第99项体育运动的文章。 Well, was electronic skill, such already acknowledged by the official? 咦,电子竞技,这么早就被官方承认了? When the previous generation is, Feng Yu has not paid attention, at the Feng Yu level, arrives at the Internet cafe with others online, others dislike his dish, is straightforward, is the pit. 前世是什么时候,冯宇还真没关注过,以冯宇的水平,到网吧跟人家联机,别人都嫌他菜,再直白一点,就是坑。 This article is good, can have very big promotion to the game. In fact the suitable game, is very good. If the people reduce to can only for the material life struggle time, that was also too pitiful, must have some spiritual life. 这篇文章好啊,对游戏会有很大的促进。事实上适当的游戏,还是很好的。人要是沦落到只能为物质生活奋斗的时候,那也太可悲了,总要有一些精神生活。 The game is also one of the spiritual life, can ease the pressure that goes to work, can relax even happily. Naturally, is certainly moderate, extremely wallows is not good. 游戏也是精神生活的一种,可以缓解上班的压力,可以让人放松甚至开心。当然,一定要适度,太过沉迷还是不行。 Feng Yu retransmits this article immediately, but wants to select approves, the discovery simply has not actually selected the button of to praise. 冯宇马上转发这篇文章,但是想点赞的时候,却发现根本没有点赞的按钮。 The previous generation was used to it, retransmits article that liked, always wants to select a to praise. Or sends an article, said even the condition the time, if some people select to praise, will think very good. If people in point to praise do not have, that lonely. 前世习惯了,转发一篇自己喜欢的文章,总是想点个赞。或者说自己发一篇文章、说说甚至状态的时候,如果有人点赞,也会觉得很不错。要是一个点赞的人都没有,那得多孤独啊。 Feng Yu works on the telephone immediately, has hit to history Dazhu: history Zong, busy?” 冯宇马上抓起电话,给史大柱打了过去:“史总,忙吗?” „It is not busy, Chief Feng what matter?” “不忙,冯总什么事?” history Dazhu is very curious, Feng Yu is all right generally, little contacts them, today calls him on own initiative, definitely has any matter. 史大柱很好奇,冯宇一般没事儿的时候,很少跟他们联系,今天主动打电话给他,肯定是有什么事儿。 The Chinese net just got online, his worry is website had problems. He volunteers services to be responsible for this Corporation, must have problems, that may lose face too! 华人网刚刚上线,他就担心是网站出了什么问题。他毛遂自荐负责这家公司,要出问题了,那可太丢人了! history did Zong, that Chinese net you register?” “史总,那个华人网你注册了吧?” Registered, didn't oneself Corporation product, how possibly support? Was Chief Feng, what loophole website has?” “注册了啊,自己公司的产品,怎么可能不支持?冯总,是网站出现什么漏洞了?” In the history big core thump, should not be will be worried about anything, has anything. 史大柱心里咯噔一下,该不会是担心什么,就发生什么吧。 Loophole had not discovered actually, but I thought that should increase some functions.” “漏洞倒是没发现,但是我觉得应该增加一些功能。” history Dazhu relaxed, does not have the loophole to be good. If that many technical personnel test has not discovered the loophole, such short time had been discovered by Feng Yu, but really became laughs. 史大柱松了口气,不是出现漏洞就好。要是那么多技术人员测试都没发现漏洞,这么短时间就被冯宇发现了,可就真成笑话了。 Chief Feng thinks that what function should increase? Increases in the original foundation, increases newly some?” The Chinese net must certainly increase the new function in the future, how otherwise to gain, now these may be free. 冯总认为应该增加什么功能?是在原有的基础上增加,还是增加一些新的?”华人网未来肯定是要增加很多新功能的,否则怎么盈利啊,现在这些可都是免费的。 Is that share retransmits, on the person main page condition, the diary, the photo album, can increase a new function.” “就是那个分享转发,还有个人主页上面的状态,日志,相册等,都可以增加一个新功能。” history Dazhu moves the left hand from right hand the telephone, the right hand point opens own Chinese net main page, is what new function, can increase to these? 史大柱将电话从右手挪到左手,右手点开自己的华人网主页,是什么新功能,可以增加到这些上面? He looked, had not discovered that what common ground these things do have? 他看了一下,也没发现这些东西有什么共同点啊? „Is the new function that Chief Feng, you said what?” 冯总,你说的新功能是什么?” You looked that we select another personal web page of person, will stay behind glances over the record is right? Then we look at others' main page, generally looks is the condition, diary and photo album, others shared something new is right?” “你看啊,我们点开另外一个人的个人主页,会留下浏览记录对吧?那么我们看别人的主页,一般看的都是状态、日志、相册,还有别人分享的新鲜事对吧?” Right, but can also through the main page good friend table of contents of this person, increase the good friend.” history Dazhu adds. These functions, he is clear. “对啊,还可以通过这个人的主页好友目录,添加好友。”史大柱补充道。这些功能,他都一清二楚。 history Zong, I asked you, if you have written an article, wanted others to appreciate? Or you have uploaded your picture, wants others to commend?” The Feng Yu prompt said. “史总,我问你,如果你写了一篇文章,是否想要别人赞赏?或者说你上传了一张自己的照片,是否想要别人称赞?”冯宇提示道。 My picture, making others commend? Chief Feng, are you are teasing I?” “我的照片,让别人称赞?冯总,你这是在打趣我吧?” Feng Yu „......” has forgotten history Dazhu the image, compared with the Ronaldinho strong point, his picture makes the person commend that as if the difficulty is very big, subordinate who only if these flatter. 冯宇“……”忘了史大柱的形象,也就比小罗强点,他的照片让人称赞似乎难度很大,除非那些拍马屁的下属。 That article? You write, or you share, doesn't want to make others commend?” “那文章呢?你写的,或者你分享的,不想让别人称赞吗?” „Before this, thinks actually, but my this age, others commended that now or is not unimportant?” history Dazhu said after a sigh. “这个以前倒是想,但现在我这个岁数了,别人称赞与否都不重要了吧?”史大柱感叹道。 your mother, but can also chat! 尼玛,还能不能聊了! history Zong, you do not think, but you acknowledged that will have many people to think? Like your subordinate, many people hopes to obtain your commendation? Like these calligraphers, what painter, their work takes, is hopes others to commend that but does not criticize right?” “史总,你不想,但你是否承认,会有很多人想?就像你的下属,很多人都希望得到你的称赞吧?就像那些书法家,画家什么的,他们作品拿出来,也是希望别人称赞,而不是批评对吧?” „Can this actually, what relations have with our website?” “这倒是,可跟我们的网站有什么关系?” Has, and has much to do with. On our website, should add a function, is called to praise! Acclaimed, praise, appreciation to praise. If you have uploaded a diary, others looked pursued a goal with determination very much, will approve. If you have uploaded a picture, others looked thought very attractive, will approve. If you have uploaded a condition, greater part of the night is still working overtime, others sighed that you work earnestly assiduous, will approve. This, is called a to praise!” “有,而且有很大关系。我们这个网站上,应该添加一个功能,叫做赞!赞叹,赞美,赞赏的赞。如果你上传了一篇日志,别人看了很励志,会赞一下。如果你上传了一张照片,别人看了觉得很漂亮,会赞一下。如果你上传了一个状态,大半夜的还在加班,别人感叹你工作认真刻苦,会赞一下。这,就叫做点赞!” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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