EG :: Volume #13

#1281: Mood( sought subscription)

Some retired worker Old Cao, is watching the television at home, on the television presents an advertisement, two cartoon villains, seem like the elementary students. Then increased unceasingly, book bag that carried on the back also turned into the briefcase, their toward left, toward right, went out of the screen. 某退休职工老曹,正在家里看电视,电视上出现一则广告,两个卡通小人,看起来像是小学生。然后不断变大,背上的书包也变成了公文包,两人一个向左,一个向右,走出屏幕。 On the screen presents one line of characters: The Chinese net, found the person who you want to see. 屏幕上出现一行字:华人网,找到你想见的人。 Below also one line of websites, this picture, frames for five seconds. 下面同时还有一行网址,这个画面,定格五秒钟。 This advertisement, what uses is on previous generation internet/network very popular animation advertisement, the short ten seconds, outlined the half a lifetime of person. 这个广告,用的是前世网络上很流行的动画广告,短短十秒钟,勾勒出了人的半生。 Old Cao's inner heart, was touched suddenly, he has remembered once together the co-worker who goes to work in the factory, but afterward the factory analyzed, they also separated. This separates is 30 years, they have not related again. 老曹的内心,忽然被触动了,他想起了曾经一起在工厂上班的工友,可是后来工厂拆分,他们也就分开了。这一分开就是30年,他们再也没联系过。 Now the opposite party should also retire, does not know that also one side whether to see, drinks a liquor, recalled once, even if were knows that the contact method of opposite party, telephoned, even wrote a letter well. 如今对方也该退休了吧,不知道还能否见一面,喝点酒,回忆一下曾经,哪怕是知道对方的联系方式,打个电话,甚至写封信也好啊。 Does this Chinese net is do, found person who wants to see, looks? Following one line of letters, he does not know. 这个华人网是干什么的,找到想见的人,怎么找?下面一行字母,他根本不认识啊。 Small bright, small bright?” “小亮,小亮?” Grandfather, any matter, I play s.” “爷爷,什么事儿啊,我玩s呢。” Do not play to play, on the television had an advertisement a moment ago, what Chinese net called, can find the person, did you know?” “别玩游戏了,刚才电视上有个广告,叫什么华人网,能找人,你知道吗?” I do not know that has not heard. Grandfather, how was your eye red?” Cao Liang memory, has not seen the strong grandfather to cry. “我不知道啊,根本没听说过。爷爷,您眼睛怎么红了?”曹亮的记忆力,从来没见过坚强的爷爷哭过啊。 Grandfather has remembered some once old friends, many years have not related, do not know that also whether can relate. Read that advertisement a moment ago, thought hopefully, hi, to be how possible.” Old Cao sighed. “爷爷想起了曾经的一些老朋友,多少年没联系了,也不知道还能否联系上。刚才看那个广告,以为有希望呢,嗨,怎么可能啊。”老曹叹了口气。 Grandfather, you said what a moment ago that called, Chinese net? You and other, my Baidu search.” “爷爷,您刚才说那个叫什么,华人网是吧?您等一下,我千度搜索一下。” Cao Liangguan the game, has typed on several keyboards, but also has this Chinese net, following one line of characters said anything, found person who you want to see, the tone is actually not small. 曹亮关了游戏,敲打了几下键盘,还真有这个华人网,下面一行字说什么,找到你想见的人,口气倒是不小啊。 The point opens looked that above prompts the registration, said that this is one helps you look for website of person, more detailed of information filling, then looks to be easier. 点开一看,上面提示注册,说这是一个帮你找人的网站,信息填写的越详细,那么找起来越容易。 Grandfather, you come, how many are your birthday? Which your beforehand unit is, you initially on school?” “爷爷,您过来一下,您的生日是多少?还有您以前的单位是哪儿,您当初上的学校是哪儿?” You asked that these do do?” “你问这些干什么?” Gives you to register this account number, above said that this can through these information, to find you, you can also search through the station, found the person who you want to find.” “给您注册这个账号啊,上面说这样就能通过这些信息,让人找到您了,您也可以通过站内搜索,找到您想找的人。” Really? Such mysterious, the unit that the grandfather initially worked called two factories......” “真的?这么神奇,爷爷当初工作的单位叫二厂……” ...... …… „, This round of what? Chinese net, is this does do? Ming Dynasty, didn't you know?” A university student asked his roommate. “诶,这发的什么啊?华人网,这是干啥的?大明,你知道不?”一个大学生问他的室友。 Which my knows that hasn't above written?” “我哪儿知道啊,上面没写吗?” Writes registers this website, can find once middle school and primary school classmate, but can also know with the schoolmates in different school, you said that I have registered, school flower that can know writing Yuan?” “就写着注册这个网站,可以找到曾经的中学、小学同学,还能跟不同学校的同学认识,诶,你说我注册了,能不能认识文院的校花啊?” You may knock it off, you also want to know the school to be colored, if this is so mysterious, this week of breakfast I invited. If not good, the expense that today accesses the net, one bottle of neat Cola, you invited!” “你可拉倒吧,你还想认识校花,这要是这么神奇,这周早饭我都请了。要是不行,今天上网的费用,还有一瓶清爽可乐,你请!” Has bet, I have not believed that if became!” “赌了,我还就不信了,万一成了呢!” „, You looked that the Internet cafe also has this circular, I looked that said does not permit to have the possibility.” “诶,你看网吧也有这个传单啊,我看说不准真的有可能。” After Internet cafe, they saw a circular on each table unexpectedly, another schoolmate, somewhat was in doubt. This like the oq number, what to do if that school flower did add the number of his roommate? 到了网吧后,他们竟然在每个桌上都看到了一张传单,另外一个同学,也有些拿不准了。这就像oq号一样,万一那个校花加了他室友的号怎么办? I also register, if school flower did add me first? 我也注册,万一校花先加了我呢? ...... …… Professor, what do you look at?” “教授,您看什么呢?” Small maple tree, did today's experiment complete?” horse teaches to see student who one most appreciate, asking with a laugh. “小枫啊,今天的实验做完了?”马教授看到自己最欣赏的学生,笑呵呵的问道。 Has completed, this is data, has checked with the senior brother, does not have the issue.” Zhou Fengjiang prints the good document to give Professor horse. “做完了,这是数据,跟师兄核对过了,没问题。”周枫将一份打印好的文件递给马教授。 „Does small maple tree, this Chinese net you know? Yesterday watched the television to have this advertisement, today the circular sends to the school to come, have you registered?” horse teaches to take a circular to ask own student. “小枫,这个华人网你知道吗?昨天看电视有这个广告,今天传单都发到学校来了,你注册过没有?”马教授拿着一份传单问自己的学生。 This, our living quarters/dormitory has registered, but also is very amusing, is more interesting than the micro blog, is the acquaintances. I also through this, in relation many high school schoolmates and university schoolmates.” “这个啊,我们宿舍的都注册了,还挺好玩的,比微博有意思,都是熟人。我还通过这个,联系上了好多高中同学和大学同学呢。” horse teaches the eye brightly one: Can relate really?” 马教授眼睛一亮:“真的能联系上?” Real energy, but was simple. So long as you have filled in these materials in detail, website has the recommendation. Moreover can directly search through the station, I discovered person who duplicate is older, I also added two with my name same person, our head picture is different, that feeling chatted with oneself likely, was very interesting.” “真能啊,可简单了。只要您把那些资料详细填写了,网站就有推荐。而且还可以直接通过站内搜索,我发现重名的人老多了,我还加了两个跟我名字一样的人呢,要不是我们头像不一样,那感觉像是跟自己聊天似的,挺有意思的。” Zhou Feng was saying, but also recollection played the scene of Chinese net in the Internet cafe yesterday. Has not thought that this website with is really same, can find the old schoolmate who in the propaganda said that the old friend, can find some new friends. 周枫说着,还回想昨天在网吧玩华人网的情景。没想到这个网站真的跟宣传上说的一样,能找到老同学,老朋友,也能找到一些新朋友。 I also want to register, initially these schoolmates, many could not relate.” After horse teaches graduates, reads the research, read abundantly, then kept after school to teach, other schoolmate respective minutes flew, do not know that now are doing. “我也想注册一下,当初那些同学,好多都联系不上了啊。”马教授毕业后读研,读博,然后留校任教,其他同学各自分飞,也不知道现在都在干什么。 I help you, registers anything may be simple.” “我帮您,注册什么的可简单了。” ...... …… A young fellow sees on the television that advertisement, remembers him to go to college, that high school female schoolmate who then the graduation work, cannot contact with again, does not know that this Chinese net, really so is whether mysterious, can make him find her. 一个小伙子看到电视上那个广告,想起他上大学,然后毕业工作,再也没能联系上的那个高中女同学,不知道这个华人网,是否真的那么神奇,能够让他找到她。 He runs to go to the Internet cafe immediately, fills in the material registration rapidly, what a pity search time, actually cannot find. Angry he has pounded under keyboard, this website is a swindler! 他马上跑去网吧,迅速填写资料注册,可惜搜索的时候,却没能找到。愤怒的他砸了下键盘,这个网站就是骗子! The network management runs over: „, This person what's the matter, the public thing of Internet cafe, cannot destroy. If this keyboard has gone bad, you may result in compensate.” 网管跑过来:“诶,这人怎么回事,网吧的公共东西,也不能破坏啊。这键盘要是坏了,你可得赔偿啊。” This website is deceives people, your Internet cafe also propagandizes, deceived people together!” Young fellow angry exclaiming. “这网站就是骗人的,你们网吧还宣传,跟着一起骗人!”小伙子愤怒的吼道。 Spoke? You register the Chinese net? Found the person not to find right? You think that you have registered, did she also not necessarily register? Waits, yesterday had many with your same person, but many found the person who has wanted to find today, did not believe you to ask. That side that boy is. Perhaps you wait / etc., your friend crossed for two days to look for you, had this, always isn't one point of hope? Also, is angry again cannot pound the thing of others family|home?” “怎么说话呢?你这是注册华人网了?找人没找到对吧?你想想啊,你注册了,她还未必注册了呢?等等吧,昨天跟你一样的人有好多,但是今天好多都找到了想找的人,不信你可以自己问问。喏,那边那个小子就是。你等等吧,说不定你朋友过两天就会来找你了,有这个,总是有一分希望不是?还有啊,再生气也不能砸别人家的东西啊?” The young fellows transfer the anger to happily, originally is the opposite party has not possibly registered, then hopes also. 小伙子转怒为喜,原来可能是对方还未注册,那么希望就还在。 Sorry, sorry, was I have made a mistake, the keyboard has not gone bad, if went bad me to compensate.” “对不起,对不起,是我错了,键盘没坏,要是坏了我赔。” „, This was right, everybody accesses the net well. If you found the person not to find, can ask once friend to ask that searched others, inquired that are always many a opportunity, looked that you were not stupid, how that one-track mind.” The network management directs to say once more. “诶,这就对了,大家好好上网。你要是找人没找到,可以找曾经的朋友问问,搜索一下别人,打听一下总是多一点机会,看你也不笨,怎么那么死脑筋呢。”网管再次指点道。 Right, thanks, thank you. The network management, to me with the can motive power, wants the blue pot, I must find her today!” “对啊,谢谢,谢谢你。网管,给我拿罐原力,要蓝罐的,我今天一定要找到她!” Has looked at the person of advertisement, was moved by the advertisement, inner heart of everyone, has a such recollection, a mood. Some people have registered immediately, some people in several days of heel the registration, slowly, the registration user of Chinese net, will be getting more and more, increasing number of people, will unable to leave the Chinese net! 很多看过广告的人,都被广告所打动了,每个人的内心,都有那么一种回忆,一种情怀。一些人马上注册了,一些人会在几天后跟着注册,慢慢的,华人网的注册用户,会越来越多,越来越多的人,也会离不开华人网的! ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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