EG :: Volume #13

#1280: How to propagandize

history Zong, comes today, has the good news?” Feng Yu has selected es conveniently, this game of demon beast strove for hegemony to win shortly. “史总,今天过来,是有好消息?”冯宇随手点了es,这局魔兽争霸眼看就要赢了。 Naturally was the good news, the Chinese net preparation to get online. School, street and other information have written down completely, even also some state-owned enterprises, institution units, has written down, the guarantee maximum limit improves the personal information sufficiently.” A happy expression of history Dazhu face. “当然是好消息,华人网准备上线了。学校、街道等信息全部载入了,甚至还有一些国企、机关单位等,也都载入了,足以保证最大限度的完善个人信息。”史大柱一脸的喜色。 „? This but actually is really a good news, what kind, you are confident, making this Chinese net rapidly increase the literacy class? Do not be the same with the nag, said that one month surpasses the Ebay Eachnet, finally has spent for one month 7 days, has surpassed for one week.” “哦?这倒真是一个好消息,怎么样,你有信心,让这个华人网迅速增加注册人数吗?可不要跟老马一样,说一个月超过易贝易趣,结果花了一个月7天,超出了一周啊。” Ha, one month 7 days, was the miracle, after all pulled out the valuable net is starting from nothing. One month of literacy class, has truly surpassed 3 million, but has not thought that the literacy class of Ebay Eachnet also increased much. Regarding letting the literacy class of Chinese net rapidly increases, I have an idea, that promotes in the university campus.” “哈哈哈,一个月7天,也是奇迹了,毕竟掏宝网可是从零开始。一个月的注册人数,也确实超过了3000000,但没想到易贝易趣的注册人数也增加了不少。至于说让华人网的注册人数迅速增加,我有一个想法,那就是在大学校园推广。” „Does university campus promote? In other words, seeks for the middle school and primary school classmate principal? This actually good means that but as the matter stands, didn't fix the user to the youngster community? Initially we conceived, but covered all crowds.” “大学校园推广?也就是说,主打寻找中学、小学同学?这倒是一个不错的办法,但这样一来,不就将用户固定到年轻人群体了吗?当初咱们设想,可是涵盖所有人群的。” The university campus promotes, that is the main promoted way in previous generation school. Circular, advertisement and other method/trick, making the university student the first user community. 大学校园推广,那就是前世校内的主要推广方式。传单、广告等手段,让大学生成为第一用户群体。 But previous generation that website called in school, others principal was in the campus relates, was at first same as the previous generation face book. Good that but the face book can develop, only does not limit to the university campus. 但前世那个网站叫校内啊,别人主打的就是校园内联系,跟前世脸书最初是一样的。但脸书能发展的那么好,可不是只局限于大学校园。 If only limits to campus, then the stock price of face book so will not rise dramatically, will not make young Zach become the world top rich and powerful people. 要是真的只局限于校园,那么脸书的股价也不会如此飙升,也不会让小扎克一跃成为世界顶尖富豪的。 But now the main user of computer, is youngster. The intellectuals of many getting old, they use the computer to be two fingers of Zen, chatted oq not to be good. The cell phone will only meet to telephone, even many people will not send the short note.” history Dazhu knits the brows to say. “可是现在计算机的主要用户,就是年轻人啊。很多上了年纪的知识分子,他们用电脑还是二指禅呢,聊个oq都不行。手机只会接打电话,甚至很多人都不会发送短信。”史大柱皱眉说道。 Do not despise the learning capabilities of these people, moreover now the computer operation is also getting more and more simple. Still remembers your first time uses the computer time, troublesome? Now? Many computer functions, a mouse can handle. Will not type regarding them, can study. The Pinyin many person metropolises, the easy-to-use Chinese input of PINYIN, the rancid fox and penguin Corporation are developing, Baidu heard that also has developed, when the time comes will type also becomes simply.” “不要小看了那些人的学习能力,而且现在电脑操作也越来越简单。还记得你第一次用电脑的时候,有多麻烦吗?现在呢?很多电脑功能,一个鼠标就能搞定。至于说他们不会打字,可以学啊。拼音还是很多人都会的,好用的拼音输入法,馊狐和企鹅公司都在开发呢,千度听说也开发了,到时候打字也会变得简单许多。” That is also difficult, Pinyin is many person metropolises, but many people said is the dialects, their Pinyin spell, character that did not want to say.” “那也难啊,拼音是很多人都会,但是很多人说的都是方言,他们的拼音拼出来的,可不是想要说的字。” „The Lenovo group has promoted a small gadget, through a painting board improvement, is called the hand-written board. The hand-written board, with a specially-made pen, writes on a hand-written board, simultaneously writes by hand the board to be connected with the computer, presents the character that you write directly. At present two patterns, one type is the computer acts according to your radical recognition, what that another type, you write, what comes out is. I think person who can write, is many?” Asking that Feng Yu smiles. 连想集团推出了一个小玩意,是通过一种画图板改良的,叫做手写板。手写板,就是用一根特制的笔,在一个手写板上写字,同时手写板跟电脑相连,直接出现你写的字。目前有两种模式,一种是电脑根据你的笔画识别,另外一种,你写的什么样,出来就是什么样。我想会写字的人,还是很多的吧?”冯宇笑眯眯的问道。 „Did Lenovo develop such good thing? This I have not understood. If so, is easier. The person who after is not literate, cannot afford the computer majority, or will be able to afford little will also buy.” History big cylinder dew is pleasantly surprised, „do we also send some circular advertisements to some offices and institution units?” 连想开发出来这么好的东西了?这我还真没了解过。如果是这样的话,那么就容易多了。毕竟不识字的人,大部分也买不起电脑,或者买得起也很少会买。”史大柱面露惊喜,“那么我们到一些写字楼、机关单位也发一些传单广告?” Feng Yu shakes the head: School sends the circular advertisement to be good, went to the institution unit to send the circular advertisement not quite to be good. A place, is quite suitable to advertize, that is an Internet cafe.” 冯宇摇摇头:“学校发传单广告还行,去机关单位发传单广告就不太好了。还有一个地方,也比较适合做广告,那就是网吧。” Internet cafe? history Dazhu thinks, but also is really reasonable. Now but the Internet cafe the unusual fire, did not say that everywhere is, but nearby these schools, the place of densely population, has the Internet cafe. 网吧?史大柱想了想,还真是有道理啊。现在网吧可是非常的火,不说遍地都是,但那些学校附近,人口密集的地方,都有网吧。 In others cannot afford the computer, usually wants to access the net to play the game, or the receiving and dispatching email, chatted oq anything, will choose to go to the Internet cafe, here collected China a large part of Internet user absolutely! 很多人家里买不起电脑,平时想上网玩游戏,或者收发电子邮件,聊oq什么的,也都会选择去网吧,这里绝对是汇集了华夏很大一部分的上网用户! Chief Feng, do we hold other users? Only is the Internet cafe, is definitely insufficient? I know, Sina , etc. doing advertisement, but this also can only cover the user of majority of internet, many users, usually have not accessed the net, how do we attract them to register?” history Dazhu sought for advice modestly. 冯总,那我们怎么抓住其他用户呢?光是网吧,肯定不够吧?我知道,还有薪浪等给做的广告,可这也只能涵盖了大部分上网的用户,还有很多用户,平时不上网的,我们怎么吸引他们来注册呢?”史大柱虚心求教。 He knows that in advertisement promotion, Feng Yu is also the master in master. 他知道,在广告推广方面,冯宇也是高手中的高手。 history Zong, you have forgotten your product, how to promote?” Feng Yu has directed one. “史总,你忘了你的产品,是如何推广的了?”冯宇指点了一句。 My product, Naocan Jin? That is various types of newspapers and internet/network soft advertisements, television advertisement that in addition blots out the sky. Wait / Etc., what Chief Feng said that television advertisement? 我的产品,脑残金?那是各种报纸、网络软广告,加上铺天盖地的电视广告。等等,冯总说的是,电视广告? Does website, advertize on the television? Before this, nobody has done! 网站,在电视上做广告?这之前没人这么干过啊! Moreover now television advertisement is expensive, good of regional station, the Yang Tai price rose much, even if the satellite channels of other provinces, the price also turns a somersault upward rises, this website initial period is one hairs profit does not have, the website construction little has not spent, advertising expenditure colored these many, that new Corporation may thoroughly not have money again. 而且现在电视广告多贵啊,地方台的还好,央台的价格都涨了不少,就算是其他省的卫星频道,价格也翻着跟头往上涨,这网站初期是一毛盈利都没有的,网站建设等就没少花钱,广告费再花这么多,那新公司可就彻底没钱了啊。 history Zong, you thinks on the television advertizes, some child's play? You have not tried, doesn't know good? The advertising expenditure is very high, user but who can attract to us, at is not anything. You look at oq, starts to be also free, but now, through some value-added services, can have the income, moreover in the future the income will be getting higher and higher. Why pulls out the valuable net to make business move into free, to not attract customer, when user were many, other aspects can come back money Zhuan. Valuable service that we provide, is not forever free.” “史总,你是不是觉得在电视上做广告,有些儿戏?你没试过,又怎么知道不行呢?广告费是很高,但相对于我们能吸引的用户,根本不算什么。你看oq,开始也是免费的,但现在,通过一些增值服务,就能有收入了,而且未来收入会越来越高。掏宝网为什么免费让商家入驻,还不是为了吸引顾客,当用户多了,其他方面都能将钱赚回来。我们提供的有价服务,可不是永远都免费的。” Previous generation history Dazhu web Corporation, is not closes right up against the television advertisement fire. At that time many people denounced that this anything broken advertisement, a woman sat in front of the computer laughs foolishly, was any thing they do not know. 前世史大柱的网游公司,不就是靠着电视广告火起来的么。当时很多人都诟病,这什么破广告啊,一个女人坐在电脑前傻乐,是什么东西他们都不知道。 But is closes right up against this letting person unable to feel the brains the advertisement, instead has caused the curiosity of many person, after they remember really the website opens, slowly was attracted by this game, thus has brought the rich profit for history Dazhu. 但就是靠着这种让人摸不着头脑的广告,反而引起了很多人的好奇心,当他们真的记下网址打开之后,慢慢的就被这款游戏所吸引了,从而为史大柱带来了丰厚的利润。 The previous generation is this internet/network Corporation advertizes on the television likely, is many. For example Baidu, for example 68 with city, for example the alley net, make haste the net and future to be not superior and so on, does not have on the television little advertizes. Coordinates the internet/network advertisement, the outdoor advertising, the circular advertisement wait / etc., attracted has registered the user in large numbers, thus grows strong slowly, the profit are getting more and more. 前世像是这种网络公司在电视上做广告,可是不少呢。比如千度,比如68同城,比如小街网,赶急网、前程无优啊之类的,都是在电视上没少做广告。配合网络广告,街头广告、传单广告等等,吸引了大批的注册用户,从而慢慢发展壮大,利润越来越多的。 Afterward, these Corporation advertisements are thinking implants at the soap opera and movie, unceasing the Corporation brand, implants to the mind of audience, making the audience think this kind of website time, first can think of their website! 再后来,这些公司的广告就想着在电视剧、电影上植入,不断的将公司的品牌,植入到观众的脑海中,让观众想到这类网站的时候,第一个就能想到他们的网站 history Dazhu asked again: „Should that this advertisement, how do? Is the point that we propagandize what?” 史大柱再次问道:“那这个广告,该如何做呢?我们宣传的点是什么?” Advertise creativity I thought that the propaganda point, was the mood!” “广告创意我想好了,宣传的点,就是情怀!” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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