EG :: Volume #13

#1279: Lobby

Feng Yu says so the brave words unexpectedly, making Whitman surprised for quite a while unable to close the mouth. However Kirilenko was appearance of being unalarmed by strange sights, Feng Yu already had said this idea to him. 冯宇竟然放出如此豪言,让惠特曼惊讶的半天合不上嘴。不过基里连科却是见怪不怪的样子,冯宇早就跟他说过这个想法。 Super rich and powerful people, cannot prove anything, but if a country has piece of super rich and powerful people, and can join up to make anything, then can substantially promote the construction and progress of country, can join up, preventing the bystander to rob their business. 一个超级富豪,不能证明什么,但如果一个国家有一片超级富豪,且能联合起来做些什么,那么就能极大的促进国家的建设与进步,同时也能联合起来,阻止外人抢夺他们的生意。 Kirilenko also thought that this is very interesting, oneself become the super rich and powerful people, leads some super rich and powerful people while convenient again, that may have the sense of achievement! 基里连科也觉得这样很有意思,自己成为超级富豪,顺便再带出来一些超级富豪,那可就太有成就感了! „The ambition of Mr. Feng, I am hard to hope to attain, I want one day, Mr. Feng to succeed.” Whitman muttered said. “冯先生的志向,我难以企及,我想总有一天,冯先生会成功的。”惠特曼喃喃说道。 Perhaps soon, ten years sufficed. Good, did not say that this, this time you came, for the Ebay Eachnet Corporation matter?” “或许用不了太久,十年时间就够了。好了,不说这个了,这次你们来,是为了易贝易趣公司的事儿吧?” It looks like in Feng Yu, ten years, he can make the Taihua holding and Wind & Rain Holding Company property hundreds of billions US dollars large-scale group Corporation absolutely, when the time comes these go on the market the child Corporation shareholders, can the net worth rise suddenly. Other did not say that Zong Qingxian, Ma Yun and horse Huateng, Li Yanhong and the others, can enter the world rich and powerful people list absolutely first 50, even is higher. But other people, has very big opportunity to advance into the list. 冯宇看来,十年时间,他绝对能让泰华控股和风雨控股都成为资产数千亿美元的大型集团公司,到时候旗下那些上市子公司的股东们,也都会身家暴涨。别的不说,宗庆先马运、马画藤、李严宏等人,绝对能进入世界富豪榜前50,甚至更高。而其他人,也都有很大机会跻身榜单。 This has not calculated Hong Kong these friends, if has been counted, terror. 这还没算香江那些朋友呢,要是算上了,将会更加的恐怖。 When the time comes Feng Yu can control 1 trillion US dollars jumbo financial groups, places the world, no longer some people will dare to belittle him. Even if other established financial groups compares with US that Morgan, Rockefeller, will not be inferior, even the Feng Yu goal, surpasses them! 到时候冯宇就能掌控1000000000000美元的巨无霸财团,放在全世界,也将不再有人敢于小觑他。就算是跟米国那摩根、洛克菲勒等老牌财团比起来,也将毫不逊色,甚至冯宇的目标,是超过他们! Whitman hears the Feng Yu words, stern say|way: Right, this time we come to see the Ebay Eachnet next developmental strategy, heard that China presented c2c commerce website, is called to pull out the valuable net, probably pulls out parent company Alibaba of valuable net, is child Corporation of Taihua Holding Group?” 惠特曼听到冯宇的话,正色道:“没错,这次我们是来看看易贝易趣下一步发展战略,听说华夏出现了一个c2c商务网站,叫做掏宝网,好像掏宝网的母公司阿里吧吧,也是泰华控股集团旗下的子公司吧?” Is only the share-holding, Alibaba pays package of stock Dongzhi of one.” Feng Yu reminded Whitman, do not despise Alibaba, the payment has wrapped in the development of American and Western Europe, although was inferior to the treasure, however in Eastern Europe and China, development also good. “只是参股而已,阿里吧吧还是支付包的股东之一。”冯宇提醒惠特曼,可不要小看了阿里吧吧,支付包在美洲和西欧的发展虽然不如呗宝,但是在东欧和华夏,发展则还不错。 But has wanted two years, after forming the data scale, will create more profits. 而只要过两年,形成数据规模后,将会创造出更多的利润。 Previous generation Internet finance representative, but is Alibaba, or is his ant financial service Corporation, other Corporation, missed was too far, the main disparity, was lies in the big data. 前世互联网金融的代表,可就是阿里吧吧,或者说是他的蚂蚁金融服务公司,其他公司,都差太远了,主要差距,就是在于大数据。 Whitman looks to Kirilenko, such important matter, Kirilenko actually has not told her. 惠特曼看向基里连科,这么重要的事情,基里连科竟然没跟她说过。 Kirilenko saw Whitman's expression, not caring a whoop has filled liquor: „Haven't I told you? Good, that possibly was I forgets.” 基里连科看到惠特曼的眼神,毫不在意的灌了一口酒:“我没跟你说过吗?好吧,那可能是我忘了。” Well? English progress of Brother Ki is very big, did he with Whitman's chat, Brother Ki understand unexpectedly completely? 咦?基兄的英语进步很大啊,他跟惠特曼的聊天,基兄竟然完全听懂了? Sees Feng Yu expression, Kirilenko picks an earphone from the ear: Small gadget that simultaneous interpreter, my side studies, is not quite easy-to-use, one time can only translate a language, moreover is not quite accurate.” 看到冯宇眼神,基里连科从耳朵上摘下来一个耳机:“同声翻译器,我那边研究出来的小玩意,不太好用,一次只能翻译一种语言,而且还不太准确。” Originally is this, no wonder Whitman can understand Russian, it seems like she also had this, was covered by the hair, Feng Yu also thinks that Whitman Russian is also good. 原来是这个啊,难怪惠特曼能听懂俄语呢,看来她也是带了这个,被头发遮挡住了,冯宇还以为惠特曼俄语也不错呢。 If this thing developed, the market potential was also good. However the biggest difficult problem, is the accuracy. The language of each country, some proverbs and slangs and so on, like China, idiom. This is difficult through the translation software translation, do not say the simultaneous interpreter. 这个东西要是开发好了,市场潜力也不错。不过最大的难题,就是准确性。每个国家的语言,都有一些俗语、俚语之类的,就像华夏,还有成语呢。这个通过翻译软件翻译都困难,更不要说同声翻译器了。 However likely in negotiations, although is having the translation, but can use this, such will be more convenient, at least made the translator be reduced much by the possibility that the opposite party bought. 不过像是在谈判的时候,虽然带着翻译,但还是可以使用这个,那样会更加方便,至少让翻译被对方收买的可能性降低了不少。 Develops the Chinese version?” “开发出中文版的了吗?” No, Chinese was too difficult. This is the Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation software Corporation development, don't you know?” Surprised of Kirilenko face. “没有,中文太难了。这个是连想银山软件公司开发的,你不知道吗?”基里连科一脸的惊讶。 Feng Yu is somewhat awkward, when he has paid attention to Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation these products, he is makes the opposite party hurry to develop the computer system software and smart phone system software. 冯宇有些尴尬,他什么时候关注过连想银山这些产品了,他就是让对方赶紧开发电脑系统软件和智能手机系统软件。 I do not have too have paid attention, these are unimportant. Good, did not say this. Did Ms. Whitman, a moment ago which we talk about?” “我没太关注过,这些都不重要。好了,不说这个了。惠特曼女士,刚才我们谈到哪儿了?” Kirilenko „......” 基里连科“……” Whitman immediately regains the professional condition: Mr. Feng, you with Mr. Kirilenko is a good friend, both sides also cooperated many business, it can be said that inseparable business partner?” 惠特曼马上恢复职业状态:“冯先生,你跟基里连科先生是好朋友,双方也合作了多种生意,可以说是密不可分的商业伙伴吧?” Not only business partner, in the life, we are also the good friends.” Kirilenko adds in side. “不只是商业伙伴,生活中,我们也是好朋友。”基里连科在旁边补充道。 Your meaning, wants me to help the development of Ebay Eachnet, suppresses Alibaba?” Feng Yu asked with a smile. “你的意思,是要我帮助易贝易趣的发展,压制阿里吧吧?”冯宇笑着问道。 It seems like doesn't Mr. Feng agree? Then Mr. Feng whether knows, once the Ebay Eachnet and Alibaba start the competition, has the possibility to be mutually wounded very much. I know that makes the opposite party concessions very difficult, I mean, we can cooperate.” Whitman very astute saying. “看来冯先生是不同意了?那么冯先生又是否知道,一旦易贝易趣与阿里吧吧展开竞争,很有可能两败俱伤。我知道让对方让步很困难,我的意思是,我们可以合作。”惠特曼很精明的说道。 Cooperation? You said that Ebay and Alibaba cooperate, does the Ebay Eachnet with pulling out the valuable net cooperate?” “合作?你是说,易贝阿里吧吧合作,还是易贝易趣与掏宝网合作?” Naturally is Ebay and Alibaba cooperates, even can merge.” “当然是易贝阿里吧吧合作,甚至可以合并。” Feng Yu shakes the head with a smile: „The Ebay property now is Alibaba more than ten times, Ebay or listing Corporation, if two Corporation cooperation, must certainly branch out primary and secondary, you are wish make Ebay annex Alibaba?” 冯宇笑着摇摇头:“易贝的资产现在是阿里吧吧的十多倍,易贝还是上市公司,如果两家公司合作,肯定要分出主次,你这是想要让易贝吞并阿里吧吧?” We can adopt the way of stockholder's rights replacement, as the matter stands, you also become the Ebay shareholder. Big Corporation, always has the development potential compared with small Corporation not?” Whitman's language has filled misleading, she believes that this condition, touches the majority of merchants sufficiently, but does not know whether to move Feng Yu, after all this is the world's richest. “我们可以采取股权置换的方式,这样一来,你也会成为易贝的股东。大公司,总是比小公司更有发展潜力的不是吗?”惠特曼的语言充满了蛊惑,她相信这个条件,足以打动大部分商人,只是不知道能否打动冯宇,毕竟这位是世界首富啊。 Self-confident is the good deed, but is extremely self-confident, will turn arrogantly. In your US, small does Corporation annex the big Corporation example to be few? Small Corporation potential, not necessarily compared with the big Corporation difference, even is possibly better. Currently you have many registration users, however next year time, whose user perhaps was uncertain more.” Saying that Feng Yu smiles. “自信是好事,但太过自信,就会变成自大了。在你们米国,小公司吞并大公司的例子还少吗?小公司的潜力,未必就比大公司差,甚至可能更好。现在你们是有很多注册用户,但是明年的时候,或许就不一定谁的用户更多了。”冯宇笑眯眯的说道。 Kirilenko said at this time: I told you, your this move of useless. Moreover the truth told you, time that Ebay initially developed, if were not I phrased the Ebay stock, Feng will purchase, his take action may be more resolute than me, definitely quicker completion purchase holding.” 基里连科这时候说道:“我都跟你说了,你这招没用。而且实话告诉你,易贝当初发展起来的时候,如果不是我收购了易贝的股份,冯就会去收购了,他的出手可比我更加果决,肯定会更快的完成收购控股。” Whitman surprised looks at Feng Yu, before is very early, Feng Yu so favors the internet/network commercial city, or electronic commerce? But at that time, few favored this line personally. 惠特曼吃惊的看着冯宇,难道在很早之前,冯宇就如此看好网络商城,或者说电子商务?可那时候,没有几个人看好这一行啊。 Ms. Whitman, I looked that the Ebay Eachnet with pulling out the valuable net maintains the benign competition. The market is so big, two Corporation are unable to occupy completely. We in the competition, can suppress rising of other Corporation to a certain extent. Even the markets in other countries, we can also increase the cooperation, does not know that Kirilenko told you not to have, Amazon was also I controls stock.” “惠特曼女士,我看易贝易趣还是跟掏宝网保持良性竞争吧。市场这么大,两家公司也无法完全占据。我们在竞争的时候,可以一定程度上抑制其他公司的崛起。甚至在其他国家的市场,我们也可以增多合作,不知道基里连科告诉你没有,亚马孙也是我控股的。” ...... …… Recommendation white rice new book «of Hunts and kills Global», the senior author new waistcoat, is worth trusting( to be continued.) 推荐白色米饭的新书《猎杀全球》,老作者新马甲,值得信赖(未完待续。)
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