EG :: Volume #13

#1278: Whitman

When knew that pulls out the valuable net is tenable, in US Ebay chief executive officer Ms. Whitman immediately flies Shanghai, this market is she looks good is next to the market in North America, once can occupy, every year will certainly be Corporation brings the rich profit. 当得知掏宝网成立的时候,远在米国的易贝首席执行官惠特曼女士马上飞来了魔都,这个市场可是她看好仅次于北美的市场,一旦能占据,每年必将为公司带来丰厚的利润。 Although said that China is also in the development, the per capita income is not high, but if is only the city person, the per capita income could be counted medium. More importantly China person are many, according to the standard of well-off family, half of one year of income can satisfy the material life, remains half to be used to invest or satisfy the spiritual life the words, the China well-off family are also many. 虽然说华夏还处于发展中,人均收入不高,但如果只算城里人的话,人均收入已经可以算上中等了。重要的是华夏人多,按照小康家庭的标准,一年收入的一半可以满足物质生活,剩一半用来投资或者满足精神生活的话,华夏的小康之家也不少。 North America has many population, even if one-third are the Ebay registration users , several million. However China, billions population, 1/20, was equal to the North American market. 北美有多少人口啊,就算有1是易贝的注册用户,也才几千万而已。但是华夏呢,十几亿人口啊,1,也相当于北美市场了。 Comes with Whitman together, Kirilenko, he in the US, while convenient arrives at China to play, then returns to Moscow. 与惠特曼一起来的,还有基里连科,他在米国也没什么事儿,顺便到华夏这边玩一圈,然后回莫斯科。 A special plane stops at the Shanghai airport, Kirilenko walks from the airplane with Whitman. 一架专机停在魔都的机场,基里连科跟惠特曼从飞机上走下来。 Feng Yu stands below, meets the old friend personally. 冯宇站在下面,亲自来接老朋友。 „Doesn't Feng, how you go to the US to visit me for a long time?” Kirilenko makes an effort to grasp Feng Yu. “冯,你怎么好久都不去米国看我?”基里连科用力抱住冯宇 I did not mean that my wife has been pregnant, I must these days internally. Also, I did not pass, you have not been able to come.” “我不是说了,我妻子怀孕了,我这段时间要在国内。再说了,我不过去,你还不能过来么。” Mr. Feng, hello, I am Whitman, the Ebay president and chief executive officer.” Whitman extends the right hand to Feng Yu. “冯先生,您好,我是惠特曼,易贝的总裁兼首席执行官。”惠特曼冲着冯宇伸出右手。 This legendary female management, Feng Yu is also very much some interests knows, if were not she has worked in Ebay, Feng Yu wants to dig her to Amazon goes. Previous generation many people said that Ebay can have that good development, cannot leave Whitman's effort, the Ebay fellow shareholders also acknowledged. 这位传奇女高管,冯宇也是很有兴趣认识一下的,如果不是她已经在易贝工作了,冯宇都想把她挖到亚马孙去。前世很多人都说,易贝能有那么好的发展,离不开惠特曼的努力,就连易贝的各位股东也都承认。 But Whitman term of office before, was she is Ebay has designated the successor personally, was she in the previous Corporation colleague, letting Ebay can continue to have the good development. 而惠特曼任期到了前,也是她亲自为易贝选定了接班人,是她在前一个公司的同事,让易贝能够继续有着良好的发展。 Whitman, then tracked down her new work, to has collected President Pu Dang. But collects to her salary, not compared with high that Ebay gives, that is a new challenge that she gives herself to choose. 惠特曼自己,则去追寻了她的新工作,到了汇普当总裁去了。而汇普给她的薪酬,并不比易贝给的高,那是她给自己选择的一个新挑战。 Hello, Ms. Whitman, if you in the Corporation work of Kirilenko, I do not think that I already personally dug you to come to my Corporation.” Feng Yu not minces matter the appreciation to Whitman. “你好,惠特曼女士,如果你不是在基里连科公司工作,我想我早就亲自去挖你到我的公司来了。”冯宇毫不掩饰对惠特曼的欣赏。 Thank Mr. Feng's recognition, I was very happy in the work of Ebay, moreover I was also confident, making Ebay the giant of transnational retail!” Whitman is supine the chin, in the expression is being difficult to cover her pride. “感谢冯先生的赏识,我在易贝的工作很开心,而且我也有信心,让易贝成为跨国零售业的巨头!”惠特曼仰着下巴,语气中难掩她的骄傲。 Feng, I said that anything is coming, her you cannot dig.” Kirilenko in side self-satisfied saying. “冯,我说什么来着,她你是挖不走的。”基里连科在旁边得意的说道。 Initially he also looked at Whitman is a female, the contempt of ten points. Afterward he also discovered that this woman was really not common, was truly stronger than the majority of men, in operation and management, one set, Ebay can have today very much, she had lasting achievements. 当初他还看惠特曼是个女的,十分的轻视呢。后来他也发现,这个女人还真不一般,确实比大部分男人都强,在经营管理方面,也很有一套,易贝能有今天,她功不可没。 Naturally, Kirilenko also studies Feng Yu, will not treat unjustly the subordinate. Gives Whitman's equity incentive, is rich, when Whitman term of office arrived, least can also earn the value over a hundred million US dollars Ebay stocks, this is big Corporation CEO no treatment. 当然,基里连科也学冯宇,不会亏待下属。给予惠特曼的股票奖励,也非常丰厚,等惠特曼任期到了,最少也能赚得价值上亿美元的易贝股票,这是很多大公司eo都没有的待遇。 Ha, I have very good management team, did not snatch with you. However some day she, if were greasy in your work, wants to change an environment, I welcome at all times.” “哈哈哈,我也有很好的管理团队,就不跟你抢了。不过有一天她如果在你那工作腻了,想换个环境,我随时欢迎。” Whitman thinks Feng Yu is she cracks a joke with Kirilenko, but looked that the Feng Yu expression is very earnest, she determined that Feng Yu appreciates her. 惠特曼原本以为冯宇是在跟基里连科和她开玩笑,但看冯宇的表情无比认真,她才确定,冯宇是真的欣赏她。 Can be appreciated by the world's richest, her inner heart also somewhat is actually self-satisfied. 能被世界首富所欣赏,她的内心其实也有些得意。 Everybody will certainly not stand chats here, Feng Yu asked them to board, Kirilenko with Whitman, on that Song River of Taihua holding lengthened the custom-made car(riage), was the Kirilenko marriage car(riage) simplification version, was two Song River s level passenger vehicles, is at present one of the Song River car(riage) most high-end, before also only accepted to have custom-made, now the output increased. 大家当然不会站在这里聊,冯宇请他们上车,基里连科跟惠特曼,上了泰华控股的那辆松江加长定制车,算是基里连科的婚车简化版,前后都是两辆松江s级轿车,也是目前松江车最高端的一款,之前还只接受定制呢,现在产量则增加了一些。 „Is this building, the industry of Mr. Feng?” Whitman is sizing up the Shanghai Wind & Rain building. “这栋大厦,是冯先生的产业?”惠特曼打量着魔都风雨大厦。 The hearsay China people like settling down, has not thought that as Feng Yu of world's richest, cannot be unconventional, the building is buying. 传闻华夏人都喜欢置业,没想到身为世界首富的冯宇,也不能免俗,楼都是一栋一栋的买。 Is the industry of Taihua holding, inside majority is Taihua holding child Corporation office/bureau, office/bureau that also some other transnational Corporation rent. For example your Ebay Eachnet Corporation, should office/bureau in this building, this you know?” “是泰华控股的产业,里面大部分都是泰华控股旗下子公司办公室,也有一些其他跨国公司租用的办公室。比如你们的易贝易趣公司,办公室就在这栋楼里,这个你应该知道吧?” Whitman knows certainly, Ebay capital Eachnet, phrases the Ebay Eachnet majority ownerships time, she came. The fund that twice involves exceeds 160 million US dollars, she naturally must check personally is good. 惠特曼当然知道,易贝注资易趣,收购易贝易趣大部分股份的时候,她可是都来了的。两次涉及到的资金超过160000000美元,她当然要亲自把关才行。 To Feng Yu office/bureau, Kirilenko very optional have arrived at the bar, went to one bottle of liquor. 到了冯宇办公室,基里连科很随意的自己走到吧台,去开了一瓶酒。 Whitman looks curiously, how Feng Yu office/bureau, doesn't a secretary have? She does not know that Feng Yu does not like some office/bureau people disturbing, generally he did not call, nobody will enter his office/bureau. If by the secretary were seen he sits in office/bureau plays the internet/network game, his image did not collapse! 惠特曼好奇的看着,怎么冯宇办公室,连个秘书都没有吗?她不知道,冯宇不太喜欢办公室有人打扰,一般他不叫的时候,没人会进入他的办公室。要是被秘书看到他坐在办公室网络游戏,那他的形象不是坍塌了么! The world's richest, how can be the same with the ordinary office worker, going to work time plays the game secretly! Kirilenko also knows Feng Yu this custom, therefore his oneself began. 世界首富,怎么能跟普通的上班族一样,上班的时候偷偷玩游戏呢!基里连科也知道冯宇这个习惯,所以他就自己动手了。 Ms. Whitman, you must drink anything, I made one to prepare to you.” “惠特曼女士,你要喝什么,我叫人给你准备。” Kirilenko carries one glass of liquor to place Whitman's front: Does not use, this bottle of liquor believe that she will like.” 基里连科端着一杯酒放在惠特曼的面前:“不用了,这瓶酒相信她会喜欢的。” Kirilenko to Whitman also a little very satisfied is, Whitman also likes drinking liquor unexpectedly. Although are not many, but made Kirilenko appreciate her sufficiently. 基里连科对惠特曼还有一点很满意的就是,惠特曼竟然也喜欢喝一点酒。虽然不多,但足以让基里连科欣赏她了。 Likes drinking, the person is certainly good! 喜欢喝酒的,人一定不错! This is in the Kirilenko dictionary very important a few words. 这是基里连科字典里面很重要的一句话。 Feng Yu shrugs, oneself have made pot tea simply. Really the birds, the like attracts like, have not thought that Whitman also likes drinking unexpectedly. 冯宇耸耸肩,自己去简单泡了一壶茶。真是物以类聚,人以群分,没想到惠特曼竟然也喜欢喝一点。 Mr. Feng, your wasn't office/bureau as if big?” Whitman sized up office/bureau to say. “冯先生,你的办公室了似乎并不大啊?”惠特曼打量了一下办公室说道。 I not often here work, therefore office/bureau small a point. Then the big place, too wasted.” “我不常在这边办公,所以办公室小了一点。那么大的地方,太浪费了。” Feng Yu office/bureau, but also compared with small of Zong Qingxian, initially Zong Qingxian somewhat was really embarrassed, but Feng Yu said does not matter, his Chang to come, Zong Qingxian actually does not need in any case year to year here work. 冯宇办公室,还真比宗庆先的小,当初宗庆先还有些不好意思呢,但冯宇说无所谓,反正他也不常来,宗庆先却需要常年在这儿办公的。 Moreover the work of Zong Qingxian, may be busier than Feng Yu, the place is bigger, should treatment, although Zong Qingxian does not care to this treatment. 而且宗庆先的工作,可比冯宇忙多了,地方大一些,也是应该给的待遇,虽然宗庆先对这种待遇也不怎么在乎。 Mr. Feng as the world's richest, so is unexpectedly thrifty, really makes the person unable to think.” “冯先生身为世界首富,竟然还如此节俭,真是让人想不到呢。” World's richest, an unwarranted reputation. My Corporation scale, may not compare Bill Microsoft, cannot compare these tops big Corporation. When some day my Corporation scale can surpass them, I think that I will accept world's richest title very much happily. At that time, I thought my Corporation shareholder, management, will leave a good name in the world rich and powerful people list!” “世界首富,一个虚名罢了。我公司的规模,可还比不上比尔微软,也比不上那些顶级的大公司。当有一天我的公司规模能超过他们的时候,我想我会很高兴接受世界首富这个称号。那时候,我想我公司的股东、高管们,也都将在世界富豪榜上留名!” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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