EG :: Volume #13

#1277: One month

Ma Yun earlier made compared with the previous generation has pulled out the valuable net, this inside some reasons of Feng Yu suggestions, another primary cause, was this time China had 2 internet/network big Corporation, late that too Ma Yun was worried about to develop, will make the opposite party develop, thus was in a tight corner of pursuing. 马运比前世更早的做出了掏宝网,这里面有冯宇建议的原因,还有另外一个主要原因,就是此时华夏已经有一家2的网络公司了,马运担心开展的太晚,会让对方发展起来,从而陷入追赶的窘境。 This 2 internet/network Corporation, is called the Ebay Eachnet, is the Chinese establishments of two Harvard returns, then by Ebay capital development internet/network Corporation. 这家2的网络公司,叫做易贝易趣,是两个哈佛归来的华人创立,然后被易贝注资发展的网络公司 Last month, Ebay just once more pulled out money, purchased Ebay Eachnet two to initiate most stocks in manpower, thus became the holding major stockholder. 上个月,易贝刚刚再次掏出一大笔钱,收购了易贝易趣两位创始人手里的绝大多数股票,从而成为了控股大股东。 Besides these two founders also retained the little stock, another shareholder, is Sina. In the millennium, Sina forms the strategic alliance with Eachnet, to put it bluntly mutually promotes, promote each other. 除了这两位创始人还保留了一点点的股份以外,另外一个股东,是薪浪。早在千禧年的时候,薪浪就跟易趣结成战略同盟,说白了就是相互推广,相互促进。 However King Zhixi is very intelligent, he has invested Eachnet, has actually rejected the proposition of Eachnet splitoff. He does not want to be diluted in the Sina stock again, this is he in the future the main enterprise. 但是王志西很聪明,他投资了易趣,却拒绝了易趣换股的提议。他在薪浪的股份可不想再被稀释了,这将是他未来最主要的事业。 After Ebay has controlled stock thoroughly the Ebay Eachnet, Ma Yun was worried that the market was occupied, therefore also quickly develops own 2 internet/network commercial city. 易贝彻底控股了易贝易趣之后,马运担心市场被占,所以也赶快开展自己的2网络商城。 Naturally, Ma Yun believes that by they better service, the commitment that moves into free, the Corporation capital strength, can surpass the Ebay Eachnet absolutely. 当然,马运坚信凭借他们更好的服务,免费入驻的承诺,还有公司的资金实力,绝对能超过易贝易趣。 He also knows that holding side Ebay of this Ebay Eachnet, is Feng Yu good friend Kirilenko. 他也知道,这个易贝易趣的控股方易贝,是冯宇的好朋友基里连科 Initially Ebay purchased Eachnet time, Feng Yu does not know, words that but he knew, will not prevent. One is this after is the Kirilenko business, does not need to snatch. Another, Feng Yu also believes that pulls out the valuable the pattern, can laugh last, Ebay Eachnet this pattern, was too ordinary. 当初易贝收购易趣的时候,冯宇不知道,不过就算他知道的话,也不会去阻止。一个是这毕竟是基里连科的生意,没必要去抢。另外一个,冯宇也坚信,掏宝的模式,才是能笑到最后的,易贝易趣这种模式,太一般了。 They collect fees now are not low . Moreover the payment software that the Lord pushes the treasure, naturally also carried the payment package, the treasure is also the charge. 他们现在收费就不低,而且主推的支付软件是呗宝,当然也搭载了支付包,呗宝也是收费的啊。 Moreover the both sides primary service, does not conflict actually, the Ebay Eachnet is the auction is a focus, but pulls out the valuable net to be primarily selling. However in the future, they will certainly carry on the attempts of all patterns. 而且双方主要的业务,其实并不冲突,易贝易趣是拍卖为主,而掏宝网则以销售为主。但是未来,他们当然都会进行所有模式的尝试。 Now others do not dare to assert that which pattern is better, the Ebay Eachnet obtained externally successfully, but pulls out the pattern of valuable net, then has not succeeded, and burns money. 现在别人都不敢断言哪种模式更好,易贝易趣是在国外获得了成功的,而掏宝网的模式,则还没有成功,并且太烧钱。 The Ebay Eachnet most has a competitive advantage point, is they can conduct docking with Ebay of overseas, in this case, the user of Ebay Eachnet, can the user with overseas trade, Ebay in overseas, but has surpassed hundred million registration users. 易贝易趣最具有竞争优势的一点,就是他们可以跟海外的易贝进行对接,这样的话,易贝易趣的用户,就能跟海外的用户进行交易,易贝在海外,可是已经有超过了一个亿的注册用户呢。 But domestic, the registration users of Ebay Eachnet have been over 3 million people, this is a digit of leading. 而国内呢,易贝易趣的注册用户已经超过了3000000人,这是一个遥遥领先的数字。 Also because the subscriber of Ebay Eachnet is huge, Ma Yun made has pulled out the commitment that the valuable net moved into free. Even Feng Yu remembers that the previous generation after the day luxuriant commercial city appears, pulls out the valuable net to start to collect fees, naturally also to clean up these sells a goods. 也正是因为易贝易趣的用户数量庞大,马运才做出了掏宝网免费入驻的承诺。甚至冯宇记得,前世一直到天茂商城出现后,掏宝网才开始收费,当然也是为了清理那些卖a货的。 Pulls out the valuable net not to plan to close right up against the rent charge in any case, only if you chose have pulled out the service of valuable prosperous shop, the expense of this service was not low, but the ordinary store, was completely free. 反正掏宝网也没打算靠着租金收费,除非你选择了掏宝旺铺的业务,这个业务的费用可不低,而普通的商铺,完全免费。 ...... …… Leader Ma, you have the imposing manner of fighting to win or die.” King Zhixi teased. 马总,你这是有背水一战的气势啊。”王志西打趣道。 To not cope with the Ebay Eachnet, these cannot tell you, shareholders of Sina probably Ebay Eachnet?” Ma Yun said intentionally. “还不是为了对付易贝易趣,这些不能告诉你,薪浪好像还是易贝易趣的股东吧?”马运故意说道。 Ha, that stock, one year can make how much money, now our Sina different became with your Alibaba the strategic alliance.” King Zhixi careless saying. “哈哈哈,那点股份,一年能赚多少钱啊,现在我们薪浪不一样跟你们阿里吧吧成为战略同盟了么。”王志西毫不在乎的说道。 Initially to give Sina are many some income channels, has not thought that the Ebay Eachnet also really can develop. If he accepted the Ebay purchase condition last month, then can also make a lot of money. 当初只是为了给薪浪多一些收入渠道,没想到易贝易趣还真能发展起来。如果上个月他答应了易贝的收购条件,那么还能赚不少钱呢。 But he thinks, retained the stock, at least he thought that the Ebay Eachnet can trade with the overseas user, very much has the worth doing. 可是他想了想,还是保留了股份,至少他觉得易贝易趣能跟海外用户交易,就很有搞头。 Leader Ma, you are plan to burn the money three years. Doesn't the real one cent receive?” Ding Lei curious asking. 马总,你这是打算烧钱三年啊。真的一分钱都不收吗?”丁垒好奇的问道。 Earnest money must gather, to guard them to cheat anything. As for rent anything, does not receive. However in the future they must make advertisement promotion, chooses prosperous the shop and other value-added services time, must collect fees, but I ensure resources are well used.” “保证金还是要收取的,以防他们欺诈什么的。至于租金什么的,真的不收。但是未来他们要做广告推广,选择旺铺等增值服务的时候,还是要收费的,但我保证,物有所值。” Zong Qingxian ignites Ma Yun to say with a smile: Your this, but has given Ebay Eachnet demonstration of authority, I looked individual operator who the later these want to make the internet/network electronic commerce, overwhelming majorities will choose to pull out valuable net platform.” 宗庆先点着马运笑道:“你这一手,可是给了易贝易趣一个下马威啊,我看以后那些想做网络电子商务的个体户,绝大多数都会选择掏宝网这个平台。” The individual operator, the initial fund is not quite generally big, otherwise opened a shop directly. But pulls out the valuable net only to collect the deposit, after does not open a shop, but can also apply to return. That side the Ebay Eachnet may probably collect the rent, they Lord that pushes the valuable payment software are also collect fees, this is not good. 个体户,一般初始资金都不太大,否则直接开店了。而掏宝网这边只收押金,不开店后,还能申请退还。易贝易趣那边可还是要收租金呢,还有他们主推的那个呗宝支付软件也是收费的,这点也不好。 Pulls out the valuable net, reduced the basic fences of these sellers, this is the biggest superiority. 掏宝网,降低了那些卖家的准入门栏,这就是最大优势。 Actually I thought that you do not need to compete, found the way to merge directly well? Isn't that Ebay Corporation major stockholder, that Russia rich and powerful people? His relations with the Chief Feng is not very good, this payment package is they collaborates to develop?” Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile. “其实我看你们也没必要竞争,直接想办法合并了多好?那个易贝公司的大股东,不是那个俄罗斯富豪吗?他跟冯总的关系不是很好,这支付包都是他们联手开发的吧?”张超阳笑着说道。 Merge? After the merge, who Lord whose? According to the property, is Ebay is definitely stronger, but our Alibaba group, but has the potential compared with the Ebay Eachnet.” Ma Yun persists in saying. “合并?合并之后,谁主谁副?按照资产来说,肯定是易贝更强,但是我们阿里吧吧集团,可是比易贝易趣更有潜力。”马运坚持说道。 Potential? They currently had over 3 million users, and also in fast increase, your user or zero. Also, others website already had constructed to complete, and was operational, your website just constructed to complete, but also was at the trial operation stage?” “潜力?他们现在已经有超过3000000用户了,并且还在快速增加中,你们的用户还是零呢。再说了,人家的网站早就建设完成,并投入使用了,你们的网站刚刚建设完成,还处于试运行阶段吧?” Another you simply do not have the user, new store starts doing business, even if you said again good, not having the consumer to come, is useless. You in the attraction on the store are preponderant, but attracts consumer, you certainly compared with the Ebay Eachnet?” horse Huateng asked. “再一个你们根本没有用户啊,一家新店开业,就算你说的再好,没有消费者来,还是白搭。你们在吸引上商铺上具有优势,但是吸引消费者方面,你们一定比易贝易趣更好吗?”马画藤问道。 This aspect we also considered, therefore asked everybody to come. Everybody becomes the strategic partnership with our Alibaba group, then pulls out the promotion of valuable net, must rely upon everybody. I believe that help, we pull out the valuable net definitely to be able a quicker development.” “这方面我们也考虑到了,所以才请各位过来。各位都与我们阿里吧吧集团成为战略合作伙伴,那么掏宝网的推广,也要仰仗各位了。我相信有各位的帮助,我们掏宝网肯定能更快的发展起来。” Moreover we are developing a model of instant messenger software, carries on our homepages, names as Ali to be tearful initially, such buyer and seller will communicate will facilitate quickly, what can also make the seller better will be the buyer provides the service.” “而且我们正在开发一款即时通讯软件,搭载在我们的网页上,初步命名为阿里汪汪,这样买家与卖家沟通会更加的方便快捷,也能让卖家更好的为买家提供服务。” Hears Ma Yun these words, horse Huateng frowned: What's wrong, can't Alibaba use our oq?” 听到马运这句话,马画藤皱起眉头:“怎么,阿里吧吧不能使用我们的oq吗?” Ding Lei also said in side: Or uses our froth to be also good.” 丁垒也在旁边说道:“或者用我们的泡泡也行啊。” Ma Yun shakes the head with a smile: Two, this does not need to say. We must for the chat content security of customer, therefore develops well. Our are not used to make friends to chat, pure commercial exchange use, therefore with two products, does not have too big competitive relations, with our product, same can use your products.” 马运笑着摇摇头:“二位,这就没必要多说了吧。我们要为客户的聊天内容保密,所以还是自己开发最好。我们这个不是用来交友聊天的,纯粹的商务交流使用,所以跟二位的产品,不存在太大的竞争关系,用我们产品的,一样可以使用你们的产品。” Leader Ma, you are so confident, then you said that pulls out the registration user of valuable net, how long can surpass the Ebay Eachnet?” Ding Lei asked with a smile. 马总,你这么有信心,那么你说掏宝网的注册用户,多久能超过易贝易趣?”丁垒笑着问道。 Ma Yun reveals the thick self-confidence: One month of foot!” 马运露出浓浓的自信:“一个月足矣!” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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