EG :: Volume #13

#1276: Pulls out the valuable net( sought subscription)

„The 2002 first snow, compared with the past time late......” the cell phone video ringtone on table resounds. “2002年的第一场雪,比以往时候来的更晚一些……”桌上的手机彩铃响起。 Hello? Leader Ma, what matter? Good, I knew.” “喂?马总,什么事?好的,我知道了。” 03 years on April 10, Ma Yun invited Feng Yu, Zong Qingxian and the others to participate to pull out the opening ceremony of valuable net. 03年四月十号,马运邀请冯宇宗庆先等人参加掏宝网的揭牌仪式。 Pulls out the valuable net, shopping website that also the Alibaba capitalization establishes, what with is 2 patterns, is personally to individual business model, everybody can become Boss, everyone is also the potential consumer. 掏宝网,又阿里吧吧全资创立的一家购物网站,采用的是2模式,就是个人对个人的商务模式,人人都可以成为老板,每个人也都是潜在的消费者。 Most early Alibaba makes the wholesale, is the b2b pattern, Company to Company, has then tried the 2 b pattern. Until this year, they thought that was time starts 2 patterns the internet/network commercial cities, they think that this pattern, had the superiority compared with b2, that does not need to invest too many funds. 最早阿里吧吧是做批发的,也就是b2b模式,企业企业,然后又尝试了2b模式。直到今年,他们觉得是时候开始2模式的网络商城了,他们认为这种模式,比b2更有优势,那就是不需要投入太多的资金。 Does not have the means that the Alibaba fund also compares to become serious, the investment that construction website, needs is not the small number. And they must complete the plan that the initial period loses money, because they do not plan to collect the seller rent. 没办法,阿里吧吧的资金也比较吃紧,架构一个网站,需要的投入可不是小数目。并且他们还要做好初期赔钱的打算,因为他们是不打算收取卖家租金的。 Naturally, this rent and is not they planned the main profitability model, the payment package is. The payment package is Feng Yu and Kirilenko with the payment software that Alibaba jointly develops to promote, although the Alibaba stock are quite few, but can also obtain many profits. 当然,这个租金并本来也不是他们计划中的主要盈利模式,支付包才是。支付包是冯宇基里连科阿里吧吧联合开发推出的支付软件,虽然阿里吧吧的股份比较少,但也能从中分得不少的利润。 Other did not say that the buyer hits to receive money to the seller generally is one week of deadline, is counted confirms ahead of time receives goods, then also takes 45 days to be able on average from payment package of accounts, to the seller account, in this has a fund to precipitate. 别的不说,买家打款到卖家收款一般是一个星期的期限,算上提前确认收货的,那么平均也要45天才能从支付包的账户,到卖家账户,这里面就有一个资金沉淀。 This some funds must say take interest, that too lo, took away to invest other, can make a lot of money. Let alone, many sellers have not withdrawn cash money eagerly, places in own payment package of accounts, this can give the payment package of very big operating spaces. 这部分资金要说吃利息,那就太lo了,拿去投资别的,都能赚不少钱。更何况,还有很多卖家并不急于将钱提现,就放在自己的支付包账户里呢,这又能给予支付包很大的操作空间。 Then through your expense record, pushes the advertisement, is a profitability model. The direct bus, prosperous shop serves anything, can gain. 然后通过你的消费记录,推送广告,也是一种盈利模式。还有直通车啊,旺铺服务什么的,都能进行盈利。 What is most important, the previous generation Wangwang is next to China oq and msn instant messenger software, are more than net hundred million froth users. 最重要的是,前世旺旺可是在华夏仅次于oq和msn的即时通讯软件,比网亿的泡泡用户还要多。 Then after customer quantity increases, can carry on the widespread electronic commerce profitability model, this is also the previous generation Alibaba most formidable place, why is also the Alibaba stock can by the reason that many people hound. 然后当客户数量增加后,就可以进行广泛的电子商务盈利模式了,这也是前世阿里吧吧最强大的地方,也是为什么阿里吧吧的股票能被很多人追捧的原因。 Another, through the accumulation of user, same can develop the b2 pattern in the future, is the future pulling out treasure commercial city, afterward changed the name as that website of day luxuriant commercial city. 再一个,通过用户的积累,将来一样可以开展b2模式,也就是未来的掏宝商城,后来更名为天茂商城的那个网站 The present is one pulls out valuable net, in the future the partition will be three, will pull out the valuable net, to pull out the net and pulls out the valuable commercial city, good of each development. 现在是一个掏宝网,未来分拆为三个,掏宝网、一掏网和掏宝商城,每一个发展的都不错。 Spends the data with the user, compared with the electronic commerce finance, seems like the huge rent, actually also is really the capitellum of profit. 与用户消费数据,电子商务金融相比,看似庞大的租金,其实还真是盈利的小头。 However now, Ma Yun decided that pulls out the valuable net in three years, exempt rent, and continues to provide the high-quality valuable service! 但是现在,马运决定,掏宝网三年内,免收租金,并且继续提供优质的有价服务! In other words, at least three years, pull out the valuable net not to make any money, the most direct rental receipts gave up. 也就是说,至少三年内,掏宝网是赚不到什么钱的,最直接的租金收入放弃了嘛。 Now is main, is attracts the user, the attraction seller moves into, attracts the buyer to spend. 现在最主要的,就是吸引用户,吸引卖家入驻,吸引买家来消费。 But this time data, is not huge, payment package of income, were they biggest one receive. But they need to pay, actually very many. 而此时的数据,也没有多么庞大,支付包的收入,就是他们最大的一笔收入了。而他们需要付出的,却非常的多。 The fund that the internet/network construction, maintenance, needed is not the small number, they the profits in other aspects, must invest into for these years pulling out in the operation of valuable net. 网络建设、维护等,需要的资金可不是小数目,他们在其他方面的盈利,这几年都要投入到掏宝网的运营中。 However Ma Yun they believe that this pulls out the valuable net, in the future will become China and even Asian biggest retail platform, even can surpass Taihua Supermarket Group! 但是马运他们坚信,这个掏宝网,未来会成为华夏乃至亚洲最大的零售平台,甚至可以超过泰华超市集团 However this point, Feng Yu actually too did not agree. 不过这一点,冯宇却不太同意。 Place that Taihua Supermarket Group occupies now, is the golden sections. Moreover is carrying on the peripheral commercial real estate development, forms an ecology commercial circle. 泰华超市集团现在占据的地点,都是黄金地段。而且正在进行周边的商业地产开发,形成一个生态商圈。 What is most important, previous generation domestic first several supermarket groups, the mutual competition is quite fierce, however this time Taihua Supermarket Group, that is one alone big. 最重要的是,前世国内前几的超市集团,互相竞争都比较激烈,但是此时的泰华超市集团,那是一家独大。 The overseas two big supermarket giants, Wal-Mart and Carrefour cannot enter China successfully, they in the China actually also several supermarkets, what a pity turnover not. 国外的两大超市巨头,沃尔玛和家乐福都没能成功进入华夏,他们在华夏倒是也有几家超市,可惜营业额都不咋地。 If the supermarket cannot form the scale, then looks like any membership card and so on profitability model, is unable to use. Another in purchasing cost, is unable to reduce. 超市如果不能形成规模,那么像什么会员卡之类的盈利模式,都无法采用。再一个在进货成本方面,也无法降低。 Even the reputation, the influence, can miss many, these are also restricting the development of their supermarket. Is adding on some domestic supermarket groups to emerge, although the scale is unable to place on a par with Taihua Supermarket Group by far, but compared with Wal-Mart and Carrefour was mostly. 甚至口碑,影响力等,也会差很多,这些都还制约着他们超市的发展。在加上国内的一些超市集团兴起,虽然规模远远无法跟泰华超市集团相提并论,但比沃尔玛和家乐福可是大多了。 Small has 78 chain stores, big also had 30-40 chain stores. 小一些的有78家连锁店,大一些的也有三四十家连锁店了。 They are mainly centralized in 34 cities, but 12 cities, was wrested away completely by Taihua Supermarket Group. 他们主要集中在34线城市,而12线城市,则完全被泰华超市集团霸占住。 Last year Taihua Supermarket Group one year of volume of business, has surpassed 30 billion rmb, but this data, pulled out the valuable net in three years to be also not necessarily able to surpass. 去年泰华超市集团一年的成交额,超过了30000000000rmb,而这个数据,掏宝网三年内也未必能够超过。 Also, Taihua Supermarket Group was still continue expand, these 34 cities, are not suitable to make the Taihua super big store, but can open the Taihua supermarket only. 再说了,泰华超市集团还在继续扩张呢,那些34线城市,不适合做泰华超级大卖场,但是可以单开泰华超市啊。 In the future the turnover of Taihua supermarket, will continue to rise absolutely, with pulling out the valuable net continues to fight, is not impossible. 未来泰华超市的营业额,绝对会继续攀升,与掏宝网持续争锋,也不是不可能的。 Although said that after pulling out the valuable net and other internet/network commercial cities appear, to the traditional retail has had not the small impact, but had not heard that these large supermarkets lose money. 虽然说掏宝网等网络商城出现后,对传统零售业产生了不小的冲击,但也没听说那些大型超市赔钱的。 After all has many people, likes commodity that can see and touch obtains, moreover some fresh and so on product, presently buys quite well. 毕竟还是有很多人,喜欢看得见、摸得到的商品,而且一些生鲜之类的产品,还是现买比较好。 And the Taihua Supermarket Group profit is not low, at least the ratio pulled out the valuable net on profit to want tall Duo outwardly. If Feng Yu thinks, then makes Taihua Supermarket Group use competes method/trick, can let pull out the development speed of valuable net absolutely to lag for over two years! 并且泰华超市集团的利润可不算低,至少比掏宝网明面上的利润要高多了。如果冯宇想,那么让泰华超市集团采用一些竞争手段,绝对能让掏宝网的发展速度滞后两年以上! Naturally, Feng Yu will not do, the control hand back is the meat, money fell in his belt-bag in any case finally. Pulls out good that the valuable net develops, can avoid the appearances of other competitors. 当然,冯宇是不会那么做的,手心手背都是肉啊,反正钱最终还是落到了他的腰包里。掏宝网发展的好,也可以避免其他竞争对手的出现。 ...... …… Our pulling out treasure net, welcome all people to come to open a shop and spend, first three years, the shop is completely free, does not collect any seller rent, does not charge any other fee of buyer. We use the payment package of guarantee expenditure patterns, can the maximum limit, ensure the benefit of customer. Naturally, the net silver payments of some of our also major bank, meanwhile have the valuable payment and other party payment method/trick. The next five years, we can provide 1 million employment posts......” “我们的掏宝网,欢迎所有人进来开店、消费,前三年,店铺全部免费,不收取任何卖家租金,不收取买家的任何其他费用。我们采用支付包的担保消费模式,能够最大的限度的,保证客户的利益。当然,我们也有各大银行的网银支付,同时还有呗宝支付等国际先进的支付手段。未来五年,我们将能提供1000000的就业岗位……” Fervent speech of Ma Yun on the stage, below came many reporters. Originally only then the Ma Yun words, are not necessarily able some these many people, but it is said Zong Qingxian of Taihua holding, Liu Chuanzhi of Lenovo group, horse Huateng, Ding Lei, King Zhixi, Zhang Chaoyang, history Dazhu and other domestic rich and powerful people will appear, these reporters do not come in swarms. 马运在台上慷慨激昂的讲着话,下面来了许多记者。本来只有马运的话,未必会有这么多人,但是据说泰华控股的宗庆先,连想集团的刘传志,马画藤、丁垒、王志西、张超阳、史大柱等国内的一众富豪都会出现,这些记者可不就蜂拥而至。 Also some people said that this mysterious world's richest Feng Yu also possibly appears, these reporters may be more excited. If who can photograph a Feng Yu positive photo, is promoted raises in salary, absolutely is not the dream! 还有人说,这次神秘的世界首富冯宇也可能出现,那些记者可就更激动了。谁要是能拍摄一张冯宇的正面照,那么升职加薪,绝对不是梦想! Feng Yu came certainly, but only sat in the position of corner, nobody knows that this youngster, was the world's richest, even nearby many people, but also thinks that Feng Yu was the Alibaba staff. 冯宇当然来了,但是只坐在了角落的位置上,没有人知道,这个年轻人,就是世界首富,甚至旁边很多人,还以为冯宇阿里吧吧的工作人员呢。 They thought what is somewhat strange, are this staff also bringing the sunglasses? Is security personnel? Looks at the stature , is too not sturdy, really cannot master. 只是他们觉得有些奇怪的是,这个工作人员怎么还带着墨镜?难道是安保人员?看身材,也不算太壮实啊,真是搞不懂。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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