EG :: Volume #13

#1275: Pilot( sought subscription)

What did you say? Has the Chinese net become the pilot of internet/network using real individual names?” Feng Yu is very surprised. “你说什么?华人网成了网络实名制的试点?”冯宇十分惊讶。 Above really has to promote using real individual names the idea, but Feng Yu has not thought that history Dazhu strove for such a condition unexpectedly. 上头果然还是有推行实名制的想法,但是冯宇也没想到,史大柱竟然争取来了这么一个条件。 Since above takes it as the pilot, will then give certain supportive policy, this to the development of Chinese net, there is a very big advantage. 既然上头将其作为试点,那么就会给予一定的扶持政策,这对华人网的发展来说,有很大的好处。 How will above agree?” “上头怎么会同意的?” Does not need them to take out money, all are we do, but has given simplification in a nominal and related procedure, they can know that this real name pattern making is easy-to-use, why didn't they agree? Perhaps you do not know that South Korea and Japan started to try out to promote internet/network using real individual names.” “又不需要他们掏钱,一切都是我们来做,只是给了一个名义和相关手续上的简化,他们就能得知这种实名制模式是否好用,他们为什么不同意?或许你不知道,南韩和岛国都开始试行推广网络实名制了。” This news, Feng Yu is actually not accidental, in the previous generation world first implements internet/network using real individual names the developed country, is South Korea, in 05 years, but is Japan. The South Korea's in internet/network as the world constructs the best country, is first promotes internet/network using real individual names successfully the country, in the internet/network aspect, truly walked in front of world. 这个消息,冯宇倒是不意外,前世世界上第一个实施网络实名制的发达国家,就是南韩,在05年,而接下来就是岛国。南韩作为世界上网络建设最好的国家,也算是第一个成功推行网络实名制的国家,在网络方面,确实走在了世界的前头。 Naturally, this is small with the place of South Korea, the population are not many also has the relations. They at that time through the promotion that several Company carried on, then promoted the nation. 当然,这跟南韩的地方小,人口不多也有关系。他们当时是通过几个企业来进行的推广,进而推广到全国。 South Korea on such several top Company, for example Four Star Group, Great Universe, lg, modern age, after these pillar Company agreed that promoted to be easier. 南韩就那么几家顶尖的企业,比如四星集团啊,大宇、lg、现代等,当这些支柱企业都同意了之后,推广起来就容易多了。 After all politics of South Korea, comes under the influences of these big Company, their basic interests, is consistent. 毕竟南韩的政治,也都是受到这些大企业的影响,他们的基本利益,也是一致的。 After the previous generation is to receive South Korea tries out internet/network using real individual names, China is stimulated, starts from penguin Corporation to carry on the reorganization of internet/network public information service, for example the founder and manager of oq group want using real individual names, the version main using real individual names of forum, even must register the identification card number. 前世是受到南韩试行网络实名制后,华夏才受到刺激,开始从企鹅公司进行网络公共信息服务的整顿,比如oq群的创建者和管理员要实名制,论坛的版主要实名制,甚至还要登记身份证号码。 Naturally, these in carrying out, have encountered many resistance, moreover that using real individual names, could not avoid in having to pretend. Like the ID card, money had the vacation, do not say on internet/network. 当然,这些在推行的时候,都遇到了不少的阻力,而且那个实名制,也避免不了里面有假冒的。就像身份证、钱币等都有假的呢,更不要说说网络上了。 Many people are harboring the lucky psychology, I with the fictitious name, you also not necessarily can catch me. Also, you have let the registration id number, I register others, so long as with the name to, who knew the genuine and fake? 很多人都抱着侥幸的心理,我就是用假名,你也未必抓得到我。再说了,你让登记身份证号,我登记别人的,只要跟名字对上了,谁知道真假? Like cell phone number using real individual names, has used the number of others ID card rank on nobody? 就像曾经的手机号码实名制一样,难道就没有人用过别人身份证等级的号码吗? If makes Feng Yu make the decision, first promotes cell phone number using real individual names to be best. Naturally, this carries out is very difficult, after all this time cell phone cross-city has the roaming fee of high quota, many people must travel on official business frequently, likes buying an outer space card. 要是让冯宇来做决定,先推行手机号码实名制最好。当然,这个推行起来也很困难,毕竟此时的手机跨市就有高额的漫游费,很多人要经常出差,都喜欢买一张太空卡。 When the cell phone fee falls, roaming fee falls, even gradually cancels the roaming fee time, this carried out to be easier. 当手机费降下来,漫游费降下来,甚至逐步取消漫游费的时候,这个推行起来就容易多了。 But like stock account using real individual names, previous generation that type takes 100-200 ID cards to open a bank account, are the person who then operates few? Feng Yu took the stock broker at that time time, such has operated for the person. 但就像股票账户实名制一样,前世那种拿着一二百张身份证开户,然后操作的人还少吗?冯宇那时候作为股票经纪的时候,也这么替人操作过。 Buys some ID cards from the rural area, then can the opening a bank account head, thus hit newly, tax revenue, financing and other aspects to take advantage of loopholes. But cell phone using real individual names time , the cell phone cards of some people, such handle. 从农村买一些身份证,然后可以多开户头,从而在打新、税收、融资等方面钻空子。而手机实名制的时候,也有一些人的手机卡,就是这么办理的。 „Haven't they requested us to let each user registration identification card number?” “他们没要求我们让每个用户登记身份证号码吧?” Has not requested, we in registration, can as choosing to fill in this, just like the cell phone number, making user choose.” “没有要求,我们在注册的时候,可以将这个作为选填项,跟手机号码一样,让用户自己选择。” Un, this is good, made with the patterns of various Corporation bundles?” “嗯,这样就好,跟各家公司捆绑的模式弄出来了吗?” Has done well, the registration time, the oq number, electronic e-mail , the forum account number had made the connection, they do not have one to be willing to suffer a loss.” history Dazhu is somewhat depressed, what a pity they resist person internet/network not to have anything to take the take action internet/network product. “弄好了,注册时候,oq号码,电子邮箱,论坛账号等都做了关联,他们可没一个肯吃亏。”史大柱有些郁闷,可惜他们拒人网络还没什么能拿得出手网络产品呢。 Basic construction? When can do?” “基本的架构呢?什么时候能做出来?” Actually has done, but also needs some above support. For example we need the detailed information of all schools, needs the detailed information of all streets, above these want to agree to be good.” “其实已经做出来了,但是还需要一些上头的支持。比如我们需要所有学校的详细信息,需要所有街道的详细信息,这些都要上面同意才行。” Feng Yu understands that this is also a difficulty. If no above help, oneself reorganized did not say that the accuracy can miss many, in time also not necessarily with enough time. 冯宇明白,这也是难点。如果没有上面的帮忙,自己整理不说准确性会差很多,时间上也未必来得及。 But if does not have these detailed information, is unable to search a person accurately. Through the personal name search, that duplicate lead may too be high. 可如果没有这些详细的信息,就无法确切的搜索到一个人。通过人名搜索,那重名率可就太高了。 Their this website principal can help you find the person who wanted to find fast, if could not achieve, then lost this website most core value. 他们这个网站主打的就是能够帮你快速的找到想要找到的人,如果做不到,那么就失去了这个网站的最核心价值。 How long can make probably?” “大概多久能弄出来?” „About three months, the foundation code is compiled by SINA, the rancid fox and penguin group, they have the related development experience of like product, does quickly, other Corporation technical personnel, test as the assistance and loophole.” “三个月左右吧,基础代码由新浪、馊狐和企鹅集团编写,他们有类似产品的相关开发经验,做出来最快,其他公司的技术人员,作为辅助和漏洞测试。” Charge service by the net hundred million, Alibaba compilations, the internet/network safety work is responsible for by Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation. The search is Baidu is being responsible, other aspects, we resist person internet/network to be responsible. Everybody performs its own functions, definitely at the maximum speed completes this website to construct, thus puts into service.” history Dazhu said. “收费服务由网亿、阿里吧吧编写,网络安全技术由连想银山负责。搜索是千度在负责,其他的方面,我们拒人网络负责。大家各司其职,肯定以最快的速度完成这个网站建设,从而投入运营。”史大柱说道。 In this is most difficult, is history Dazhu the Corporation responsible collection of information, must relate with above. However history Dazhu proposed another means that that is the introduction national capital. 这里面最难的,就是史大柱公司负责的信息收集,要跟上面联系。不过史大柱提出了另外一个办法,那就是引入国资。 Let a country words investment Corporation participate in the investment, in this case, public relations are easier. Naturally, stock that Corporation has, only then 5%, could not make any decision-making. 让一个国字号的投资公司参与到投资中,这样的话,公关就容易多了。当然,那个公司所持有的股份,也只有5,根本做不了什么决策。 Executive one hear of that national capital, is Feng Yu they Corporation that forms a partnership to make, thought that certainly can make money. Another can also they form a partnership to do business with Feng Yu, he also thought that is a golden opportunity. 只是那个国资的老总一听,是冯宇他们合伙弄出来的公司,就觉得一定能赚钱。再一个也能跟冯宇他们合伙做生意,他也觉得是一个绝佳的机会。 Did not say other, in the future Corporation will hold Board of Directors or shareholder meeting anything, can chat with these people, can perhaps be many some opportunities. 不说别的,将来公司董事会或者股东会啥的,能跟这些人聊一聊,说不定就能多一些机会呢。 history Dazhu proposed this plan time, Feng Yu they had not opposed, naturally, this invests Corporation, is the net hundred million and other Corporation young shareholders, non- voting stock shareholder, is the buy-back network hundred million drew back the city stock Corporation, but Executive has changed players. 史大柱提出这个方案的时候,冯宇他们也都没反对,当然,这家投资公司,也是网亿等公司的小股东,非投票股的股东,也就是回购网亿等退市股份的公司,只是老总已经换人了。 history Zong, this website has completed, may be more popular than other website. Moreover in the future same can develop other applications, is the website creation profit.” “史总,这个网站做好了,或许会比其他网站更受欢迎。而且将来一样可以开发其他的应用,为网站创造利润。” I know, since everybody elects me to come out to make Chairman, then I definitely will be responsible for Corporation.” “我知道,既然大家选我出来做董事长,那么我肯定会对公司负责。” At that time because the stock was too scattered, although Taihua Holding Group was a major stockholder, but Zong Qingxian may not have to manage the experience of internet/network Corporation, therefore everybody made concessions, history Dazhu volunteered services, has become Chairman and president of this Chinese net, other people have enrolled board member/director, but Corporation practical thing, history Dazhu was responsible. 当时因为股份太分散,虽然泰华控股集团是大股东,但宗庆先可没有管理网络公司的经验,于是大家退让的时候,史大柱毛遂自荐,就成了这家华人网的董事长兼总裁,其他人都挂名了一个董事,但公司的具体事情,还是史大柱负责。 Although history Dazhu obtained the biggest authority, but must pay many labor. Also is history Dazhu wants to make internet/network science and technology Corporation, but under the name does not have the good product, otherwise this Chairman and president, he not necessarily is also willing to do, the wage is not high. 史大柱虽然得到了最大的权力,但也要付出最多的辛苦。也就是史大柱想做网络科技公司,但名下没有好的产品,否则这个董事长兼总裁,他也未必愿意做呢,薪水又不高。 history Zong, this creativity, but our China raises first, in the future will definitely have many follows to imitate, I believe that any Corporation must acknowledge, we are earliest transform this creativity into the reality!” “史总,这个创意,可是我们华夏先提出来的,未来肯定会有很多跟风模仿的,我相信,无论是哪家公司都得承认,我们是最早将这个创意转变为现实的!” Young Zach, you later can only be called the mocker! 小扎克,你以后就只能被人称为模仿者了! ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group( to be continued.) 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群(未完待续。)
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