EG :: Volume #13

#1274: Using real individual names( sought subscription)

Everybody starts enthusiastically to discuss that this website should have any function, how to promote, how to attract the user registration, how charge wait / etc., but at this time Liu Chuanzhi opened the mouth suddenly. 大家开始热烈讨论,这个网站都应该有什么功能,如何推广,如何吸引用户注册,如何收费等等,而这时候刘传志忽然开口了。 „Do you have to think, this website with other website biggest differences?” “你们有没有想过,这个网站跟其他网站最大的区别?” Qiu Bojun gains ground suddenly: What you said that this does website need using real individual names?” 求伯军猛然抬头:“你说的是,这个网站需要实名制?” Using real individual names?! 实名制?! All person complexions change, right, to find the old schoolmate accurately, old friend, then needs using real individual names. You make a net ID, who knows that you are. But now on internet/network, most people, are the net ID that uses. 所有人脸色一变,没错,要想准确的找到老同学,老朋友,那么就需要实名制。你弄个网名,谁知道你是谁啊。而现在网络上,绝大多数的人,都是用的网名。 But is also this anonymous system, makes internet/network develop fast. Many people like a very interesting name, then depends nobody to know that who he ( she ) is, can speak freely. 而也是这种匿名制度,才让网络发展的飞快。很多人喜欢起一个很有意思的名字,然后仗着没人知道他(她)是谁,可以畅所欲言。 Also the anonymous system, making many people start to make friends on internet/network, this and others were the same with the pen pal of getting up early, can pour out some inner heart with the opposite party, and was not worried that the opposite party knows who he is, even this point, has the superiority compared with the pen pal. 也正是匿名制度,让很多人开始在网络上交友,这跟早起的笔友等是一样的,可以跟对方倾诉一些内心,而又不担心对方知道他是谁,甚至这一点,比笔友更有优势。 Last year time, the professors of some magnificence clear universities proposed in people that forbade anybody on internet/network anonymous, should complete using real individual names. This can some effective people anonymous spread the rumor on internet/network, violates other people reputation and other internet/network crimes maliciously. 去年的时候,就有华清大学的教授在人大提议,禁止任何人在网络上匿名,应该全部实名制。这样可以有效的有人匿名在网络上散布流言,恶意侵害他人名誉等网络犯罪。 Moreover using real individual names helps establishing credit system , helping enhancing the personal information the accuracy, relation among people, will become more convenient. 而且实名制有利于建立信用体系,有利于提高个人信息的准确度,人与人之间的联系,也将变得更加方便。 He said that internet/network should also receive the protection of copyright and intellectual property, including the conventional media, should not publish the article with the pen name, but should using real individual names. Since you choice are the reporter, when writer, then should be responsible for the public, the fictitious name is an irresponsible behavior! 他说网络也应该受到版权和知识产权的保护,包括传统媒体,都不应该用笔名发表文章,而应该实名制。你既然选择做记者,当作家,那么就应该对公众负责,假名就是一种不负责任的行为! These opinions, had stirred controversy at that time, online and on newspaper and other media, has held the extensive discussion, but because technically is invalid, the law has not clearly stipulated that therefore this matter lets it go finally, the corresponding measure has not been released. 这些言论,当时引起了轩然大波,网上及报纸等媒体上,都对此进行了广泛的讨论,但由于技术上行不通,法律也没有明文规定,所以最终这件事还是不了了之,并没有相应的措施出台。 In the final analysis, is familiar in the Internet users who in the virtual society lives many, resists using real individual names, they think that using real individual names will be short of the lots of fun. Regarding improving personal information accuracy, who is willing and other casual to read to others the ID card, file? This is a personal privacy, no one is willing to expose before others, does not have a mask. 说到底,还是更多习惯在虚拟社会中生活的网民,抵制实名制,他们认为实名制会少了很多乐趣。至于说提高个人信息准确度,有谁愿意将身份证、档案等随便给别人看的?这是一种个人隐私,谁也不愿意暴露在别人面前,没有一点遮挡。 What's wrong, hears using real individual names, were you afraid?” Feng Yu asked. “怎么,听到实名制,你们就害怕了?”冯宇反问道。 Right, using real individual names truly carries out to be very difficult, but isn't all website needs using real individual names? Moreover some people, like using real individual names actually. For example some stars, their blogs, are the real name authentication, this can help them and fans and movie fan interacts. In other words, is not all people, opposes internet/network using real individual names.” “没错,实名制确实推行起来很困难,但并不是所有的网站都需要实名制吧?而且有些人,其实也是喜欢实名制的。比如一些明星,他们的博客,就是实名认证,这样能够帮助他们与歌迷、影迷互动。也就是说,并不是所有人,都反对网络实名制。” Trades a direction to consider again that I have the oq number, there is a blog, the forum account number and game account number, the name of each account number, is different, however my blog is the real name authentication, but other, is the net ID that uses. Using real individual names and can't the anonymous system, why coexist?” “再换一个方向考虑,我有oq号,也有博客,还有论坛账号、游戏账号,每一个账号的名字,都是不同的,但是我的博客是实名认证的,而其他的,则都是用的网名。实名制和匿名制,为什么不能共存呢?” Coexistence? The coexistent meaning, is our website promotes using real individual names, but doesn't conflict with other website anonymous systems?” horse Huateng asked in detail. “共存?共存的意思,是我们这个网站推行实名制,而与其他网站匿名制度并不冲突?”马画藤详细问道。 Compels ngo! Other website is other website, our Chinese nets are the Chinese nets, everybody's function itself different, had the difference to be able? Everybody does not go to the Internet cafe, then you whether knows, this year starting from, each region public security requests the Internet cafe, the internet to need the ID card. Can contain the minor to access the net, another, can make some fleeing criminals and others not dare to go to Internet cafe common area, if they in the Internet cafe eruption conflict, that injury are not young.” “逼ngo!别的网站是别的网站,我们这个华人网是华人网,大家的功能本身就不同,有区别又能怎么了?各位都不去网吧,那么你们是否知道,今年开始,各地公安都要求网吧,上网需要有身份证。一个是可以遏制未成年人上网,另外一个,也能让一些逃犯等不敢去网吧这种公共地方,万一他们在网吧爆发冲突,那伤害可不小啊。” This I know that our Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation has developed a software, handles a magcard with the ID card, this magcard, in disguised form regards the internet/network identification, is used to access the net to the Internet cafe. However at present makes this Corporation to be many, if can unify the magcard standard to be good in the future.” Qiu Bojun said. “这个我知道,我们连想银山就开发了一种软件,用身份证办理一张磁卡,这张磁卡,变相的当成网络身份证明,用来到网吧上网。不过目前做这个的公司很多,要是未来能够统一磁卡制式就好了。”求伯军说道。 „Did you make the one pass? Is this promotion what kind of?” Feng Yu came the interest. “你们弄一卡通了?这个推广怎么样?”冯宇来了兴致。 Also, is not considered as that the one pass. For a food card system of school canteen development, the meal ticket is always easy to lose, the cash is not good to manage, therefore regional schools have the condition, has made such a card machine. The technology is not very difficult, is mainly the construction of system. Afterward accidentally heard that had the Internet cafe to make this type of magcard, was called any membership card, was one type method/trick that attracted the customer, recharged completely certain quota, can bestow soft drink or certain net fee and other preferential benefits. We slightly make the change the system of this food card, turned into the magcard management system of Internet cafe, we also had the management of net-bar system.” “还可以吧,也不算是一卡通。本来是为一个学校食堂开发的饭卡系统,饭票总是容易丢,现金又不好管理,于是各地的学校有条件的,都弄了这么一个卡机。技术不是很难,主要就是系统的架构。后来偶然听说有网吧弄了这种磁卡,叫做什么会员卡,也是一种吸引顾客的手段,充值满一定额度,可以赠送汽水或者一定网费等优惠。我们就把这个饭卡的系统稍作更改,变成了网吧的磁卡管理系统,本来我们也有网吧管理系统嘛。” In your this is the network card, similar bank card such big bar magnet card?” “你们这个上网卡,是类似银行卡这么大的磁条卡片?” Right, is this type.” “对啊,就是这种。” „Do you know Hong Kong that side Octopus? A revertex card of built-in chip, only needs to draw close to the microreader the card, can read inside data, can recharge and cut payment.” “你知道香江那边的八达通吗?一种内置芯片的塑胶卡片,只需要将卡片贴近阅读器,就能读取里面的数据,可以充值和扣款。” Knows that isn't this public transportation card that the present promotes?” A Qiu Bojun this has something the strange expression. “知道啊,这不就是现在推广的公交卡吗?”求伯军一副这有什么可奇怪的表情。 Is the present public transportation card this type? Feng Yu has not known really that he had too for a long time has not sat the public transportation! 呃现在公交卡就是这种?冯宇还真不知道,他有太久都没坐过公交了! This type of card, is better than the card of that type of bar magnet, not because the bar magnet will delimit to damage to affect the use, another, will insert the card or will delimit the card the time, will be easy to make the card break off, drew close to is simpler. I suggested that later the magcard of Internet cafe, should promote this type, um the membership card of Taihua supermarket, should change into this to plant.” “这种卡片,比那种磁条的卡片更好,一个是不会因为磁条划损而影响使用,另外一个,插卡或者划卡的时候,也容易让卡片折断,贴近就简单多了。我建议,以后网吧的磁卡,应该推广这种,嗯泰华超市的会员卡,也应该换成这种了。” Only is the Taihua supermarket changes the card, was worth them developing, do not say that also had the Internet cafe and other business establishments. Also, this technology did not have anything to be difficult, they can handle quickly. 光是泰华超市换卡,就值得他们开发了,更不要说还有网吧等其他营业场所。再说了,这个技术也没什么难的,他们很快就能搞定。 Ok, goes back me to do.” Qiu Bojun nods. “行,回去我就让人做。”求伯军点点头。 Said the magcard that a moment ago this internet uses, you did see this inside loophole? Is I uses the ID card to handle a card, but can take the use to others, but this was not discovered easily. Therefore , this internet/network using real individual names promotion, is not necessarily able to be resisted, but user who we register, not necessarily real, but does not have using real individual names, our website will lose the maximum value.” “刚才说这个上网用的磁卡,你们看到这里面的漏洞了吧?就是我用身份证办理一张卡,但是可以给别人拿着使用,而这又不容易被发现。所以说,这个网络实名制推广,也未必就会遭到抵制,而我们注册的用户,也未必就都是真的,但没有实名制,我们这个网站就将失去最大的价值。” This requests us to guard against the internet/network cheating, if many people said that through our website, cheated out of money by some people unprincipled people, then to our website prestige, is very big attack.” “这就要求我们提防网络诈骗,要是有很多人说,通过我们的网站,被一些人坏人骗了钱,那么对我们网站的声誉,也是很大的打击。” We can request them to take the head picture with our picture.” Zhang Chaoyang said. “我们可以要求他们用自己的照片作为头像。”张超阳说道。 This can suggest, but is unable to force to implement. Puts casually from online search a head picture of star, can you know? In the technology cannot retrieve, the artificial retrieval is less realistic, moreover do others look like accidentally really?” “这个可以建议,但无法强制实施。随便从网上搜索一个明星的头像放上去,你能知道吗?技术上检索不出来,人工检索更不现实,而且万一人家是真的长得像呢?” „The place that therefore , this website needs to consider are many, asking everybody to come, not only technically must cooperate, but also wants everybody to profit by opinions from various sources, considers all possible issues, our 11 solutions.” “所以说,这个网站需要考虑的地方很多,叫大家过来,不只是技术上要进行合作,还要大家集思广益,考虑到所有可能出现的问题,我们11解决。” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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