EG :: Volume #13

#1272: On fellow student association present opportunity

„The fourth child, you said that you do want the organization gathering? Good, I affirm. I have several telephones of people, I contact them.” Tian Lei hangs up the telephone, recalled initially the time of university, could not bear somewhat sobs, after starting the work, he can realize among the schoolmates that friendship to be rare. “老四,你说你要组织同学聚会?好,我肯定到。我有几个人的电话,我跟他们联系。”田雷挂断电话,回忆起当初大学的时光,忍不住有些唏嘘,参加工作之后,他更能体会到同学之间那种情谊难得。 At that time anything had not manipulated strategically, the worry of also not having worked. 那时候没有什么勾心斗角,也没有工作的烦恼。 Except for initially living quarters/dormitory, Feng Yu discovered that he actually does not have other class and grade schoolmates' contact methods. However this was very not difficult to Feng Yu, finds the person to return to the school to investigate the file, knows after each schoolmate graduated, went to any unit to go to work. 除了当初一个宿舍的,冯宇发现他竟然没有班级其他同学的联系方式。不过这对冯宇不算很难,找人回学校查了一下档案,就知道每个同学毕业后都去了什么单位上班。 What what a pity is, several schoolmates have changed the work, evens up these people, has consumed Feng Yu many energy very much. If trades to be other schoolmates, even if class leader Tian Lei, is not necessarily able to achieve. 可惜的是,还是有几个同学换了工作,找齐这些人,很是耗费了冯宇不少的精力。要是换做其他同学,哪怕是班长田雷,也未必能够做到。 ...... …… Hou, this office, heard the person who non- rich is expensive, has not thought we have the expense time.” “嚯,这个会所啊,听说进去的人非富即贵,没想到咱们也有进去消费的时候。” Knock it off, is Feng Yu bears the expense, if lets our aa, whom you do look at to pull out?” “拉倒吧,也就是冯宇承担费用,要是让咱们aa,你看谁掏得起?” Initially knew in the Feng Yu family|home rich, has not thought that now was richer, heard that is the world's richest. 60 billion US dollars, 6 million rmb I have not seen!” “当初就知道冯宇家里有钱,没想到现在更有钱了,听说已经是世界首富了啊。60000000000美元,6000000rmb我都没见过!” You can compare with others Feng Yu, others high school time, skilled had a good command of two foreign languages., Others that brains much were also flexible, looks is the talent of doing business, we, goes to work honestly, is a happy person. Also, you have raised the branch to rise in the unit, I return the wild subject!” “你能跟人家冯宇比,人家高中的时候,就熟练掌握了两门外语。再说了,人家那头脑多灵活啊,一看就是经商的天才,咱们呐,还是老老实实上班吧,知足常乐。再说了,你都在单位提科涨了吧,我还副科呢!” The schoolmates came one after another, Tian Lei greets everybody in the entrance, Feng Yu arranges in inside. 同学们陆续来了,田雷在门口迎接大家,冯宇则在里面安排。 Wanglei, your boy may be blacker.” Feng Yu has been beating a fist to the Wanglei chest. 王磊,你小子可黑多了啊。”冯宇对着王磊胸口捶了一拳。 This familiar feeling, making Wanglei reveal to laugh foolishly: Does not have the means that always runs outside, the windblown and sunburnt, can not be black. Fourth child, this is my wife.” 这种熟悉的感觉,让王磊露出傻笑:“没办法,总是在外面跑,风吹日晒的,能不黑么。老四,这是我老婆。” This fellow student association, Feng Yu makes them also take the family member, is Feng Yu reimburses the round-trip travel expense in any case, the tube eats to provide lodging, when they also led the family member to travel. 这次同学会,冯宇让他们也带上家属,反正是冯宇报销往返路费,管吃管住,他们也当带着家人旅游了。 In the schoolmates, have married majority, even if has not married, mostly also had the stable object, but also has such two bad luck eggs, now unmarried. 同学们中,大部分都结婚了,就算是没结婚的,大多也有了稳定的对象,不过也有那么两个倒霉蛋,现在还是单身。 Feng Yu, Nana? You have married, has not told us, this does not suit.” Tian Lei wife Qingqing said. 冯宇,娜娜呢?你俩结婚了,都没告诉我们,这可不对劲啊。”田雷的妻子青青说道。 Qingqing is also the Li Na university schoolmate, after graduating, they have also had the relation. 青青也是李娜的大学同学,毕业后,两人也一直都有联系。 Hi, both of us no one have told. Nana has not been pregnant, raises the embryo in Bing City.” Feng Yu answered. “嗨,我们俩谁都没告诉。娜娜不是怀孕了,在冰城养胎呢。”冯宇解释道。 Li Na is not suitable to take plane at this time, this time has not come. 李娜此时不适合坐飞机,这次就没有来。 Sees familiar forms, Feng Yu also as if returned to the college days. 看着一个个熟悉的身影,冯宇也仿佛回到了大学时代。 The people have arrived in full, everybody 3322 gathers together chatted, but everyone, wants to collect toward Feng Yu side, wanted to speak two words with Feng Yu. 人到齐了,大家3322的聚在一起聊天,但是每一个人,都想往冯宇身边凑,想要跟冯宇多说两句话。 Also do not look for the Feng Yu help, they are also Capital City University graduate, has own arrogance. Is pure thinking, can become the schoolmate with the world's richest, and sits together chatted, has not felt. 也不是要找冯宇帮忙,他们也都是京城大学毕业的,一个个也有着自己的傲气。就是单纯的觉得,能跟世界首富成为同学,并坐在一起聊天,从来没感受过。 „The fourth child, told quickly us that what the world's richest is did feel?” Li Yong asked intentionally loudly. “老四,快跟我们说说,世界首富是啥感觉?”李勇故意大声问道。 What felt? Which is walks feared that was recognized, which some people walks to ask you to donate money, moreover goes out must lead the bodyguard, is not free.” Feng Yu saying with a laugh. “啥感觉?就是走哪都怕被人认出来,走哪都有人找你要捐款,而且出门还必须带着保镖,一点都不自由。”冯宇笑呵呵的说道。 Has a look, to have a look, the fourth child had been polluted by the extremely evil capitalist society, was the same with Tang Peak, went to the US, did not come back, became the US citizen?” Li Yong called out loudly. “看看,看看,老四已经被万恶的资本主义社会所污染了,就跟唐峰一样,去了米国,就再也不回来了,加入米国国籍了吧?”李勇大声叫道。 Tang Peak hurries to complain of injustice: „Am I am the China person good, but took the green card of US. That side Corporation sends me to go, what to do can I? You also really think that the US is good, I want a rice to be difficult, found a Chinese restaurant with great difficulty, that flavor specially strange.” 唐峰赶紧叫屈:“我还是华夏人好不好,只是拿了米国的绿卡而已。公司派我去那边,我能怎么办?你们还真以为米国好啊,我想吃个米饭都困难,好不容易找到一个中餐馆,那味道特别的怪。” Feng Yu, did you during the stay in US, eat are used to the thing of US?” Some people asked. 冯宇,你在米国的时候,吃得惯米国的东西吗?”有人问道。 I have the Chinese meal, but occasionally can also eat a beef steak anything.” “我吃中餐,不过偶尔也能吃一点牛排什么的。” Your this saying asked that Feng Yu definitely was in the family|home invited the chef of Chinese meal, lived in the big villa in the US, servants are more than our schoolmates.” Has saying that the schoolmate exaggerates. “你这话问的,冯宇肯定是家里请了中餐的厨师,在米国住大别墅,佣人都比咱们同学多。”有同学夸张的说道。 Everybody was teasing laughing , some people, were enjoying the buffet, atmosphere incomparable harmony. 大家嘻嘻哈哈的打趣着,也有一些人,正在享用着自助餐,气氛无比的和谐。 Said that our times can arrive in full completely, but must thank Feng Yu , he who can contact with all our people.” Some people said after a sigh. “说起来咱们这次能全部到齐了,还得感谢冯宇,要不是他,谁能联系上咱们所有人啊。”有人感叹道。 „It is not, graduation time, but also uses the bp machine, even most people do not have including the bp machine, but now, the bp machine has eliminated, closed including the service desk. Everybody has exchanged the cell phone, but does not know the mobile number of opposite party mutually.” “可不是,毕业的时候,还用bp机呢,甚至大部分人连bp机都没有,而现在,bp机已经淘汰了,连服务台都关闭了。大家都换上了手机,可是互相都不知道对方的手机号。” Who did not say that after graduating, some participated to work, some attended the graduate school, even also some people studied for the doctor. Everybody drifts apart, to live rushes about busily. I also think, if we want to gather together, 20 years later.” “谁说不是呢,毕业后有的参加工作了,有的读了研究生,甚至还有人读了博士。大家各奔东西,为了生活忙碌奔波。我还以为,咱们要想全聚在一起,得20年之后呢。” Feng Yu, how you do contact with everybody?” 冯宇,你是怎么联系上大家的?” Looks for busy that the friend helps, if I, definitely cannot relate. However was now good, this chapter of everybody's telephone number knew, later related to be many on the convenience.” “找朋友帮的忙,要是我自己,肯定也联系不上。不过现在好了,这回大家的电话号码都知道了,以后联系起来就方便多了。” „, I also know that a convenience relation the thing, is called oq, is a communications software, does everybody has the oq number?” Tian Lei said. “诶,我还知道一个方便联系的东西,叫做oq,是一个通讯软件,大家都有oq号没有?”田雷说道。 I have.” “我有。” I do not have.” “我没有。” No also applied for one, everybody most people went to work use the computer, this was very convenient. Moreover inside increased a function of oq group newly, we can construct a group, when the time comes can chat together.” “没有的也申请一个吧,大家大部分人上班都用电脑吧,这个还是很方便的。而且里面新增加了一个oq群的功能,咱们可以建一个群,到时候可以一起聊天。” You said that our class has Feng Yu luckily, did other Ban schoolmate, want to get together does not have is so easy?” Some people said. “你说咱们班幸好有冯宇,别的班的同学,想要聚会就没那么容易了吧?”有人说道。 Feng Yu hears these words, suddenly has remember, forgotten that public relations software? 冯宇听到这句话,忽然想起来,怎么忘了那个社交软件呢? Previous generation overseas having a face book, but home has everybody, earliest time, everybody is calls in the school, principal is among the schoolmates facilitates the relation, and has at the same time the blog some functions. 前世国外有脸书,而国内则有人人,最早的时候,人人是叫校内的,主打的就是同学之间方便联系,而且还兼有博客的一些功能。 Domestic development is too not good, however overseas that face book, but made young Zach all of a sudden the world top rich and powerful people . Moreover the subscriber of face book also very huge, the profit was also good. 国内的这个发展的不算太好,但是国外的那个脸书,可是让小扎克一下子成为世界顶尖富豪了,而且脸书的用户数量也非常的庞大,利润也不错。 The previous generation is the internet/network product that the American makes first, afterward many countries also braved many similar products, to put it bluntly was follows to imitate, including the school in was also this. 前世是米国人先弄出来的这个网络产品,随后很多国家也冒出来了不少类似的产品,说白了就是跟风模仿,包括校内也是这样。 However this can't, why make this product appear in China first? 但是这一世,为什么不能让这个产品先出现在华夏呢? Can't this type of tidal current, why China to eagerly anticipate? 这种潮流,为什么就不能让华夏人引领呢? Moreover similarly can focus on the schoolmate concept, letting the people can more convenient finding relation on schoolmate, not attract many person registrations? 而且同样可以主打同学概念,让人们能更方便的找到联系不上的同学,应该会吸引很多人注册吧? In addition can promote through other website, for example Sina , etc. promotes anything to a connection, can definitely make this hot is quicker. 再加上可以通过其他网站进行推广,比如薪浪等给一个连接推广啥的,肯定能让这个火的更快。 However the name, must think well that cannot be the same with the previous generation, in the school the limitation was too big. 不过名字吗,得好好想一想,不能跟前世一样,校内局限性太大了。 „, Feng Yu, your how god?” Tian Lei has patted Feng Yu back gently. “诶,冯宇,你怎么愣神了?”田雷轻轻拍了冯宇后背一下。 Anything, has not thought of matter in a business suddenly. Ok, does not think that today is the gathering. Come, we do one cup!” “没什么,忽然想到一点生意上的事儿。算了,不想了,今天就是同学聚会。来,咱们大家干一杯!” Cheers!” “干杯!” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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