EG :: Volume #13

#1271: Penguin that advances on

horse draws Toichi face puzzled look, he did not think that this has any meaning, but before as if, idea that Feng Yu said that really can the group bring not the small help to the penguin, perhaps this time, was he has not understood. 马画藤一脸纠结的神色,他怎么也不觉得,这个有什么意思,但似乎之前冯宇说出来的想法,都真的能给企鹅集团带来不小的帮助,说不定这一次,是他没看懂。 Chief Feng, this we go back to study.” 冯总,这个我们回去会研究的。” Sees horse Huateng the expression, Feng Yu knows that horse Huateng this does not believe. Previous generation oq farm, is the imitation happy farm, but quick relies on the huge user foundation, has concealed the happy farm, but is undeniable, happy net these people, is the non- common idea. 看到马画藤的表情,冯宇就知道,马画藤这是不相信啊。前世oq农场,也是模仿的开心农场,但是很快就凭借庞大的用户基础,将开心农场盖过去了,但不可否认,开心网那些人,也是非常有想法的。 Pasture that grows from the farm, there is a dining room anything, attracted many users. Can maintain user coherency, another, can stimulate the sale of Huang Zuan member. 从农场衍生出来的牧场,又有餐厅什么的,都吸引了不少用户。一个是可以保持用户粘性,另外一个,就是能刺激黄钻会员的销售。 Em, I believe that you will have many other ideas, can definitely be Corporation brings more profits.” “恩,我相信你们会有很多其他的想法,肯定能为公司带来更多的利润。” After the previous generation penguin group is formidable, has not annexed little some small internet/network Corporation. What they settle on is this Corporation creativity, no matter the generalization ability of opposite party. On having the generalization ability, the penguin is second to none. 前世企鹅集团强大之后,也没少兼并一些小的网络公司。他们看中的是这个公司的创造力,而不管对方的推广能力。论起推广能力,企鹅可是首屈一指的。 Chief Feng, you had said before, we hundred million try not to compete for the market client with Sina and net, but enters China along with internet/network Corporation of some foreign countries, I think that we are involved, could the development of quicker promotion entire profession.” 冯总,之前你说过,我们跟薪浪、网亿等尽量不要争夺市场用户,但随着一些外国的网络公司进入华夏,我认为我们加入其中,或许能更快的促进整个行业的发展。” The benign competition, develops the biggest catalyst. 良性竞争,是发展最大的催化剂。 Therefore?” “所以呢?” Therefore I plan to clear oq e-mail , the oq forum, the oq music and other services, regarding around our oq software, build a internet/network science and technology empire!” “所以我打算开通oq邮箱,oq论坛,oq音乐等其他业务,围绕在我们oq软件周围,打造出一个网络科技帝国!” horse Huateng the ambition, is completely unmasked at this moment. However some people have said that the person who each obtains the great success, has the ambition that other people are unable to hope to attain. 马画藤的野心,这一刻暴露无遗。不过有人说过,每一个取得巨大成功的人,都有着旁人无法企及的野心。 Ambition, is a power, can urge the people, to achieve ambition, but unceasing effort advance. 野心,也是一种动力,能促使着人们,为了达成野心,而不断的努力前进。 Feng Yu thinks suddenly that horse Huateng said that the fund is possibly insufficient, 05 years must go on the market at the latest financing what's the matter, these many services must develop, can the expenditure be small? 冯宇忽然想到,马画藤说,资金可能不够用,最迟05年就要上市融资是怎么回事,这么多项业务都要开展,花费能小了吗? A product, was impossible just to push to the market, can make money, but a product from the research and development to the stage of promotion, the fund that needed will be huge, why internet/network Corporation became Corporation that burnt money, because the initial investment of internet/network Corporation will be huge, moreover cannot make a profit immediately. However once succeeds, profit that gets, will be huge very! 一个产品,不可能刚一推向市场,就能赚到钱,而一个产品从研发到推广的阶段,需要的资金会非常庞大,网络公司为什么被成为烧钱的公司,就因为网络公司的初期投入会非常巨大,而且不能马上获利。不过一旦成功,获得的利润,也将巨大无比! Leader Ma, I believe that your this dream, can certainly be realized in the future. However most core, is our oq software, must maintain the lead, must in various functions, maintain is in the lead, making the people think that instant messenger software, first thinks is oq!” 马总,我相信,你这个梦想,未来一定能够实现的。但是最核心的,就是咱们的oq软件,一定要保持住领先优势,要在各项功能上,都保持领先,让人们一想到即时通讯软件,第一个想到的就是oq!” That naturally, like that froth of net hundred million promotions, other Corporation chat software, in the function, is inferior to us. Moreover my goal , is not only domestic, in the future I must make the penguin group run out of the entrance, must become the world biggest instant messenger software!” “那当然,像网亿推广的那个泡泡,还有其他公司的聊天软件,在功能上,都不及我们。而且我的目标,也不仅仅是国内,未来我要让企鹅集团冲出国门,要成为世界最大的即时通讯软件!” Feng Yu selects the eyebrow, the ambition is really broad, however this time oq has very big disparity from msn, the oq registration user is four hundred million, but active user, 30 million, moreover settles in the China market. 冯宇一挑眉毛,志向果然远大啊,但是此时的oq距离msn还是有很大差距的,oq的注册用户就算是四个亿,但是活跃用户,才30000000而已,而且偏安于华夏市场。 the msn active user, has been over one hundred million, the behind also jumbo, is called icq, is Company that oq imitates. msn的活跃用户,已经超过了一个亿,后面还有一个巨无霸,叫做icq,也就是oq所模仿的企业 These two software biggest merits, base on English, and has promoted the suitable Ying Duoguo's software, but oq, has Chinese. 这两款软件最大的优点,就是基于英语,并且推出了适应多国的软件,而oq呢,还是只有汉语。 icq had substituted for by oq in China, but msn has not entered China, because even has the push of Microsoft, even bundle sale, msn user growth, still fast. icq已经在华夏被oq所取代,但是msn并没有进入华夏呢,甚至因为有微软的推送,甚至捆绑销售,msn的用户增长速度,依然飞快。 the msn user coverage is broader, therefore is more difficult to surmount. However previous generation time, msn substituted for by Microsoft own software skype finally, or is Microsoft, when soon will be surmounted by skype, purchased development Corporation of this software directly, this is the Microsoft consistent procedure. msn的用户覆盖面更广,所以更难超越。不过前世的时候,msn最终被微软自己的软件skype所取代,或者说是微软在即将被skype超越的时候,直接收购了这家软件的开发公司,这是微软的一贯做法。 If you brave the potential that I am more formidable, then purchases, turns my. 你要是冒出来比我强大的潜质,那么就收购下来,变成我的。 After msn has ruled other markets, how to give up China this huge market? Previous generation Feng Yu has also used msn, at first relies on the succinct page, safer message protection, receives the business professional to favor very much, becomes the white-collar necessary public relations tool. 当msn统治了其他市场后,怎么会放弃华夏这个庞大的市场呢?前世冯宇也用过msn,最初凭借简洁的页面,更加安全的信息保护,很受商务人士青睐,成为白领必备的社交工具。 After all at that time, oq had is robbed the number experience, in protection, oq truly is inferior to msn. 毕竟那时候,oq就已经有很多被盗号的经历了,在防护方面,oq确实不如msn。 However afterward msn more did is more rotten, but oq keeps improving, suppresses msn. However previous generation msn also with the oq dogfight to finally, after overseas msn closed, China has also insisted for one year. 不过后来msn越做越烂,而oq则越做越好,才重新压制住msn。不过前世msn也是跟oq缠斗到了最后,国外的msn都关闭之后,华夏这边还坚持了一年。 In the peak, msn has controlled in the world over 60% market shares. In other countries, there is a similar oq like this instant messenger software, but was suppressed completely by msn. 在巅峰时期,msn掌控了世界上超过六成的市场份额。在其他国家,也有类似oq这样的即时通讯软件,但全部被msn所压制住。 Now msn has not entered China, horse Huateng is confident, starts to catch up to msn, horse Huateng knows that extremely despises the match, does not have the advantage. 现在msn还没进入华夏,马画藤信心满满,到msn开始发力的时候,马画藤就会知道,太过轻视对手,没有好处。 msn, has Microsoft this huge user foundation after all, even in the world, Microsoft can be called is the volume of users first system software. msn,毕竟也有微软这个庞大的用户基础,甚至在全世界,微软都可以称得上是用户量第一的系统软件了。 Leader Ma, vainly hopes to be able greatly, but must consider competition that possibly meets. although icq was defeated, but the world first instant messenger software but msn, I heard that this model of software was in a planned way, must enter the China market.” The Feng Yu reminder said. 马总,梦想可以大一点,但也要考虑到可能遇上的竞争。icq虽然被击败了,但世界第一的即时通讯软件可是msn,我听说,这款软件已经有计划,要进入华夏市场了。”冯宇提醒道。 I know, but they base on English, our penguin group, speaks Chinese, understands the custom of China user, knows that they like anything. In fact I also some make a plan of Chinese input of PINYIN, now except for five, does not have good Chinese input method, but five need the people to carry the sibilant, the Chinese input of PINYIN has the superiority.” “我知道,但他们是基于英语的,我们企鹅集团,更懂中文,更懂华夏用户的习惯,更知道他们喜欢什么。事实上我还有做一款拼音输入法的打算,现在除了五笔,没有太好的中文输入法,而五笔需要人们重新背下来字根,还是拼音输入法更有优势。” Feng Yu is somewhat speechless, this horse picture cane, are more than thing that he wants to make. However thinks the previous generation, truly is called the oq Chinese input of PINYIN, with the Chinese input of PINYIN and Baidu of Chinese input of PINYIN and Microsoft rancid fox Chinese input of PINYIN, compared with was liked by the user, but that subscriber of probably rancid fox is bigger. 冯宇有些无语,这个马画藤,比他想做的东西都多。不过想想前世,确实有一款叫做oq的拼音输入法,跟馊狐的拼音输入法、千度拼音输入法、微软的拼音输入法一样,比较受用户喜欢,但是好像馊狐的那款用户数量更大。 Leader Ma, your technical personnel, need may too be many.” Feng Yu reminded horse Huateng, do not bite off more than one can chew. 马总,那你们的技术人员,需要的可就太多了。”冯宇提醒马画藤,可不要贪多嚼不烂。 Relax, this point I had already thought. At present we advertise in the technical personnel on, but walked in front of IT industry, moreover we also recruited many foreign students and foreign engineers from the overseas, naturally, the disbursement of this part was also big.” “放心,这一点我早就想过了。目前我们在技术人员招聘上,可是走在了it行业的前端,而且我们还从国外招募回来不少留学生和外国工程师,当然,这部分的支出也非常大。” Feng Yu nods: Technical personnel, do not treat unjustly them, do not forget Baidu and net hundred million also to recruit this kind of talented person, moreover there are many people, by some small undertaking Corporation move. Must want to become the giant in internet/network science and technology, then the technology maintains is in the lead, is most foundation.” 冯宇点点头:“技术人员方面,一定不要亏待他们,别忘了千度、网亿等也在招募这类人才,而且还有许许多多的人,被一些小的创业公司所招走了。要想成为网络科技上的巨头,那么技术保持领先,是最基础的。” They also chatted several, horse Huateng walked, said that is the evening's also fellow student association, is not quite late. 两人又聊了几句,马画藤走了,说是晚上还有一个同学会,不好迟到。 Mentioned the fellow student association, Feng Yu remember, he with the past university schoolmate, very long has not met. 说起同学会,冯宇想起来,他跟当年的大学同学,也很久没见面了。 ...... …… Recommends «Ultra To be able God Police», the book Desolate can have a look, we come a poor person to roll one day tour( to be continued.) 推荐《超能神警》,书荒的可以去看看,咱们来个穷人团一日游(未完待续。)
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