EG :: Volume #13

#1270: The stimulation spends( sought subscription)

horse Huateng as if has not noted the Feng Yu strange look , to continue fervent saying: We this model of product, name as the oq space. Can write the diary above, wrote saying that wrote the mood, uploaded the picture, contained the function of blog, and was not only the blog.” 马画藤似乎没有注意到冯宇古怪的神色,继续慷慨激昂的说道:“我们将这款产品,命名为oq空间。可以在上面写日志,写说说,写心情,上传图片等,包含了博客的功能,而又不仅仅是博客。” We plan to be skilled in the user of homepage provide the advanced function, can carry on certain decoration arrangement the space, for example the different backgrounds, including the background music, what some slightly hang, lets these people, can build own individuality main page, what kind, is very attractive?” “我们计划为精通网页的用户提供高级功能,既可以将空间进行一定的装饰布置,比如不同的背景,包括背景音乐,还有一些小挂件什么的,让那些人,可以打造属于自己的个性主页,怎么样,是不是很有吸引力?” Feng Yu gave the horse to draw Toichi to open the indifferent face, the oq space just presented the time, truly attracted the massive users, but after afterward the micro blog and friend circle rose, divided many users, but the base number of oq space user, was still very huge. 冯宇给了马画藤一张冷漠脸,oq空间刚刚出现的时候,确实吸引了大量的用户,但后来微博和朋友圈崛起后,分走了不少的用户,不过oq空间用户的基数,依然十分庞大。 This truly good, sounding the function more perfect than the micro blog, you want to hold the oq user, develops this application through them? Then, should have many fee items?” “这个确实不错,听起来功能是比微博更为完善,你是想抓住oq用户,通过他们来拓展这个应用吧?那么里面,应该有不少的收费项目?” Right, slightly hangs, the ornament, the background anything, is collects fees, the space capacity is also fixed, wants to be bigger, then must pay expenses into the member.” “没错,小挂件啊,装饰品啊,背景啊什么的,都是收费的,还有空间的容量也是固定的,想要更大,那么就要付费成为会员。” Also is the member, Feng Yu remember, the previous generation oq also different member pattern, for example specifically aims at the oq member suddenly, the member who specifically aims at the space, specifically aims at the member of game wait / etc., but now, has a oq member. 又是会员,冯宇忽然想起来,前世oq还有一个不同的会员模式,比如专门针对oq的会员,专门针对空间的会员,专门针对游戏的会员等等,而现在,还是只有一种oq会员。 „Doesn't Leader Ma this member, you want excessively the kind?” 马总这个会员,你就没想过分类?” „Does member classify? What meaning? Is the graduation?” “会员分类?什么意思?是分级吗?” No, is different according to the direction of your product, various members enjoy gives favored treatment differently. For example oq member, is giving favored treatment on oq software, oq game member, then specifically aims at plays the above privilege, oq space member, then specifically aims at some privileges on space, these members, can classify with the different gems.” “不,是根据你们产品的方向不同,各会员享受的优待不同。比如oq会员,那么就是oq软件上的一些优待,oq游戏会员,那么就专门针对一些游戏上面的特权,oq空间会员,那么就专门针对空间上的一些特权,这些会员,可以用不同的宝石来进行分类。” horse Huateng hears one, has not thought in product increment charge, Chief Feng unexpectedly such specialty. As the matter stands, can definitely attract more person recharging member, after all he believes that the oq game or the oq space, can definitely attract many users. 马画藤听得一愣一愣的,没想到在产品增值收费方面,冯总竟然如此的专业。这样一来,就肯定能吸引更多的人充值会员,毕竟他相信,无论是oq游戏还是oq空间,肯定能吸引不少的用户。 An indifference of Feng Yu face, inner heart blossomed actually happily, this may be previous generation penguin Corporation own means that now was said by him. Can be admired by the horse picture cane, Feng Yu inner heart also felt that is very interesting. 冯宇一脸的淡然,其实内心乐开了花,这可都是前世企鹅公司自己的办法,现在被他说出来而已。能被马画藤佩服,冯宇内心也感觉很有意思。 „The Chief Feng great ability, these have given me very big inspiration. Turns head I to study with Corporation other people, this can make our payment users increase one absolutely again in large numbers.” 冯总大才,这些给了我很大的启发啊。回头我跟公司的其他人研究一下,这绝对是能让我们的付费用户再次增加一大批。” I give you prompt, even if I did not say that thinks in the future you can also think.” A Feng Yu face modest. “诶我不过是给你一些提示罢了,就算我不说,想必将来你们也能想到。”冯宇一脸的“谦虚”。 Where, even if we can think in the future that definitely also will lose the opportunities of many making money, the place that now Corporation spends were too many, the fund becomes serious. According to my plan, 05 years of time, must go on the market to finance, otherwise many ideas, will not have the fund to put into practice.” “哪里,就算我们未来能想到,那肯定也会失去了很多赚钱的机会,现在公司花钱的地方太多了,资金十分吃紧。按照我的计划,05年的时候,就得上市融资了,否则很多想法,将没有资金去实现。” Future matter will say in the future again, if the fund did suffice at that time?” Saying that Feng Yu smiles. “将来的事情将来再说,万一那时候资金又够了呢?”冯宇笑眯眯的说道。 Also right, future matter, not necessarily says. Since Chief Feng through my this in a few words, can want to come out these many good means that whether that can think, how our oq games and oq spaces should hold the user?” “也对,将来的事情,未必说得准。冯总既然通过我这三言两语,就能想出来这么多的好办法,那能否想想,我们这个oq游戏和oq空间该如何抓住用户?” „The oq game, is very simple, these games do not have the competition, then competes should set up the bonus.” “oq游戏嘛,很简单,那些游戏不是有比赛么,那么比赛就应该设立奖金。” Competition sets up the bonus, this legitimate?” Asking that horse Huateng somewhat worries about. “比赛设立奖金,这个合法吗?”马画藤有些担忧的问道。 Who made you give the cash, to penguin coin. This is the virtual money of our Corporation development, how can't bestow? This can only be now cash changes into the penguin coin, had not said that the penguin coin does change into the cash?” “谁让你给现金了,给企鹅币啊。这是咱们自己公司开发的虚拟货币,怎么就不能赠送了?这个现在只能是现金换成企鹅币,没有说企鹅币换成现金吧?” horse Huateng the eyes are greatly bright, looks Chief Feng, is really right. He has not thought that but can also such do? The penguin coin can the recharging member, many people like. 马画藤眼睛大亮,来找冯总,果然是对的。他怎么就没想到,还能这么做呢?企鹅币可以充值会员,很多人还是非常喜欢的。 Also can have a charge channel as for the game, that promotes all kinds of stage props. Some free stage props, give all players, but some better stage prop, gives the paying player. Naturally, the stage prop can only be auxiliary, cannot make a stage prop, used certainly to win.” “至于游戏还能有一个收费渠道,那就是推出各种各样的道具。一些免费的道具,给予所有的玩家,但是一些更好的道具,则给付费玩家。当然,道具只能是辅助,可不能弄出来一种道具,用了就一定赢的。” The Feng Yu previous generation has looked at a joke, a chess sign class game platform, the good China Chinese chess, the payment user can purchase the board game piece, finally saw that the payment user has eight car(riage)s, how that damn also plays, puts together the children to be able at risk of life you, the opposite is the Chinese chess world champion, must defeat without doubt! 冯宇前世看过一个笑话,一个棋牌类游戏平台,挺好的华夏象棋,付费用户可以购买棋子,结果就看到付费用户有八个车,那tm还怎么玩,拼子都能拼死你,对面就是象棋世界冠军,也必败无疑! In that case, whose damn also plays, except for meeting that battle qi silly x. 那样的话,谁tm还玩啊,除了遇上那种斗气的傻x。 Stage prop? Our games prepare to promote the integral hierarchical system, the winner have the integral, can promote through the integral, gives the different rank titles. Said that can promote one defeated/carrying minute reset the stage prop.” horse Huateng thinks to say. “道具?我们这个游戏准备推出积分等级制度,获胜者有积分,可以通过积分升级,给予不同的等级称号。这么说,可以推出一个负分清零的道具啊。”马画藤想了想说道。 Game that naturally, for example some need to coordinate, if my opposite party is player of one defeated/carrying minute, then believing of my instinct, the opposite party will be a novice, will not play. Must know in the play-ground has a few words such, did not fear that the god same match, fears the pig same teammate!” “当然可以,比如一些需要配合的游戏,如果我的对家是一个负分的玩家,那么我就会本能的认为,对方是一个新手,甚至不会玩。要知道在游戏场上有这么一句话,不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友!” Ha, has these words? Who this was said that was too funny.” horse Huateng has not borne smile to make noise. “哈哈哈,有这句话吗?这是谁说的,太逗了。”马画藤没忍住笑出声来。 Feng Yu scratches the head, these words now also not popular? Or hasn't appeared? 冯宇挠挠头,难道这句话现在还没流行吗?或者说还未出现? We online noticed that also does not know that was who said that but I thought that was very reasonable.” “我们网上看到的,也不知道是谁说的,但我觉得还是挺有道理的。” Played these I to understand, then presents a more amusing and appealing game. Then the space, we do follow the blog same old route?” “游戏这些我明白了,接着就是推出更加好玩、吸引人的游戏。那么空间呢,我们走跟博客一样的老路?” Naturally is not, except for various decorations, backgrounds, but can also have other products, for example the space regards a family|home, then in the family|home can raise a dog?” “当然不是,除了各种装饰、背景等,还可以有一些其他的产品,比如空间当成一个家,那么家里可以养条狗吧?” You said that in this space can also have the pet?” “你是说,这个空间里也要有宠物?” Why not? Moreover the pet also needs to feed, thus maintains the user coherency, they feared that this pet starves to death. You think that with our oq user, who majority is?” “为什么不可以呢?而且宠物还需要喂食,从而保持用户粘性,他们怕这个宠物饿死啊。还有你想想,用我们oq的用户,大部分都是什么人?” „The white-collars and youngster in city?” “城市的白领和年轻人?” Right, then you have heard, now do many city people, like going to the suburb farmhouse to play in the weekend?” “没错,那么你听说过,现在很多城里人,喜欢周末去郊区的农家乐游玩吗?” Knows that I have also played, some have to pick the garden, can pick some vegetables fruit anything.” “知道啊,我也去玩过,有的还有采摘园,可以自己采摘一些蔬菜水果什么的。” Then the charge of farmhouse, isn't cheap? Another, is not each city person has the time, has the car(riage) the weekend to go to the suburb rural area to play, why we cannot in this space, open a farm, plays to them?” The Feng Yu prompt said. “那么农家乐的收费,可不便宜吧?再一个,不是每个城里人都有时间,都有车可以周末去郊区农村玩的,我们为什么不能在这个空间里,开辟出一个农场,给他们玩呢?”冯宇提示道。 In space opens a farm? Amusingly what does this have?” “空间里开辟出一个农场?这有什么好玩的?” With raising pet, making them grow vegetables, plants the fruit tree, the pisculture, the experience rural area character and style!” “跟养宠物一样,让他们种菜,种果树,养鱼,体验农村风情!” Assured of Feng Yu face, this oq farm, is one of the previous generation oq space trump card products, that was attracted too multiuser! Does not know now promotes is earlier, but should be all right. 冯宇一脸的笃定,这个oq农场,可是前世oq空间的王牌产品之一,那可是吸引了太多用户了!只是不知道现在推出的更早,不过应该没事儿吧。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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