EG :: Volume #13

#1269: The penguin plays the game

Leader Ma, how did you come?” 马总,你怎么过来了?” In Feng Yu Shanghai office/bureau, sits in the Feng Yu opposite, is the horse picture cane of penguin group, a person of previous generation Feng Yu very admiration. 冯宇魔都办公室里,坐在冯宇对面的,是企鹅集团的马画藤,一位前世冯宇非常敬佩的人。 „Here I come to go through some formalities, comes to have a look while convenient.” horse Huateng said with a smile. “我来这边办一些手续,顺便过来看看。”马画藤笑着说道。 Procedure? What accident does Corporation have?” Feng Yu frowned, Zong Qingxian has not said. “手续?公司有什么变故吗?”冯宇皱起眉头,宗庆先没说啊。 „It is not the accident, but increases the service. I plan to let the penguin, marches the game industry.” “不是什么变故,而是新增业务。我打算让企鹅,进军游戏产业。” „Do you want to play the oq game?!” An excitement of Feng Yu face, this oq plays, such already appeared? “你要做oq游戏?!”冯宇一脸的兴奋,这个oq游戏,这么早就出现了吗? You know that I this game service, do name as the oq game? You guess according to oq? Right, is the oq game.” horse Huateng gave Feng Yu to find the reason, did not need Feng Yu to explain. Mainly is also because this is a name of series, therefore was guessed is not very accidental. “你怎么知道我把这个游戏业务,命名为oq游戏?哦,你是根据oq猜出来的吧?没错,就是oq游戏。”马画藤自己就给冯宇找好了理由,都不用冯宇自己解释。主要也是因为这是一个系列的名字,所以被猜中也不算很意外。 Your this oq plays, what contains?” Feng Yu curious pursues asks, if there is a game that any he liked to be better. “你这个oq游戏,都包含什么?”冯宇好奇的追问道,要是有什么他喜欢的游戏就更好了。 Previous generation oq plays, is the fiery/popular game platform, registered the user not saying that each oq number, was the account number of oq game, the active user was over two hundred million, simultaneously the online population, broke through 8 million, calculated on was a jumbo. 前世这个oq游戏,可是非常火爆的游戏平台,注册用户就不说了,每一个oq号,同时也就是oq游戏的账号,活跃用户超过两个亿,同时在线人数,突破了8000000,算的上是巨无霸。 At present only then two types, one type is the chess sign class game, another type is to foster a kind of game. The chess sign class game, is the playing cards, mahjong, Chinese chess, Chinese checkers, Chinese chess and military chess, the playing cards and mahjong have many slighting the law. Fosters a kind of game, imitates the pattern of digital pet, making the person raise a pet, then can carry on some simple games, this goal is the female player.” “目前只有两种,一种是棋牌类游戏,另外一种是养成类游戏。棋牌类游戏,就是扑克、麻将、象棋、跳棋、围棋和军棋,其中扑克和麻将有多种玩法。养成类游戏,就是模仿电子宠物的模式,让人饲养一个宠物,然后可以进行一些简单的游戏,这个目标是女性玩家。” oq pet, Feng Yu not anything interest, but the chess sign class game, the previous generation he little has not played, particularly fights the landlord, that is plays to chess sign class athletics of Europe and America from the China fire. oq宠物,冯宇没什么兴趣,但是棋牌类游戏,前世他可没少玩,尤其是斗地主,那可是从华夏火到欧美的棋牌类竞技游戏。 This good, then following, I listen to your this meaning, will also have the new game type?” “这个不错,那么接下来呢,我听你这意思,还会有新的游戏类型?” Naturally, then also has the game of leisure athletics class, some single plane games, turns into the internet/network game, for example looks again and again, the Russia block, everybody finds fault anything.” “当然,接下来还有休闲竞技类的游戏,就是将一些单机游戏,变成网络游戏,比如连连看,俄罗斯方块,大家来找茬什么的。” Previous generation Feng Yu also plays this everybody to find fault, but at the oq game, turned into the beautiful woman to find fault probably. To put it bluntly, with this, attracts player, naturally in this will not have the picture of any limiting stage. 前世冯宇也玩过这个大家来找茬,不过好像在oq游戏上,就变成美女找茬了。说白了,就是用这个,来吸引玩家,当然这里面不会有什么限制级的画面。 Very good idea, some classics games, a person plays truly bored, if can have the resistance, should be able to attract many players. Makes all of a sudden such in a big way, is very big regarding the pressure of platform? Are your technical personnel sufficient? Did all games, experience to test?” “很不错的想法啊,一些经典游戏,一个人玩确实无聊,要是能有对抗,应该可以吸引不少玩家。一下子弄这么大,对于平台的压力很大吧?你们的技术人员够用吗?所有的游戏,都经历过测试了没有?” We plan to promote a oq game hall, is our game platforms, in this hall, can choose you game that wants to play, loads through the click, then in can enter plays. The account number and password, exactly the same as oq, in this, using simple mirror image method/trick to handle. The technical personnel, we newly recruited, reluctantly also sufficiently, naturally, if SINA, Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation and other Corporation can lend our some personnel to be better.” “我们打算推出一个oq游戏大厅,也就是我们的游戏平台,在这个大厅里,可以选择你想要玩的游戏,通过点击加载,然后就能进入里面玩了。账号和密码,跟oq的一模一样,这里面,用了一个简单的镜像手段就搞定了。技术人员,我们又新招募了一些,勉强也够用吧,当然,如果新浪连想银山公司能借给我们一些人员就更好了。” Tests regarding the game, basically only experiences in had measured, is our internal personnel tests, our times, plan beta-test, this game, does not collect fees.” “至于说游戏测试,基本上只经历过内测,也就是我们内部人员测试,我们这次,就是打算公测,这个游戏,也是不收费的。” Feng Yu showed the whites of the eyes, making Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation, Sina , etc. lend you technical personnel, real beautiful that thinks. The meaning of Feng Yu, can Wind & Rain Games some people, lend them, that side also had the plan of development chess sign class game, to a certain extent, can be supplementary. 冯宇翻了个白眼,让连想银山薪浪等把技术人员借给你们,想的真美。冯宇的意思,是可以将风雨游戏的一些人,借给他们,那边本来也有开发棋牌类游戏的计划,在一定程度上,可以互补。 However Feng Yu also somewhat was worried that the game only experiences in had measured, then definitely has many loopholes. If were studied external procedure, to the oq game absolutely is not the small attack. 不过冯宇同时也有些担心,游戏只经历过内测,那么肯定有不少的漏洞。要是被人研究出外挂程序,对oq游戏绝对是不小的打击。 Said that this oq plays, are you also plan to carry on the increment fees model? If so, then must be careful these external procedures, if there is free external, can be more effective than your value-added services, to the oq game is not the small attack.” “这么说,这个oq游戏,你也是计划进行增值收费模式?如果是这样的话,那么就要小心那些外挂程序,如果有了免费的外挂,就能比你们的增值服务更加有效,对oq游戏是不小的打击。” For example fights the landlord happily, your member bestows 50,000 happy beans every day, but others use external, brushes 5 million happy beans directly, who also buys the member? 比如欢乐斗地主,你的会员每天赠送50000欢乐豆,但是别人用外挂,直接刷5000000欢乐豆,那谁还买会员? Your member can defeated/carrying minute reset, but others brush directly the minute, brushes the rank, that this rank system, not on avalanche? 你的会员可以负分清零,但是别人直接刷分,刷等级,那这个等级体系,不就崩塌了? This we also considered, but did not carry on beta-test, where cannot look up the concrete loophole to be. Regarding the investments in these aspects, we give up very much, particularly after we have promoted the penguin coin, this is a internet/network virtual money, applies on our oq platform all products, is the main source of revenue of our value-added service. We have discovered that some people rob to brush the penguin coin, this will cause we very big losses.” “这点我们也考虑到了,但是不进行公测,就不能查出来具体漏洞在哪。对于这些方面的投入,我们是很舍得的,尤其是我们推出了企鹅币之后,这是一种网络虚拟货币,应用在我们的oq平台所有产品上,也是我们增值服务的主要收入来源。我们就发现过,有人盗刷企鹅币,这会造成我们很大的损失。” Did the penguin coin have? In this previous generation China internet/network the most important virtual money, has not thought that appeared. Distributes this penguin coin biggest advantage, can re-steam the fund fast. 企鹅币已经有了吗?这个前世华夏网络中最重要的虚拟货币,没想到已经出现了。发行这个企鹅币最大的好处,就是能够快速的回笼资金。 Many people have purchased the penguin coin, all of a sudden will not use up, in other words, others only want to spend five dollars, however for the so-called preferential benefit, has bought ten dollars, the other five money penguin coins have saved, but regarding the penguin group, they sold the products of ten dollars. 很多人购买了企鹅币,可不会一下子用完,也就是说,原本别人只想花五块钱的,但是为了所谓的优惠,就买了十块钱的,剩余的五块钱企鹅币存了起来,但是对于企鹅集团来说,他们就卖出去了十块钱的产品。 Regarding five money penguin coins that was saved, through other ways, will stimulate you to spend. For example makes you see originally value ten penguin coins the product, now sells eight penguin coins, then can stimulate the user to recharge once more, thus makes the penguin group make a profit once more. 至于说那被存起来的五块钱企鹅币,会通过一些其他方式,刺激你消费。比如让你看到一个原本价值十企鹅币的产品,现在卖八企鹅币,那么就能刺激用户再次充值,从而让企鹅集团再次获利。 Must say that the value-added service will develop the peak, the penguin group absolutely is top Company. Provides various free products to use to you, but makes you feel that with the disparities of these paying subscribers, thus in this manner, stimulates you to spend. 要说将增值服务开发到顶端的,企鹅集团绝对算是顶尖的一家企业。提供各种免费的产品给你使用,但是让你感觉到,跟那些付费会员的差距,从而用这种方式,刺激你来消费。 Naturally, if you persist in not spending, does not have anything, you same can for the penguin creation value. For example advertizes time, so long as penguin shows his China first active internet/network subscriber, then can attain most advertizing costs. 当然,如果你坚持不消费,也没什么,你一样能为企鹅创造价值。比如做广告的时候,企鹅只要展现出他华夏第一活跃网络用户数量,那么就能拿到最多的广告费用。 Many people were discussing that the previous generation best advertisement promotes method/trick is anything, afterward recognized, is the oq ball window. Because of that time, at the same time online population of oq user, broke through four hundred million, registered the user to surpass One billion. 很多人都在议论,前世最牛的广告推广手段是什么,后来公认的,就是oq弹窗。因为那时候,oq用户的同时在线人数,已经突破了四个亿,注册用户更是超过了十亿 Relies on the biggest user community, penguin Corporation step by step is growing into world-class internet/network science and technology Corporation. 正是凭借着最大的用户群体,企鹅公司才一步步成长为世界级的网络科技公司 Person who now purchases our penguin coin are many?” Feng Yu curious asking. “现在购买咱们企鹅币的人多吗?”冯宇好奇的问道。 Temporarily are not many, but the growth is quick, I believe that one year, the payment user can over 1 million.” “暂时还不多,但增长速度很快,我相信,不出一年,付费用户就能超过1000000。” 1 million payment users, to the investment of penguin Corporation, the difference were too many. 才1000000付费用户,相对于企鹅公司的投入来说,差太多了。 You have not thought other products, the expense of exciting penguin coin?” “你就没想过一些其他的产品,刺激企鹅币的消费?” Has thought that I also want to make the blog, but my this blog, with Sina and other Corporation differences.” “想过啊,我还想做博客呢,不过我这个博客,跟薪浪公司的不同。” Feng Yu selects the eyebrow, is the oq space? 冯宇一挑眉毛,难道是oq空间? ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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