EG :: Volume #13

#1268: Fake local tyrant( sought subscription)

The net hundred million have really taken the road of previous generation, started to start the internet/network game development. 网亿果然还是走上了前世之路,开始做起了网络游戏开发。 Previous generation time, the net hundred million have developed this game, making the round system q version web emerge, western tour series, is the net hundred million representative works, held the female player. 前世的时候,网亿就开发了这款游戏,让回合制q版网游兴起,西游系列,也是网亿的代表作,抓住了很多女玩家。 What what a pity is, this game, the Feng Yu previous generation has not played, therefore does not have the interest to continue to play, the q version game, does not suit him. 可惜的是,这款游戏,冯宇前世根本没玩过,所以也没兴趣继续玩,q版游戏,不适合他。 After Ding Lei leaves, Feng Yu also packs the thing to go out, the head has worn a hat, wears the sunglasses and mask, is opening old Song River - country mysterious drives out of the community. 丁垒离开后,冯宇也收拾东西出门,头上戴了一顶帽子,戴上墨镜、口罩,开着一辆老款的松江-国奥驶出小区。 Zhou Kexin is similarly fully-armed, bringing mask to stand in the community entrance, now is not very special period, on the street the person of belt mask are many, therefore some people will not think strange. 周可欣同样全副武装,带着口罩站在小区门口,现在不是非常时期嘛,街上带口罩的人非常多,所以也不会有人觉得奇怪。 Boards.” “上车。” Zhou Kexin opens the vehicle door, picks head hat: Comes is very quick.” 周可欣拉开车门,将头上的帽子摘下来:“来的还挺快啊。” „The person who that naturally, takes to the streets now are few.” “那当然,现在上街的人少啊。” „Don't you fear? Right, you got sick, treats richly?” “你不怕吗?对啊,你就算是病了,也有钱治疗吧?” I am think that this matter does not need to care, the normal person, will not say that baseless again Shanghai also compares the security. You think that was known as that side disaster area Shenzhen and Guangzhou, concert, soccer game what normally didn't carry on? The leadership person also went to that side, fearfully what has? Incorrectly relayed an erroneous message.” “我是认为这事儿没必要在乎,正常人不会凭空得的,再说魔都也比较安全。你想啊,号称重灾区的鹏城羊城那边,演唱会啊,足球赛啊啥的不还是正常进行了?领导人也都去了那边,有什么可怕的?以讹传讹罢了。” Zhou Kexin nods: That actually, I also thought online said too strange. Said that this modern drama, ticket is not easy to buy.” 周可欣点点头:“那倒是,我也觉得网上说的太邪乎了。就说这场话剧,票可是不太好买呢。” Buying a ticket is much simple, turning head package, then treats as the welfare, arranging Corporation some people to come to be good.” Feng Yu demonstrated the local tyrant true colors at this time. “买票多简单啊,回头包一场,然后当做福利,安排公司的一些人过来就好了。”冯宇这时候又展现出了土豪本色。 Zhou Kexin white Feng Yu: „Weren't you recently probably very busy?” 周可欣白了冯宇一眼:“你最近好像不是很忙啊?” Not to be how busy, I in spite of being very busy run over to accompany you to watch the modern drama.” Feng Yu exhibits one for you, I have discarded many appearances. “怎么不忙啊,我可是百忙之中跑过来陪你看话剧的。”冯宇摆出一副为了你,我舍弃了很多的样子。 That may really make you sacrifice were too many.” “那可真是让你牺牲了太多啊。” Aren't many, how that can say that was the sacrifice, I also want to watch the modern drama.” Saying that Feng Yu is contrary to convictions. “不多不多,那怎么能说是牺牲呢,我也想看话剧。”冯宇违心的说道。 This modern drama previous generation he has looked three, this, naturally thought that did not have the meaning. Moreover this is an ordinary patho modern drama, comedy, very moves people to tears actually. 这个话剧前世他就看过三遍,这又来看,当然觉得没意思了。而且这是一个普通的悲情话剧,也不搞笑,倒是挺催人泪下的。 To the theater, they stopped the car(riage), happen to checking time. 到了剧场,两人停好车,正好到了检票时间。 Really is just the same as the plot of previous generation, the actors have not replaced. They sit in the position of corner, actually does not watch the performance in Tai Qing stage. 果然跟前世的剧情一模一样,就连演员都没有更换。他们坐在角落的位置上,其实看不太清舞台上的表演。 The living theater has characteristics, that is the movement and expression even sound must exaggerate some, otherwise the following person cannot see. 舞台剧有一个特点,那就是动作、表情甚至声音都要夸张一些,否则后面的人根本就看不见。 Therefore is not familiar with look at the person of living theater, will think that living theater vacation, is very bored. However a good living theater, is truly attractive. 所以不习惯看舞台剧的人,会觉得舞台剧十分的假,很无聊。但是一台好的舞台剧,也确实非常好看。 To the patho time, in the theater many audiences have been sobbing, Zhou Kexin is also eyes flood red. 到了悲情时刻,剧场里很多观众都在抽泣,周可欣也是双眼泛红。 Feng Yu pulls out one package of paper goods, pulls out a paper, is wiping tears to Zhou Kexin. Zhou Kexin body stiff, whatever then Feng Yu gives him to wipe tears, even in her heart surged a happy feeling. 冯宇掏出一包纸巾,抽出一张纸,给周可欣擦拭着眼泪。周可欣身体僵了一下,然后任由冯宇给他擦拭眼泪,甚至她心中涌起了一股幸福的感觉。 Saw that Zhou Kexin has not rejected, Feng Yu puts out a hand, hugs Zhou Kexin, lets her by own shoulder. 看到周可欣没有拒绝,冯宇伸手,将周可欣搂过来,让她靠在自己的肩膀上。 The Zhou Kexin sobbing sound stops suddenly, then has snatched the paper goods from Feng Yu, oneself clean. By the shoulder of Feng Yu, she as if felt a dependence. 周可欣的抽泣声忽然停止,然后从冯宇手里抢过纸巾,自己擦拭。靠在冯宇的肩膀上,她似乎感受到了一种依靠。 Her girl, all alone fights in Shanghai, actually is also very tired. Especially many night, looks at the empty house, she feels somewhat lonely. 她一个女孩子,孤身一人在魔都打拼,其实也是很累的。尤其是很多夜晚,看着空荡荡的房子,她感觉有些孤独。 Actually her inner heart, longs for with Feng Yu in the same place, although Feng Yu is impossible to accompany frequently side her, but in the person heart has to read thinks, had the spiritual prop. 其实她的内心,也渴望跟冯宇在一起,虽然冯宇不可能经常陪伴在她身边,但人心中有个念想,也就有了精神支柱。 This time, she knew Feng Yu arrives at Shanghai time, said to Feng Yu on own initiative that she has bought two tickets of modern dramas, but Feng Yu coming without hesitation, makes her very happy. 这一次,她得知冯宇来到魔都的时候,主动跟冯宇说,她买了两张话剧的票,而冯宇毫不犹豫的就过来,也让她非常的开心。 Some people said that a person watches the movie is very lonely, watches the modern drama, should be also similar. 有人说一个人看电影是非常孤独的,一个看话剧,应该也差不多。 When the modern drama ended, Zhou Kexin thinks suddenly somewhat loses, because she cannot close right up against the shoulder of Feng Yu again. 当话剧结束的时候,周可欣忽然觉得有些失落,因为她不能再靠着冯宇的肩膀了。 What present range dinner time also early, you have to go plays?” Feng Yu has a look at the watch to say. “现在距离吃饭时间还早,你还有什么想去的玩的吗?”冯宇看看手表说道。 Feng Yu sees Zhou Kexin to look suddenly to a street opposite market, is this wants to go shopping? 冯宇忽然看到周可欣看向街对面的一个商场,她这是想要逛商场? Really, Zhou Kexin is to go shopping. 果然,周可欣是想要逛商场。 ...... …… This you try, attractive, bought.” “这个你试试,好看,买了。” Does not want, the design does not suit me.” “不要,款式不适合我。” This design suits, service person, on package.” “这个款式适合,服务员,包上。” Does not want, this color does not build.” “不要,这个颜色不搭。” This color and were design good, buy?” “这件颜色、款式都不错,买了吧?” „It is not good, this so is why expensive.” “不行,这件凭什么这么贵啊。” Strolled for one hour, in Feng Yu is pinching the card, one time cannot rub. Zhou Kexin seems enjoying the process of trial clothes, but simply has not planned to buy. 逛了一个多小时,冯宇手里捏着的卡,一次都没能刷上。周可欣似乎只是在享受试衣服的过程,而根本没有打算买下来。 Kexin, in this you like?” 可欣,这里面难道一件你喜欢的都没有?” Zhou Kexin grinning looks at Feng Yu: I had not planned to buy, going to work time, is not suitable to wear these magnificent clothing. Also, I had not planned that makes you spend.” 周可欣笑嘻嘻的看着冯宇:“我本来也没打算买,上班的时候,可不适合穿这些华丽的服装。再说了,我没打算让你花钱。” Feng Yu is greatly embarrassed, feels the nose, does not know that should say anything. 冯宇大囧,摸着鼻子,不知道该说什么。 Zhou Kexin of previous generation never buys any luxury goods, said that too wasted. This, is that thrifty. But this, isn't Feng Yu short of money? 前世的周可欣就从来不买什么奢侈品,说是太浪费了。这一世,还是那么的节俭。可是这一世,冯宇不差钱了啊? After they leave, despising of service person face, does not have money also to install any attire, tries the clothes time can probably afford, result she wasted these many argument white blindly. Any clothes that male, wears, brand cannot look, definitely installs the rich man, is actually a poor devil! 他们离开后,服务员一脸的鄙夷,没钱还装什么装,试衣服的时候好像买得起似的,结果白瞎她浪费这么多口舌了。那个男的,穿的什么衣服啊,牌子都看不出来,肯定就是装有钱人,其实就是一个穷鬼! But at this time, carried the grim men of several bags to walk suddenly: „The clothes that young lady tried on a moment ago, wrap.” 可这时候,忽然一个拎着几个袋子的冷面男人走过来:“刚才那位小姐试穿的衣服,都包起来。” „? What did you say?” “啊?你说什么?” I said insufficient clear? Clothes that young lady tried on a moment ago, wrapped.” “我说的不够清楚吗?刚才那位小姐试穿的衣服,都包起来。” A shock of service person face, was this grim man, the personal servant of two was inadequate a moment ago? tall Fushuai does, pretend to be the poor d silk to pursue the Cinderella? 服务员一脸的震惊,这个冷面男人,难道是刚才那两人的跟班不成?高富帅,冒充穷d丝追灰姑娘? Looked that handsome fellow wear appearance was not a moment ago ordinary, that clothes definitely are big brand internationally, she does not know that looks has the makings. Un, definitely is this. 一看刚才那个帅哥穿着打扮就不一般,那衣服肯定都是国际上的大牌子,她不知道而已,看着多有气质啊。嗯,肯定是这样。 Feng Yu considered that Zhou Kexin possibly does not give up, therefore has sent a short note ahead of time, lets follow in not far away bodyguard the clothes to buy Zhou Kexin has tried. So long as is she has tried, definitely has likes. 冯宇就考虑到周可欣可能舍不得,所以提前发了条短信,让跟在不远处的保镖将周可欣试过的衣服都买下来。只要是她试过的,肯定有那么一些喜欢。 In the evening has eaten meal, when they are proficient, Feng Yu said to Zhou Kexin: And other.” 晚上吃过饭,当两人到家的时候,冯宇冲着周可欣说:“等一下。” Zhou Kexin vacant looks that Feng Yu ran suddenly far, was this must do? She noticed from afar is carrying a person of big pile of bags, gives Feng Yu the bag, Feng Yu both hands carried completely the thing, ran over. 周可欣茫然的看着冯宇忽然跑远了,这是要干什么?她远远的看到一个拎着一大堆袋子的人,将袋子都交给冯宇,冯宇双手拎满了东西,跑了过来。 Kexin, walks, goes upstairs.” 可欣,走吧,上楼。” „Did you make people my trial these clothes and shoes buy the daytime?” “你让人把白天我试的那些衣服、鞋都买了?” „, I think you to put on attractively, put on Bai Xia to others. You should know that these for me, are not expensive.” “啊,我看你穿着好看,给别人穿白瞎了。你应该知道,这些对我来说,不算贵。” Zhou Kexin is speechless, also has the happiness of such faint trace. 周可欣无语,同时又有那么一丝丝的甜蜜。 Is only a pity to the building in time, Zhou Kexin has still not asked the plan that Feng Yu goes to sit, Feng Yu only to be able disappointed departure. 只可惜到楼上的时候,周可欣依然没有请冯宇进去坐坐的打算,冯宇只能一脸失望的离开。 ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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