EG :: Volume #13

#1267: Company e-mail ( asked to subscribe asks ticket)

Ding Zong, you said that a good news to tell me, is what good news?” Feng Yu looks at Ding Lei with a laugh. Any good news, to make Dean build to run up to his office/bureau on own initiative. “丁总,你说有个好消息要告诉我,是什么好消息?”冯宇笑呵呵的看着丁垒。什么好消息,能让丁垒主动跑到他办公室来。 An excitement of Ding Lei face: Chief Feng, our electronic e-mail technology, did to break through again, now can provide 1 g electronic e-mail !” 丁垒一脸的兴奋:“冯总,我们的电子邮箱技术,再做突破了,现在已经能够提供1g的电子邮箱!” Un? 1 g electronic e-mail ? Said that China electronic e-mail , is going to enter the g time? 嗯?1g的电子邮箱?这么说,华夏的电子邮箱,将要跨入g时代了? In the US, Europe, South Korea, Japan and other places, had 1 g electronic e-mail last year, this aspect, China falls behind. However previous generation China backward may continue these, earliest 1 g electron e-mail , is Yahoo China Corporation promotes. 在米国、欧洲、南韩、岛国等地,去年就有了1g的电子邮箱,这方面,华夏还是落后的。但是前世华夏落后的可不止这些,最早的1g电子邮箱,是亚虎华夏公司推出的。 Electronic e-mail from charge time, to free time, transformation unusual opens, the interior increased many functions, but the e-mail main function, is the receiving and dispatching email. 电子邮箱从收费时代,到免费时代,变革的非常开,内部增加了许多的功能,但邮箱最主要的功能,还是收发电子邮件。 When some Corporation start to use electronic e-mail , quick discovered that electronic e-mail is insufficient. 而当一些公司开始使用电子邮箱的时候,很快就发现,电子邮箱根本不够用。 Previous generation many Corporation, any sale branch, the person the capital department, the plan department, will use the mail frequently, even also some have public e-mail . 前世很多公司,什么销售部门,人资部门、策划部门等,都会经常用到邮件,甚至还有的有公共邮箱 However now is invalid, because the e-mail capacity is too small. 但是现在根本行不通,因为邮箱容量太小。 Has frequently, because e-mail has filled, the situation of not being able to receive the opposite party mail. Afterward the technology renewed, turned into coverage, is the earliest mail, will vanish. 经常有因为邮箱满了,接不到对方邮件的情况。后来技术更新,变成了覆盖,也就是最早的邮件,将会消失。 Previous generation many people electronic e-mail , regard a memory tool use, but now, is troublesome. 前世很多人将电子邮箱,当成一种存储工具使用,但是现在,却非常麻烦。 Some people such do, their means that much applied for several e-mail , some achievement memory material uses, moreover frequently because of forgetting the password made a mistake, even some e-mail account numbers directly forgot. 还是有人这么做,他们的办法,就是多申请几个邮箱,一些作为存储资料使用,而且还经常因为忘记密码而搞错,甚至有的邮箱账号就直接忘了。 Afterward they these in the book, what a pity such did not have the secret to say. Therefore , this time electronic e-mail , there is a very big limitation, is not very convenient. 后来他们就将这些记在本子上,可惜那样就没有秘密可言了。所以说,此时的电子邮箱,还是有很大的局限性,不够方便。 Before Feng Yu rebirth, electronic e-mail , least is 3 g, then uses some time, can turn time, with cell phone and other binding, can expand is the infinite capacity. 冯宇重生前,一个电子邮箱,最少都是3g,然后用一段时间,就可以翻倍,跟手机等绑定,就能扩充为无限容量。 Naturally, this infinite capacity is also only the view of exaggeration, e-mail of average person, the space definitely cannot use up. 当然,这个无限容量也只是夸张的说法,不过一般人的邮箱,空间是肯定用不完的。 But at that time, various Company will have some Company e-mail , facilitates to save and give the information. 而那时候,各种企业都会有一些企业邮箱,方便存储和传递信息。 Sees the Ding Lei excited appearance, Feng Yu is actually full of the wicked interest to him poured cold water: 1 g did you satisfy? The overseas had electronic e-mail of 2 g capacity, your this is insufficient.” 看到丁垒兴奋的样子,冯宇却充满恶趣味的给他泼了冷水:“才1g你就满意了?国外已经有2g容量的电子邮箱了,你这还不够啊。” The Ding Lei excited look really vanished much, has such big disparity with the overseas? However after breaking through 1 g, he believes the disparity to be able getting smaller. Perhaps soon, can pursue on the overseas Corporation footsteps, even completes to surmount! 丁垒本来兴奋的神色果然消失了不少,跟国外还是有这么大的差距吗?不过突破1g之后,他相信差距会越来越小的。或许用不了几年,就能追赶上国外公司的脚步,甚至完成超越! Ding Zong, you have not thought that what this e-mail promotes except for the advertisement, but can also have other income?” “丁总,你就没想过,这个邮箱除了广告推广什么的,还能有别的收入?” Has e-mail is not only then our Corporation, the e-mail charge, is not definitely good. Although our technologies internally are best, but the average person has more than enough such big e-mail . Said as for you except for the advertisement promotion, what other income but can also have?” Ding Lei thinks that what other value-added services doesn't have? “有邮箱的又不是只有我们一家公司,邮箱收费,肯定是不行了。虽然我们的技术在国内还是最好的,但一般人用不了这么大的邮箱。至于你说除了广告推广,还能有什么的别的收入吗?”丁垒想了想,没有什么其他增值服务啊? Ding Zong, you looked that now the people register e-mail , is all kinds, how that makes the people know that sees this e-mail address, knows is which Corporation?” Asking that Feng Yu smiles. “丁总,你看现在人们注册邮箱,都是五花八门的,那如何让人们知道,看到这个邮箱地址,就知道是哪家公司的呢?”冯宇笑眯眯的问道。 Looks at the suffix, our Corporation with Sina the suffix domain name is different.” “看后缀啊,我们公司薪浪等的后缀域名不同啊。” Is very good, then this suffix, is your net hundred million, others looked that knows is your net hundred million e-mail , this was also the propagandas to net hundred million Corporation. Then among Company, why can't make own Company e-mail ?” “很好,那么这个后缀,是你们网亿的,别人一看,就知道是你网亿的邮箱,这也算是对网亿公司的宣传了。那么企业之间,为什么不能弄自己的企业邮箱呢?” „? Among Company, makes Company e-mail ? They must have their Company electron post office, must make an own domain name, they also need a server. Has free, why can spend?” “啊?企业之间,弄一个企业邮箱?那他们要有自己的企业电子邮局,也就是要弄一个自己的域名,他们还需要一个服务器。有免费的,为什么要花钱啊?” Security! My server, is certainly safer. Moreover in big Company, regarding a money of server, does not care. However this Company e-mail advantage, is all e-mail , under the supervision of Corporation. Each e-mail space size, can assign independently, even Corporation can close or delete your e-mail , after such this staff leaves job, cannot use the Corporation name transmission mail......” “安全!我自己的服务器,当然更加安全。而且大企业中,对于一台服务器的钱,根本不在乎。但是这个企业邮箱的好处,就是所有的邮箱,都在公司的监管之下。每个邮箱的空间大小,可以自主分配,甚至公司可以关闭或者删除你的邮箱,这样该员工离职之后,就不能在用公司的名义发送邮件了……” Ding Lei lowers the head, this Company e-mail , as if a little meaning. The meaning of Chief Feng is, should we make Company e-mail ? For these big Company, provides this class service? 丁垒低着头,这个企业邮箱,似乎有点意思啊。冯总的意思是,我们应该做企业邮箱?为那些大企业,提供这类的服务? Chief Feng, you believe that this will have the market very much?” 冯总,那你是认为,这个会很有市场?” If you do, then child Corporation of Taihua holding, will rent. The premise is, this Company e-mail security and stability, and can receive and dispatch the email of overseas, in other words, needs to lay aside a relaying server in the overseas.” “如果你做出来,那么泰华控股旗下的子公司,会租用一些。前提是,这个企业邮箱安全、稳定,且能收发海外的电子邮件,也就是说,需要在海外放置一个中继服务器。” In the future small Corporation will also make electronic e-mail , the security was quite bad did not say that but also is unable to receive and dispatch the overseas email, either was the halfway interrupt, either was the user non- local area, and what is more has not prompted directly. 未来很多小公司也做电子邮箱,安全性就比较差不说了,还无法收发海外电子邮件,要么是半路中断,要么是用户非本地,更有甚者直接就没有提示。 This does not certainly have the issue, what but also there is to pay attention?” “这个当然没问题,还有什么要注意的?” That is the system upgrade, the e-mail renewal service, this must contain in the post-sale service, can agree a free age limit, in the future will carry on the reasonable charge again.” “那就是系统升级,邮箱更新服务,这个要包含在售后服务中,可以约定一个免费的年限,未来再进行合理的收费。” Ding Lei nods: This does not have the issue, our system upgrades definitely are best, small Company e-mail , the promotion should soon.” 丁垒点点头:“这个也没问题,我们的系统升级肯定是最好的,一个小的企业邮箱,升级应该用不了多久。” e-mail a little is very important, that must be able to achieve the anti-spam, anti virus mail, then definitely will be accepted by more users. Naturally, I know that this is very difficult, but the email virus is now comparable, if the people discover the email that in our e-mail disseminates are the virus, to the Corporation prestige is also not the small influence.” 邮箱还有一点很重要,那就是要能做到反垃圾邮件,反病毒邮件,那么就必然会被更多的用户所采纳。当然,我知道这很困难,但是现在电子邮件病毒可比较猖獗,要是人们发现我们邮箱中传播的电子邮件是病毒,对公司的声誉也是不小的影响。” Anti virus mail I can understand that what meaning the anti-spam is?” “反病毒邮件我能理解,反垃圾邮件是什么意思?” Is that type of useless push advertisement, issues each electronic e-mail through the server cluster, will occupy the massive spaces, will make the person unable to find originally the useful mail.” “就是那种无用的推送广告,通过服务器群发给每个电子邮箱的,会占据大量的空间,而且会让人找不到原本有用的邮件。” Ding Lei expression strange looks at Feng Yu, you told me, our e-mail should push the advertisement profit, now you have to want my counter- advertisement. This meaning is, our can e-mail , only we sell the advertisement? 丁垒表情古怪的看着冯宇,你告诉我,咱们的邮箱应该推送广告盈利,现在你有要我反广告。这个意思就是,我们的邮箱,只能我们卖广告呗? However this actually great idea, in this case, their mail advertisements valuable. And free does e-mail that they provide, why give others to be used to seek money? 不过这倒是一个好主意,这样的话,他们的邮件广告就会更加的值钱。并且他们提供的免费邮箱,凭什么给别人用来牟利啊? Ok, these I knew. Right, a matter told you, our independently developed internet/network games must carry on beta-test, heard that you to game development design, have the opinion, can be helping look, this game has any shortcoming not to have, said that the net hundred million have your many stocks.” “行,这些我都知道了。对了,还有一件事跟你说一下,我们自主研发的网络游戏要进行公测了,听说你对游戏开发设计方面,非常有见解,能否帮着看看,这游戏有什么缺点没,怎么说网亿也有你不少股份呢。” Naturally has been OK, does your this game name?” Had the new game to play? Feng Yu is also very excited. “当然可以了,你这个游戏叫什么名字?”有新游戏玩了?冯宇也很兴奋。 West illusion swims.” “梦幻西游。” ...... …… The book friend group, 520, 98, 468, welcome into the group 书友群,520,98,468,欢迎入群
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