EG :: Volume #13

#1266: Breeze

Old Zong, what matter do you have?” Feng Yu is somewhat curious, because of what, Zong Qingxian runs Bing City to look for him unexpectedly, can't the telephone communication, or the online relation? 老宗,你有什么事吗?”冯宇有些好奇,因为什么,宗庆先竟然跑来冰城找他,不能电话联系,或者网上联系吗? Chief Feng, a little matter I cannot make up mind.” 冯总,有点事我拿不定主意。” Do not worry, slowly said.” Feng Yu frowned, can make Zong Qingxian hesitate, is definitely thorny. “别着急,慢慢说。”冯宇皱起眉头,能让宗庆先迟疑的,肯定非常棘手啊。 Sina and other family Corporation do not draw back the city from NASDAQ? We planned, is our these original shareholders disburses money to purchase the stock, is the non- voting stock, King Zhixi they did not oppose in any case, but now, some people want the purchase stock.” 薪浪等几家子公司不是要从纳斯达克退市吗?我们原本计划,是咱们这些原股东出钱收购股票,反正都是非投票股,王志西他们也都不反对,可现在,有人想要购买股票。” Who? If they are reasonably-priced, sold to them is not good. The premise is, their investments, can help Corporation be better a quicker development.” “谁啊?如果他们价格合理,卖给他们也不是不行。前提是,他们的投资,能帮助公司更好更快的发展。” Some Feng Yu doubts, awkwardly what does this have? Non- voting stock, but can also to them a limit, for example in three years not permit the transaction wait / etc., these Zong Qingxian should know. 冯宇有些疑惑,这有什么为难的?非投票股而已,还能给他们一个限制,比如三年内不准交易等等,这些宗庆先应该都知道啊。 Also do some people, dare to buy and sell by using compulsion inadequately with Taihua Holding Group? 难道还有人,敢跟泰华控股集团强买强卖不成? Wait / Etc., really has probably, but Huang Kejun did not pledge, won't interfere the Corporation development? 等等,好像还真有可以的,但黄克俭不是承诺了,不会干涉公司发展吗? Old Zong, you said that the country can purchase?” 老宗,你是说,国家要购买?” Zong Qingxian nods: Is investment Corporation of national capital, they do not know where heard after our that several Corporation draw back the city, but also internally or Hong Kong will go on the market, they definitely will be had made the detailed appraisal to Sina and other Corporation, thinks that in the future can definitely make money, will therefore want ginseng one.” 宗庆先点点头:“是一家国资的投资公司,他们不知道从哪儿听说了我们那几家公司退市后,还会在国内或者香江上市,他们肯定是对薪浪公司做过详细的评估,认为未来肯定能赚钱,所以想要参一股。” That does not have anything, they give is reasonably-priced, can comply. In any case Corporation authority, but also in our hands on line. They want with drawing bonus, sold to their some.” “那也没什么啊,他们给的价格合理,就可以答应下来。反正公司的权力,还在我们手里就行。他们不过是想跟着分红而已,就卖给他们一些吧。” Feng Yu thinks, why not. The stock can sell to the foreigner, how can't sell to the country? In the future Corporation has made money, draws bonus anything, was cheap has not occupied to the bystander. 冯宇想了想,也没什么不可以的。股票都能卖给老外呢,怎么就不能卖给国家了?将来公司赚钱了,分红什么的,也算是便宜没给外人占了。 Price that they give, is this time stock par value, this price, was somewhat somewhat low.” “他们给的价格,就是此时股票的票面价格,这个价格,有些偏低了。” This having a frank and sincere talk told them on the line, if they insisted that such low price, that casually sold their meaning one.” Clarified is profits, this may not be likable. “这点开诚布公的跟他们说就行,如果他们坚持这么低的价格,那就随便卖他们一点意思一下好了。”摆明了是过来占便宜,这可就不招人喜欢了。 They want is not a least bit, but in all stocks of NASDAQ public release! Does not have Sina, including rancid fox and net hundred million and other Corporation.” “他们要的不是一点半点,而是在纳斯达克公开发行的所有股票!不是只有薪浪,包括馊狐、网亿等公司。” The Feng Yu complexion changes, did this go too far? 冯宇脸色一变,这就太过分了吧? Normal repurchased stock, should the premium, although Sina and other Corporation drew back the city to be a foregone conclusion, but that is their matters, is the Taihua holding with King Zhixi and the others the result that collaborated to operate, turned head some stocks also to sell to these technical personnel. 本来正常回购股票,就应该溢价的,虽然薪浪公司退市已成定局,但那是他们的事情,是泰华控股跟王志西等人联手操作的结果,回头一些股票还要重新卖给那些技术人员呢。 Moreover makes the stock price change low, they have also paid some prices. Has planted one year of wheat laboriously, to harvest time, some people bring the car(riage) to come directly, must carry off the wheat, this no one is dry. 而且让股票价格变低,他们也是付出了一些代价的。辛苦种了一年麦子,到了收获的时候,有人直接带着车过来,要将麦子都拉走,这谁也不干啊。 Yes, you gave money, but you gave obvious was short, moreover must carry off all our wheat, our laborious such a long time why? 是,你给钱了,但是你给的明显少了啊,而且要把我们所有麦子都拉走,那我们辛苦这么长时间为什么? How Ding did Lei say?” Feng Yu asked. “丁垒怎么说?”冯宇问道。 The net hundred million were different from Sina and other Corporation, accepts the Feng Yu capital to be least, simultaneously net hundred million Ding Lei, has controlled 51% voting stocks, can say that Ding Lei or net hundred million big Boss, this they are different from King Zhixi, Zhang Chaoyang. 网亿跟薪浪公司不同,接受冯宇注资最少,同时网亿的丁垒,是掌控了51的投票股,可以说丁垒还是网亿的大老板,这点跟王志西、张超阳他们不同。 Moreover in the net hundred million accounts, has been able to see to gain, although the profit is few, that is the net hundred million investments are quite many in other aspect, lets the net hundred million development, is quicker than Sina and rancid fox. 而且网亿的账面上,已经可以看到盈利了,虽然盈利很少,那是网亿投入在别的方面比较多,也让网亿的发展,比薪浪和馊狐更快。 Ding Lei said that looks at our manner, he does not matter.” “丁垒说,看我们的态度,他无所谓。” Feng Yu showed the whites of the eyes, this sly fellow, this is makes Taihua control stock to force up. 冯宇翻了个白眼,这个狡猾的家伙,他这是让泰华控股顶上去啊。 However is actually, to loss that Ding builds, the loss of Taihua holding will be bigger. Naturally, what this loss refers to yields the income. 不过却是,相对于丁垒的损失来说,泰华控股的损失会更大。当然,这个损失指的是可能获得的收益。 „Did you discuss with other people? What opinion are they?” Feng Yu asked again. “你跟其他人商量了吗?他们是什么意见?”冯宇再次问道。 Their also being in doubt opinion, after all that is investment Corporation of national capital.” “他们也拿不准意见,毕竟那是国资的投资公司。” National capital? Also must observe normal commercial criterion! Old Zong, I remember that initially your Wahaha, the Hangzhou national capital must invest, you went against, what's wrong, this time doesn't dare?” Feng Yu asked. “国资的怎么了?也要遵守正常的商业准则!老宗,我记得当初你的乐哈哈,杭城的国资要投资,你就顶回去了,怎么,这次就不敢了?”冯宇反问道。 Zong Qingxian looks to smile bitterly: Municipal and this can compare?” 宗庆先面露苦笑:“市级和这个能比吗?” I want to take a look actually very much, which national capital dares so rampant spoke to us?!” On the Feng Yu face flashes through a fierceness. “我倒是很想看看,哪家国资敢如此嚣张的跟我们说话?!”冯宇脸上闪过一丝狰狞。 Is China invests Corporation, Chairman, but Han Aijun.” “是华夏投资公司,董事长可是韩爱军。” Han Aijun, that son? That how?” The Feng Yu eye has narrowed the eyes, why can they force the low price to purchase all stocks? “韩爱军,那位的儿子吗?那又如何?”冯宇眼睛眯了一下,凭什么他们要强制低价购买所有股份? For safety's sake, Feng Yu telephones to Director Fang, inquired, whether this was the above meaning. Naturally, Feng Yu has recognized at heart, this should be Han Aijun's own meaning. 为了保险起见,冯宇打电话给方主任,询问一下,这是否是上面的意思。当然,冯宇心里已经认定了,这应该是韩爱军自己的意思。 Really, after a while, the Director Fang telephone returns, tells Feng Yu, above absolutely does not have this meaning. And makes Feng Yu feel relieved that this matter will not happen again. 果然,过了一会儿,方主任电话打回来,告诉冯宇,上面绝对没有这个意思。并且让冯宇放心,这种事不会再发生了。 Above wins over regarding the Feng Yu policy now, not only wins over the Feng Yu fund, because also Feng Yu is a talented person, is a rare talent. 上头现在对于冯宇的政策是拉拢,不只是拉拢冯宇的资金,还因为冯宇是个人才,是个奇才。 All that at least now Feng Yu makes, but also is is favorable for the country, they so will not be shortsighted, take away Feng Yu property anything. 至少现在冯宇所做的一切,还都是对国家有利的,他们可不会如此短视,收走冯宇财产什么的。 The profit that an outstanding talented person, can earn, may surpass at present these. 一个优秀的人才,能赚取的利润,可远超眼下这些。 ...... …… Who is lets you with that several internet/network Corporation relations, can purchase their stock?” “是谁让你跟那几家网络公司联系,要购买他们股份的?” Han Aijun somewhat surprised looks at Director Fang: I decide, that several Corporation I have investigated, is domestic first several internet/network Corporation . Moreover the state of operation is getting better and better, in the future can definitely make money.” 韩爱军有些吃惊的看着方主任:“我自己决定的啊,那几家公司我调查过了,已经是国内前几的网络公司了,而且经营状况越来越好,未来肯定能赚钱啊。” Han Aijun somewhat does not think clearly, my this is for Corporation, makes money for the country, what has not to be right? 韩爱军有些想不明白,我这是为公司,为国家赚钱呢,有什么不对吗? Why you request the opposite party, sold to all your release stocks by this time stock price?” “那你为什么要求对方,以此时的股价卖给你所有发行股票?” Can make money, reads(.) naturally must buy. By the current price on market purchase, what has not to be right?” Han Aijun is bewildered. “能赚钱的,看书(.)当然要多买了。以市场价购买,有什么不对吗?”韩爱军一脸茫然。 Director Fang looks at Han Aijun's manner, finally understands Feng Yu said cannot make the financial person manage financial investment Corporation, was the how big mistake. 方主任看着韩爱军的态度,终于明白冯宇说的让不懂金融的人来管理金融投资公司,是多么大的错误了。 Han Aijun does not keep prices down intentionally, but does not know premium view. Is only thinking does not make the national capital suffer a loss, has not actually thought that as the matter stands, others suffered a loss. 韩爱军不是故意压价,而是根本不知道溢价这种说法。只想着不让国资吃亏,却没想到,这样一来,别人就吃了大亏。 It seems like these helmsmen of national capital, truly must choose, should with above suggestion, relate Hong Kong Professor Liang and other experts once more, making the specialized person manage, is the most responsible manner. 看来这些国资的掌舵人,确实要重新选择了,应该跟上面建议,再次联系香江梁教授等专家,让专业的人来管理,才是最负责任的态度。 ...... …… Zong Qingxian hangs up King Zhixi the telephone, said to Feng Yu: Chief Feng, that national capital Corporation spreads the news, the previous time is to express the mistake, what they want is the half of quantity issued, or one-third also good, the price we decide.” 宗庆先挂断王志西的电话,冲着冯宇说道:“冯总,那家国资公司传来消息,上次是表达错误,他们想要的是发行量的一半,或者1也行,价格我们说了算。” Feng Yu closes one's eyes by the chair: That gives them one-third, the price, the premium 10% were good.” 冯宇闭着眼睛靠在椅子上:“那就让给他们1吧,价格吗,溢价10好了。” ......( To be continued.) ……(未完待续。)
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