ESG :: Volume #7

#679: A tribulation

This verdict, actually one year ago Young Lady Yuan calculated. 这个判词,其实一年前袁小姐就推算出来了。 But she does not dare to say. 但她绝不敢说。 If because said that at that time Myriad Sages Office must be destroyed. 因为若是说出来,当时万贤局就得被毁。 Prince Yuan is not the person of good speech. 元王爷可不是什么好说话的人。 Therefore she rather spends for a year, seeks solution, trying to find the solution can save the Prince Yuan life. The calculation, can decode this matter, only has Heavenly Capital Stupa to hide Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings. 所以她宁可花一年的时间,去寻求破解之道,想办法能够挽回元王爷的性命。推算来推算去,能够破解此事的,唯有天京浮屠所藏智魂九连环 Therefore she does not hesitate to use the family property, recruits Expert, explores Heavenly Capital Stupa. 所以她才不惜倾尽家产,招募高手,探索天京浮屠 -- met Shen Zhenyi fortunately, obtained Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings effortlessly, now recalls , seems to be in a dream. ——幸而遇上了沈振衣,才兵不血刃地得到了智魂九连环,如今回想起来,也是恍然如梦。 Has this thing in the hand, she dares to tell the facts. 有此物在手,她才敢实话实说。 However even so, must first face being furious of Prince Yuan. 不过即使如此,也得先面对元王爷的震怒。 Bold!” “大胆!” Prince Yuan shouts at sternly. 元王爷厉声叱喝。 His anger changes into the essence, just like the air wave, the explosion, Young Lady Yuan only feels the chest to be worried loudly, was rumbled about three zhang (3.33 m), the quarrel/corners of the mouth overflowing blood, person cannot withstand, is in great confusion. 他的怒气化为实质,犹如气浪,轰然爆炸,袁小姐只觉得胸口烦闷,被轰出三丈开外,口角溢血,身边的人更是不堪,七颠八倒。 But the Myriad Sages Office front door, is been broken by this angry bang, the bricks and stones fly randomly, the giant tree breaks. 万贤局的大门,已然被这一怒轰碎,砖石乱飞,巨木断折。 „The this King destiny turns over, honored incomparable, martial arts is tyrannical, how dead, how dead a violent death!” 本王天命所归,尊贵无比,一身武学强横无匹,怎么会死,更怎么会死于非命!” Prince Yuan sound cold severe, your Myriad Sages Office verdict, but is not really of pleasant to hear.” 元王爷声音冷厉,“你们万贤局的判词,可真是不好听啊。” It is not of pleasant to hear, dies. 不好听,就是死。 The rain stopped. 雨停了。 Exactly said, is not the rain stops, because of the Divine Person Boundary sevenfold Expert anger, the raindrop stagnates, changes into the steam, the spring rain continuous aspect, gets made a piece of white lost in fog. 确切的说,并不是雨停,而是因为神人境七重高手的怒气,雨滴凝滞,化为蒸汽,原本春雨连绵的局面,变作一片白雾茫茫。 Dim, Prince Yuan such as mung bean general eye pupil twinkle Ominous Light. 朦胧之中,元王爷如绿豆一般的眼眸闪烁凶光 So long as a few words spoke incorrectly, will then die without the burial ground. 只要一句话说错,便会死无葬身之地。 Young Lady Yuan swallowed a saliva, braces oneself saying: „The prince is attacked by the enemy on all sides, crisis-ridden, originally truly is the end of hills and rivers. However my Myriad Sages Office calculation pure brightness, the prince also collapsing opportunities, are this thing.” 袁小姐吞了口唾沫,硬着头皮道:“王爷四面受敌,危机四伏,本来确实是山穷水尽。不过我万贤局推算清明,王爷还有一个破局的机会,便是这东西。” Her both hands hold Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings, has lifted up high the top of the head respectfully high. 她双手捧着智魂九连环,恭敬地高高举过头顶。 Nine skeleton head black smokes wind around, sends out the call letter that such as the ghost cries faintly. 九个骷髅头黑烟缭绕,隐隐发出如鬼哭的呼号。 „?” “哦?” The fat on Prince Yuan face shivered. 元王爷脸上的肥肉颤动了一下。 He puts out a hand to search, Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings flies, falls into his hand steadily. Big one string in the Young Lady Yuan hand, in his hands, actually entangles the small pendant on thick finger. 他伸手一探,智魂九连环飞起,稳稳落入他的手中。在袁小姐手中好大一串,在他手里,却只是缠在粗大手指上的小挂件而已。 Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings?” 智魂九连环?” Although Prince Yuan is gluttonous, is the person of being able to judge the quality of goods, as the last years prince, he also recognizes in this legend Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings of shift disaster hardship, places in the hand to stroke gently, laughs. 元王爷虽然贪吃,也是识货之人,作为末代王子,他也认得这传说中转移灾厄的智魂九连环,放在手中摩挲,不由大笑。 Good! Good! Good!” “好!好!好!” He is narrowing the eye, is really satisfied: Myriad Sages Office really also has the Great Mister Yuan customs handed down from the past, can with obtaining this Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings comes to be this King transports, can be you to take the trouble, seems like, today you do not use.” 他眯着眼睛,甚是满意:“万贤局果然还有袁大先生遗风,能够拿得出这智魂九连环来为本王转运,也算得上你们费心,看上去,今天你们不用死了。” He is not a fool. 他也不是傻子。 The crisis in Profound Heaven City, he bears the brunt, is not how could clear. 玄天城中的危机,他首当其冲,岂能不明白。 This big vortex, raising one's head is also a blade, necking in is also a blade, his seeks ease and comfort the person of pleasure also to have what means. 只是这大漩涡,伸头也是一刀,缩头也是一刀,他这贪图安逸享乐之人又有什么办法。 If not for is in the predicament, who will be all right to tell fortunes? 若不是身在窘境,谁又会没事来算命? Perhaps only then this Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings, can rescue his life. 或许只有这智魂九连环,才能救他一命。 Never expected that Myriad Sages Office deterioration hence, but can also help him find this thing, in the Prince Yuan heart likes, laughs loudly. 没想到万贤局衰败至此,还能帮他找到这东西,元王爷心中欢喜,放声大笑。 Melted the fog a moment ago the rainwater, in an instant again the congealment is the raindrop, falling , the people drench wet, actually no one dared the many words, only compensated to smile with Prince Yuan together. 刚才化雾的雨水,刹那间又重新凝结为雨滴,扑簌而下,众人都是淋得一头湿,却无人敢多话,只一起与元王爷赔笑。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 The rain lane deep place, a red clothes person's shadow goes out slowly, in the hand the long sword drags the line, even in the moist ground, still bloomed the bright yellow spark. 雨巷深处,一个红衣人影缓缓走出,手中长剑拖地而行,即使是在湿润的地面,也仍然绽放出明亮的黄色火花。 A curving path, winds to extend after this person, does not know that had taken the long road. 一条弯曲的轨迹,在此人身后蜿蜒延伸,不知道已经走了多长的路。 Prince Yuan was still laughing. 元王爷仍然在大笑。 He felt the killing intent murderous intention, but did not care. 他感觉到了杀意杀机,但并不放在心上。 Depending on his Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer Martial Dao cultivation base, the plump body that in addition nearly invulnerability, various guards, making him not be afraid the assassination. 凭他神人境第七重武道修为,加上近乎刀枪不入的肥硕身体,还有明里暗里的各种护卫,让他根本不害怕暗杀。 Let alone, Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings has arrived in his hand now. 更何况,如今智魂九连环已经到了他的手里。 The tribulation of-- his life, should cross. ——他的性命之劫,应该已经过了。 Who can kill him? 谁能杀他? Prince Yuan raises the head to look at the day, does not care muddily. 元王爷仰首望天,浑不在意。 Carrying a sedan chair 16 Divine Person Boundary six heavy martial artist, are instead anxious, they bear the brunt, must block this assassin strikes. 抬着轿子的十六名神人境六重武者,反而紧张起来,他们首当其冲,要挡住这刺客的一击。 Resembling the slow reality is quick, the red clothes person seems like moves sideways, had arrived at the people near. 似慢实快,红衣人似乎是闪身之间,已经到了众人近前。 At this time could look, this is a small young girl, her no sheath sword blade was seven chi (0.33 m) fully, was higher than her stature, this has to drag on the ground. 这时候才看得出来,这是个个子矮小的少女,她的无鞘剑刃足有七尺长,比她个子还高,这才不得不拖在地上。 Future who! Fast draws back!” “来者何人!速速退下!” „Do not the dashing prince!” “不得冲撞王爷!” Goes a step further again, kills without the amnesty!” “再进一步,杀无赦!” Lifts martial artist of palanquin, disorderly shouts out. 抬轿的武者,凌乱的呼喝起来。 Prince Yuan no matter what, is the Dynasty descendant, has own privilege. 元王爷不管怎样,也是皇朝的后裔,有自己的特权。 Even if the heart unwilling sentiment do not hope, that is also the Prince Yuan guard. 他们纵然心不甘情不愿,那也是元王爷的护卫。 The young girls lived in the footsteps. 少女顿住了脚步。 Fills murderous qi in drizzle, suddenly the dissipation does not see. 弥漫在雨雾中的杀气,忽然消散不见。 A people heart loosen. 众人心头一松。 Perhaps...... is a misunderstanding, is only the military crazy young girl, dashed accidentally the Prince Yuan private car. After all wants to kill the Prince Yuan person to be innumerable, but also is insufficient a faction young young girl to bring death. 也许……是个误会,只是个武痴少女,无意中冲撞了元王爷的座驾而已。毕竟想杀元王爷的人无数,但也不至于派一个稚龄少女来送死。 Youngest sister, leaves in a big hurry, do not disturb in this!” “小妹妹,快快离开,不要在此搅扰!” Lifted the palanquin martial artist sound to be gentle. 抬轿武者的声音都柔和了许多。 The red clothes young girl raised the head slowly, sees a paleness, her skin white Ruzhi, a pair such as the paint black pupil point is one of them unexpectedly, is out of sorts obviously. 红衣少女缓缓抬头,入目一片惨白,她的皮肤竟然白如纸,一双如漆的黑瞳点在其中,更显违和。 Her corners of the mouth raise suddenly, show a strange smile. 她忽然嘴角扬起,露出一个诡异的笑容。 Be careful!” “小心!” People absent-minded, thought suddenly where is not right. 众人一阵恍惚,陡然觉得什么地方不对。 sword light gets up suddenly! 剑光忽起! Together scarlet such as fire sword light, changes to the evil spirit of grows the horn, throws good-fittingly! 一道赤红如火的剑光,化作长角的厉鬼,合身扑上! Goal-- Prince Yuan! 目标——元王爷 Burning of Asura-- day!” “修罗——天之焚!” Prince Yuan eye pupil suddenly/violently stretch/open, sends out with astonishment shouts angrily, double palm even push, Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings flies same place, changes to together the black loop, blocks in front of that red grows the horn ghost. 元王爷的眼眸暴张,发出惊愕怒喝,双掌平推,智魂九连环原地飞起,化作一道黑色弧圈,拦在那红色长角鬼怪面前。 The-- itself thinks that such treasure, can resist this sword moment time at least, like this he can transport/fortune the merit calmly, by the Amituo unsurpassed upper body practices body cultivation technique peerless, arrives in this evil different sword. But has not thought that after Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings offers a sacrifice, including for one second not to support in front of that fiery-red Asura, at once the disintegration, four sides disperses. ——本以为这样的宝物,至不济也能抵挡这一剑片刻时光,这样他就能够从容运功,以阿弥陀无上上身的绝世练体功法,抵达这邪异的一剑。但万万没有想到,智魂九连环祭起之后,在那火红色的修罗面前连一秒钟都没有撑住,旋即崩碎,四面散开。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Prince Yuan is terror-stricken. 元王爷心胆俱裂。 His Amituo unsurpassed upper body has not transported the merit to finish, that Burning of the Asura Heaven sword certainly is imminent, wants to intend to resist, where also with enough time? 他的阿弥陀无上上身尚未运功完毕,那修罗天之焚的绝剑已经迫在眉睫,想要出手抵挡,哪里还来得及? Scoff! 嗤! The red malicious ghost, puts on the body, Prince Yuan at the scene. 红色恶鬼,穿身而过,元王爷愣在当场。 After several seconds of quietness, his huge body is divided into two halves evenly, departs to about! 数秒钟的静谧之后,他庞大的身躯均匀地分成两半,向左右飞出! The blood waterfall shoots up to the sky together. 一道血瀑冲天而起。 A Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings black skeleton head, tumbles in the pool of blood, the turning round chaotic revolutions, has not stopped for a long time. 智魂九连环的一枚黑色骷髅头,滚落在血泊之中,滴溜溜乱转,好久都没有停下来。 Obtained Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings Prince Yuan, still had not escaped the misfortune that dies a violent death. 得到了智魂九连环元王爷,仍然没有逃脱死于非命的厄运。 To chat «Ten thousand ancient sword Gods» with the person who has a common goal together, WeChat pays attentionreads the literature superiorly 想和更多志同道合的人一起聊《万古剑神》,微信关注“优读文学 Reads the novel, chatted the life, sought the friend ~ ”看小说,聊人生,寻知己~
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