ESG :: Volume #7

#680: Died?

Young Lady Yuan was silly. 袁小姐傻了。 She is staring stubbornly Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings that scatters in the place, looks that the Prince Yuan minute makes two pieces of gigantic corpses, long time could not speak, the complexion and deceased person were also similar. 她死死地瞪着散落在地的智魂九连环,又看着元王爷分作两片的硕大尸体,半晌说不出话来,脸色和死人也差不多了。 These guard crying fathers shouted mother, insane tidied up the Prince Yuan corpse and bloody water generally, hid comes in Expert of hidden place in abundance, yelled crazily. 那些护卫哭爹喊娘,疯了一般收拾元王爷的尸体与血水,藏匿在暗处的高手纷纷现身,疯狂大叫。 However...... already late. 但是……已经晚了。 That red clothes young girl, after leaving the sword kills people, at once vanishes without a trace, as if in Heaven and Earth, has not appeared. 那红衣少女,出剑杀人之后,旋即消失得无影无踪,仿佛天地之中,从来没有出现过。 A hair snow white old man flies high to fall, hating bitterly face upwards to angrily roar. 一个头发雪白的老者凌空落下,痛心疾首的仰天怒吼。 Nine Great Secret Swords! Ancient Warrior Lineage! You dare to kill my Dynasty descendant, this enmity did not report, absolutely irreconcilable!” 九大秘剑古武一脉!你竟敢杀我皇朝后裔,此仇不报,不共戴天!” Burning of the Asura Heaven, one of the official Ancient Warrior Lineage Nine Great Secret Swords. 修罗天之焚,正式古武一脉九大秘剑之一。 The old man, is the Dynasty officials, is side Prince Yuan the strongest guard. He has not thought, by the Prince Yuan skill and defensive power, actually has not received including a sword, wants to help, already early without enough time. 那老者,乃是皇朝宦官,也是元王爷身边最强的护卫。他万万没有想到,以元王爷的身手和防御力,竟然连一剑都未曾接下,想要出来帮忙,已经早来不及了。 This moment person dies, the assassin does not have the trace lost to view, even again angry, does not help matters. 此刻人一死,刺客已经杳杳无踪,就算是再愤怒,也无济于事。 Has not thought, Prince Yuan will die in this moment unexpectedly. 万万没有想到,元王爷竟然会死在这个关头。 This is in Profound Heaven City the important matter. 这是玄天城中发生的大事。 But Shen Zhenyi must to that afternoon, learn of the news. 沈振衣要到当天下午,才得知消息。 That is Young Lady Yuan is crying walking, in a terrified way does not have. 那是袁小姐哭着找上门来,惶恐无地。 Perhaps Third Young Master Shen, this Myriad Sages Office has really died without the burial ground! Why...... why I have not calculated after Prince Yuan attains Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings , the tribulation, must cross this tribulation, can sleep without worries?” 沈三公子,这一次万贤局恐怕真已经死无葬身之地了!为什么……为什么我没有算到元王爷拿到智魂九连环之后还有一劫,要渡过这一劫,才能安枕无忧?” I leak calculate again and again, the father makes me not be possible to continue Myriad Sages Office, is really right!” “我漏算连连,父亲让我绝不可续开万贤局,果然是对的!” She is discouraged desperately, does not have an anticipation of life. 她灰心绝望,已无一丝活命的期待。 Who knows that so will be hapless? 谁知道会这么倒霉? Only can blame to leak calculates a tribulation. 只能怪自己漏算一劫。 Will this be so miserable? Prince Yuan unfortunately, dies in their Myriad Sages Office entrance? 这怎么会那么惨?元王爷好死不死,死在他们万贤局门口? This his back Imperial Clan old people investigate, let alone is Young Lady Yuan, even if Great Mister Yuan comes back to life, perhaps cannot shoulder completely! 这他背后的皇族遗老们追究起来,别说是袁小姐,就算是袁大先生复生,恐怕也完全扛不住! Shen Zhenyi sits above the crystal throne, listened to complaining tearfully of Young Lady Yuan patiently, this asked: What matter Prince Yuan had the dispute with you, after this, how was, but also invited the Young Lady Yuan 11 explanations. I could help.” 沈振衣坐在水晶王座之上,耐心地听完了袁小姐的哭诉,这才问道:“元王爷与你们到底是何事起了纠纷,这之后又是如何,还请袁小姐一一说明。我或许可以帮忙。” Before Young Lady Yuan said ambiguously, the worst case scenario happened now, that naturally can speak frankly. 之前袁小姐说得含含糊糊,如今最坏的情况都发生了,那自然可以打开天窗说亮话。 Young Lady Yuan sighed, put on a long face, is having the last ray of hope, started to give Shen Zhenyi to tell that chaotic Profound Heaven City circumstance, but their Myriad Sages Office, is involved innocently. 袁小姐叹了口气,哭丧着脸,抱着最后一线希望,开始给沈振衣讲述混乱不堪的玄天城情势,而她们万贤局,真是无辜被卷入其中。 The skill that-- she surveys is less than your father eventuality, but at least various information news, pour also calculates that can reorganize clearly, long and short of the story, can say in detail compared with others. ——她测算的本事不及乃父万一,但至少各种情报讯息,倒还算能整理得清清楚楚,来龙去脉,也比旁人能说得详细。 Although Profound Heaven City is big, but in one person one sword except for the legend, cuts to draw back trillion beast tides, shouting is Sword Immortal, beside beginning generation of City Lord of hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse, and no one can become the true ruler. 玄天城虽大,但除了传说中一人一剑,斩退亿万兽潮,呼为剑仙,神龙见首不见尾的初代城主之外,并没有人能够成为真正的统治者。 Is various influence compromises has been balanced. 一直是各种势力妥协均衡。 And, the Prince Yuan back Imperial Clan old people influence, naturally is also a powerful strength. 其中,元王爷背后的皇族遗老势力,当然也是其中一股强大的力量。 Initially the sister of the emperor got angry sinks Heavenly Capital Stupa, Imperial Clan has not died certainly.” “当初长公主怒沉天京浮屠,皇族可没有死绝。” These Imperial Clan have the Secret Technique inheritance, the strength is not weak, sticks together tightly. Initially Profound Heaven City used the sword, a Sword Immortal person coerces the world, naturally does not dare to explode the thorn, but with Sword Immortal was gone without a trace. The Imperial Clan restoration influence, starts to be ready to make trouble. 这些皇族秘法传承,实力不弱,又抱团得紧。当初玄天城出剑,剑仙一人压服天下,自然不敢炸刺,但随着剑仙杳无踪迹。皇族的复辟势力,就开始蠢蠢欲动。 And Prince Yuan, is a board game piece that they push. 其中元王爷,便是他们推出来的一枚棋子。 Although Prince Yuan gluttonous vulgar, but Bloodline is pure, was the son of first wife of previous dynasty end emperor, but was legitimate. 元王爷虽然贪吃粗鄙,但血脉纯正,乃是前朝末帝的嫡子,可算是正统。 Previous dynasty Imperial Clan, has wanted to reconstruct Dynasty, making Prince Yuan work as puppet Emperor, became the lord of Profound Heaven City. 前朝皇族,一直想要重建皇朝,让元王爷当傀儡皇帝,成为玄天城之主。 Hears here, Chu Huoluo laughs: Now the beast tide is fierce, the place of Seven Wounds World, ten have ** was occupied by Ominous Beast, this person also wants to close, when Emperor, is really stupid.” 听到这里,楚火萝嗤笑:“如今兽潮凶猛,七伤世界之地,十有**都被凶兽占据,这人还想关起门来当皇帝,真是愚不可及。” This truth everyone understands, what a pity greedy front, without the truth may say. 这个道理人人都懂,可惜贪婪面前,没有道理可讲。 Young Lady Yuan continues to sigh: Prince Yuan looks for Myriad Sages Office, must survey is this matter. He is also very clever, knows own strength is insufficient, even if mounts the imperial throne, still no power, even fatal disaster. But if not willing to forward, his back person, how is also willing to give up? Therefore he comes Myriad Sages Office to tell fortunes, actually wants to look for means of livelihood.” 袁小姐继续叹气:“元王爷找上万贤局,要测算的便是此事。他也乖觉得很,知道自己实力不足,就算是登上帝位,也没什么权力,甚至还有杀身之祸。但若是不肯向前,他背后的人,又怎肯善罢甘休?所以他来万贤局算命,其实就是想找一条活路。” That does Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings have what using?” “那智魂九连环又有何用?” Dragon Princess cannot bear the inquiry. 龙郡主忍不住询问。 This person has gotten sucked must die the bureau, takes strange thing, what also there is to affect? 这人已经深陷必死之局,要一件奇物,又有什么作用? Young Lady Yuan forced smile: Actually the Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings biggest role, reverses the life and death, if stimulates by Secret Technique, can oneself ** transfers above Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings, becomes tenth series, is the body of skeleton, the body of Yin spirit. Then, naturally got rid of before death Bloodline, got rid of the evil debt. White bones, how can, when Emperor? No one could compel him. Moreover he had died, no one can kill his one time again.” 袁小姐苦笑:“其实智魂九连环最大的作用,乃是逆转生死,若是以秘法激发,便可将自身**转于智魂九连环之上,成为第十连环,也就是骸骨之身,阴灵之体。如此一来,自然摆脱了生前血脉,也就摆脱了孽债。一具白骨,如何能当皇帝?谁也逼不了他。而且他已经死了,也没人能再杀他一次。” This situation with dying also no wide difference, approximately only then Prince Yuan such person, can find out this stupid idea. 这种情况与死了也没有啥大差别,大约只有元王爷这样的人,才能想出这种馊主意。 But the Young Lady Yuan survey for a long time, discovered the Prince Yuan intention, moreover matter that can defying heaven changing fate she be able to reach, as if also only then this Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings. 袁小姐测算许久,发现了元王爷心意,而且能够逆天改命她又够得着的事儿,似乎也就只有这智魂九连环 Therefore she can only take risks, took such a road. 所以她才只能铤而走险,走了这么一条路。 Never expected that Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings just succeeded in obtaining, Prince Yuan was killed, wasted effort, but also invites trouble, cannot withstand painstakingly. 没想到智魂九连环刚到手,元王爷就被杀了,竹篮打水一场空,还惹祸上身,苦不堪。 Chu Huoluo knits the brows: That this Prince Yuan does not think, when Emperor, rather worked as one pile of white bones, but also who isn't willing to let off him? Is his behind person?” 楚火萝皱眉:“那这个元王爷不想当皇帝,都宁可当一堆白骨了,还有谁不肯放过他?难道是他身后之人?” The Young Lady Yuan complexion is awkward: This...... I survey long time, missing the point, is my scholarship not fine......” 袁小姐脸色尴尬:“这个……我测算良久,不得要领,还是我学艺不精……” Prince Yuan dies, his guard makes Young Lady Yuan survey the murderer immediately, calculates how, always does not have the direction, perhaps the opposite party also has the technique number person of high skill, hoodwinks the secret. 元王爷一死,他的护卫立刻就让袁小姐测算凶手,奈何算来算去,总是没有方向,恐怕对方也有术数高人,蒙蔽天机。 Shen Zhenyi slightly nods: You said, besides the Imperial Clan influence, these influences, can have such Expert, only then in these big influences person.” 沈振衣略点点头:“那你就说说,除了皇族势力之外,还有那些势力,能出这样的高手,也只有这些大势力中人了。” That may be many.” “那可就多了。” Young Lady Yuan forced smile: Besides the Imperial Clan faction, first is the senior statesman sends......” 袁小姐苦笑:“除了皇族派之外,首先便是元老派……” Initially Profound Heaven City constructed initially, several family schools formed an alliance, do pioneering work despite great hardships, from the beginning performed distinguished service, had/left many outstanding characters. These people are the Profound Heaven City senior statesmen, afterward for the generation inheritance, married mutually, deep-rooted and flourishing, it can be said that in Profound Heaven City biggest real power faction. 当初玄天城初建,有好几个家族门派结成联盟,筚路蓝缕,一开始立下了汗马功劳,也出了不少杰出人物。这些人便是玄天城元老,后来代代传承,互相联姻,根深叶茂,可说是玄天城中最大的实权派。 They most opposed certainly that Imperial Clan restores, if said that who kills the Prince Yuan biggest suspicion, that certainly is in the senior statesman faction the person.” “他们当然是最反对皇族复辟的,若说谁是杀元王爷的最大嫌疑,那一定是元老派中人。” Young Lady Yuan speculated. 袁小姐推测。 This group of person real power are grasping, how possibly to look at Imperial Clan to restore helplessly, presents to return the big decision? This is contradiction, must kill people are not strange. 这帮人实权在握,怎么可能眼睁睁看着皇族复辟,奉还大政?这是实打实的矛盾,要杀人也不奇怪。 But Prince Yuan is willing to draw back one step, as if must kill such a coward, and has no value?” “但元王爷愿意退一步了,似乎要杀这么一个懦夫,也并没有什么价值?” This is the questionable point. 这是疑点。 To chat «Ten thousand ancient sword Gods» with the person who has a common goal together, WeChat pays attentionreads the literature superiorly 想和更多志同道合的人一起聊《万古剑神》,微信关注“优读文学 Reads the novel, chatted the life, sought the friend ~ ”看小说,聊人生,寻知己~
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