ESG :: Volume #7

#678: Prince Yuan

Profound Heaven City is different from the general place. 玄天城不同于一般的地方。 Here Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer, cannot certainly be a weak one, but also this is powerful point Personal Guard, or Commandant Hong such city gate guard. 这里神人境第六重,当然也不能算是弱者,但也不过这是一个强悍点的亲卫,或是洪都尉这样的城门守卫而已。 Dies under the Shen Zhenyi ten thousand li (0.5 km) flying sword, is named tiger enmity Personal Guard. 死在沈振衣万里飞剑之下的,便是一个名为虎仇的亲卫 -- he is also Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer. ——他也是神人境第六重 Profound Heaven City nine provincial commander Yuan Yuzhen move of Shen Zhenyi come, the main charge, is he kills Profound Heaven City Personal Guard. 玄天城的九门提督原羽真沈振衣前来,主要的罪名,便是他杀死玄天城亲卫 -- this may even in the city the close relative or trusted subordinate of the emperor, must take off/escape a crime of skin. ——这可即使是城中亲贵,都要脱一层皮的罪。 At this time Shen Zhenyi arrived in the Profound Heaven City copy clerk, arrived in the Yuan Yuzhen hand finally. 这时候沈振衣抵达玄天城的文书,也终于到了原羽真手中。 He arrived finally.” “他终于到了。” Yuan Yuzhen is a quiet middle-aged person, the beard on lip is lossless his handsome, instead were many for several points to be calm and loose. His young time is to also be well-known the temporary beautiful male, now was old, actually the appearance does not reduce. 原羽真是个沉静的中年人,嘴唇上的髭须无损他的英俊,反而多了几分沉稳与风流。他年轻时候也是闻名一时的美男,如今年纪大了,却容颜不减。 The Personal Guard team goes is Ye Zongchang and small night soul revenges, originally is only the minor matter, having no need for his keeping aloof nine provincial commanders who to process. 亲卫队去为叶宗昌与小夜魂报仇,本来只是小事,用不着他这高高在上的九门提督来处理。 Because is prompted by a sudden impulse for a while, he to send the law of soul to observe the southern territory, has not thought that actually saw that mysterious one person. 但因为一时心血来潮,他以寄魂之法观察了南域,没想到却见到了那神奇的一人。 sword intent of this person, he could not even completely understand. 此人的剑意,连他都看不透。 Ten thousand li (0.5 km) flying sword, does not have the war of moon/month of beautiful clothing with Overlord City Lord in addition, the cleverness of this person of sword technique , really it can be said that outstanding. 万里飞剑,加上与霸王城主无月霓裳的一战,这人的剑法之高妙,实在可说是出类拔萃。 Young people who-- in Profound Heaven City, still waits for even rare like this. ——即使是在玄天城中,也少有这样等的年轻人。 Without the background, has the tyrannical strength. 没有背景,却有强横的实力。 This is in the best candidate who in the vortex upsets the balance. 这是在漩涡中打破平衡的最好人选。 This is why Yuan Yuzhen will also open the mouth for him, inviting him to come the Profound Heaven City reason. 这也是为什么原羽真会为他开口,邀请他前来玄天城的原因。 „...... Also really makes me pleasantly surprised.” “不过……还真是让我惊喜啊。” After ten thousand li (0.5 km) flying sword cuts kills Profound Heaven City Personal Guard, Shen Zhenyi slaughters the southern territory, showed unparalleled aggressive and strength. 在万里飞剑斩杀玄天城亲卫之后,沈振衣屠戮南域,更是展现了无双霸气与实力。 This person of natural talent is outstanding, is the Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer peak, after stepping into Profound Heaven City, should be able to visit Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer smoothly. 此人天资卓绝,原本就是神人境第六重巅峰,踏入玄天城之后,应该能够顺利踏足神人境第七重 -- such words, stage originally estimate was more splendid. ——这样的话,舞台就比原本预计的更加精彩了。 On the Yuan Yuzhen face shows a mysterious smile. 原羽真脸上露出一丝神秘的微笑。 The entering city of this little person thing, has not caused in the city the strong reactions of major influences, so long as the time is ingenious, is not cannot turn to lean the day the storm. 这个小人物的入城,并未引起城中各大势力的强烈反应,但只要时机巧妙,也不是不能翻起倾天的风浪。 The head under Yuan Yuzhen, the responsible law clerk examines the dossier, makes much ado about nothing to ask: Sir, this person kills Profound Heaven City Personal Guard, guilty of the most heinous crime, is to make him enter the geographical unit of government to stand trial immediately, sets the penalty?” 原羽真下首,负责的书记官查看卷宗,大惊小怪问道:“大人,此人杀死玄天城亲卫,罪大恶极,是不是要让他立刻入公所受审,定下刑罚?” The Profound Heaven City Personal Guard making an inspection tour four directions, the position is extremely high, besides dying in the hand of Ominous Beast, had not heard that was killed. 玄天城亲卫巡守四方,地位极高,除了死在凶兽之手的,还没听说被人杀死。 This was also the case. 这也算是大案了。 Yuan Yuzhen shakes the head: „It is not anxious, when he first passed the first pass/test to say again.” 原羽真摇头:“不急,等他先过了第一关再说吧。” Shen Zhenyi also stirs with the Myriad Sages Office Yuan Family person to one unexpectedly, all were really smooth. 沈振衣居然还与万贤局袁家的人搅到一处,一切真是太顺利了。 He stands up, arrives at the window, looks at Moon's Eye of space. The mist covers, the weather is gloomy, tomorrow, must rain. 他站起身,走到窗边,看着天上的月眼。薄雾笼罩,天气阴森,明天,恐怕是要下雨。 Rain in abundance. 雨纷纷。 Young Lady Yuan mood , is very chaotic. 袁小姐的心情,也纷乱得很。 She obtained Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings finally, can decode the Prince Yuan inexorable fate, but today, is Prince Yuan comes the deadline of Myriad Sages Office divination. 她终于得到了智魂九连环,能够破解元王爷的劫数,而今日,也是元王爷万贤局问卦的最后期限。 Can-- deceive, looked at own performance. ——到底能不能糊弄过去,就看自己的表现了。 In her palm is the sweat, is anxious the knee to tremble. 她手掌中全是汗水,紧张得膝盖都在发抖。 Came! Came!” “来了!来了!” The Myriad Sages Office disciple staggers along racing Jinnei Hall, reported to Young Lady Yuan, Young Lady Yuan could not help then stand up-- according to the truth, the Myriad Sages Office sentencing master will control the destiny and in the future, cannot look encouragingly to anybody. 万贤局的弟子跌跌撞撞奔进内堂,向袁小姐禀告,袁小姐情不自禁便站起身来——按道理来说,万贤局的判师掌控命运与未来,不须对任何人假以辞色。 Only pitifully, that is Great Mister Yuan, rather than her Young Lady Yuan. 只可惜,那是袁大先生,而不是她袁小姐 Places Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings on table silent to fly, in nine skeleton head eyes emits the grey smoke, dim, covers the surroundings, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 放在桌上的智魂九连环无声飞起,九个骷髅头眼中冒出灰烟,朦朦胧胧,笼罩周围,神秘莫测。 Outside Myriad Sages Office, an unequalled sedan chair, is coming on the broad street slowly. 万贤局外,一顶硕大无朋的轿子,正在宽阔的街道上慢悠悠地过来。 Carries the person of palanquin, is 16 Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer martial artist, they reveal the upper body, the facial color or the worried, or shame, either angry, but no one dares to revolt certainly. 抬轿之人,是十六位神人境第六重武者,他们袒露上身,面色或忧愁,或耻辱,或愤怒,但绝没有一个人敢于反抗。 In the sedan chair, sits a fatty of plump. 轿子中,坐着一个圆滚滚的胖子。 -- giant fatty. ——巨大的胖子。 If his two sturdy thigh stands, perhaps the body quantity must exceed the zhang (3.33 m) two, but his waist also has no time to let much, the rubber ball that the fat resembles on face gasifies, only pushes the eye to have a seam. 他那两条粗壮的大腿如果站直,恐怕身量要超过丈二,而他的腰围也不遑多让,脸上的肥肉像充了气的皮球,挤得眼睛只剩下一条缝。 The whole piece face is fair, even the ear nose fell, gives people the impression to be profound only, is a big mouth. 整张脸白皙肥满,连耳朵鼻子都陷了进去,唯一给人印象深刻的,是一张血盆大口。 He is eating the thing. 他正在吃东西。 The entire roast chicken only, pats toward the mouth conveniently swallows, does not spit the bone. 整只的烧鸡,随手往嘴里一拍就吞下,连骨头都不吐。 This is Prince Yuan. 这便是元王爷 -- previous dynasty final end lineage. ——前朝最后的末裔。 If millenniums ago Dynasty does not extinguish, that this is the legitimate successor, can become the world to advocate. 如果千年前皇朝不灭,那这位便是正统的继承人,可以成为天下之共主。 What a pity, the time had changed, on this day under also no longer is the Human Race world. 可惜,时代已经变了,这天下也不再是人族的天下。 Therefore the life does not have the interest. 于是人生没有趣味。 He only likes eating. 他只爱吃。 However by his Imperial Clan Bloodline, even if not practice martial arts attentively, but eats and drinks, still makes him one sufficiently in the role that the Profound Heaven City outer city can walk sideways. 不过以他皇族血脉来说,即使不用心练武,只是吃吃喝喝,也足以让他成为一个在玄天城外城可以横着走的角色。 If he wants the destruction not to have Great Mister Yuan Myriad Sages Office, possibly also only needs a palm of the hand. 如果他要覆灭没有袁大先生万贤局,可能也只需要一巴掌而已。 Hungry............” “饿……啊……” He eats the thing, while did not mumble clear. 他一边吃东西,一边嘟囔不清。 With the person of his getting to know each other well, possibly could not understand him to say anything. 不是与他相熟之人,可能根本听不懂他在说什么。 On this gluttony greedy appearance, seemed like with Ominous Beast also do not have much difference-- regarding initially the person of loyal Emperor Qin, the Imperial Clan last years became and Ominous Beast have no difference, possibly were the biggest satire. 就这饕餮贪婪的模样,看上去与凶兽也没多大区别——对于当初忠诚勤王之人来说,皇族末代变得和凶兽没啥区别,可能是最大的讽刺。 Prince, we have arrived.” “王爷,我们已经到了。” The sedan chair stopped in the Myriad Sages Office entrance. 轿子停在了万贤局门口。 Young Lady Yuan leads the person, greets in the entrance respectfully. 袁小姐带着人,恭敬在门口迎接。 She is not Great Mister Yuan, no reason of putting on airs. 她不是袁大先生,没有任何摆架子的理由。 -- this point, Young Lady Yuan are also clear very much. ——这一点,袁小姐自己也清楚得很。 Arrived......?” “到了……么?” Prince Yuan stopped eating encouragingly, opens the eye diligently, making him with turn into the mung bean size like both eyes of line, one of the Ominous Light in eye pupil on Young Lady Yuan swept. 元王爷勉为其难地停下了吃,努力睁开眼睛,让他拿如同一条线的双目变成了绿豆大小,眼眸中的凶光袁小姐身上一扫而过。 Yuan.” “袁氏。” His sound raised suddenly. 他的声音忽然拔高了。 „A year ago, this King comes Myriad Sages Office batch of lives, you use a pretext my destiny to be honored, may not absurdly, probably fast to prepare for a year, can say the final verdict.” “一年之前,本王万贤局批命,你推说我天命尊贵,不可妄,要斋戒准备一年,才能说出最后的判词。” Now one year has crossed, I, am you to say the this King final destiny today.” “如今一年的时间已经过了,我今日来,就是要你说出本王最后的命运。” If said not well, said not accurate, that do not blame this King to remove your Myriad Sages Office signboard, extinguished your whole families!” “若是说得不好,说得不准,那就不要怪本王拆了你万贤局的招牌,灭了你满门!” These words, can see overbearing of Prince Yuan merely. 仅仅这几句话,就可以看得出元王爷的霸道。 Also cannot say not well, cannot say not accurate. 既不能说得不好,也不能说得不准。 If his life is not good, Myriad Sages Office must be buried along with the dead. 所以若是他的命不好,万贤局也得陪葬。 -- will be initially muddled for a while, does not listen to losing of father, can continue this Myriad Sages Office? ——当初怎么会一时糊涂,不听父亲的遗,非要持续这万贤局 In the Young Lady Yuan heart regretted, but has been unable to back down at this time. 袁小姐心中懊悔,但此时已经骑虎难下。 She clenches teeth, finally the final verdict will say. 她咬牙,终于将最后的判词说出口。 Prince, pride goes before a fall, just may not be long. The life of prince is the Longyou shoal, if cannot decode, in March/three months within, dies a violent death inevitably!” “王爷,亢龙有悔,刚不可久。王爷的命已经是龙游浅滩之相,若是不能破解,三月之内,必然死于非命!” To chat «Ten thousand ancient sword Gods» with the person who has a common goal together, WeChat pays attentionreads the literature superiorly 想和更多志同道合的人一起聊《万古剑神》,微信关注“优读文学 Reads the novel, chatted the life, sought the friend ~ ”看小说,聊人生,寻知己~
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