ESG :: Volume #2

#196: Mortal World Three Heroes

Chapter 196 Mortal World Three Heroes 第196章红尘三侠 Eldest Young Master Yu. 虞大少 This Central Plain Blade Sect Young Sect Lord proposes one to break the blade, the whole body bloodstain, the clothing shatter, escapes from the front door in an extremely difficult situation. 这位中原刀宗少宗主提着一口断刀,满身血痕,衣衫破碎,狼狈不堪地逃出大门。 If he does not have a fly to proceed along no particular course generally, saw that Shen Zhenyi looked like saw the straw to grasp was ordinary, knocks down, yelled: Young Master saves me!” 他如没头苍蝇一般乱撞,看到沈振衣就像是看到了救命稻草一般,扑倒在地,大叫道:“公子救我!” Monarch Zi Ning frightens, hurries to keep off in front of Shen Zhenyi, grabs his lower hem anxiously. 紫宁君一吓,赶紧挡在沈振衣面前,紧张地抓着他的衣摆。 Shen Zhenyi patted the racket, hints the safe/without matter. 沈振衣拍了拍,示意无事。 Deep Blue Waves Secret Storehouse, really had the accident. 沧澜秘库,果然有了变故。 Third Young Master! The monk was insane! Must all kill a cleanness us, wants to have sole possession of temple martial arts!” 三公子!那和尚疯了!要将我们全都杀个干净,想要独吞圣殿武学!” Eldest Young Master Yu nasal mucus tears, do not have usually the aristocratic family juniors calm graceful style. 虞大少一把鼻涕一把眼泪,全无平日世家子弟从容优雅的风范。 Dreamless Monk?” 无梦和尚?” Shen Zhenyi has a feeling, looks up, sees in Deep Blue Waves bronzes gate, a whole body bloody monk calmly is standing, the cassock was shattered, the lower hem bloodstained, the whole body shows the deceased person common aura. 沈振衣似有所感,抬头望去,就见沧澜门之中,一个满身血腥的和尚静静站着,袈裟破碎,衣摆染血,浑身透出死人一般的气息。 He did not have the ordinary day dreadfulness, is only left over one to wither, both eyes like the blood, as if lost the reason. 他没了平日的猥琐,只剩下一身肃杀,双目如血,仿佛失去了理智。 Monarch Zi Ning knits the brows. 紫宁君皱了皱眉。 Fu...... brother?” “傅……兄?” She shouted to make noise scruple, in the amber brown eye pupil full was the doubts. 她迟疑地喊出声来,琥珀色的眼眸中满是疑惑。 The Dreamless Monk whole body shakes. 无梦和尚浑身一震。 It looks like wakes from the nightmare, he turns the head slowly, the vision same observed closely Shen Zhenyi and Monarch Zi Ning like the snake two people. 就像是从噩梦中醒过来,他缓缓转头,目光如蛇一样盯住了沈振衣紫宁君两人。 Small...... purple?” “小……紫?” As if this name is not familiar, his sound of talking is like the movement, probably rusted away generally. Dodges dance novel net www. .com 似乎这个称呼已经非常不熟悉,他的语声与动作一样,像是锈蚀了一般。闪舞小说网 In him behind, corpse mountain blood sea. 在他身后,尸山血海 Before him, bloomy spring. 在他面前,春暖花开。 Monarch Zi Ning hesitant, then looked at Shen Zhenyi one, hesitates has not been replying. 紫宁君犹豫了一下,回头望了沈振衣一眼,迟疑着没有应答。 Shen Zhenyi pats her shoulder. 沈振衣轻拍她的肩膀。 Dreamless Monk recovered from that slaughtering boundary a moment ago, is looking at Shen Zhenyi silently, long time opens the mouth to ask: Little Zi, since follows in your side, then mentioned, you were Sword Monarch. How is she can recognize your me?” 无梦和尚从刚才那种杀戮的境界回过神来,默默地望着沈振衣,良久才开口问道:“小紫既然跟在你的身边,那么说来,你就是剑君了。只是,她到底是怎么才能够认出你我?” Two people are together, some guesses, the Dreamless Monk heart has the suspicion respectively, is actually not able to determine the Shen Zhenyi status. 两人相处,各有猜测,无梦和尚心有怀疑,却始终无法确定沈振衣的身份。 As for monk he, has changed were too many, how Monarch Zi Ning can say calls to break him to pass...... not, status of dying? 至于和尚他自己,也已经改变了太多,紫宁君怎么能够一言叫破他过去……不,死去的身份? Shen Zhenyi caressed the Monarch Zi Ning amber brown eye pupil tender, Monarch Zi Ning closed the eye docilely, seemed the clever kitty. 沈振衣怜惜地抚了抚紫宁君琥珀色的眼眸,紫宁君温顺地闭上了眼睛,仿佛是乖巧的猫咪。 She keeps the War's Separation Mystical Place Three-thousand Li Illusion River 400 years, endures broken really changes imaginary, results in Illusion Breaking Eyes, now her your I in eye, am incorporeal, only then soul. That naturally any change and camouflage, to her are useless.” “她留在乱离秘境三千里幻川四百年,堪破真幻变化,得破幻之眼,如今她眼中的你我,并无形体,只有魂魄之相。那自然任何变化与伪装,对她都是无用。” Shen Zhenyi is the natural change, Dreamless Monk is camouflage desirably. 沈振衣是自然的变化,无梦和尚是刻意的伪装。 But this, cannot hide the truth from Monarch Zi Ning Illusion Breaking Eyes. 但这,都瞒不过紫宁君破幻之眼 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Dreamless Monk nods, the buddhist monk's knife of dangling drop blood. www. .com 无梦和尚点头,垂下滴血的戒刀。 Eldest Young Master Yu to the relieving shrinking, looked pale frightened. 虞大少恐惧地向后缩了缩,面色苍白。 He witnessed the Dreamless Monk devil to massacre everyone a moment ago likely generally, still had a lingering fear, only Shen Zhenyi only regards saves a life to hope-- now, are these people one group? 他刚才才亲眼目睹了无梦和尚像恶魔一般残杀所有人,仍旧心有余悸,只把沈振衣当成唯一的救命希望——现在,难道这几个人都是一伙的? This beautiful and chilly purple clothes young girl, who is also? 这明媚而清冷的紫衣少女,又到底是谁? Life 500 years, compared with Heaven and Earth, such as the dream resemble imaginary.” “人生五百年,与天地相比,如梦又似幻。” The Dreamless Monk long sound sighed, mournful long said with a smile: Cannot think of three of us to have a reunion, unexpectedly under such situation.” 无梦和尚长声叹息,又凄然长笑道:“想不到我们三人重逢,居然是在这样的情境之下。” Monarch Zi Ning shrank shrinking toward the Shen Zhenyi bosom, asked in a low voice: Brother Fu, several hundred years does not see, how can you murderous qi be so serious? Elder Sister Jing?” 紫宁君沈振衣的怀里缩了缩,低声问道:“傅兄,数百年不见,你怎么会杀气这般严重?静姐姐呢?” The Dreamless Monk complexion is all of a sudden cloudy. 无梦和尚的脸色一下子阴沉下来。 She had passed away.” “她早已去世了。” 400 years ago, Shen Zhenyi leaves without saying good-bye, without a trace. He and lover accompanies Monarch Zi Ning together War's Separation Mystical Place, has not thought that here is the trap of murder, Monarch Zi Ning loses in Three-thousand Li Illusion River, his lover was actually claimed the life by fierce Strange Beast. 四百年前,沈振衣不告而别,无影无踪。他与爱侣陪同紫宁君一起乱离秘境,没想到这里是杀人的陷阱,紫宁君迷失于三千里幻川,他的爱人却是被凶猛的奇兽夺去了生命。 Thinks of this point, he is then grieved such as twists. 一想到这一点,他便心痛如绞。 „...... What's the matter? Who is this monk? Third Young Master, asking you to make me die to understand!” “到底……到底是怎么回事?这和尚到底是谁?三公子,求你让我死个明白!” The so dignified atmosphere, let Eldest Young Master Yu, he tightened Shen Zhenyi, the anxious inquiry, the death, must die to understand even. 现场这般凝重的气氛,让虞大少了,他拉紧了沈振衣,急急询问,就算是死,也要死个明白。 Shen Zhenyi silent a while, looked meaning that Dreamless Monk not stops, this sighed to reply: This matter is a long story, your Central Plain Blade Sect is well-established, recording the history events is many, should know for 500 years ago, there is the name of Mortal World Three Heroes......” 沈振衣沉默了一会儿,看无梦和尚并无阻拦的意思,这才叹口气答道:“这事说来话长,你们中原刀宗源远流长,记述史事甚丰,应该知道五百年前,有红尘三侠之名……” Eldest Young Master Yu gawked the long time, the nod said: I resemble am have listened, Heavenly King Fu Yue and first under heaven beautiful woman Monarch Zi Ning, the reputation is enormous, as for another Sword Monarch, is actually illusory, such as the glance, does not know that is what origin......” 虞大少愣了半晌,点头道:“我似是听过,其中天王傅越、天下第一美人紫宁君,名声极大,至于另一位剑君,倒是虚无缥缈,如惊鸿一瞥,不知是何来历……” The Shen Zhenyi smile, referred to Dreamless Monk. 沈振衣微笑,指了指无梦和尚 He is Heavenly King Fu Yue.” “他便是天王傅越。” Also referred to Monarch Zi Ning in bosom, first under heaven beautiful woman.” 又指了指怀中的紫宁君,“天下第一美人。” Finally, he referred to himself, Sword Monarch.” 最后,他指了指自己,“剑君。” What? This is impossible!” “什么?这不可能!” Eldest Young Master Yu stared in a big way the eye, the mouth almost can the stopper the next duck egg. Do the 500 years ago legendary characters, appear in oneself front unexpectedly in this manner? 虞大少瞪大了眼睛,嘴巴几乎能够塞得下一个鸭蛋。五百年前的传奇人物,居然以这种方式出现在自己的面前? Heavenly King Fu Yue, for the famous expert who the blade is famous, Central Plain Blade Sect was known as the orthodox school, esteems-- some people to tell him about this person of magnificent Blade Technique extremely now unexpectedly, was this homicidal maniac demon common monk, then past high-spirited Heavenly King Fu Yue? 天王傅越,原本就是以刀著称的名家,中原刀宗号称正宗,对这人华丽的刀法也极为推崇——现在居然有人告诉他,这个杀人狂魔一般的和尚,便是当年意气风发的天王傅越 Is this having a dream? 这是不是在做梦? Shen Zhenyi also pays no attention to him, continued to narrate in the past the past events, resembling was the recollection, thought aloud probably. 沈振衣也不理他,继续叙说当年往事,似是回忆,也像是自言自语。 „After initially I departed, is actually tired you to seek my trail everywhere, Brother Fu and static elder sister newly-married newlyweds, but also takes the trouble much, I really am extremely ashamed.” “当初我离去之后,倒是劳累你们到处寻我踪迹,傅兄与静姐新婚燕尔,还多多费心,我真是不胜惭愧。” Fu Yue married Female Asura Zong Jing for the wife at that time, is a charming story, the couples are peerless Expert, emerges on Nine Zen Heavenly Fight Arena. 傅越当时娶了女修罗宗静为妻,也是一桩佳话,夫妻都是绝世高手,在九禅天斗擂台上脱颖而出。 Particularly you must arrive at War's Separation Mystical Place to explore my trail, this was I implicates you seriously.” “尤其是你们要到乱离秘境探索我的踪迹,这当真是我连累你们了。” Shen Zhenyi sigh. 沈振衣叹息。 If not enter War's Separation Mystical Place, perhaps will not be such result. 如果不进乱离秘境,或许不会是这样的结局。 No.” “不。” Dreamless Monk shakes the head mournfully. 无梦和尚凄然摇头。 Little Zi wants War's Separation Mystical Place to seek you, is her idea. As for our couples, nothing but believes the hearsay that these harbored ulterior motives, planted in others hand, this liked a moth to the flame to walk into a trap, enters Danger Ground that this must die.” 小紫乱离秘境寻你,是她的想法。至于我们夫妻,无非还是信了那些别有用心的传闻,栽到了别人手里,这才飞蛾扑火自投罗网,进了这必死的绝地。” Heavenly King Fu Yue, Female Asura Zong Jing and Monarch Zi Ning, at that time were the world great characters. 天王傅越女修罗宗静紫宁君,当时都是天下一等一的人物。 Nine Zen Heavenly Fight Arena, must certainly invite them. 九禅天斗擂台,当然不可能不邀请他们。 Monarch Zi Ning was light very to Martial Dao, because could not find the Shen Zhenyi trail, this moved thoughts most mystical War's Separation Mystical Place to look for the clue. 紫宁君本来对武道淡薄得很,但因为找不到沈振衣的踪迹,这才动了心思最神秘的乱离秘境找线索。 Fu Yue and Mr. and Mrs. Zong Jing, are actually infatuated in Martial Dao, to pursue a higher boundary, this risk mystical place-- has not thought that was on others' wickedness worked as! 傅越宗静夫妻,却是痴迷于武道,为了追寻更高境界,这才冒险秘境——没想到是上了别人的恶当! Enters War's Separation Mystical Place, we apparent were swindled, Little Zi acts willfully, the thorough War's Separation Mystical Place deep place, falls into Illusion River. I read selfishly, has not followed the protection, has not thought that instead harmed itself and Jing'er.” “一入乱离秘境,我们便知上当,小紫一意孤行,深入乱离秘境深处,陷入幻川。我一念自私,未曾跟随守护,没想到反而是害了自己和静儿。” Dreamless Monk sees Monarch Zi Ning that jumps for joy, is the regret. 无梦和尚看到活蹦乱跳的紫宁君,更是懊悔不已。 After they separate, thinking Monarch Zi Ning must die without doubt, with peerless martial arts, wants to survive in this difficult strategic place, but Zong Jing was involved in fearful beast tide to lose the life eventually. 他们分开之后,以为紫宁君必死无疑,就凭着绝世武学,想要在这艰难的险地中生存下来,但宗静终究是被卷入一场可怕的兽潮而丢了性命。 Fu Yue is widowed, struggles to seek livehood for many years in War's Separation Mystical Place, finally found opportunity a time, withdraws. 傅越丧妻,在乱离秘境挣扎求生多年,终于找到一次机会,脱身而出。 This he reenters the War's Separation Mystical Place-- only goal time, only then takes revenge! 这一次他再入乱离秘境——唯一的目的,只有复仇! ps: Welcome to " Ten thousand ancient sword God » posts plays, may pay attention to WeChat public number ignorant/veiled to be white the dream_of_mengbai , q group 338971780, indefinite tense issue new book and individual news. ps:欢迎到《万古剑神》贴吧玩耍,也可关注微信公众号“蒙白”dream_of_mengbai,q群338971780,不定时发布新书和个人讯息。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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