ESG :: Volume #2

#197: One the blade breaks spatially

A Chapter 197 blade breaks spatially 第197章一刀断空 Eldest Young Master Yu is auditing these passing secret, the whole body cold sweat, waited for a Fu Yue saying to end, the anger roared: You, since must take revenge, then should look for Great Moon Dynasty! Why bother to find our these equally unlucky person to go flat?” 虞大少在一旁听着这些过往秘辛,浑身冷汗,等傅越一说完,愤怒咆哮道:“你既然要复仇,便该去找大月皇朝!何苦找咱们这些一样倒霉的人撒气?” Was deceived this damned place by catching an epidemic disease Great Moon Dynasty Chanyu Jing, naturally has bad luck very much. 被遭瘟的大月皇朝单于惊骗进这鬼地方,当然是倒霉得很。 But since Fu Yue had the opportunity to leave, wants to look for the Great Moon Dynasty revenge, then did on real swords and spears? Doesn't dare with Great Moon Dynasty for the enemy, instead the stealthy camouflage status, what ghost to come War's Separation Mystical Place again time is? Is must be abused again inadequately? 傅越既然有机会离开了,想找大月皇朝复仇,那就真刀真枪去干啊?不敢与大月皇朝为敌,反而鬼鬼祟祟伪装身份,再来一次乱离秘境是什么鬼?难道是自己要再受虐不成? Fu Yue has not managed him, has only been staring at Shen Zhenyi and Monarch Zi Ning, in the hand the buddhist monk's knife inspires gently, exudes the sound of like the sound of dragons and tigers. 傅越没理他,只一直盯着沈振衣紫宁君,手中戒刀轻轻一振,发出龙吟虎啸之声。 I naturally must look for the Great Moon Dynasty revenge.” “我当然要找大月皇朝复仇。” His sound full is the grief and indignation. 他的声音满是悲愤。 „After leaving War's Separation Mystical Place, I tried to be innumerable, wanted to assassinate Chanyu Jing, subverted Great Moon Dynasty, only pitifully beyond one's reach.” “离开乱离秘境之后,我试了无数次,想要刺杀单于惊,颠覆大月皇朝,只可惜力有未逮。” After that I research in thorough detail various martial arts, even does not hesitate to invest under the personal enemy, practices Great Moon Dynasty to spread many years of secret martial arts. But to the last step, I actually discovered that the heart has the disappointment, rare great accomplishment, wants to go a step further in True Person Boundary Ninth Layer again, dominates above Chanyu Jing, I must return to War's Separation Mystical Place, makes up my first thought.” “此后我精研各家武学,甚至不惜投入仇人麾下,修行大月皇朝流传多年的秘传武功。但到最后一步,我却发现心有缺憾,难得大成,想要在真人境第九重再进一步,凌驾于单于惊之上,我必须得回到乱离秘境,补我初心。” This is Fu Yue returns to the War's Separation Mystical Place reason. 这才是傅越乱离秘境的原因。 Shen Zhenyi nods, sighs: Your blade intent has restrained all, unified whole, only needs the final temperance, then can break cocoon to become butterfly, the tour of it seems like that this War's Separation Mystical Place, you serve the purpose.” 沈振衣点了点头,叹息道:“你的刀意已经尽数收敛,浑然一体,只需最后的锤炼,便能够破茧成蝶,看来这一次乱离秘境之行,你是达到目的了。” He, shakes the head saying: Is only your method is overbearing, shakes the foundation, even finally can result in supreme, still rather gain does not equal the loss, again difficult little advance......” 他顿了一顿,又摇头道:“只是你这法子过于霸道,动摇根基,就算最后能够得于至上,也未免得不偿失,再难寸进……” Shen Zhenyi knows that this saying said also spoke in vain, vowed to revenge the person who regarding one, even after were the revenge, immediately died, that was also willing. 沈振衣知道这话说了也是白说,对于一个矢志报仇的人来说,哪怕是复仇之后立时就死了,那也是心甘情愿。 Really Fu Yue laughs at one. 果然傅越嗤笑一声。 Absolute sincerity Martial Dao, if cannot protect the wife, futile manner? Great Moon Dynasty harms me to be with one's family broken up and decimated, if I cannot exterminate 30 ten thousand Imperial Clan blood all, futile manner.” “精诚武道,若不能保护妻子,岂不是枉自为人?大月皇朝害我家破人亡,我若不能将三十万皇族血裔尽数灭绝,枉自为人。” His time tone is actually tranquil. 他这次的语气倒是平静。 But leaves tranquilly shows cold severe murderous qi. 但平静出透出冷厉的杀气 Eldest Young Master Yu startled fought a shiver spirit, he wants to interrogate Fu Yue, actually the discovery also said unexpectedly again. 虞大少激灵灵打了个寒战,他原本想质问傅越,却发现竟然再也说不出口。 Slaughtering is too heavy, is not the good deed, is contrary to the sky overhead.” “杀戮太重,不是什么好事,有违天心。” The Shen Zhenyi tone is indifferent, perhaps is the good advice persuades. 沈振衣的语气淡然,也许算是良言相劝。 Fu Yue shakes the head, my intent has decided that you are not no need to say again. If Great Moon Dynasty the day, I must hold a hole this clever heaven! 100 years ago, I have changed the name, called Fu Potian(breaking heaven)!” 傅越摇头,“我意已决,你不必再说。大月皇朝若是天,我就要将这贼老天捅出一个洞来!一百年前,我已更名,名曰傅破天!” Kills hate of wife, although the millenniums do not change. 杀妻之恨,虽千年不改。 The will of broken day, was unable to change. 破天之志,已无法改变。 This changing the name, regarding Monarch Zi Ning and Eldest Young Master Yu is not anything, makes Shen Zhenyi silent. 这个更名,对于紫宁君虞大少来说不算什么,却让沈振衣为之默然。 The Fu Yue squint looks at Shen Zhenyi and Monarch Zi Ning, is only I have not expected, you will also come back unexpectedly, will also enter War's Separation Mystical Place together, Little Zi also here......” 傅越斜眼看着沈振衣紫宁君,“只是我没料到,你居然还会回来,还会一起进入乱离秘境,小紫也在这里……” War's Separation Mystical Place, is he most sad place. 乱离秘境,本是他最伤心的地方。 Also is he refining up the place of heart. 也是他炼心之地。 These enter the person of War's Separation Mystical Place, originally is dead, the homicide does not kill on no distinction. 这些进入乱离秘境之人,本来就是要死的,他杀不杀根本就没什么分别。 -- is only, in Nine Zen Heavenly Fight Arena, he met Shen Zhenyi. ——只是,九禅天斗擂台中,他遇上了沈振衣 The faint familiarity makes him confuse. 隐隐的熟悉感让他迷惑。 Shen Zhenyi is his enemy, went bad his several good deeds, but Fu Yue facing his time, only feels wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 沈振衣本来是他的敌人,坏了他好几次好事,但傅越面对他的时候,却只觉得神秘莫测。 Naturally after...... enters War's Separation Mystical Place, all will become unimportant. 当然……进入乱离秘境之后,一切都会变得不重要。 Now reveals the truth, makes people feel that sobbed. 只是如今真相大白,却让人感觉到唏嘘。 Your so many years hate, but can also remember a 400 years ago friendship, I have not blamed you.” “你这么多年仇恨,还能记得四百年前的一点交情,我已经并不怪你。” Shen Zhenyi smiles with great confidence. 沈振衣从容一笑。 The Fu Yue thoughts, he knows distinctly, follows, watches critically. 傅越的心思,他知道分明,一路相随,冷眼旁观。 The revenge is the perfectly justified matter, he will not stop. 复仇乃是天经地义之事,他也不会阻拦。 That is good.” “那就好。” On the Fu Yue face shows a feeling relaxed smile, with over the face blood stain coordinates, to form fearsome cold and gloomy. 傅越脸上露出一丝释然笑容,与满面血污配合,形成一种可怖的森冷。 Such being the case, by you and Little Zi skill, taking advantage of this Deep Blue Waves Secret Storehouse, leaving War's Separation Mystical Place is not what difficult matter. I advance one step!” “既然如此,以你和小紫的本事,借这沧澜秘库,离开乱离秘境也不算什么难事。我就先行一步!” His clear and resonant voice long smiles, turns around to retrocede, to the Deep Blue Waves Secret Storehouse front door, is dividing a blade suddenly. 他朗声长笑,转身后退,对着沧澜秘库的大门,忽然劈出一刀。 Scoff! 嗤! blade qi such as practices. 刀气如练。 Complex violent True Qi, gathers under this blade, formed a blue black vortex, surroundings all, collapse at the first encounter, the space was also ripped open the crack. 纷繁暴烈的真气,在这一刀之下聚集起来,形成了一个深黑色的漩涡,周围一切,一触即溃,就连空间也被撕开裂缝。 Purple electricity project from the crack, looking like wyvern is ordinary, circles to continue. 一道道紫电从裂缝中射出,就像是飞龙一般,盘旋不止。 That crack is getting bigger and bigger, inside hears the depressed thunderclap. 那裂缝越来越大,里面传来沉闷的雷声。 Where Eldest Young Master Yu has seen this scene, frightening the leg soft foot is soft, almost must kneel down. 虞大少哪里见过这种景象,吓得腿软脚软,几乎要跪倒在地。 The Monarch Zi Ning facial color changes, blocks in front of Shen Zhenyi. 紫宁君面色微变,拦在沈振衣面前。 The Shen Zhenyi smile patted her, hints to might as well. 沈振衣微笑拍了拍她,示意无妨。 „A blade breaks spatially, Old Fu really realized from experience a Blade Technique higher boundary, he must be separated from War's Separation Mystical Place now, returned to Eight Repairs World.” “一刀断空,老傅果然体悟到了刀法的更高境界,他如今只是要脱离乱离秘境,回返八修世界而已。” With the Deep Blue Waves Secret Storehouse strength, the space has reduced the limit, Fu Yue acted a blade, cuts the path this link of mystical place and Eight Repairs World, can return. 借着沧澜秘库的力量,空间已经压缩到了极限,傅越出手一刀,将这秘境与八修世界的链接斩开通路,便可自行返回。 This is also he makes up for the state of mind probably, after Blade Technique enters greatly, the new way of just now discovering. 这大概也是他弥补心境,刀法大进之后,方才发现的新办法。 Shen Zhenyi looks indifferently. 沈振衣只是淡然看着。 Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈哈哈!” Fu Yue exudes the long sound to laugh, you were really person extremely, Void Breaking Strength I also comprehended a moment ago, was actually seen through by your one eyes. After I really am anticipates to return to Eight Repairs World, must have splendor of the war!” 傅越发出长声大笑,“你果然是绝顶之人,断空之刀我也是刚才才领悟,却被你一眼看穿。我真是期待回返八修世界之后,必有一战之精彩!” He, said with a smile: Only hopes at the appointed time, Eight Repairs World is not a Asura hell!” 他顿了一顿,又笑道:“只希望到时,八修世界不是一片修罗地狱!” In the big laughter, Fu Yue invests in that black crack, seemed swallowed general by not the well-known monster, the moment then vanished the trace. 大笑声中,傅越投入那黑色的裂缝之中,仿佛是被不知名的怪物吞噬一般,须臾便消失了影踪。 Airborne, only leaves behind his sound reverberation. 空中,只留下他的声音回荡。 Eldest Young Master Yu collapses to the ground. 虞大少瘫坐在地。 Monarch Zi Ning relaxed at this time, loosened the Shen Zhenyi sleeves, turns around to visit him, the eye such as cold Xing, in the pupil has the light sorrowful color. 紫宁君这时候才放松下来,松开了沈振衣的衣袖,转身看着他,目如冷星,眸中有淡淡的哀戚之色。 „Is Brother Fu, insane?” 傅兄,是不是已经疯了?” 400 years do not see, in the past that high-spirited first under heaven blade, Heavenly King Fu Yue, has turned into the good-for-nothing who only knew the revenge. 四百年不见,当年那个意气风发的天下第一刀,天王傅越,已经变成了一具只知道复仇的行尸走肉。 Shen Zhenyi sigh. 沈振衣叹息。 He deeply loves Miss Zong, if Miss Zong dies, he also then loses all interest in life, without reading of revenge, will not live in this world.” “他深爱宗姑娘,宗姑娘若死,他也便了无生趣,若没有复仇之念,早就不会活在这世上。” On Fu Yue filled with the self-contradictory self-destruction aura, if not thinking must kill Chanyu Jing, perhaps he lives is about a day. 傅越身上充满了自相矛盾的自毁气息,如果不是想着要杀单于惊,他恐怕活不过一天。 Monarch Zi Ning was silent, pondered over long time. 紫宁君默然,思忖了良久。 Suddenly raised the head saying: Initially I had also thought that if you died, I cannot the live alone. The Brother Fu thoughts, I understood.” 忽然抬头道:“当初我也想过,若是你死了,我也不能独活。傅兄的心思,我明白了。” She spoke calmly like the past, the affection of but in the spoken language containing can actually be seen in speech and appearance. 她说话平静如昔,但言语中蕴含的深情却是溢于言表。 Eldest Young Master Yu is in a daze, does not know that this miss is what origin, unexpectedly is so intimate with Shen Zhenyi. He crawls distressedly from the ground, there is being survivor of disaster rejoicing. 虞大少发愣,不知道这位姑娘到底是何来历,居然与沈振衣这般亲密。他狼狈地从地上爬起来,有一种劫后余生的庆幸。 Shen Zhenyi grasped the sprout/slender white hand of Monarch Zi Ning, without speech. 沈振衣握了握紫宁君的柔荑,没有说话。 ps: Welcome to " Ten thousand ancient sword God » posts plays, may pay attention to WeChat public number ignorant/veiled to be white the dream_of_mengbai , q group 338971780, indefinite tense issue new book and individual news. ps:欢迎到《万古剑神》贴吧玩耍,也可关注微信公众号“蒙白”dream_of_mengbai,q群338971780,不定时发布新书和个人讯息。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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