ESG :: Volume #2

#195: Three thousand li (500 km), 400 years

Chapter 195 three thousand li (500 km), 400 years 第195章三千里,四百年 I came. Dodges dance novel net www. .com “我来了。闪舞小说网” Shen Zhenyi nods slightly. 沈振衣微微颔首。 His facial expression is tranquil, as if this is natural meeting. 他的神情平静淡然,仿佛这是理所当然的相会。 Young girl ying warned one, looking like the colorful butterfly shuttle was ordinary, invested in the bosom of Shen Zhenyi. 少女嘤咛一声,就像是彩蝶穿梭一般,投入沈振衣的怀中。 Your several days have not come, I think that...... you forgot me.” “你好几天没来,我以为……你忘了我了。” Her tone is tender, is full of the sincere meaning, letting the person has no alternative but to be moved. 她的语气娇憨,又充满着诚挚之意,让人不能不为之动容。 Shen Zhenyi sighed one lightly, patted the shoulder of young girl. 沈振衣轻叹一声,拍了拍少女的肩膀。 Monarch Zi Ning wholehearted, let alone is only 400 years, even the millennium ten thousand years, I will not forget.” 紫宁君一片真心实意,别说是区区四百年,就算是千年万年,我也不会忘记。” Monarch Zi Ning? 紫宁君 In bosom the figure of young girl suddenly one stiff, does not dare to believe raised the head. 怀中少女的身形忽然一僵,不敢置信地抬起头来。 Her facial features are simple and beautiful, the double pupil bright such as the star of space, the shining white such as on the cheek of jade does not have a slight defect. Pure young girl who no matter after many years, she was still not dyed by this mortal world. 她的面容清丽无俦,双眸明亮如天上的星,莹白如玉的脸蛋上没有一丝瑕疵。不管经过多少岁月,她依然是不被尘世所染的纯洁少女。 Purple clothes sleeve swings in the wind gently, floating, if immortal. 紫色的衣袂在风中轻轻摆动,飘然若仙。 Her-- was the past Eight Repairs World first beautiful woman, was first Expert in female, entered War's Separation Mystical Place-- Monarch Zi Ning through Nine Zen Heavenly Fight Arena! ——就是当年八修世界第一美人,也是女子中的第一高手,通过九禅天斗擂台进入乱离秘境——紫宁君 Are many about the Monarch Zi Ning legend. 关于紫宁君的传说很多。 Everyone knows that she is several hundred years ago first beautiful woman, it is said Imperial Clan and world Eight Sects Expert, wants to marry to go home this Purple Flame Sect Sect Lord, but she actually such as chilly fairy maiden, to anybody not false word usage. 谁都知道她是数百年前的第一美人,据说皇族和天下八宗高手,都想要将这位紫炎宗宗主娶回家,但她却如清冷的仙子,对任何人都不假辞色。 Side her, only has white clothing Swordsman of hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse. 在她身边,只有一个神龙见首不见尾的白衣剑客 A-- but that also short period of time. ——但那也只有短短的一段时光。 In the world the person, never knows that who the Monarch Zi Ning happy couple is, she also always said nothing. 世上之人,从来不知道紫宁君的佳偶是谁,她也从来都闭口不谈。 Dozens years that later that white clothing Swordsman leaves, Monarch Zi Ning by True Person Boundary Ninth Layer cultivation base, captures second on Nine Zen Heavenly Fight Arena, enters War's Separation Mystical Place, since then did not have the news. 在那白衣剑客离开的数十年之后,紫宁君真人境第九重修为,在九禅天斗擂台上夺得第二,进入乱离秘境,从此就没了消息。 Some people believe that such beautiful woman, easily the fragrant disappearing jade will certainly not perish in War's Separation Mystical Place, perhaps has built peerless martial arts, air-splitting however goes. 有人相信这样的美人,一定不会轻易香消玉殒于乱离秘境之中,说不定已经修成绝世武学,破空而去。 Has not actually thought that...... she keeps watch for 400 years in this. 却没有想到……她在此守望四百年。 Monarch Zi Ning drew back one step, loosened Shen Zhenyi, is looking at him dull. 紫宁君退了一步,松开了沈振衣,呆呆地望着他。 You...... you real?” “你……你是真的?” For 400 years, have seen the infinite illusion, really with false, even she could not have distinguished clearly. 四百年来,见过无穷幻相,真与假,即使是她也已经分不清了。 400 years, from outside come, to feel a Monarch sincerity.” “四百年,从外而来,感君一片诚意。” Shen Zhenyi sighed gently, pulled her sleeve. 沈振衣轻轻叹息,挽住了她的袖子。 At that time he first time feeling of going to Purple Flame Sect was not right, among Heaven and Earth as if remains air/Qi of light hidden bitterness, actually did not know from where. 当时他第一次去紫炎宗的时候就感觉不对,天地间似乎残留着一股淡淡的幽怨之气,却又不知从何而来。 He can feel that Monarch Zi Ning still in the world, however 400 years of years, even rather is too still long regarding Eight Repairs World top martial artist. 他能感觉到紫宁君仍在世上,但是四百年岁月,即使对于八修世界的顶级武者来说也未免太漫长。 The friend of same day, performed all departs, even if Monarch Zi Ning is also living, still this/should gradually old. 当日之友,尽皆离去,紫宁君就算还活着,也该垂垂老矣。 But, in Three-thousand Li Illusion River of this terrifying, Monarch Zi Ning can strictly adhere to the conscience unexpectedly, after 400 years of years. 但没想到,在这恐怖的三千里幻川之中,紫宁君居然能够谨守本心,独自一人经过了四百年岁月。 What in-- her illusion sees is, Shen Zhenyi can certainly guess. ——她的幻相之中看到的是谁,沈振衣当然能够猜得出来。 I know, you will come back finally.” “我知道,你终于会回来的。” The Monarch Zi Ning smile, calmly visits him, body from the beginning shivers slightly, becomes gentle. 紫宁君微笑,静静地看着他,身躯在一开始的轻微颤抖之后,变得平和下来。 Her temper, even the great happiness greatly is all along sad, is still difficult to move her appearance. 她的性子一贯如此,就算是大喜大悲,也难动她容颜。 One startled shakes just now, is she biggest loss of self-control. 适才一惊一抖,已经是她最大的失态。 I will come back.” “我会回来。” More than 400 years ago, departure of Shen Zhenyi leaves without saying good-bye, how does she have the so firm confidence? 四百多年前,沈振衣的离去是不辞而别,她却如何有这般坚定的信心? If she is not that firm, impossible to live in this Illusion River. 如果她不是那么坚定,也不可能在这幻川之中生活下来。 Three-thousand Li Illusion River, is in War's Separation Mystical Place a fearful place, because people own thinks to recall, creates the infinite illusion, finally indulges in the illusion dies. 三千里幻川,是乱离秘境中一个可怕的地方,人们会因为自己的所思所想所忆,创造出无穷幻相,最后沉溺于幻境而死。 -- follows Shen Zhenyi these so-called Eight Repairs World Expert, does not support including the time of burning a joss stick, at this time already soundless, cleanness that dies probably early. ——跟随沈振衣那些所谓八修世界高手,连一炷香的时间都撑不过,这时候都已经毫无声息,大概早死的干干净净。 Monarch Zi Ning actually supported alone for 400 years. 紫宁君却独自支撑了四百年。 This intention is clear. 这份心意昭昭。 Even if as extra mundane Sword God, Shen Zhenyi also has no alternative but to be moved. 哪怕是作为世外剑神,沈振衣也不能不感动。 Today this comes, wants to lead you to leave War's Separation Mystical Place, returns to Eight Repairs World.” “今日此来,就是想带你离开乱离秘境,回到八修世界。” Here is not the long-term place, must leave to eventually well. 此处并非久留之地,终究还是要离开为好。 Goes back?” “回去?” In the Monarch Zi Ning eye flashes through one to be at a loss, Eight Repairs World, now to her is a strange place, no longer is a hometown. 紫宁君眼中闪过一丝迷惘,八修世界,如今对她来说已经是个陌生的地方,不再是故乡。 400 years do not see, the people are no longer the same, blue seas turn into mulberry fields. 四百年不见,物是人非,沧海桑田 But since is the arrangement of Shen Zhenyi, that then along with his intention. 但既然是沈振衣的安排,那便随他心意。 You said that anything is anything, I listen to your arrangement.” “你说什么便是什么,我都听你的安排。” She lowers the head, silent like plum blossom. 她低下头,沉默如梅花。 Good.” “好。” Shen Zhenyi shows a faint smile , helping up Monarch Zi Ning, turns the head to tread the wave the line, strange Huayi the island will throw behind. 沈振衣微微一笑,扶起紫宁君,转头就踏波而行,将那奇花异岛抛在身后。 „Did you still remember in the past?” “你还记得当年么?” Monarch Zi Ning blindly follows suit, to once left stationed 400 years of island, has not had anything to yearn , a pair of wonderful eye only stays on the side face of Shen Zhenyi. 紫宁君亦步亦趋,对曾经留驻四百年的小岛,也不曾有什么留恋,一双妙目只停留在沈振衣的侧颜上。 Shen Zhenyi nods. 沈振衣点头。 Naturally remembers.” “当然记得。” To him, Eight Repairs World this is only the traces of the past memory. 对他而言,八修世界这只是雪泥鸿爪的记忆。 However, even is short, still such as the meteor is common, the good friend peer, sang loudly generously, that was the years that is unable to dismiss from mind. 但是,即使短暂,却也如流星一般灿烂,好友同行,慷慨高歌,那是无法忘怀的岁月。 Wanders about destitute Eight Repairs, in the this solitary one boat like storm, cannot control own whereabouts. 流落八修,有如风暴中的孤舟,不能控制自己的去向。 Is Monarch Zi Ning and several other good friends, gave him warm and friendship of companion. 紫宁君和其他几个好友,给了他温暖与同伴的情谊。 This point, Shen Zhenyi will not forget. 这一点,沈振衣绝不会忘记。 Now re-enters Eight Repairs, I from, when controls all, you do not need to be worried again.” “如今重回八修,我自当掌控一切,你不必再担心了。” From meets to start, Monarch Zi Ning has been pulling the Shen Zhenyi lower hem corner, as if feared that he flies away momentarily. 从一见面开始,紫宁君就一直扯着沈振衣的衣角,仿佛就怕他随时飞走。 -- this was in the past he in the Eight Repairs World condition. ——这就是当年他在八修世界的状况。 However, this time is entirely different. 但是,这一次已经截然不同。 He stages a comeback, on the heavy highest heaven, naturally can control own destiny, including others destiny...... 他卷土重来,重上九霄,自然会掌握自己的命运,包括旁人的命运…… Un.” “嗯。” Monarch Zi Ning urged in a low voice, cannot listen to like, was very firm. 紫宁君低声叮咛,听不出欢喜,却无比坚定。 Shen Zhenyi gives a calm smile, is embracing her waist, sped up the footsteps. 沈振衣淡然一笑,揽着她的腰,加快了脚步。 -- he smelled the bloody air/Qi of distant place. ——他闻到了远处的血腥气。 In Deep Blue Waves Secret Storehouse these people, have no relations with Shen Zhenyi, even if there is an accident, he still and does not care. 沧澜秘库中那些人,与沈振衣没什么关系,就算有所变故,他也并不在意。 But the person, Shen Zhenyi does not hope he continues to perish. 但其中还是有一个人,沈振衣不希望他继续沉沦。 Walks!” “走!” Even in the True Qi wild world, Shen Zhenyi still foot sharp light, if still light breeze, rapidly however before . 即使是在真气狂暴的世界中,沈振衣仍然足尖轻点,犹若轻风,急速而前。 Only flash, then already long and trying journeys. 只一刹那,便已万水千山。 Deep Blue Waves Secret Storehouse, close at hand, in which murderous qi and bloody air/Qi, is even more obvious, when Shen Zhenyi gets to the entrance, a form in a panic yelled that grazes. 沧澜秘库,近在眼前,其中的杀气与血腥气,也越发明显,就在沈振衣走到门口的时候,一个仓皇的身影大叫飞掠而出。 Do not kill me!” “不要杀我!” The sound is pitiful, like killing pig. 声音凄惨,有如杀猪。 ps: Welcome to " Ten thousand ancient sword God » posts plays, may pay attention to WeChat public number ignorant/veiled to be white the dream_of_mengbai , q group 338971780, indefinite tense issue new book and individual news. ps:欢迎到《万古剑神》贴吧玩耍,也可关注微信公众号“蒙白”dream_of_mengbai,q群338971780,不定时发布新书和个人讯息。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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