ESG :: Volume #2

#194: From behaving badly, cannot live

Chapter 194 from behaving badly, cannot live 第194章自作孽,不可活 Man Chitong this startled no small matter. 满赤瞳这一惊非同小可。 After must know True Person Boundary Fifth Layer, can fly high to stand with True Qi, let alone steps on the water surface, will then step on the cloud will not fall. 要知道真人境第五重之后,就能够凭着真气凌空而立,别说是踩在水面,便是踩在云上都不会下落。 What water is this?” “这是什么水?” An under foot, already from instep as wet as knee. 一脚下去,已经从脚背湿到膝盖。 Man Chitong hurries to soar leaps, resides in in the air, the ice-cold water presents the cream color, drops from his trouser legs coverings downward. 满赤瞳赶紧腾空一跃,居于空中,冰冷的水呈现出乳白色,从他裤腿往下滴。 Gutter in river surface, actually ripples. 水落在河面,却不起一丝涟漪。 They discovered at this time, the water of this Illusion River seems like stagnates unexpectedly motionless, smooth glassy surface. 他们这时候才发现,这幻川之水竟然看上去是凝滞不动的,光滑如镜面。 Several other people, flying high that also has a lingering fear stands, only thought that the downward strength are pulling them, if not resist with every effort, possibly falls into Illusion River momentarily. 其余几人,也都心有余悸的凌空而立,却只觉得有一股向下的力扯着他们,如果不尽力抵抗,随时可能落入幻川之中。 This what's the matter?” “这到底是怎么回事?” Man Chitong felt own leg and foot ice cold biting cold, is almost only the flash time, the calf almost frozen stiff. 满赤瞳觉得自己腿脚冰寒彻骨,几乎只是一刹那功夫,小腿就差点被冻僵。 Heard that Danger Ground has Feeble Water, the goose feathers cannot float off, the reed catkins decide the bottom to sink, is Martial Dao Expert, above isn't able to walk-- this is Feeble Water in legend?” “听说绝地弱水,鹅毛浮不起,芦花定底沉,就是武道高手,也无法行走其上——难道这就是传说中的弱水?” Some people mentioned trembling. 有人战战兢兢提到。 Man Chitong knits the brows, transports/fortunes Azure Eye Strength, looks downward, seeing only the river water is quiet, not exceptionally place. 满赤瞳皱眉,运起青目之力,向下望去,只见江水静谧,并无异常之处。 He is trying the stiff body, the strength of downward pulling remains, but he strives can also resist. 他试着挺直身体,向下拉扯之力仍然存在,但他勉力也能抵抗。 Whether or not Feeble Water, we, since had arrived here, must make an effort forwards, cannot give up halfway absolutely.” “不管是不是弱水,咱们既然已经到了此处,就得戮力向前,绝对不能半途而废。” He felt, he can also support forwarding. Dodges dance novel net www. .com 他觉得,他还能撑着向前。闪舞小说网 The people look at each other, in the heart lacks self-confidence, but greedy defeated the fear eventually. 众人对视,心中都没底,但是贪婪终究还是战胜了恐惧。 Their final decisions, forwards. 他们最终的决定,还是向前。 Then entered the bottomless trench. 然后就进入了无底深渊。 Shen Zhenyi felt their vanguard, but shook the head indifferently. 沈振衣感觉到了他们的前行,只是淡然摇头。 The-- day behaves badly probably, from behaving badly cannot live. ——天作孽犹可恕,自作孽不可活。 Brings about own destruction, he also multibarreled. 自寻死路,他也没必要多管。 The Illusion River three thousand li (500 km), Shen Zhenyi must from crossing. 幻川三千里,沈振衣也要自渡。 Front scenery has not changed, however heard the noisy sound of talking in his body week. 面前的景色未变,但是在他身周传来了嘈杂的语声。 Your sword where?” “你的剑在何处?” Uses the sword! Uses the sword!” “出剑!出剑!” Big Senior Brother...... you cannot draw back......” “大师兄……你不能退……” Fervent, either rank hidden bitterness, either fills with the hope. 或慷慨激昂,或辈分幽怨,或满怀希冀。 The Shen Zhenyi look is invariable, only waves gently, as if whisks off the spring dust, when chilly such as the female voice of water resounds, his eventually footsteps were slightly. 沈振衣神色不变,只轻轻挥手,仿佛拂去春天的尘埃,只是当一个清冷如水的女声响起的时候,他终究脚步还是稍微顿了顿。 -- then continues. ——而后继续。 The illusion, came from the memory and experience. 幻相,来自于记忆和见识。 The Shen Zhenyi past, must come a lot compared with anybody. 偏偏沈振衣的过去,比任何人都要来得多。 Without the conviction and chilly disposition, is really hard to support in this illusion, but Shen Zhenyi like the dead wood old monk, the intention ancient well without ripples, slowly the line, everywhere one visit, the illusion is only stave, does not exist. www. .com 如果没有坚定的信念与清冷的心性,在这幻相中实在难以支撑,但沈振衣如同枯木老僧,心念古井不波,只徐徐而行,所到之处,幻相破碎,不复存在。 Is height dozens zhang (3.33 m), the evil spirit of being indomitable spirit ; 有身高数十丈,顶天立地的妖魔; Has illustrious bright, heavenly palace that the gold and greens soar to the clouds ; 有赫赫煌煌,金碧凌霄的天宫; Has gorgeously such as the Moon Palace immortal E's beautiful woman ; 有艳丽如月宫仙娥的美人; Has savage such as the hell Asura's evil person ; 有凶残如地狱修罗的恶徒; Has the mighty force battlefield ; 有千军万马的战场; Has colorful and flourishing Immortal Boundary. 云蒸霞蔚仙境 ...... …… All change constantly, the Shen Zhenyi heart was still motionless. 一切风云变幻,沈振衣心仍不动。 Thousands of years pasts, have congealed the pearl in his heart, put out a hand 10, can find out, but actually closely seal up, if are unnecessary, never read. 千万年的过去,早就在他心中凝成了珍珠,伸手一拾,就能探得,但却紧紧封闭,若无必要,从不翻看。 Although there is ever changing, but I from standing one's ground steadfastly. 虽有千变万化,但我自岿然不动。 Three-thousand Li Illusion River, quiet. 三千里幻川,平静无波。 -- but this is only to Shen Zhenyi. ——但这只是对沈振衣而言。 To others, that was not so. 对别人来说,那就不是如此了。 Man Chitong is silly. 满赤瞳已经傻了。 Person, for quite some time on without a trace of disappearance, in him behind, only then takes the whip, semblance fierce Master bestowal. 身边的人,不知从什么时候开始就消失的无影无踪,在他身后,只有拿着鞭子,外表凶恶的传功师傅。 He as if returned to the emaciated weak childhood, can only go all out to escape, avoids that fearful and heavy whip falls on oneself. 他仿佛回到了孱弱无力的幼年,只能拼命逃跑,避免那可怕又沉重的鞭子落在自己身上。 Forgave me! Forgave me!” “饶了我!饶了我!” He is stepping the short leg, limps to flee. 他迈着短小的腿,蹒跚逃离。 At once the picture changes, he encountered a more fearful nightmare. 旋即画面又变,他遭遇了更可怕的噩梦。 Law enforcement Elder and disciple with looking at favorably to be staring him, as if ominous wolf in darkness. 执法长老和弟子用青目瞪着他,在黑暗中仿佛凶狼。 Man Chitong! You killed Senior Brother Guo!” 满赤瞳!是不是你害死了郭师兄!” Has not confessed!” “还不从实招来!” In the past Man Chitong full cold sweat-- this is the matter that he most dreaded, for sword manual, he sneak attacked to kill with Senior Brother that he travelled together, this scandal had not been exposed by the gate, but he actually for this reason with trepidation over a hundred years. 满赤瞳满头冷汗——这是当年他最畏惧的事情,为了一部剑谱,他偷袭害死了与他同行的师兄,这件丑事一直都未曾被门中揭破,但他却为此提心吊胆了上百年。 Never expected that hides the fear in innermost feelings most deep place, unexpectedly was turned. 没想到藏在内心最深处的恐惧,居然被翻了出来。 full Zei, you have today!” “满贼,你也有今天!” Person who drills the innumerable whole body blood stains from the place bottom, takes blade and sword, surrounds him all round. 从地底钻出无数浑身血污的人,拿着刀剑,将他团团包围。 Man Chitong looks fixedly on, is his so many year of killing ghosts, now unexpectedly total resurrecting! 满赤瞳定睛细看,都是他这么多年杀死的冤魂,如今竟然全数复活! -- “啊—— Man Chitong sends out yelled sad and shrill, does not know where should toward escape. 满赤瞳发出凄厉大叫,不知该往哪儿逃。 After going all out to flee for a long time, these fearful illusions as if were abandoned-- he to feel by far by him oneself entered one warm is , the whole body felt comfortable of not being able to say. 在拼命奔逃了许久之后,这些可怕的幻相仿佛被他远远抛开——他感觉到自己进入了一个温暖的所在,浑身都觉得说不出的舒服。 The whole body does not need to make the effort, languid, only felt oneself are sinking unceasingly...... the submersion...... 全身都不需要花力气,懒洋洋的,只觉得自己在不断下沉……下沉…… Finally...... got rid of these things.” “终于……摆脱那些东西了。” Man Chitong grows the one breath, as a result of relaxing, the spirit becomes lax. 满赤瞳长出一口气,由于放松,精神变得涣散。 He slides following pink cavity unceasingly, until dark end point. 他顺着粉红色的腔道不断下滑,直至黑暗的终点。 Slowly...... lost the consciousness. 缓缓的……丧失了意识。 The Illusion River bottom, a giant Strange Beast octopus ties down fresh flesh with several -ten feet tentacle, slowly and sends in the mouth firmly. 幻川底,一头巨大的奇兽章鱼用长达数十丈的触手缠住一个又一个新鲜的血肉,缓慢而坚定地送入口中。 Tittering. 噗嗤。 Chewing the sound is clear. 嘴嚼声清脆。 Without the pain. 没有痛苦。 Shen Zhenyi with dozens Martial Dao Expert that comes, all dies in Illusion River silently. Some many fruits the fish abdomen, many was swallowed by this big octopus, that is unable to research. 跟着沈振衣前来的数十个武道高手,全都无声无息地死在幻川。有多少果了鱼腹,有多少被这大章鱼吞噬,那就无从考证了。 Meanwhile, Shen Zhenyi has passed through Illusion River, to a middle green and luxuriant island. 与此同时,沈振衣已经穿过了幻川,到了江心一片郁郁葱葱的小岛。 Here type filled the strange flower and grass, in the air was filling the air fragrance, but brings an alone sorrowfulness. 这里种满了奇花异草,空气中弥漫着馨香,但却带着一种孤寂的哀愁。 Shen Zhenyi visits the entity, deeply shouted the one breath. 沈振衣踏足实体,深深地呼了一口气。 If--, that person really still, that also had crossed alone here for 400 years. ——如果,那个人真的还在的话,那也已经独自在这里过了四百年。 This type lonely lonely, in day that the illusion lies in wait from all sides, how should also cross? 这种孤独寂寞,在幻相环伺的日子里,又该如何渡过? In his heart slightly a pain. 他心中微微一痛。 In the meantime, in complemented peach blossom forest, a young girl dimple of purple clothes like the flower, stretches the body forward beautifully generally from the flowering shrubs like the extra mundane immortal, sees Shen Zhenyi, but gawked gawked, then smiled is making noise greeting. 就在此时,掩映的桃花林中,一个紫衣的少女笑靥如花,有如世外仙姝一般从花丛中探身出来,看见沈振衣,只是愣了一愣,便微笑着出声招呼。 You today, here we go again!” “你今天,又来了!” The sound is simple and beautiful, just like oriole that cried tenderly, tranquil is breeding the turbulent train of thought. 声音清丽,宛若娇啼的黄鹂,平静中孕育着汹涌的思绪。 ps: Welcome to " Ten thousand ancient sword God » posts plays, may pay attention to WeChat public number ignorant/veiled to be white the dream_of_mengbai , q group 338971780, indefinite tense issue new book and individual news. ps:欢迎到《万古剑神》贴吧玩耍,也可关注微信公众号“蒙白”dream_of_mengbai,q群338971780,不定时发布新书和个人讯息。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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