ESG :: Volume #2

#193: Three-thousand Li Illusion River

Chapter 193 Three-thousand Li Illusion River 第193章三千里幻川 War's Separation Mystical Place, more is close to the core, True Qi even more is wild. www. .com 乱离秘境,越接近核心,真气就越发狂暴。 This is the fragment of upper world, because is unable to put through Moon's Eye, True Qi can not circulate, after depositing, becomes bursts oneself intensely. 这是上层世界的碎片,由于无法接通月眼,真气不得循环,沉积下来之后,就变得激烈而伤身。 The strength never the bigger the better. 力量从来不是越大越好。 The strength that can control the bigger the better. 能够控制的力量才是越大越好。 By martial arts of Eight Repairs World rank, wants to control upper-level world wild True Qi, is difficult such as to ascend to heaven simply. 八修世界级别的武学,想要控制上层世界狂暴的真气,简直是难如登天。 Shen Zhenyi is very calm. 沈振衣却很淡定。 He has almost not utilized True Qi, but is walking tranquilly forward. 他几乎没有运用真气,只是平静地向前走着。 As long as there is a anything to prevent in the front, he is convenient a sword to cut it, from free from obstacle. 但凡有任何东西阻挡在面前,他都顺手一剑斩之,从无阻碍。 The line, the white clothing is bloodless. 一路行来,白衣无血。 Relatively speaking, Man Chitong several follow in the back person, was more painful. 相对而言,满赤瞳几个跟在背后的人,却痛苦了许多。 Because-- has Shen Zhenyi, when first leads the way, they had actually obtained the security by luck. This point they did not certainly know, even if remains fragmentary Strange Beast, still makes them be miserable beyond description. ——由于有沈振衣当先开路,他们其实已经侥幸的获得了安全。这一点他们当然不自知,即使残留下来零星的奇兽,也让他们苦不堪言。 Several people strive the support, can pass through reluctantly, but compared with the calm of it Shen Zhenyi, that may be more distressed. 几人勉力支撑,才能勉强过关,但比之沈振衣的从容,那可就狼狈许多了。 „Did this person of martial arts...... arrive at what boundary?” “这人的武功……到底到了何种境界?” Looks at the performance of Shen Zhenyi, they start to feel scared. 看着沈振衣的表现,他们开始觉得胆寒。 Obviously the powerful monster that takes several people able to solve with joint forces, Shen Zhenyi forever is only a sword. 明明他们要几人合力才能解决的强大怪兽,沈振衣永远只是一剑。 Has this person of idea, whether wise? 打这人的主意,到底是否明智? Several people back down, perhaps keeps Deep Blue Waves Secret Storehouse, is a wiser choice? 有好几人打起了退堂鼓,或许留在沧澜秘库,才是更明智的选择? Man Chitong clenches jaws, „, things have gotten to this point, we cannot take the road back. His grade of martial arts, in addition regardless the Deep Blue Waves arsenal, the advance search, must be good, so long as we follow firmly, acts according to circumstances, attains the inevitable ratio to remain many!” 满赤瞳咬牙切齿,“诸位,事已至此,我们也不能走回头路。他这等武功,尚且抛开沧澜武库,前进搜寻,必有好处,咱们只要牢牢跟着,见机行事,所获必然比留下来多!” In his heart had not regretted, but this little while can only stubborn, who called him is corbels out to follow? 他心中未尝也不后悔,但这会儿了只能死硬到底,谁叫他是挑头跟着的呢? The people are helpless , can only such not near is decorating. 众人无奈,也只能就这么不远不近的缀着。 Shen Zhenyi does not have to think, has walked three days continuously. 沈振衣似无所觉,一直连续走了三日。 -- at this time, he had almost arrived at the War's Separation Mystical Place core place. ——此时,他差不多已经到了乱离秘境的核心处。 The torrential river, does not know that from where comes, enormously and powerful, also does not know that remains to where. 滔滔一条大河,不知从何而来,浩浩荡荡而下,也不知留向哪里。 3000 confuse the dust, cannot cross Illusion River.” “三千迷尘,不可渡幻川。” Shen Zhenyi sighed in a soft voice. 沈振衣轻声叹息。 On the river surface the transpiration the white mist, making periphery all dim, in the dense fog, the infinite illusion, seems does not have. 河面上蒸腾着白色的雾气,让周围一切变得朦朦胧胧,迷雾之中,无穷幻相,似有似无。 -- this is Three-thousand Li Illusion River. ——这便是三千里幻川 The world fragment, the True Qi disorder, the inversion vainly hoped for, some illusory places, collect in this, achievement Illusion River. 世界碎片,真气紊乱,颠倒梦想,有许多虚幻之地,汇集于此,成就幻川 The people visit, will then be hoodwinked by the illusion, possibly entire life, cannot walk. 人踏足其中,便会被幻相所蒙蔽,可能一生一世,也走不出来。 Shen Zhenyi also settles down. 沈振衣也为之驻足。 That river...... has the strangeness probably.” “那条河……好像有古怪。” Even he stopped the footsteps.” “连他都停住了脚步。” Does not know that he can cross smoothly.” “不知道他能不能顺利渡过。” Man Chitong and the others were distressed, whispered by far in a low voice, why did not know, is looking at that river bank everywhere mist, made people think the fear. 满赤瞳等人心焦,远远地低声嘀咕,不知为何,瞧着那河上漫天雾气,就让人觉得恐惧。 At this time Shen Zhenyi actually sudden clear and resonant voice opens the mouth. 这时候沈振衣却突然朗声开口。 You with were also long enough.” “你们跟得也够久了。” The people startle greatly! 众人大骇! From the beginning, Shen Zhenyi knows that has these tails? 难道从一开始,沈振衣就知道有这些尾巴? Previous road, has me before, fierce Strange Beast does not dare to be near, you can protect oneself reluctantly. But front Three-thousand Li Illusion River, has the bustling place fond illusion, endless mirage illusion, if goes a step further again, can only by defend heart two characters, the side throughout.” “之前的路,有我在前,凶猛奇兽不敢近,你们勉强可以自保。但前面三千里幻川,有红尘迷梦,无尽蜃楼幻境,若再进一步,只能靠‘守心’二字,方得始终。” Your will is not firm, has the distracting thoughts, retreat to early well, otherwise then brings about own destruction!” “你们心志不坚,多有杂念,还是及早退去为好,否则便是自寻死路!” Shen Zhenyi every single word or phrase, as the breeze flutters to the people ear near, is very clear. 沈振衣一字一句,随着微风飘到众人耳边,清晰得很。 This is nothing?” “这算什么?” Over Man Chitong braces oneself, shouted: Third Young Master Shen, we reach the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, does not intend to follow. Now the front has the danger, must have the treasure, does your why lies intimidation, want to be all swallowed by a single person inadequately?” 满赤瞳硬着头皮出头,喝道:“沈三公子,咱们只是殊途同归,并非有意跟随。如今前方既有危险,必有宝物,你何必虚言恫吓,难道想一人独吞不成?” With followed here, not possibly went back dingily. 跟都跟到了这儿,灰溜溜回去绝不可能。 Man Chitong is hitting the wishful thinking, best Shen Zhenyi be able to lead them to lead the way, later waits for Shen Zhenyi to meet the troublesome time, they again is a traitor, is alone the advantage. 满赤瞳打着如意算盘,最好还是沈振衣能够带着他们前行,之后等沈振衣遇到麻烦的时候,他们再反戈一击,独得好处。 The people were weak, but listens to the word of Man Chitong, some thoughts are flexible. 众人原本犹豫不定,但听满赤瞳之言,也有些心思活泛。 Before whatever Shen Zhenyi they followed, anything had not said, now has arrived at the place of War's Separation Mystical Place core shortly, if said does not have the treasure, how they do not believe. 之前沈振衣任由他们跟着,什么都没说,现在眼看已经到了乱离秘境核心之地,若说没有宝物,他们怎么都不会相信。 Now Shen Zhenyi wants to run away in fear them, possibly really wants to have sole possession of! 现在沈振衣想把他们吓跑,可能真是想独吞! That as you like.” “那就随你们了。” Shen Zhenyi shrugs, shakes the head indifferently. 沈振衣耸了耸肩,淡然摇头。 Shen Zhenyi reminded one, these people had no connection with him in any case, they refused to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality, Shen Zhenyi does not need to go to explain to them. 沈振衣只是提醒一句,这些人反正与他并没有什么瓜葛,他们不见棺材不落泪,沈振衣也没必要去给他们解释。 He puts out a hand to open out the light fog, the strolling general vanguard. 他伸手拨开轻雾,闲庭信步一般前行。 Rushing, the Shen Zhenyi actually resembles goes easily and freely, slowly however is good. 水流湍急,沈振衣却像如履平地,缓缓而行。 Does not get wet fully, ease free. 足不沾水,悠然自如。 But is among several, he has walked into the river surface fog, does not see the person's shadow. 只不过是几步间,他已走入河面雾中,不见人影。 The people look dull the Shen Zhenyi back vanishes. 众人呆呆地看着沈振衣的背影消失。 Man Chitong is angry: What attitude do you look at him are? Is the person of Nine Zen Heavenly Fight Arena, with is Eight Repairs World comes this, the friendship of his how fellow officer?” 满赤瞳恼道:“你看他是什么态度?都是九禅天斗擂台之人,同为八修世界来此,他怎么一点同袍之谊都没有?” He, said: Is a river, he can tread the wave the line, can't we a reed cross a river? Said probably many are fearfully same! Might as well lead the way together, and looks in this anything Three-thousand Li Illusion River, is hiding any good thing, making our Third Young Master Shen catch up anxiously!” 他顿了顿,又道:“不过是条大河,他能踏波而行,咱们就不能一苇渡江?说得好像多可怕一样!诸位,不如一起前行,且看这什么三千里幻川中,到底藏着什么好东西,让咱们这位沈三公子巴巴地赶来!” If here is less important than Deep Blue Waves Secret Storehouse a more valuable treasure, Shen Zhenyi will not drop out so many martial arts secrets, quickly catches up with-- this concept, has wound deep-rooted in the Man Chitong mind. 如果这里没有比沧澜秘库更重要更有价值的宝物,沈振衣绝不会抛下那么多武学秘笈,急急忙忙赶来——这个观念,已经根深蒂固地盘结在满赤瞳脑海中。 Must Man Chitong with, he is somewhat afraid, therefore creates a clamor everyone on together. 要让满赤瞳一个人跟上去,他有些心虚,所以鼓噪大家一块儿上。 Some people somewhat hesitate, be that as it may, Third Young Master Shen said here danger a moment ago numerous, if we do not have the full assurance, do not go......” 有人还是有些犹豫,“话虽如此,沈三公子刚才说这里危险重重,咱们若是没有十足把握,还是不要去了……” Some person of greed are flaming, sneers saying: Is says things just to frighten people, if is so dangerous, how he did go in without hesitation? Senior Brother Man also said a moment ago, this is in the riches and honor danger asks, if were timid, then from please return!” 有人贪念炽盛,冷笑道:“不过是危言耸听罢了,如果真有那么危险,他怎么就毫不犹豫进去了?刚才满师兄也说了,这是富贵险中求,若是胆小,便自请回!” Artificial wealth dead birds die in pursuit of food, depends the martial arts, wanting the person who follows Shen Zhenyi to search to account for many, a few fear death to go back, does not dare to be separated from the large unit action, can only follow silently. 人为财死鸟为食亡,仗着自己武功,想要跟着沈振衣去探一探的人占了多数,少数几个怕死想回去的,也不敢脱离大部队行动,只能默默跟随。 The Man Chitong great happiness, leading the people to rush to the Illusion River riverside recklessly, is studying the Shen Zhenyi appearance, transports/fortunes foot True Qi, the steps vanguard. 满赤瞳大喜,带着众人不顾一切地奔到幻川河边,也学着沈振衣的样子,运足真气,踏步前行。 Has not thought that just walked several steps, suddenly the under foot slides, body unexpectedly cannot help but to submersion! 没想到刚刚走了几步,忽然脚下一滑,身子竟然是不由自主地向下沉! ps: Welcome to " Ten thousand ancient sword God » posts plays, may pay attention to WeChat public numberignorant/veiled to be white „ the dream_of_mengbai , q group 338971780, indefinite tense issue new book and individual news. ps:欢迎到《万古剑神》贴吧玩耍,也可关注微信公众号”蒙白“dream_of_mengbai,q群338971780,不定时发布新书和个人讯息。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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