ESK :: Volume #33

#3282: Cuts Dao Venerable!

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Let alone Five Poisons Palace that Zhu Ling young master, the Primal Chaos Palace people, are withstanding Yang Mo that and the others the pain suffers, cannot believe that these words saying from the Su Zimo's mouth. 别说五毒宫那位朱凌少主,就连混沌宫众人,正承受痛苦折磨的杨漠等人,都不敢相信这句话从苏子墨的口中说出来。 Since they come out after Good Fortune Universe Diagram, has not seen Su Zimo to act. 自从他们从乾坤造化图中出来之后,从没有见过苏子墨出手。 This High Lord gives the impression of people, is weak benevolent, fraught with uncertainty. 这位主上给众人的印象,就是软弱仁慈,畏首畏尾。 Before facing the oppression of Five Poisons Palace, this High Lord choice compromise made concessions. 之前面对五毒宫的压迫,这位主上选择妥协退让。 But now, Five Poisons Palace young master arrives with two Dao Venerable, frequently then has the fatal disaster, this High Lord said the so strong words unexpectedly! 而如今,五毒宫少主携两位道尊降临,动辄便有杀身之祸,这位主上竟说出如此强硬的话来! High Lord is only Dao Comprehension Realm small accomplishment Heavenly Venerable, said these words facing Five Poisons Palace young master and two Dao Venerable, does not know that needed the big courage and courage! 主上只是悟道境小成天尊,面对五毒宫少主和两位道尊说出这番话,不知需要多大的勇气和胆魄! Let alone is Heavenly Venerable, initially saw Zhu Ling young master brings two Dao Venerable are arriving, Yang Mo Dao Venerable extremely has scruples, speech time has restrained. 别说是一个天尊,当初看到朱凌少主带着两位道尊降临的时候,杨漠道尊都极为顾忌,说话的时候有所收敛。 Moreover, Su Zimo these words obviously had the meaning of protecting to Yang Mo and the others. 而且,苏子墨这句话明显对杨漠等人有回护之意。 Yang Mo several people think that because of a selfishness, is spur-of-the-moment, brings the big trouble, brings the present disaster to Primal Chaos Palace, in the heart is guilty difficult to bear. 杨漠几人想到因为一点私心,一时冲动,闯下大祸,才给混沌宫带来眼下的劫难,心中更是愧疚难当。 High Lord!” 主上!” Yang Mo suppresses the pain, sad sound said: I and other crimes did not have to be possible, is cut to pieces dies pities insufficient! You, you cannot be swayed by personal feelings, involve yourself!” 杨漠强忍痛苦,悲声道:“我等罪无可恕,千刀万剐都死不足惜!你,你不可意气用事,牵连自己!” Then, in the Yang Mo heart is an ashamed lamentation. 说完,杨漠心中又是一阵羞愧悔恨。 If not their being swayed by personal feelings, how also to have difficult of today? 若非他们的‘意气用事’,又怎会有今日之难? The Primal Chaos Palace 1800 Heavenly Venerable lives, must be in they several heads! 混沌宫一千八百位天尊的性命,都要算在他们几个的头上! High Lord, Primal Chaos Palace......, but also needs you!” 主上,混沌宫……还,还需要你!” Cai Wei Superior Heavenly Venerable is looking at Su Zimo, is saying off and on, the eyes leave behind two lines of tears. 采薇至天尊望着苏子墨,也断断续续的说着,双眼留下两行泪水。 So long as Su Zimo is also living, primordial spirit cultivates the Dao Ruler Realm moment, releases numerous position Dao Venerable expert in Good Fortune Universe Diagram, naturally can revenge for them. 只要苏子墨还活着,元神修炼到御道境的一刻,将乾坤造化图中的众位道尊强者释放出来,自然可以为他们报仇。 But these words, they are impossible to say in the presence of everyone, can only remind Su Zimo to protect itself good. 但这句话,他们不可能当众说出口,只能提醒苏子墨要保护好自己。 Interesting, interesting!” “有趣,有趣!” Zhu Ling young master gawked the half of the day, responded. 朱凌少主愣了半天,才反应过来。 How he is didn’t expect, Heavenly Venerable dares him to tell that this words, claps to laugh, asks: Our Five Poisons Palace meddled, how does Palace Master want?” 他是怎么都没想到,一个天尊敢跟他说这种话,不禁拍手大笑,问道:“我们五毒宫插手了,宫主想怎样?” That...... did not do right by.” “那……就对不住了。” First that character just said that the Su Zimo figure flashes, before has arrived at the Zhu Ling young master body, the speed is astonishing, is almost the twinkling, but to! 第一个‘那’字刚刚说出口,苏子墨身形一闪,已经来到朱凌少主身前,速度惊人,几乎是瞬息而至! Courts death!” “找死!” Zhu Ling young master vision greatly rises, lifts the hand to pat toward Su Zimo's on, in the palm is condensing spider web shape dao imprint, above is colorful, obviously has deadly poison! 朱凌少主目光大盛,抬手朝着苏子墨的身上拍去,掌心中凝聚着蛛网状的道印,上面色彩斑斓,明显带有剧毒 This change, makes the Primal Chaos Palace people be startled. 这番变化,着实让混沌宫众人大吃一惊。 Their didn’t expect, Su Zimo so renounces unexpectedly, rushed to Five Poisons Palace young master to kill directly! 他们没想到,苏子墨竟如此决绝,直接奔着五毒宫少主杀了过去! Ended!” “完了!” In the Yang Mo heart sighed: Was we killed High Lord.” 杨漠心中一叹:“是我们害死了主上。” Not to mention side Zhu Ling young master is standing two Dao Venerable, is that Zhu Ling young master is also Dao Comprehension Realm perfection Superior Heavenly Venerable expert, cuts to kill Su Zimo sufficiently. 且不说朱凌少主身旁站着的两位道尊,便是那朱凌少主也是悟道境圆满至天尊强者,也足以将苏子墨斩杀。 The people on the scene, naturally no one can guess correctly the Su Zimo's intention. 在场众人,自然没有人能猜到苏子墨的意图。 Facing the Zhu Ling young master offensive, the Su Zimo look is invariable, after arriving at the near, suddenly holding up a side world, both hands empty grasp, side two Dao Venerable toward Zhu Ling young master cuts to fall! 面对朱凌少主的攻势,苏子墨神色不变,来到近前之后,突然撑起一方世界,双手虚握,朝着朱凌少主身边的两位道尊斩落下去! This action, is quite strange. 这个举动,极为怪异。 Not only facing Zhu Ling young master killing move, looks but not see, but also in Su Zimo's palm, does not have any weapon, so cuts to fall, will only cut in the air. 不但面对朱凌少主杀招,视而不见,而且苏子墨的手掌中,也没有任何兵器,这般斩落下去,只会斩在空气中。 don’t tell me does Palace Master want to suicide wholeheartedly? 难道宫主是想一心寻死吗? The people are shocked suddenly. 众人一时间愣住。 Regarding the Su Zimo's offensive, two Dao Venerable snort contemptuously, simply has not cared. 对于苏子墨的攻势,两位道尊嗤之以鼻,都根本没有在意。 Not to mention in the Su Zimo's hand is empty, does not injure them, even if holds the weapon, still without enough time. 且不说苏子墨的手中空无一物,伤不到他们,就算握有兵器,也来不及。 Because Zhu Ling young master acts before, obviously quick one step. 因为朱凌少主出手在前,明显快了一步。 A difference, then branches out the life and death sufficiently! 只是一步之差,便足以分出生死! Two Dao Venerable as if can see Zhu Ling young master dao imprint, falls on the Su Zimo's chest front, strikes a scene that him flies. 两位道尊仿佛能看到朱凌少主道印,落在苏子墨的胸前,将他击飞的一幕场景。 Suddenly! 陡然! In that Primal Chaos World, two sword light break open primal chaos (hun dun), falls in both hands that in Su Zimo empty grasps, perfect conjunction. 那座混沌世界里,两道剑光破开混沌,落在苏子墨虚握的双手中,完美契合。 Su Zimo grasps the double sword, takes advantage of opportunity to cut to fall! 苏子墨手握双剑,顺势斩落下去! Avici and Netherworld swords reveals itself! 阿鼻、幽冥二剑出世! Two Dao Venerable look big changes! 两位道尊神色大变! These two swords...... 这两柄剑…… Hiss! 嘶! powerful point! 好强的锋芒! powerful killing intent! 好强杀意 Avici Sword has not cut to fall on the body, near the left hand black robe old man, felt that the scalp transmits a stabbing pain, almost must be torn! 阿鼻剑还未斩落在身上,左手边的黑袍老者,就感到头皮传来一阵刺痛,几乎要被从中撕裂! Right that red robe old man was covered by Netherworld Sword killing intent, if the whole person falls in cold ice, the whole body is stiff, response slow half! 右边那位红袍老者被幽冥剑杀意笼罩住,整个人如坠寒冰之中,浑身僵硬,反应都慢了半截! Does not blame two people is so proud, has not guarded. 不怪两人如此自负,未曾防备。 Is the both sides realm disparity is too big, differs entire big realm. 实在是双方境界差距太大,相差整整一个大境界 Goal that in addition, two Dao Venerable how didn’t expect, Heavenly Venerable acts, can aims at them. 再加上,两位道尊怎么都没想到,一个天尊出手的目标,会是针对他们。 How this child dares! 此子怎么敢! Until at this moment, two people cannot believe at present this. 直到此刻,两人都不敢相信眼前这一幕。 Let alone, if common Heavenly Venerable spiritual treasure, cannot injure them. 更何况,若是寻常天尊灵宝,也根本伤不到他们。 Finally Avici and Netherworld swords, two people have a big shock! 结果阿鼻、幽冥二剑一出,两人大惊失色! Practices this realm, naturally can feel the fearfulness of Avici and Netherworld swords. 修炼到这个境界,自然能感受到阿鼻、幽冥二剑的可怕。 But Zhu Ling young master after Avici and Netherworld swords reveals itself, close, was frightened the whole body to quickly grasp the meaning of something, the consciousness presents the instantaneous stagnation. 朱凌少主阿鼻、幽冥二剑出世之后,近在咫尺下,都被吓得浑身一激灵,意识出现瞬间停滞。 Only can the sword thorn to me, where my also have the life in?” “只须有一剑刺向我,我还哪里还有命在?” In the Zhu Ling young master mind flashes through this thought. 朱凌少主脑海中闪过这道念头。 But quick, he flies into a rage! 但很快,他勃然大怒! This person is seriously hateful, unexpectedly so contempt in me! 此人当真可恶,竟如此轻视于我! Changes mind hence, Zhu Ling young master holding up a side world, the offensive is fiercer, colorful spider web dao imprint, pounds together to the Su Zimo's chest! 转念至此,朱凌少主撑起一方世界,攻势更猛,一道五彩斑斓的蛛网道印,砸向苏子墨的胸膛! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Su Zimo's within the body, spreads a thundering sound suddenly! 苏子墨的体内,突然传出一阵轰鸣之音! Compared with sea tide surging forward, is ordinary like the tsunami, sweeps across all directions! 比海潮更加汹涌澎湃,如同海啸一般,席卷八方 Tyrannical incomparable qi and blood spews out, the strength of vastly rushing, almost throws off Zhu Ling young master directly. 一股强横无匹的气血喷涌而出,浩瀚澎湃的力量,差点将朱凌少主直接掀翻。 His dao imprint almost must fall on the Su Zimo's chest, how actually unable to press! 他的这座道印几乎就要落在苏子墨的胸膛上,却怎么都按不下去! The next quarter, bluish-green azure lotus flower shoots up to the sky, drags the emit light. 下一刻,一株碧绿色的青色莲花冲天而起,摇曳生光。 In this bluish-green lotus flower surface, but also is burning the first layer close flame, is Red Lotus Karmic Fire! 在这株碧绿色莲花表面,还燃烧着一层细密的火焰,正是红莲业火 Su Zimo's bloodline phenomenon erupts! 苏子墨的血脉异象爆发出来! Zhu Ling young master dao imprint, the a side world instantaneous avalanche was shattered! 朱凌少主道印,一方世界瞬间崩塌破碎! Meanwhile, Netherworld Sword has cut to fall. 与此同时,幽冥剑已经斩落下去。 The red robe old man moves aside without enough time, can only the subconscious side head, at the same time, in the palm control Grand Dao, forms spider webs, covers toward Netherworld Sword. 红袍老者来不及躲闪,只能下意识的侧头,与此同时,手掌中驾驭大道,结成一张张蛛网,朝着幽冥剑笼罩过去。 Jumps! 蹦蹦蹦! These spider webs cannot block the Netherworld Sword point, cut off all! 那些蛛网根本挡不住幽冥剑的锋芒,被尽数斩断! Such a delays, makes the red robe old man catch the time, leaving suddenly/violently to retreat! 只是这么一耽搁,就让红袍老者抓到时机,抽身暴退! Titter! 噗嗤! blood light appears together. 一道血光浮现。 Netherworld Sword sword blade cuts the shoulder of red robe old man, leaves behind together the bloodstain. 幽冥剑的剑锋划破红袍老者的肩膀,留下一道浅浅的血痕。 This injury, regarding Dao Venerable expert, there is no effect, in a flash, then. 这种伤势,对于道尊强者而言,没有任何影响,转瞬间,便可痊愈。 When there is no the protection, loses in the situation of situation, this Dao Venerable expert can also avoid the strategic point, but damages by abrasion a body, Su Zimo sees that acclaimed one in the heart: Worthily is Dao Venerable.” 在毫无防备,失去先机的情况下,这位道尊强者还能避开要害,只是擦破一点皮肉,就连苏子墨见状,都在心中赞叹一声:“不愧是道尊。” That red robe old man escape alive, still had a lingering fear. 那红袍老者逃出生天,仍是心有余悸。 Your good guts......” “你好胆……” He is staring at Su Zimo, the eye of reveal ominous light, loudly shouted, will intend to counter-attack, the sound stops suddenly. 他盯着苏子墨,目露凶光,大喝一声,正要出手反击,声音戛然而止。 The red robe old man complexion big change, stares the big eyes, on the face emerges the endless panic-stricken color with amazement! 红袍老者脸色大变,瞪大双眼,脸庞上涌现出无尽的惊恐骇然之色! His vitality is defeated and dispersed rapidly, the look is dim. 他的生机正在迅速溃散,眼神黯淡。 The next quarter, this red robe old man soft pouring on the ground, primordial spirit dies out, body dies and Dao disappears! 下一刻,这位红袍老者软绵绵的倒在地上,元神寂灭,身死道消
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