ESK :: Volume #33

#3283: Has given you opportunity

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This time changes the rapidness, only in the wink of an eye. 此番变化之快,只在瞬息之间。 At the same time, Avici Sword has also cut to fall. 同一时间,阿鼻剑也已经斩落下去。 Compared with the red robe old man, the black robe old man is vicious, simply has not planned to avoid. 只是,与红袍老者相比,黑袍老者更加凶狠,根本没打算躲避。 Drew in the same place black robe disrupts suddenly, inside finds out more than thousand unexpectedly palm, punctures toward Su Zimo! 原本收拢在一起的黑袍突然碎裂,里面竟探出千余只‘手掌’,朝着苏子墨刺过来! That is the palm, rather is more than thousand jet black sharp daggers! 与其说那是手掌,倒不如说是千余只漆黑尖锐的匕首! This black robe old man, the main body is actually Thousand Legged Centipede, on each foot contains deadly poison. 这位黑袍老者,本体却是一只千足蜈蚣,每只足上都蕴含剧毒 Thousand raid fully, the stench caresses the face, is the toxic gas on these thousand feet, then turns Heavenly Venerable expert sufficiently poisonously! 千足袭来,腥臭扑面,便是这千足上的毒气,便足以毒翻天尊强者 Su Zimo azure lotus qi and blood is luckily powerful, there is a phenomenon impediment, can these toxic gas isolation outside. 幸好苏子墨青莲气血强盛,又有异象阻隔,才能将这些毒气隔绝在外。 In fact, Su Zimo releases qi and blood and bloodline phenomenon, to not cope with Zhu Ling young master, most mainly to erupt complete strength. 实际上,苏子墨释放出气血血脉异象,根本不是为了对付朱凌少主,最主要是为了爆发全部力量。 Facing Dao Venerable expert, if no full power, he has no opportunity! 面对道尊强者,若是不出全力,他根本没有任何机会! Moreover, has bloodline phenomenon to protect the body, but also to prevent counter-attack of next two Dao Venerable. 另外,有血脉异象护体,可也以阻挡一下两位道尊的反扑。 qi and blood is abundant, bloodline phenomenon is strong, is impossible to reduce and solve the thousand full puncture of black robe old man completely. 只是,气血再盛,血脉异象再强,也不可能完全化解黑袍老者的千足穿刺。 This offensive is seemingly simple, nothing gaudy, but above thousand feet, with the aid of the strength of Grand Dao, back to the original, return to the truth, breaks through Su Zimo's qi and blood. 这攻势看似简单,没有什么花哨,但千足之上,都借助大道之力,返璞归真,冲破苏子墨的气血 Even azure lotus phenomenon, is cut off slightly! 甚至青莲异象,也只是略微阻隔! Whish! 哗! Su Zimo divine consciousness moves, the body surroundings appear one group of yellow sand, is Nine Heavens Breath Soil. 苏子墨神识一动,身体周围浮现出一团黄沙,正是九天息壤 The bonus is so, cannot block the offensive of black robe old man as before! 饶是如此,依旧没能挡住黑袍老者的攻势! pū pū! 噗噗噗! Among instant, on Su Zimo's, was punctured the innumerable blood holes! 刹那间,苏子墨的身上,就被刺出无数个血洞! But Su Zimo's forehead, departs fiery-red lotus platform, the cover lives in the face. 苏子墨的眉心处,飞出一座火红色的莲台,罩住脸庞。 Thousand feet after bloodline phenomenon, the impediment of Nine Heavens Breath Soil, have reduced the most strength, was prevented by Karmic Fire Red Lotus. 千足经过血脉异象,九天息壤的阻隔,已经削减大半力量,便被业火红莲阻挡下来。 Although thousand pass the body fully, but has not injured and strategic point after all. 虽然千足透体而出,但毕竟没有伤及要害。 But Avici Sword also from top of the head of black robe old man, chops to fall directly! 阿鼻剑也从黑袍老者的天灵盖上,直接劈落下去! Titter! 噗嗤! The bloody water emerges! 血水涌现! This Dao Venerable cleft in two by Avici Sword directly! 这位道尊阿鼻剑直接劈成两半! Zhu Ling young master sees this, the complexion with amazement. 朱凌少主看到这一幕,脸色骇然。 His spiritual treasure is highest level, very difficult wound to Dao Venerable expert fleshly body, let alone cleaves in two Dao Venerable! 他的灵宝已经是最顶级的,也很难伤到道尊强者肉身,就更别说将道尊劈成两半! This black robe old man can with the counter-attack, the nature think the escape route. 这黑袍老者敢与反击,自然早就想好了退路。 In Avici Sword cuts in his top of the head, primordial spirit already exsomatize, so long as his thought moves, can remould fleshly body! 就在阿鼻剑斩在他头顶上的时候,元神就已经离体而出,只要他意念一动,便可重塑肉身 Also is this black robe old man has good luck ever, if not his primordial spirit one step escapes ahead of time, even if were not cut to extinguish primordial spirit by Avici Sword, still in Avici Great Hell by sword blade will be swallowed primordial spirit! 也是这黑袍老者命大,若非他元神提前一步逃开,就算不被阿鼻剑斩灭元神,也会被剑身中的阿鼻大地狱元神吞噬进去! The black robe old man wants to draw support from the bloodlines, remoulds fleshly body. 黑袍老者想要借助血脉,重塑肉身 But around that Avici Sword, appears unexpectedly faintly dense Hell, suppresses completely his corpses and all qi and blood! 但那阿鼻剑周围,竟隐隐浮现出一座森然地狱,将他的尸体和所有气血全部镇压住! In a short time, he is unable to strip unexpectedly the bloodlines! 短时间内,他竟无法将血脉剥离出来! This, makes the black robe old man be scared. 这一下,着实让黑袍老者慌了神。 Su Zimo transfers Avici Sword, cuts toward primordial spirit of black robe old man, sword qi is dense, that being too deep to see the bottom terrifying Hell, covers unexpectedly! 苏子墨调转阿鼻剑,朝着黑袍老者的元神斩去,剑气森森,那座深不见底的恐怖地狱,竟然也笼罩过来! Netherworld Sword also cuts in his direction. 幽冥剑也朝他的方向斩来。 Double sword simultaneous/uniform arrive, must encircle primordial spirit of black robe old man! 双剑齐至,要围剿黑袍老者的元神 Since Su Zimo has decided to act, cannot make him flee absolutely. 苏子墨既然已经决定出手,就绝对不能让其遁走。 The black robe old man just noticed that the red robe old man was rubbed by that red long sword, then body dies and Dao disappears, naturally knows the terrifying of this sword. 黑袍老者刚刚看到红袍老者被那红色长剑只是擦了一下,便身死道消,自然知晓此剑的恐怖。 Under the double sword encircles, he only remains primordial spirit, radically irresistibly! 双剑围剿之下,他只剩一个元神,根本无法抵抗! The black robe old man smells there is something wrong, remoulds fleshly body without enough time, primordial spirit turns around to escape. 黑袍老者见势不妙,来不及重塑肉身,元神转身就逃。 Bang! 轰! Finally the red light welcomed the mask to fall together, was actually karmic fire lotus platform arrives, pounded layer on layer/heavily on primordial spirit of black robe old man. 结果一道红光迎面罩落下来,却是业火莲台降临,重重砸在黑袍老者的元神上。 Bang! 砰! Also worthily is Dao Venerable primordial spirit, was pounded by karmic fire lotus platform, has not been defeated and dispersed, is only the whole body big quake, to have a dizzy, at present becomes dark. 也不愧是道尊元神,被业火莲台砸了一下,都没有溃散,只是浑身大震,头晕目眩,眼前发黑。 Su Zimo divine consciousness controls karmic fire lotus platform, according to inherited memory, stimulates to movement secret techniques. 苏子墨神识操控业火莲台,根据传承记忆,催动秘法 That karmic fire lotus platform blooms suddenly, the lotus platform surroundings grow the first layer level fiery-red flower petal, primordial spirit of black robe old man is one of them sleepily, forms an airtight prison! 业火莲台突然绽放,莲台周围生长出一层层火红色的花瓣,将黑袍老者的元神困在其中,形成一座密不透风的牢狱! Whatever primordial spirit of black robe old man batters, is unable to flee. 任凭黑袍老者的元神在其中横冲直撞,都无法逃离出去。 Meanwhile, numerous Lotus Cave on lotus platform, spout scarlet-red light of fire. 与此同时,莲台上的众多莲洞,喷涌出一道道赤红色火光 In each dao fire light, has a lotus seed. 每一道火光之中,都有一颗莲子。 Among instant, in lotus platform, ignites flaming karmic fire, burns down black robe old man primordial spirit! 刹那间,莲台之中,燃起熊熊业火,焚烧黑袍老者元神 „!” “啊!” The black robe old man sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell. 黑袍老者发出一阵凄厉惨叫。 Cannot support several breath, primordial spirit is hit tattered and torn by the lotus seed, the primordial spirit remnant body by karmic fire burning down completely, was also unravelled! 没能撑过几个呼吸,元神便被莲子打得千疮百孔,元神残躯也被业火焚烧殆尽,灰飞烟灭! In Primal Chaos Great Hall, static fearfulness! 混沌大殿中,静的可怕! Everyone is staring the eyeball, concentrates all one's attention on, the whole face shocks looks at this, a few words cannot say. 所有人都瞪着眼珠,屏气凝神,满脸震撼的看着这一幕,一句话都说不出来。 Yang Mo, Li Hun and the others seemed forgot pain, unbelievable looks at this, in the mind a blank. 就连杨漠李浑等人好似都忘记了身上的痛苦,难以置信的看着这一幕,脑海中一片空白。 Two Dao Venerable expert, are in the glare of the public eye to suffocate, was killed by High Lord unexpectedly! 两位道尊强者,在众目睽睽窒息,竟被主上杀了! The entire process, Su Zimo revealed the method, domineering, calm...... in frail image with their mind, differing is too big. 整个过程,苏子墨显露出来的手段,强势,冷静……与他们脑海中的文弱形象,相差实在太大。 Which this is the person of what fraught with uncertainty? 这位哪是什么畏首畏尾的主儿? No one is simply bolder than him, murders resolute! 简直没有人比他更胆大包天,杀伐果决! overwhelming majority Primal Chaos Palace cultivator has not seen Su Zimo to act. 绝大多数混沌宫修士都没见过苏子墨出手。 In their eyes, this Primal Chaos Palace Lord seems like scholar of polite scholarly, although cannot see what Palace Master dignified boldness, but is benevolent in the heart, pours also well. 在他们的眼中,这位混沌宫主像是个温文儒雅的书生,虽说看不到什么宫主威严魄力,但还在心地仁慈,倒也不错。 Until today, the people are fearful the true experience to Su Zimo's! 直到今日,众人才真正见识到苏子墨的可怕! Probably bites the person fierce tiger to tear into shreds the scholar leather bag, broken body! 像是一头噬人猛虎撕碎书生皮囊,破体而出! That Zhu Ling young master world was shattered, the offensive hits, flies back without any results, looks at present one, the whole person was scared. 朱凌少主的世界破碎,攻势打出来,无功而返,看着眼前的一幕,整个人都吓傻了。 When Su Zimo receives the sword, the vision rotation, falls when his body, he whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, recovers. 苏子墨收剑,目光转动,落在他的身上之时,他才浑身一激灵,回过神来。 You, in your body deadly poison, you could not live!” “你,你身中剧毒,你也活不成了!” The Zhu Ling young master sound shivers was saying. 朱凌少主声音颤抖着说道。 Su Zimo just defeated two Dao Venerable, almost took out all card in a hand methods, moreover does not return safe and sound, the body thousand was pierced by the black robe old man fully, but also is flowing the black blood. 苏子墨刚刚拼掉两位道尊,几乎祭出所有底牌手段,而且也并非毫发无损,身躯被黑袍老者千足洞穿,还在流淌着黑血。 This deadly poison, can injure to others, actually cannot threaten his body of azure lotus. 这种剧毒,能伤到旁人,却威胁不到他的青莲之身。 You, you must do!” “你,你要干什么!” You cannot kill me! I am Five Poisons Palace young master, you dare to harm my life, do not want to live is leaving Imperial Canopy Province!” “你不能杀我!我是五毒宫少主,你敢伤我性命,就别想活着离开华盖州!” Zhu Ling young master installs calmly, exclaimed sternly. 朱凌少主强装镇定,厉声吼道。 Su Zimo is only tranquil visits him, maintains total silence. 苏子墨只是平静的看着他,一语不发。 Sees Su Zimo to remain unmoved, in the Zhu Ling young master heart fears, tone also soft, implored urgently: You, you put me to leave, I return to Five Poisons Palace, goes, goes to seek the law of detoxification to you.” 苏子墨不为所动,朱凌少主心中更是惧怕,语气也软了下来,苦苦哀求道:“你,你放我离开,我回五毒宫,去,去给你求解毒之法。” Asked Palace Master to show mercy, gives me an opportunity......” “求宫主开恩,给我一个机会……” Su Zimo indifferently said: I have given you opportunity.” 苏子墨淡淡道:“我给过你机会了。” „?” “啊?” Zhu Ling young master gawked, shakes the head to say hastily: No, no! Palace Master you remembered incorrectly, you have not given me the opportunity.” 朱凌少主愣了下,连忙摇头道:“没有,没有!宫主你记错了,你还没给我机会。” Su Zimo unemotional saying: I just came in has asked you, how this matter said.” 苏子墨面无表情的说道:“我刚刚进来的时候问过你,此事怎么说。” Zhu Ling young master recalls, Su Zimo has truly spoken these words probably. 朱凌少主回忆起来,苏子墨好像确实说过这句话。 These words, don’t tell me is not asking him to give a Primal Chaos Palace way out, but is giving them a life opportunity? 这句话,难道不是在求他放混沌宫一条生路,而是在给他们一个活命机会? Pitifully, you missed.” “可惜,你错过了。” In the Zhu Ling young master panic-stricken vacant vision, Su Zimo said gently, lifts a hand palm to pat on his top of the head, breaks its primordial spirit! 朱凌少主惊恐茫然的目光中,苏子墨轻轻说道,抬手一掌拍在他的天灵盖上,将其元神震碎! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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