ESK :: Volume #33

#3281: Living to might as well die( three)

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Yes.” “是。” Xu Rui smiles bitterly, said: Li Hun fellow daoist and the others endured Five Poisons Palace so many years, has suppressed one share fire, hears this matter, furious, then clashed with Five Poisons Palace one group.” 徐瑞苦笑一声,道:“李浑道友等人忍五毒宫这么多年,早就憋了一股子火,听闻此事,怒不可遏,便与五毒宫一行人爆发了冲突。” Yang Mo Dao Venerable acts, the Five Poisons Palace envoy severe wound.” 杨漠道尊更是出手,将五毒宫的使者重伤。” Chen Qianhe said: Actually Yang Mo Dao Venerable keeps the hand, has not hurt the Five Poisons Palace people life, but......” 陈千禾道:“其实杨漠道尊已经留手,并未伤害五毒宫众人性命,但……” Five Poisons Palace dominates the Imperial Canopy Province many years, the position does not have to shake, even has not harmed and envoy life, this act was still equal to that is challenging the Five Poisons Palace dignity. 五毒宫称霸华盖州多年,地位无可撼动,就算没有伤及使者性命,此举也等于在挑战五毒宫的威严。 The Five Poisons Palace envoy comes to request Primal Chaos Palace to turn in 90% source stone, has saved the meaning of feeling embarrassed. 五毒宫使者前来要求混沌宫上缴90%源石,就已经存了为难之意。 Now, Five Poisons Palace one line of severe wounds, how Five Poisons Palace will give up. 如今,五毒宫一行人重伤,五毒宫又怎会善罢甘休。 Five Poisons Palace did Dao Venerable act?” 五毒宫道尊出面了?” Su Zimo asked. 苏子墨问道。 Xu Rui nods, said: Five Poisons Palace young master, Zhu Ling Superior Heavenly Venerable brings two Dao Venerable came knocking on the door, Yang Mo Dao Venerable not to beat...... 徐瑞点点头,道:“一位五毒宫少主,朱凌至天尊带着两位道尊找上门来,杨漠道尊不敌……唉。” „Is person also living?” “人还活着吗?” Su Zimo also asked. 苏子墨又问道。 Also living.” “还活着。” Xu Rui looks not to endure, shakes the head saying: But lives to might as well die.” 徐瑞面露不忍,摇头道:“但生不如死。” Chen Qianhe said: Yang Mo Dao Venerable just stepped into Dao Ruler Realm shortly , may be unable to display most battle strength, in addition opposite that Dao Venerable controlled Grand Dao of Poison, Yang Mo Dao Venerable carelessly, then caught deadly poison for a while.” 陈千禾道:“杨漠道尊刚刚踏入御道境没多久,可能无法发挥出最战力,再加上对面那位道尊驾驭毒之大道,杨漠道尊一时不慎,便染上了剧毒。” Dao Venerable, then defeats Yang Mo. 只是一位道尊,便将杨漠击败。 Su Zimo changes mind thinks, pouring is not accidental/surprised. 苏子墨转念一想,倒也并不意外。 The Supreme Lin Meng people had practiced in Great Thousandfold World after all, after disciplining to slaughter. 林蒙至尊众人毕竟曾经在大千世界修炼过,历经磨练厮杀。 But the Yang Mo people always cultivation in Good Fortune Universe Diagram, the battle compares notes, is only stops, lacks the experience of life and death preying. 杨漠众人始终在乾坤造化图中修炼,相互之间争斗切磋,也只是点道即止,缺少生死搏杀的经验。 To true expert, will definitely suffer a loss. 对上真正的强者,必然会吃亏。 Xu Rui said: That Zhu Ling young master is pressing Yang Mo and the others, had arrived at Primal Chaos Great Hall, come with ill-intent, is very likely to look for Palace Master to condemn.” 徐瑞道:“那位朱凌少主压着杨漠等人,已经到了混沌大殿,来者不善,极有可能要找宫主问罪。” Oh.” 。” Su Zimo spoke thoughtlessly to comply with one, said: You transmitted orders immediately, Primal Chaos Palace all cultivator, convenes completely, gathers in this.” 苏子墨随口应了一声,道:“你们立即传令下去,将混沌宫所有的修士,全部召集回来,聚集于此。” Palace Master, what this makes?” 宫主,这是做什么?” Meng Shi cannot bear say: Even if our Primal Chaos Palace everyone puts together, cannot block the prestige of Dao Venerable.” 孟石忍不住说道:“就算咱们混沌宫所有人加在一起,也挡不住道尊之威。” Palace Master you have not seen, only then Yang Mo Dao Venerable, supported several rounds in Five Poisons Palace that Dao Venerable hand, Li Hun and Cai Wei that several Superior Heavenly Venerable, were then trigged by Five Poisons Palace Dao Venerable one move!” 宫主你是没看到,只有杨漠道尊,在五毒宫那位道尊手中多撑了几回合,李浑采薇那几个至天尊,被五毒宫道尊一招便制住了!” Does not need to talk too much, according to making conduct.” “不必多言,依令行事。” Su Zimo had not explained that but said one lightly. 苏子墨并未解释,只是淡淡的说了一句。 The Xu Rui three people look at each other one, is no longer scruple, turns around to depart. 徐瑞三人对视一眼,不再迟疑,转身离去。 Su Zimo arrives at Primal Chaos Great Hall without consulting anybody. 苏子墨径自来到混沌大殿 At this time, in the main hall, has been gathering many people, mostly is he Heavenly Venerable expert that brings from Good Fortune Universe Diagram. 此时,大殿之中,已经聚集着不少人,大多都是他从乾坤造化图中带出来的天尊强者 The numerous position Heavenly Venerable surface has the scowl, actually does not dare to disclose, is suppressing diligently! 众位天尊面有怒容,却不敢声张,在努力压制着! Except for these people, in big Hallmaster position, but also sits a person. 除了这些人,大殿主位上,还坐着一个人。 This person of young, wears the vermilion clothing, the look is frivolous, leisurely and carefree the hot tea, on the five fingers nail is exuding gorgeous colored, obviously includes deadly poison! 此人年纪轻轻,穿着朱红色的衣衫,神色轻佻,正悠闲的品着热茶,五指指甲上泛着绚丽的彩色,明显含有剧毒 Unsurprisingly, this should be Five Poisons Palace young master, Zhu Ling Superior Heavenly Venerable. 不出意外,这位应该就是五毒宫少主,朱凌至天尊 After this person both sides, but also is standing two old men, unemotional, is Dao Venerable expert, Dao Ruler Realm small accomplishment. 在此人身后两侧,还站着两位老者,面无表情,都是道尊强者,御道境小成 Left that wears the black robe, set of spacious robe sleeve before the body in the same place, both hands hidden is one of them. 左边那位身着黑袍,宽大的袍袖在身前套在一起,双手隐藏在其中。 Right that wears the red long gown, above is weaving the dense and numerous spider webs, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, should be a clan with Zhu Ling Superior Heavenly Venerable. 右边那位身着红色长袍,上面编织着密密麻麻的蛛网,负手而立,应该与朱凌至天尊同属一族。 Before three people of bodies, but also is lying down seven people, from Good Fortune Universe Diagram. 在三人的身前,还躺着七个人,都来自乾坤造化图 And then has Yang Mo Dao Venerable, Li Hun and Cai Wei two Superior Heavenly Venerable. 其中便有杨漠道尊李浑采薇两位至天尊 At this time, seven people are face purple azure, the whole body are twitching, in the mouth spits the foam, in the eye pupil is covering entirely the blood threads, is obviously bearing the huge pain! 此时,七人都是脸庞紫青,浑身抽搐着,口中吐着白沫,眼眸中布满血丝,明显正承受着巨大的痛苦! Makes me die!” “让我死吧!” Killed me!” “杀了我吧!” Other four people really cannot endure patiently, in the mouth is whooshing unceasingly. 其他四人实在忍耐不住,口中不断嘶吼着。 The Yang Mo three people are also suppressing, the throat deep place sends out one ‚’ sound. 杨漠三人也只是强忍着,喉咙深处发出一阵‘嗬嗬’的响动。 Zhu Ling young master occupies a commanding position looks at this, the corners of the mouth curls upwards, enjoys very much. 朱凌少主居高临下的看着这一幕,嘴角微翘,很是享受。 These people are more painful, he is happier. 这些人越痛苦,他就越开心。 High Lord!” 主上!” Sees Su Zimo to step into the main hall, the Primal Chaos Palace people shouts one, looks the grief and indignation. 看到苏子墨踏入大殿,混沌宫众人呼喊一声,都是面露悲愤。 Su Zimo nods. 苏子墨点点头。 The Yang Mo three people hear High Lord two characters, difficult turning the head, looked at Su Zimo one, lowers the head. 杨漠三人听到‘主上’二字,也艰难的转过头来,看了苏子墨一眼,又低下头去。 Yo!” “呦呵!” That Zhu Ling young master has not set out, claps hands to smile, said: Originally this is Primal Chaos Palace Lord, has heard so much about you.” 那位朱凌少主并未起身,抚掌而笑,道:“原来这位就是混沌宫主,久仰大名。” „Do I sit your position, Palace Master cannot mind?” “我坐着你的位置,宫主不会介意吧?” Asking that Zhu Ling young master smiles. 朱凌少主笑眯眯的问道。 Su Zimo has not paid attention, arrives in the main hall, referred to Yang Mo and the others, asked lightly: How did this matter say?” 苏子墨没有理会,来到大殿中,指了指杨漠等人,淡淡问道:“此事怎么说?” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Zhu Ling young master chuckle, said: It seems like does Palace Master want to chat with me? Without the issue, I kill repugnantly.” 朱凌少主轻笑一声,道:“看来宫主是想跟我谈谈了?没问题,我这个人最讨厌打打杀杀。” I keep their life, wants to give a Primal Chaos Palace opportunity.” “我留他们性命,也是想给混沌宫一个机会。” In fact, Yang Mo and the others experience personally deadly poison nowadays, is withstanding pain of ten thousand Zhushi the biting, is really lives to might as well die! 实际上,杨漠等人现如今身受剧毒,正承受着万蛛噬咬之痛,实在是生不如死! Zhu Ling young master said: This matter reason, Palace Master had known, your subordinates, injured my Five Poisons Palace person, is really bold, the crime does not have to be possible!” 朱凌少主道:“此事缘由,想必宫主已经知道了,你的这几个手下,伤了我五毒宫的人,实在是胆大包天,罪无可恕!” This matter, is not you will pull strings?” “这件事,不会是你指使的吧?” A Zhu Ling young master thread of conversation revolution, the plot revealed that killing intent increases suddenly, so long as Su Zimo a few words return is not right, he will act immediately! 朱凌少主话锋一转,图穷匕见,杀机陡增,只要苏子墨一句话回的不对,他就会立即出手! No matter High Lord matter!” “不管主上的事!” In the meantime, Yang Mo clenches the teeth, suppresses the pain, from gap between teeth, one word at a time jumps several characters: Is my own behavior, my Yang Mo person works a person to work as, do not involve others!” 就在此时,杨漠咬紧牙关,强忍痛苦,从齿缝之中,一字一顿的蹦出几个字来:“是我自己所为,我杨漠一人做事一人当,不要牵连旁人!” Snort!” “哼!” Zhu Ling young master coldly said: You said do not involve, doesn't involve?” 朱凌少主冷然道:“你说不牵连,就不牵连了?” I told you, a dog that even if my Five Poisons Palace raised was injured by you, your Primal Chaos Palace person must fill in the life!” “我告诉你,就算是我五毒宫养的一条狗被你伤了,你们混沌宫的人也得拿命来填!” You injure my Five Poisons Palace 18 people, Primal Chaos Palace must arrive with 1800 Heavenly Venerable lives!” “你们伤我五毒宫十八个人,混沌宫就得拿一千八百位天尊性命来抵!” Five Poisons Palace encounters such provocation, naturally must kill people to set up the prestige! 五毒宫遭遇这样的挑衅,自然要杀人立威! Let alone, kills one crowd of worthlessness! 更何况,还是杀一群草芥! You!” “你!” The Yang Mo short of breath launches a psychological attack, the complexion fluctuates unceasingly, puts out a blood, is more painful. 杨漠气急攻心,脸色不断变幻,吐出一口鲜血,更加痛苦。 His achievement Dao Venerable, is then thinking taking this opportunity, in the Primal Chaos Palace standing erect prestige, didn’t expect, instead involves other Primal Chaos Palace people. 他成就道尊,便想着借此机会,在混沌宫竖立威信,没想到,反而将混沌宫其他人牵连进来。 Li Hun and the others also regret past mistakes, if is not involuntary, wishes one could at the scene suicide! 李浑等人也是悔不当初,若非身不由己,恨不得当场自绝 Su Zimo can guess correctly their thoughts probably, has not paid attention, making them bear a pain, is to several people of penalties. 苏子墨大概能猜到他们的心思,也就没有理会,让他们承受点痛苦,也算是对几人的惩罚。 The Primal Chaos Palace people make a fist secretly, in the heart the grief and indignation, is actually not able to say anything. 混沌宫众人都是暗自握拳,心中悲愤,却无法说什么。 They know, present Primal Chaos Palace, is unable to resist with Five Poisons Palace, any humiliation, can only bear patiently. 他们知道,现在的混沌宫,根本无法与五毒宫对抗,任何屈辱,都只能隐忍下来。 At this time, Primal Chaos Palace numerous cultivator, Xu Rui and the others also rush to this place from each region, is looking in the main hall, respective silent. 此时,混沌宫的众多修士,徐瑞等人也都从各地赶到此地,望着大殿中发生的一幕,各自沉默。 Primal Chaos Palace just some improvements, didn’t expect, was under the so serious attack. 混沌宫才刚刚有些起色,没想到,就遭遇如此沉重的打击。 1800 Heavenly Venerable lives, were equal to abandoning half Primal Chaos Palace! 一千八百位天尊性命,等于将混沌宫废了一半! Moreover the people no one know, the Five Poisons Palace butcher knife, the head of which Heavenly Venerable will fall on. 而且众人谁都不知道,五毒宫的屠刀,将会落在哪一位天尊的头上。 The main hall people, are everybody feels insecure. 大殿众人,都是人人自危。 Yang Mo several people really have the mistake.” 杨漠几人确实有错。” Su Zimo opens the mouth suddenly, indifferently said: Their mistakes have Primal Chaos Palace to punish, when meddles by the bystander?” 苏子墨突然开口,淡淡道:“他们的错自有混沌宫来责罚,何时由得外人插手?” The voice falls, in the main hall in a twinkling becomes completely silent! 话音落下,大殿中霎时间变得鸦雀无声! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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