ESK :: Volume #33

#3278: Expedient measure

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A month later. 一个月后。 Su Zimo numerous position Venerable in Good Fortune Universe Diagram, releases. 苏子墨乾坤造化图中的众位尊者,也都释放出来。 Primal Chaos Palace under the leadership of Yang Mo numerous position Heavenly Venerable expert, surrounding Profound Goat Ridge, Djinn Valley, Black Bird Forest and Frost Snowfield area, has attacked and occupied completely, integrates the Primal Chaos Palace domain. 混沌宫杨漠众位天尊强者的带领下,已经将周围的玄羊岭巨灵谷玄鸟林冰霜雪原的疆域,全部攻占,纳入混沌宫的版图。 , Easily accomplished, no one may keep off! 所过一处,摧枯拉朽般,无人可挡! Flood Dragon Island, had been seized by Primal Chaos Palace. 蛟龙岛,也已经被混沌宫占领。 source mine quantity that Primal Chaos Palace controls, already over 100! 混沌宫所掌控的源矿数量,已经超过一百处! The birthday present that before the Flood Dragon Island Lord birthday feast, all influence leader delivered, Flood Dragon Island Lord has not fished, fell in the Su Zimo's hand on the contrary. 之前蛟龙岛主寿宴上,各方势力头领送上来的寿礼,蛟龙岛主没捞到,反倒落在苏子墨的手中。 On this day. 这一日。 Primal Chaos Palace numerous position Heavenly Venerable expert gets together in Myriad Beasts Ridge Primal Chaos Great Hall, Su Zimo sits in the seat of honor, Xu Rui, Chen Qianhe and Meng Shi three people also presents. 混沌宫众位天尊强者齐聚万兽岭混沌大殿中,苏子墨坐在主位,徐瑞陈千禾孟石三人也在场。 High Lord, calls us, but has an accident?” 主上,将我们召集回来,可是出了什么事?” Yang Mo asked. 杨漠问道。 Su Zimo looks to Xu Rui, nods, said: You.” 苏子墨看向身旁的徐瑞,点点头,道:“你来说吧。” Xu Rui said: End of the year , the Five Poisons Palace envoy will also draw near.” 徐瑞道:“年关将至,五毒宫的使者也快到了。” Now, our Primal Chaos Palace area expands, occupies source mine 138, is Imperial Canopy Province biggest second rank influence, the source stone quantity of turning in is also quite astonishing, is prepared ahead of time.” “如今,咱们混沌宫疆域扩张,占据源矿一百三十八处,已经算是华盖州最大的二等势力,上缴的源石数量也颇为惊人,要提前准备好。” Five Poisons Palace?” 五毒宫?” Yang Mo knits the brows. 杨漠皱了皱眉。 For serveral days, he also heard probably, Five Poisons Palace is Imperial Canopy Province only first rank influence, true Overlord. 这些天来,他也大概听说了,五毒宫算是华盖州唯一的一等势力,真正的霸主 Why can turn in source stone to them?” “为何要给他们上缴源石?” Yang Mo knits the brows to ask. 杨漠皱眉问道。 The Xu Rui forced smile said: Does not have the means that Five Poisons Palace to overwhelm with numerical strength, has Dao Venerable expert to assume personal command, sets this custom, other influences do not dare to violate.” 徐瑞苦笑道:“没办法,五毒宫人多势众,有道尊强者坐镇,定下这个规矩,其他势力也不敢违背。” Actually not only in Imperial Canopy Province, other states is also so.” “其实不光是在华盖州,其他各州也都是这般。” Yang Mo also asked: How many can turn in?” 杨漠又问道:“要上缴多少?” 70%.” “70%。” Xu Rui replied. 徐瑞答道。 What!” “什么!” In the Yang Mo heart is furious, pounds the table, drinks to ask: So many?” 杨漠心中震怒,拍案而起,喝问道:“这么多?” Really is bully intolerably!” “真是欺人太甚!” I cannot swallow this foul odor!” “我是咽不下这口恶气!” Other numerous position Heavenly Venerable also looks the scowl. 其他众位天尊也都是面露怒容。 The Xu Rui look is helpless, said: In recent years, Southeast Territory 108 provinces, was occupied by major foreign clan expert, is this aspect.” 徐瑞神色无奈,道:“这些年来,东南疆域一百零八州,被各大异族强者占据,都是这种局面。” Probably Imperial Canopy Province, all second rank influence must turn in 70% source stone every year, gives Five Poisons Palace.” “像是华盖州,各方二等势力每年都要上缴70%源石,交给五毒宫。” However all second rank influence does not dare to violate this token/order, then can only turn the head to cope with subordinate third rank influence, requesting regional third rank influence to turn in 90%.” “而各方二等势力不敢违背此令,便只能转头去对付麾下的三等势力,要求各地三等势力上缴90%。” third rank influence does not dare to defy, will otherwise then be extinguished, under numerous plundering, third rank influence can only harvest 10% source mine every year, insufficiently cultivates radically.” 三等势力也不敢违抗,否则便会被灭,重重掠夺之下,三等势力每年只能收获10%源矿,根本不够修炼。” Therefore, among third rank influence, will erupt many battles to slaughter frequently......” “所以,三等势力之间,经常会爆发诸多争斗厮杀……” Primal Chaos Palace numerous position Heavenly Venerable expert hears to frown greatly. 混沌宫众位天尊强者听得都是大皱眉头。 Five Poisons Palace depends to be powerful , without to shake, so will be unscrupulous, sits idle and enjoys the fruits. 五毒宫仗着实力强大,无可撼动,才会如此肆无忌惮,坐享其成。 Under this type oppresses, Imperial Canopy Province other influences, want to obtain many cultivation resources, can only massacre mutually. 在这种压迫之下,华盖州的其他势力,想要获得更多的修炼资源,就只能互相残杀。 Yang Mo asked: Before did Primal Chaos Palace turn in 70% every year?” 杨漠问道:“之前混沌宫每年都上缴70%?” The Xu Rui nod said: „Since occupying Myriad Beasts Ridge, during ten years, turn in 70% every year. Just, Palace Master has the command, does not make us plunder other third rank influence source mine.” 徐瑞点头道:“自从占据万兽岭之后,十年间,每年都上缴70%。只不过,宫主有令,不让我们去掠夺其他三等势力源矿。” Yang Mo looked at Su Zimo one, in the heart pondered secretly: This High Lord was weaker, without the point, was so bullied, does not dare to resist.” 杨漠看了苏子墨一眼,心中暗忖:“这位主上还是软弱了些,没有锋芒,被人这般欺负,也不敢抗争。” But, he is quite actually benevolent, has not gone to bully small and weakly other.” “不过,他倒是颇为仁慈,没有去欺负其他弱小。” Su Zimo has not spoken, the look is indifferent. 苏子墨始终没说话,神色淡然。 During ten years, Five Poisons Palace comes to capture source stone, although in his heart conflicts extremely, had not actually revealed that but makes Xu Rui and the others turn in normally. 十年间,五毒宫前来收缴源石,他心中虽然极为抵触,却并未显露,而是让徐瑞等人正常上缴。 First, his strength is insufficient, because this matter and Five Poisons Palace to become enemies, really non- wisdom. 一来,他实力不足,因为这点事与五毒宫交恶,实在不智。 Even he can maintain a livelihood, the Primal Chaos Palace people still escape difficultly die. 就算他能活命,混沌宫众人也难逃一死。 To him, most essential strives for time cultivation , to promote realm. 对他而言,最关键的就是争取时间修行,提升境界 Secondly, even if is only left over 30% source mine, has his Azure Lotus True Body , can still maximum the surrounding source qi accumulation in this , helping Primal Chaos Palace people cultivation. 二来,就算只剩下30%源矿,有他这具青莲真身在,也可以最大限度的将周围的源气聚集于此,帮助混沌宫众人修行 At least on cultivation resources, the Primal Chaos Palace people does not lack. 至少在修炼资源上,混沌宫众人并不缺。 Palace Master this time and others called me, but there are other arrangements?” 宫主此番将我等叫来,可是有其他安排?” Yang Mo asked. 杨漠问道。 Su Zimo said: This matter said one to you, reminded, turned in 70% source stone normally, temporarily do not clash with Five Poisons Palace.” 苏子墨道:“此事给你们说一声,也是提个醒,正常上缴70%源石,暂时不要与五毒宫发生冲突。” Yang Mo and the others did not say silent. 杨漠等人沉默不言。 They cultivation in Good Fortune Universe Diagram, never received what setback to attack since childhood, is supercilious, regarding Five Poisons Palace, naturally does not have many to dread. 他们自幼在乾坤造化图修行,从未受到过什么挫折打击,一个个都是心高气傲,对于五毒宫,自然没有多少畏惧。 Naturally, in their hearts was also clear. 当然,他们心中也都清楚。 Five Poisons Palace has Dao Venerable expert to assume personal command. 五毒宫道尊强者坐镇。 Good Fortune Universe Diagram Dao Venerable is unable to come out, is relying on them, is not truly able to resist with Five Poisons Palace. 乾坤造化图的诸位道尊无法出来,凭借着他们,确实无法与五毒宫对抗。 Su Zimo continues saying: Area that moreover, Primal Chaos Palace occupies nowadays already enough big, stops the expansion.” 苏子墨继续说道:“另外,混沌宫现如今所占据的疆域已经足够大,停止继续扩张。” Why is this?” “这是为何?” Yang Mo hearing this frowns greatly, cannot bear ask, the tone somewhat changed. 杨漠闻言大皱眉头,忍不住问道,语气都有些变了。 Complies with the Su Zimo's arrangement, turns in 70% source stone to Five Poisons Palace. 遵从苏子墨的安排,给五毒宫上缴70%源石也就罢了。 Now, but can also not allow they continue to expand to go on a punitive expedition against? 如今,还不许他们继续扩张征伐? Yang Mo sinking sound said: Every year must turn in 70% source stone, our cultivation resources were not many. Does not plunder other third rank influence, only then attacks and occupies other second rank influence domains.” 杨漠沉声道:“每年都要上缴70%源石,我们的修炼资源本就不多。不去掠夺其他三等势力,就只有攻占其余二等势力的地盘。” Let alone, this Southeast Territory, belonged to our Plants Clan!” “更何况,这东南疆域,本就属于我们草木一族!” Their this crowd of foreign clan are wresting away, we receive it, conforms to the reason!” “他们这群异族霸占着,我们将其收回来,也符合情理!” Good, this crowd of foreign clan bully our so many years, should drive out them!” “不错,这群异族欺负我们这么多年,早就该将他们赶出去了!” Why Palace Master sympathizes with them!” 宫主何必同情他们!” Other numerous position Heavenly Venerable expert also voice in abundance. 其余众位天尊强者也纷纷发声。 The Su Zimo look is invariable, said: Nowadays, Primal Chaos Palace is Imperial Canopy Province biggest second rank influence, you continue to expand, will certainly arouse the attention and vigilance of Five Poisons Palace, draws fire to oneself.” 苏子墨神色不变,道:“现如今,混沌宫已经算是华盖州最大的二等势力,你们继续扩张,必将引起五毒宫的注意和警觉,引火烧身。” Snort!” “哼!” Superior Heavenly Venerable coldly said: don’t tell me our Primal Chaos Sacred Land, but also feared that Five Poisons Palace is inadequate!” 一位至天尊冷然道:“难道我们混沌圣地,还怕一个五毒宫不成!” They cultivation in Good Fortune Universe Diagram, several hundred Dao Venerable expert in the surroundings, regarding Five Poisons Palace, naturally do not place in the eye year to year. 他们常年在乾坤造化图修行,有数百位道尊强者在周围,对于一个五毒宫,自然不放在眼中。 At present these Dao Venerable expert cannot help. 只是,眼下这些道尊强者根本帮不上忙。 To Su Zimo, only then goes a step further on realm again, releases these Dao Venerable expert, can resist Five Poisons Palace. 苏子墨而言,只有在境界上再进一步,将这些道尊强者释放出来,才能对抗五毒宫 During this period, not suitable clashes with Five Poisons Palace. 在这期间,不宜与五毒宫发生冲突。 This is only expedient measure.” “这只是权宜之计。” Su Zimo indifferently said: Obeys orders the conduct then.” 苏子墨淡淡道:“诸位听令行事即可。” Several Superior Heavenly Venerable somewhat were still indignant, subconscious looks to Yang Mo. 几位至天尊仍有些愤愤不平,下意识的都看向杨漠 After all in Good Fortune Universe Diagram, Yang Mo is supreme Supreme Venerable, in numerous position Heavenly Venerable expert, has the huge prestige. 毕竟在乾坤造化图中,杨漠乃是无上至尊,在众位天尊强者中,有着巨大的威信。 Compliant.” “遵命。” Although in the heart somewhat refuses to accept, Yang Mo did not say anything. 虽然心中有些不服,杨漠也不好说什么。 After all in Good Fortune Universe Diagram, Supreme Lin Meng had once warned them, can not defy the Su Zimo's orders. 毕竟在乾坤造化图中,林蒙至尊曾警告过他们,不得违抗苏子墨的命令。 Yang Mo numerous position Heavenly Venerable expert sets out in abundance, departs toward outside. 杨漠众位天尊强者纷纷起身,朝着外面离去。 Su Zimo softly sigh of relief. 苏子墨轻舒一口气 At least in the future, he can calm the mind cultivation. 至少在未来一段时间里,他可以静心修行 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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