ESK :: Volume #33

#3277: Being utterly routed

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Hears this sound, the Xu Rui three people of whole bodies shakes. 听到这个声音,徐瑞三人浑身一震。 Hasn't Palace Master died? 宫主没死? The Primal Chaos Palace people go following the prestige subconsciously, see only the distant place horizon, the azure form is speeding away to come together air-splitting, is Su Zimo! 混沌宫众人下意识的循声望去,只见远处天际,一道青色身影正破空疾驰而来,正是苏子墨 Palace Master has stepped into Dao Comprehension Realm!” 宫主已经踏入悟道境了!” Xu Rui observes keenly, first sees the promotion of Su Zimo realm. 徐瑞观察敏锐,第一时间看出苏子墨境界的提升。 Chen Qianhe and Meng Shi two people are also in the heart the great happiness. 陈千禾孟石两人也是心中大喜。 don’t tell me can Primal Chaos Palace also be saved? 难道混沌宫还有救? But quick, all around looks at army all over, in three people of hearts raises a anxiety. 但很快,看着四周漫山遍野的大军,三人心中又升起一丝忧虑。 Even if Palace Master steps into Dao Comprehension Realm, battle strength heaven defying, may only have a person after all. 就算宫主踏入悟道境,战力逆天,可毕竟只有一个人。 This place mountain peak law will soon break, Palace Master clone is weak, is unable to save Primal Chaos Palace everyone. 此地山峰法阵即将破碎,宫主分身乏术,根本无法救下混沌宫所有人。 Even if Primal Chaos Palace can preserve, they, how many people also there are able to escape death by a hair's breadth? 就算混沌宫能保住,他们这些人,又有几人能幸免于难? Hasn't died unexpectedly?” “竟然没死?” Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu knits the brows slightly, lowers the head the ponder, in the heart raises a anxiety. 龙宇大天尊微微皱眉,低头沉思,心中升起一丝不安。 Can this person escape unexpectedly from Flood Dragon Island? 此人竟然能从蛟龙岛逃出来? Can't royal father block him? 父王都没能拦住他吗? In the meantime, in the surrounding crowd, erupts one to move restlessly suddenly, the square army is thrown into confusion, in an uproar! 就在此时,周围的人群中,突然爆发出一阵躁动,四方大军阵脚大乱,一片哗然! Flusters anything!” “慌什么!” In Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu heart agitated anxious, knits the brows to berate one: He only has a person, but can also overturn the heavens inadequately!” 龙宇大天尊心中烦躁不安,皱眉喝斥一声:“他只有一个人,还能翻了天不成!” But his words, simply have not played any role. 但他的话,根本没起到任何作用。 Incessantly so, in the army, has monster beast to start toward the distant place to escape. 不止如此,大军之中,已经有妖兽开始朝着远处逃去。 Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu felt suddenly moves mountains the pressure, comes, almost must embezzle him! 龙宇大天尊突然感觉到一股排山倒海般的威压,汹涌而来,几乎要将他吞没! In his heart thump, looks up. 他心中咯噔一声,抬头望去。 Sees only Su Zimo's behind, the horizon end, the big shadow long-range raid comes, the aura terrifying, are completely Heavenly Venerable expert! 只见苏子墨的身后,天际尽头,正有一大片黑影奔袭而来,一个个气息恐怖,全部都是天尊强者 And, even Great Heavenly Venerable, Superior Heavenly Venerable! 其中,甚至还有大天尊,至天尊 Hiss! 嘶! Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu suck in a breath of cold air, backs up one step, looks at scalp tingles. 龙宇大天尊倒吸一口冷气,不禁倒退一步,看得头皮发麻。 The leaders of other three major power strength, frightens looks deathly pale, suddenly at the scene. 其他三大势力的头领,也吓得脸色惨白,一时间愣在当场。 Where runs so many Heavenly Venerable expert? 哪里跑出来这么多天尊强者 don’t tell me Imperial Canopy Province first rank influence did Five Poisons Palace act? 难道华盖州一等势力五毒宫出面了? Is impossible! 不可能! The Five Poisons Palace life, mostly is various poisons. 五毒宫的生灵,大多都是各种毒物。 But Su Zimo that crowd of Heavenly Venerable expert, within the body vitality is exuberant behind, obviously is plant creatures. 苏子墨身后那群天尊强者,体内生机旺盛,明显都是草木生灵 The Primal Chaos Palace people are also unbelievable looks at this. 混沌宫众人也是难以置信的看着这一幕。 don’t tell me so many Heavenly Venerable are expert, the helpers who Palace Master invited? 难道这么多天尊强者,都是宫主请来的帮手? Pours really does not blame them unable to believe. 倒真不怪他们不敢相信。 Really is this at present, has completely broken the cognition of people. 实在是眼前这一幕,已经彻彻底底打破众人的认知。 Not to mention, in such short time, where can gather so many Heavenly Venerable expert. 且不说,这么短的时间内,从哪里能聚集到这么多的天尊强者 Even if can these Heavenly Venerable expert gather together, don’t tell me they will obey the Su Zimo's command? 就算能将这些天尊强者聚在一起,难道他们就会听从苏子墨的号令? Su Zimo steps into Dao Comprehension Realm, just achievement Heavenly Venerable. 苏子墨踏入悟道境,刚刚成就天尊 But in present more than 3000 expert, Great Heavenly Venerable, Superior Heavenly Venerable! 而眼前的三千多位强者中,还有大天尊,至天尊 I heard that you must destroy completely Primal Chaos Palace, gives you royal father to offer birthday congratulations.” “听说,你要灭掉混沌宫,给你父王祝寿。” Su Zimo arrives that mountain peak that in the Primal Chaos Palace people before, is looking at Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu of not far away, asked lightly. 苏子墨降临在混沌宫众人所在的那座山峰前,望着不远处的龙宇大天尊,淡淡问道。 I, I......” “我,我……” Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu was shocked by the Su Zimo's imposing manner, suddenly could not speak, the sound somewhat shivered. 龙宇大天尊苏子墨的气势震慑住,一时间说不出话来,声音都有些颤抖。 More than 3000 Heavenly Venerable expert are crowding around Su Zimo, who saw did not hit to fear? 三千多位天尊强者簇拥着苏子墨,谁见了不打怵? He does not need.” “他不需要了。” Su Zimo said, conveniently a bloody head still in front of Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu, was Flood Dragon Island Lord dragon head! 苏子墨说完,随手将一颗血淋淋的头颅仍在龙宇大天尊面前,正是蛟龙岛主龙首 Ah!” “啊呀!” Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu calls out in alarm one. 龙宇大天尊惊呼一声。 Su Zimo looks all around, the look ice-cold, big sleeve wields: Kills!” 苏子墨环顾四周,神色冰冷,大袖一挥:“杀!” On the road, he already these years, the situation that Primal Chaos Palace and plant creatures face, told probably with Yang Mo and the others. 在来的路上,他就已经将这些年来,混沌宫草木生灵面临的情况,跟杨漠等人大概讲述一遍。 Numerous position Heavenly Venerable hearing this, has hated filled with. 众位天尊闻言,早就满腔怨恨。 Su Zimo orders, more than 3000 Heavenly Venerable expert break in the square army, open slaughter! 苏子墨一声令下,三千多位天尊强者冲入四方大军之中,大开杀戒 This is really similar to the bullying. 这真是如同虎入羊群。 Moreover is more than 3000 descending the mountain fierce tigers! 而且是三千多只下山猛虎! The square army assembles have several the numerous of hundred thousand, but under the rushes of more than 3000 Heavenly Venerable, cannot resist completely, is utterly routed. 四方大军集结有数十万之众,但在三千多位天尊的冲杀之下,完全抵挡不住,溃不成军。 Also without and other Su Zimo acted, but puts in an appearance, Great Heavenly Venerable Long Yu was flickered to kill by Yang Mo Superior Heavenly Venerable! 还没等苏子墨出手,只是一个照面,龙宇大天尊就被杨漠至天尊瞬杀! This Yang Mo is known as supreme Heavenly Venerable, battle strength is truly good. 这个杨漠号称无上天尊,确实战力不俗。 Accurate, when Su Zimo brings the people are rushing, this war, does not have the suspense. 准确来说,当苏子墨带着众人赶到之时,这一战,就已无悬念。 Djinn Valley, Black Bird Forest and Frost Snowfield three leaders, the body has fallen at this moment, other Heavenly Venerable expert, how long also cannot support, was cut to kill by the Yang Mo people. 巨灵谷玄鸟林冰霜雪原的三位头领,此刻已经身陨,其余天尊强者,也没能撑多久,就被杨漠众人斩杀。 odd/surplus scatters in all directions to run away, the rout thousand li (500 km), nothing to be afraid. 余者四散逃窜,溃败千里,更是不足为惧。 Su Zimo looks at dumbly a while, recovers. 苏子墨呆立一会儿,才回过神来。 This aspect, he has somewhat not adapted. 这种局面,他还真有点不适应。 He since Heavenly Desolate Continent cultivation, rises, the war are innumerable, does not know that experiences many bad risks, barely escapes innumerable, how could to have had such relaxed time. 他在天荒大陆修行至今,一路崛起,大战无数,不知经历多少凶险,无数次险死还生,何曾有过这么轻松的时候。 Flood Dragon Island, the Myriad Beasts Ridge two wars, are useless he to act, has settled down. 蛟龙岛,万兽岭两场大战,都没用他出手,就已经尘埃落定。 Su Zimo sees the situation to decide, then arrives on the mountain peak under body, unties surrounding law. 苏子墨见局势已定,便降临在身下的山峰上,解开周围的法阵。 The Primal Chaos Palace people encircled hastily, is pleasantly surprised. 混沌宫众人连忙围了上来,又惊又喜。 Palace Master, what's all this about?” 宫主,这是咋回事?” Meng Shi cannot bear ask: Where invited so many helpers? Moreover, is plant creatures.” 孟石忍不住问道:“哪里请来这么多帮手?而且,都是草木生灵。” Su Zimo shows a faint smile, but said one simply: These were also past Primal Chaos Sacred Land some later generation.” 苏子墨微微一笑,只是简单的说了一句:“这些也都是当年混沌圣地的一些后人。” Palace Master immense divine ability, the good fortune is really boundless!” 宫主果然神通广大,福泽无边!” Haha, our Primal Chaos Palace this time may really probably rise!” “哈哈,咱们混沌宫这次可真的要崛起了!” The Primal Chaos Palace people said with a smile loudly, excited. 混沌宫众人大声笑道,激动不已。 Su Zimo also puts down a concern. 苏子墨也放下一桩心事。 Before then, although Primal Chaos Palace occupies Myriad Beasts Ridge, controls 12 source mine, but the population are not many, does not have Heavenly Venerable expert, the Venerable quantity are not many. 在这之前,混沌宫虽然占据着万兽岭,掌控十二处源矿,但人数并不多,也没有天尊强者,尊者数量也不多。 Suppresses easily expert of other races, but surrenders it, is Primal Chaos Palace uses is very difficult. 将其他种族的强者镇压容易,但将其降服,为混沌宫所用却很难。 Moreover, these years oppression humiliation, Primal Chaos Palace these plant creatures, regarding other races, have the extremely intense hostility. 而且,这么多年来的压迫欺凌,混沌宫这些草木生灵,对于其他种族,都有着极为强烈的敌意。 Even if surrenders expert of other races temporarily, keeps in Primal Chaos Palace, continuously for a long time hence, will still have many conflicts, becomes the hidden danger. 就算将其他种族的强者暂时降服,留在混沌宫中,长此以往,也会生出诸多冲突,成为隐患。 Now, has Good Fortune Universe Diagram expert in these Plants Clan to assist, solves the predicament that Primal Chaos Palace faced perfectly. 如今,有乾坤造化图中的这些草木一族强者相助,算是完美解决了混沌宫所面临的困局。 Has Yang Mo Superior Heavenly Venerable these expert to guard Primal Chaos Palace, not only the area can continue to expand, but also does not need Su Zimo personally to act to solve many problems. 杨漠至天尊这些强者镇守混沌宫,不但疆域可以继续扩大,而且不用苏子墨亲自出面来解决诸多问题。 More than 3000 Heavenly Venerable expert, deal with the overwhelming majority condition sufficiently. 三千多位天尊强者,足以应对绝大多数状况。 No second rank influence, dares to provoke! 没有任何一个二等势力,敢来挑衅! As the matter stands, Su Zimo then had enough time to close up the cultivation. 这样一来,苏子墨便有了充足的时间闭关修炼。 After flying upwards to Great Thousandfold World, Su Zimo has not calmed the mind to cultivate. 飞升大千世界之后,苏子墨还没有静下心来修炼过。 Before closed up for ten years in Myriad Beasts Ridge, is off and on. 之前在万兽岭闭关十年,也是断断续续。 To Su Zimo, most important promotes cultivation base. 苏子墨而言,最要紧的就是提升修为 So long as he can go a step further again, cultivates Dao Comprehension Realm great accomplishment, primordial spirit can break through again , to promote to the Dao Ruler Realm level! 只要他能再进一步,修炼到悟道境大成,元神就可以再次突破,晋升到御道境的层次! Like this he then can release numerous position Dao Venerable expert in Good Fortune Universe Diagram. 这样他便可以将乾坤造化图中的众位道尊强者释放出来。 Several hundred Dao Venerable expert help one another, let alone is Imperial Canopy Province, even entire Southeast Territory, can still walk sideways! 有数百位道尊强者相助,别说是华盖州,就算整个东南疆域,也可以横着走! At that time, is the rise of Primal Chaos Sacred Land! 那时候,才算是混沌圣地的崛起! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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