ESK :: Volume #33

#3279: Eight Great Sacred Lands

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Outside Myriad Beasts Ridge. 万兽岭外。 Numerous position Heavenly Venerable depart respectively, some still indignanted disturbed, the heart has the disaffection. 众位天尊各自离去,有一些仍是忿忿不平,心有不满。 senior brother Yang, we really must comply with the order of Palace Master, stops expanding?” The person of speech is also Superior Heavenly Venerable, named Li Hun. 杨师兄,咱们真要遵从宫主的命令,停止扩张?”说话之人也是一位至天尊,名为李浑 In Good Fortune Universe Diagram, their several as close as brothers, are bosom buddies. 乾坤造化图中,他们几位亲如手足,乃是莫逆之交 In several people, is primarily Yang Mo. 几人之中,又以杨漠为主。 Five Poisons Palace truly bully intolerably.” 五毒宫确实欺人太甚。” The person of speech is actually a beautiful female, named Cai Wei, similarly is Superior Heavenly Venerable. 说话之人却是一位秀丽女子,名为采薇,同样是至天尊 Cai Wei said: But, Palace Master also said is reasonable, if therefore erupts to conflict with Five Poisons Palace, cannot resist by our present strengths.” 采薇道:“不过,宫主说得也有道理,若是因此与五毒宫爆发冲突,以咱们如今的实力抵挡不住。” Snort!” “哼!” Li Hun ill-humored saying: I cannot swallow this tone! Palace Master rather instigated, the fraught with uncertainty, presents him for the lord, I am hit refuse to accept at heart.” 李浑没好气的说道:“我就是咽不下这口气!宫主未免太怂了些,畏首畏尾,奉他为主,我是打心里不服。” Nothing but depends the bloodlines of Good Fortune Azure Lotus, obtains the approval of Good Fortune Universe Diagram, in addition, by cultivation base, by battle strength, by the prestige, which ratio he has to result in senior brother Yang?” “无非就是仗着个造化青莲的血脉,得到乾坤造化图的认可,除此之外,论修为,论战力,论威望,他有哪点比得过杨师兄?” Li Hun!” 李浑!” Yang Mo berated one, shook the head saying: This words can not say from now on again.” 杨漠喝斥一声,摇头道:“此话今后不得再讲。” Although he so said that but in the heart to this High Lord, truly does not approve greatly. 他虽这般说,但心中对这位主上,确实不大认同。 Yang Mo said: Palace Master is thinking temporarily compromise mostly, when his primordial spirit realm goes a step further again, steps into Dao Ruler Realm, the release teacher and the others, makes the arrangement again.” 杨漠道:“宫主多半是想着暂时妥协,等他的元神境界再进一步,踏入御道境,释放出师尊等人,再做安排。” His cultivation base strives, can that wait till lord knows when?” “等他修为精进,那要等到猴年马月?” Li Hun curls the lip, said: I estimated, waits for senior brother Yang to step into Dao Ruler Realm, he is not necessarily able to break through.” 李浑撇撇嘴,道:“我估计,等杨师兄踏入御道境,他都未必能有所突破。” Yang Mo gives a calm smile, looks into the distance, the vision is firm, said slowly: Regardless of both of us who can go a step further again, can rewrite the Primal Chaos Palace destiny!” 杨漠淡然一笑,眺望远方,目光坚定,缓缓道:“不论我们两人谁能再进一步,都可以改写混沌宫的命运!” ...... …… Su Zimo returns to the cave mansion, not earliest possible time cultivation, but returns to Good Fortune Universe Diagram. 苏子墨回到洞府之中,并未第一时间修行,而是返回乾坤造化图中。 Related Good Fortune Universe Diagram, he also has many questions. 有关乾坤造化图,他还有诸多疑问。 High Lord.” 主上。” Detected that Su Zimo arrives, Supreme Lin Meng and the others come in abundance. 察觉到苏子墨降临,林蒙至尊等人纷纷现身。 „Did related past Great Thousandfold World that turbulence, how many know?” “有关当年大千世界的那次动荡,诸位知道多少?” As Su Zimo cultivation realm continually promotes, the sources of discovery a lot, 6 billion years ago that great turbulence is related. 随着苏子墨修为境界不断提升,发现很多事情的源头,都与六十亿年前那一次大动荡有关。 Stave of Primal Chaos' Azure Lotus, the Primal Chaos Sacred Land destruction, Demon Lord Evil Emperor and the others dropped Medium Thousandfold World, Lords of Heavenly Court arrives, blocks Medium Thousandfold...... 混沌青莲的破碎,混沌圣地覆灭,魔主邪帝等人跌落中千世界,诸位天庭之主降临,封锁中千…… Specific reason we do not know.” “具体原因我们也不知。” Supreme Lin Meng said: That great turbulence affects Great Thousandfold various Saint, involves Eight Great Sacred Lands, sweeps across Heaven and Earth all living things, we do not have qualifications direct participation, but encounters affects to involve.” 林蒙至尊道:“那次大动荡波及大千诸圣,牵连八大圣地,席卷天地众生,就连我们都没有资格直接参与其中,只是遭到波及牵连。” Dao Venerable expert does not know reason! 道尊强者都不知其中缘由! Eight Great Sacred Lands?” 八大圣地?” In the Su Zimo heart moves, asks: Except for Primal Chaos Sacred Land, what other Seven Great Sacred Lands is?” 苏子墨心中一动,问道:“除了混沌圣地,其他七大圣地都是什么?” Supreme Lin Meng said: „The 6 billion years ago patterns, are located in Dongfang (east) Heavenly Punishment Sacred Land, south Ancestral Flame Sacred Land, Western Nirvana Sacred Land, north Yin-Yang Sacred Land.” 林蒙至尊道:“六十亿年前的格局,是位于东方天罚圣地,南方祖火圣地,西方寂灭圣地,北方阴阳圣地。” Northeast Space-Time Sacred Land, Reincarnation Sacred Land of Life Sacred Land and Northwest of Southwest.” “东北方的时空圣地,西南方的生命圣地和西北方的轮回圣地。” Su Zimo nods. 苏子墨点点头。 Is counted him in southeast Primal Chaos Sacred Land, is corresponding Eight Great Sacred Lands. 算上他所在东南方向的混沌圣地,正对应着八大圣地 Supreme Lin Meng continues saying: Is only, because of that great turbulence, besides Primal Chaos Sacred Land, Life Sacred Land and Reincarnation Sacred Land also caused heavy losses, should also already the destruction.” 林蒙至尊继续说道:“只是,因为那次大动荡,除了混沌圣地之外,生命圣地轮回圣地也遭到重创,应该也已经覆灭了。” A turbulence, causes the Great Thousandfold World three Great Sage destruction! 一次动荡,使得大千世界大圣地覆灭! So, Demon Lord Evil Emperor and the others, are mostly concerned with sacred land of other two destruction. 如此看来,魔主邪帝等人,多半与其他两个覆灭的圣地有关。 Even that black-robed man in blood sea ruins, possibly is one of them! 甚至血海废墟中的那位黑袍人,可能都是其中之一! Six Paths of Reincarnation......” 六道轮回……” In the Su Zimo's mind, flashed before once to see in Netherworld Hell Abyss of Six Paths that suddenly, that incomparably shocked, as if can swallow all. 苏子墨的脑海中,突然闪现出曾在幽冥地府中看到的,那个无比震撼的六道深渊,仿佛能吞噬一切。 Saint Lord of Reincarnation!” 轮回圣主!” Su Zimo heart trembled, thinks of a possibility. 苏子墨心中一凛,想到一个可能。 Hesitates little, Su Zimo also asked: So-called Saint Lord, is the meaning of Lord of the Sacred Land, is realm above Saint?” 沉吟少许,苏子墨又问道:“所谓圣主,是圣地之主的意思,还是圣人之上的一个境界?” Is the abbreviation of Lord of the Sacred Land.” “是圣地之主的简称。” Supreme Lin Meng said: But eight Saint Lord realm, above Saint, this boundary expert title Great Sage!” 林蒙至尊道:“但八位圣主境界,都在圣人之上,此境强者封号大圣!” fusion with Dao to become a Saint, after the life and Grand Dao fuse thoroughly, sharing everything, this is the secret of Saint eternal life. Grand Dao does not extinguish, Saint does not die.” 合道成圣,当生灵与大道彻底融合之后,不分彼此,这便是圣人永生之秘。大道不灭,圣人不死。” Even if Saint were hit the soul flies away and scatters, so long as Grand Dao still, Saint can draw support from the strength of Grand Dao as before, dies and is reborn, re-enters the peak.” “就算圣人被打得魂飞魄散,只要大道仍在,圣人依旧可以借助大道之力,死而复生,重回巅峰。” Su Zimo secret nod. 苏子墨暗暗点头。 Until at this moment, him truly is clear, eternal life mystery. 直到此刻,他才真正明白,永生的奥秘。 Incarnation Grand Dao, achievement Saint position, then eternal life! 化身大道,成就圣位,即可永生 What is Great Sage?” “何为大圣?” Su Zimo also asked. 苏子墨又问。 Supreme Lin Meng replied: It is said that Great Sage has power to extinguish the Dao! Saint contends, is unable to kill the opposite party thoroughly, the strength of Saint, is not enough to destroy Grand Dao, the opposite party body falls can as before the rebirth.” 林蒙至尊答道:“据说,大圣灭道之力圣人相争,无法彻底将对方杀死,圣人之力,不足以毁灭大道,对方身陨依旧可以重生。” But Great Sage, then has to destroy the Grand Dao strength!” “但大圣,则拥有毁灭大道的力量!” Su Zimo suddenly. 苏子墨恍然。 In other words, Great Sage acts, from between Heaven and Earth cancels Grand Dao that the opposite party fuses, to the convenience is unable again the rebirth! 也就是说,大圣出手,将对方融合的大道天地间抹去,对方便再也无法重生! Saint eternal life, life origin endless, is actually not undying and inextinguishable! 圣人永生,寿元无尽,却并非不死不灭 But once Eight Great Saint Lords, was Great Sage, had to extinguish kills the strength of Saint! 而曾经的八大圣主,都是大圣,拥有灭杀圣人之力! Has practiced this realm, it may be said that is three worlds most peak, among them, why also erupts the so intense conflict, triggers one great turbulence that sweeps across three worlds? 已经修炼到这个境界,可谓是三界的最巅峰,他们之间,又是因何爆发如此激烈的冲突,引发一场席卷三界大动荡 If he expects well, establishes Heavenly Court nine Lords of Heavenly Court, should be came from other five Great Sage places Saint. 如果他所料不错,建立天庭的九位天庭之主,应该都是来自其他五大圣地的圣人 The true goal, to block Demon Lord Evil Emperor and the others returned to Great Thousandfold World. 其真正目的,就是为了封锁魔主邪帝等人回归大千世界 Demon Lord Evil Emperor and the others, since has declined, drops in Medium Thousandfold World, why five Saint Lord have not arrived, writes off them thoroughly, by never recurring trouble? 只是,魔主邪帝等人既然已经败落,跌落在中千世界,五位圣主为何没有降临下来,将他们彻底抹杀,以绝后患? Related this matter, still many doubts. 有关此事,仍有许多疑惑。 But expert of Supreme Lin Meng this level, could not actually have contacted. 林蒙至尊这个层次的强者,却已经接触不到了。 In Good Fortune Universe Diagram, why isn't able to step into Saint Realm?” 乾坤造化图中,为何无法踏入圣境?” Su Zimo asked. 苏子墨问道。 Supreme Lin Meng said: Good Fortune Universe Diagram after all is only sacred tool, has its limit to be at eventually, even if in inside has the universe, contains good fortune, at most can be Three Thousand Worlds grain of dust.” 林蒙至尊说道:“乾坤造化图毕竟只是一件圣器,终究有它的限制所在,就算里面内有乾坤,蕴含造化,最多也只能算是三千世界的一粒尘埃。” Inside has 3,000 Grand Daos, but wants to fuse complete Grand Dao, then only then returns to Great Thousandfold World, has the possibility.” “里面有三千大道,但想要融合完整的大道,便只有回归大千世界,才有可能。” Su Zimo hesitates does not speak, looking pensive. 苏子墨沉吟不语,若有所思。 He has built up Good Fortune Universe Diagram, inside wisp of Qi of Primal Chaos, has fused in Primal Chaos World. 他已经将乾坤造化图炼化,里面的一缕混沌之气,也已经融合到混沌世界里。 He has an intuition, original intention of this Good Fortune Universe Diagram, perhaps not just a weapon. 他有种直觉,这张乾坤造化图的初衷,或许并非只是一件兵器。 „Can you hear Karmic Merit Golden Lotus and World Exterminating Black Lotus?” “你们可听说过功德金莲灭世黑莲?” Su Zimo asked. 苏子墨问道。 Supreme Lin Meng and the others know nothing about Primal Chaos' Azure Lotus, regarding Karmic Merit Golden Lotus and World Exterminating Black Lotus, is not possibly clear. 林蒙至尊等人对混沌青莲都一无所知,对于功德金莲灭世黑莲,可能也不清楚。 But these two lotus flower are extremely important to Su Zimo. 但这两株莲花苏子墨太过重要。 He wants to promote cultivation realm, the quickest method, fuses remaining two lotus flower! 他想要提升修为境界,最快的方法,就是融合剩下的两株莲花 To the promotion of fleshly body and bloodline, is only its one. 肉身血脉的提升,只是其一。 After the fusion, but can also complement his inherited memory! 融合之后,还可以补全他的传承记忆 Obtains these memories, he comprehends Grand Dao of Primal Chaos, will be twice the result with half the effort, successful! 得到这些记忆,他参悟混沌大道,将会事半功倍,水到渠成! Supreme Lin Meng and the others shake the head, the look is vacant. 林蒙至尊等人都摇摇头,神色茫然。
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