Hears the Seamless Great Emperorgiven name, the Lord of Hellcomplexion, instantaneousis gloomy.
听到无间大帝的名号,地狱之主的脸色,瞬间阴沉下来。„You? To suppressme?”
“你?想镇压我?”Lord of Hellis narrowing the eyes, the surface, if the coldfrost, is staring atSu Zimo of not far away.地狱之主眯着双眼,面若寒霜,盯着不远处的苏子墨。Not is only Lord of Hell, others cannotbelieve,is onlyPseudo Emperor RealmSu Zimo, cansuppressGreat Emperor!
不光是地狱之主,其他人也不敢相信,只是准帝境界的苏子墨,能够镇压一尊大帝!EvenpastMartial Dao main body, could not achievethis point!
即便是当年的武道本尊,也做不到这一点!Fengduhearing this, hearsamongunder the Heavensprobably the biggestjoke, the lookcontemptuouslaughs atone.酆都闻言,像是听到天下间最大的笑话,神色轻蔑的嗤笑一声。Su Zimocanfight to havewithhim, butabsolutelyis not the Lord of Hellopponent.苏子墨能与他战得有来有回,但绝对不是地狱之主的对手。Lord of HellistrueGreat Emperor.地狱之主是真正的大帝。
The both sidesbattle strengthdisparityis disparate, just likecloudRang!
双方战力差距悬殊,犹如云壤!Su Zimotranquilsaying: „Inot only need suppressyou, but must imprisonyouinAvici Great Hellagain, always can not be reincarnated!”苏子墨平静的说道:“我不但要镇压你,还要将你再次囚禁在阿鼻大地狱中,永世不得超生!”„!”
“啊!”Lord of HellhearsAvici Great Hell, probablywas stimulatedgreatest, recalled that twoepoch the pain that comesto bear, suddenlybecomesmanic, erupts a long and loud cry!地狱之主听到阿鼻大地狱,像是受到莫大的刺激,回想起两个纪元来所承受的痛苦,突然变得狂躁起来,爆发出一声长啸!„Ants, dietome!”
The Lord of Helllookis fierce, the visionhate, within the bodyqi and bloodsurges, gloomyHellappearsfaintly, finds outshrouding the sky great hand, in the palmdao imprintappears, fallstoward the Su Zimo'spositionracket!地狱之主神色狰狞,目光怨恨,体内气血涌动,身后的阴森地狱隐隐浮现,探出遮天大手,掌心中道印浮现,朝着苏子墨的位置拍落下去!Thispalm, in the Lord of Hellheartgets angryextremely, sendsincludingindignant, almostused the full power!
这一掌,地狱之主心中怒极,含愤而发,几乎动用了全力!Not onlyreleasesqi and blood, but alsoholding upa side world, conciseGreat Emperordao imprint, mustmakeSu Zimobe killed violentlyinevitablyat the scene!
不但释放出气血,还撑起一方世界,凝练大帝道印,势必要让苏子墨当场毙命!Thispalmhas not arrived, the Su Zimosurroundingstar territoryeverywherestars, change into the fragmentpowderall!
这一掌还未降临,苏子墨周围星域的漫天星辰,尽数化为齑粉!Undercovering of thisshrouding the sky great hand, Su Zimo'sallescape routes, had been blocked!
在这遮天大手的笼罩之下,苏子墨的所有退路,都已经被封死!First met with a disaster is the protectioninhissurroundingSix Ding and Six Jia Gods.
最先遭殃的便是守护在他周围的六丁六甲神。Six Ding and Six Jia Godsdoes not havefleshprimordial spiritafter all, butpower of the sun and mooncondenses, is nottrueGreat Emperor.六丁六甲神毕竟没有血肉元神,只是太阴太阳之力凝聚,并非真正的大帝。Hasdao imprintblessingoverturns the heavensunder a palm, simplyisvulnerable!
有道印加持的翻天一掌下,简直是脆弱不堪!Palm of Lord of Hell, but alsowithouttouchingthem, Six Ding and Six Jia Godscould not then have resisted, is defeated and dispersedin abundance, changes intopower of Yin-Yang, submergesbetween Heaven and Earth.地狱之主的手掌,还没有触碰到他们,六丁六甲神便已经抵挡不住,纷纷溃散,化为阴阳之力,没入天地间。Kaka ka!
咔咔咔!Su Zimobehindbloodline phenomenonandten thousandzhang (3.33 m)war soul, under the big handsuppression of Lord of Hell, easily accomplishedwas also routed!苏子墨身后的血脉异象和万丈战魂,也在地狱之主的大手镇压之下,被摧枯拉朽般击溃!Under the gaze of innumerablesay/wayvision, Lord of Hellshrouding the sky great handdrops from the clouds, belowSu Zimois really tinylike the ants!
The disparitywas too big!
差距太大了!Heavenly Desolate World, Sword World, Blood Ape World, Great Desolation Worldand othernumerousplanesexpert, seethis, heartCentral Capitalraises a powerless feeling.天荒界、剑界、血猿界、大荒界等众多界面的强者,看到这一幕,心中都升起一种无力感。Even iftheywantto lend a handto assist, does not help matters.
就算他们想要出手相助,都无济于事。Withouttheyenteredthatonlyshrouding the sky great handcoveringrange, alreadybody dies and Dao disappears!
没等他们进入那只遮天大手的笼罩范围,就已经身死道消!Facingmaking a move of Lord of Hell, Su Zimo seems to have known the result, has not goneto move aside, insteadclosed the eyes, gives upresisting.
面对地狱之主的出手,苏子墨似乎已经知道结局,也没有去躲闪,反而闭上了双眼,放弃抵抗。No onenotices, closes the previousquarter of eyesinSu Zimo, hiseyepupildeep place, passed over gently and swiftlywipes the bright!
只是,没有人注意到,就在苏子墨闭上双眼的前一刻,他的眼眸深处,掠过一抹亮光!„Thinksfrom the heartfrom the heart, does not haveheart to heart, livesto stifle the consciencenothangs, the body and mindextinguishes...... the lawspatialtensidesimaginary, isall phenomena are without an independent self.”
The Su Zimoloweyebrowhangs the eye, in the mouthis recitingscriptures.苏子墨低眉垂目,口中吟诵着一道道经文。SurroundingsHeaven collapses and Earth sinks, starry skycollapses, in the giantbellow, hisrecitingsound, quickwas submerged, no onecanhear.
只是,周围天塌地陷,星空崩溃,巨大的轰鸣声中,他的这道吟诵之声,很快就被淹没,没有人能听到。Fivegreat paradise, as beforespoutmulticolored sunlight, phenomenonis growing thickly, protectsaroundSu Zimo's.
五大洞天,依旧喷涌着一道道霞光,异象丛生,守护在苏子墨的周围。Lord of Hellshrouding the sky great handarrives, the dao imprinttwinkle, fivegreat paradiseare supportingas before, is protectingmiddleSu Zimo.地狱之主的遮天大手降临,道印闪烁,五大洞天依旧在支撑着,保护着中间的苏子墨。Butstrengthdisparity of both sides, is extremely disparate.
但双方的力量差距,太过悬殊。Has the stagnationslightly, fivegreat paradisethencollapsethoroughly, annihilatesunder the palm of Lord of Hell, changes into the nihility!
只是稍有停滞,五大洞天便彻底崩溃,在地狱之主的掌下湮灭,化为虚无!Su Zimovanishesdisappears without a trace, the a drop of bloodmarkcannotremain.
就连苏子墨都消失得无影无踪,一滴血迹都没能留下来。As ifby the palm of Lord of Hell, was cancelledfromthispiece of between Heaven and Earth, has not left a trace!
仿佛被地狱之主的手掌,生生从这片天地间抹去,没有留下一点痕迹!between Heaven and Earth, belongs tograduallytranquilly.天地间,渐渐归于平静。Army who in the battlefieldis slaughtering, stopsfightinggradually.
战场上正在厮杀的大军,也渐渐停止交手。Three Thousand Worldseach region, resounds an intermittentsigh.三千界的各地,不禁响起一阵阵叹息。„Pitifully.”
“可惜了。”Fengdulicked the lip, said: „Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)body of the Good Fortune Azure Lotusis good, was ruinedbyyou.”酆都舔了舔嘴唇,道:“荒武的这具造化青莲之身不错,被你就这么毁掉了。”Lord of Hellknits the brows.地狱之主皱了皱眉。Heaven and Earthall living thingsare innumerable, but onlyhissensationto an unusuality.天地众生无数,但只有他感知到一丝异常。Justhismaking a move, was truly terrifying, extinguishedthatPseudo Emperorantssufficientlykills.
刚刚他的出手,确实恐怖,足以将那个准帝的蝼蚁灭杀。Butthispalmgets down , was too rather clean!
但这一掌下去,也未免太干净了!Even the a drop of bloodmarkdoes not have!
连一滴血迹都没有!Giveshisfeeling, thatHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)does not seem likebyhimwrites off, butvanishessuddenlydoes not see!
怎么可能?In the Lord of Helleyepupilsurgesis wiping the dim light, releasesecret techniqueseye technique, towardposition that Su Zimojustvanished, lookswith rapt attention.地狱之主眼眸中涌动着一抹幽光,释放秘法瞳术,朝着苏子墨刚刚消失的位置,凝神望去。„Un?”
“嗯?”Thislooks, letsLord of Hellexpression slightly changed!
这一看,让地狱之主神色微变!„What's wrong?”
“怎么了?”Fengdusees the Lord of Helllookto havedifferent, subconsciousasking.酆都见地狱之主神色有异,下意识的问道。„The method, has not a little diedunexpectedly!”
The Fengduvisionis dark, killing intentsurges, stares at the position that Su Zimowas just vanishing, the soundis ice-cold.酆都目光幽暗,杀意涌动,盯着苏子墨刚刚消失的位置,声音冰冷刺骨。„Hasn't died?”
“没死?”Fengdureleasesdivine consciousnesshastily, passed over gently and swiftlyfromthatpiece of starry sky.酆都连忙释放出神识,从那片星空中掠过。Sure enough!
果不其然!Underhisdivine consciousnesssensation, thereis truly hidingtogether the form, justvanishedSu Zimo that does not see!
在他的神识感知下,那里确实隐藏着一道身影,正是刚刚消失不见的苏子墨!Just, the Su Zimo'sconditionis somewhat strange, as iffalls into the numerousspaces, just like the nihility, the lawdoes not moisten the body.
只不过,苏子墨的状态有些奇怪,似乎陷入重重空间之中,宛如虚无,法不沾身。„Is thistogetherspaceforbidden technique?”
“这是一道空间禁术?”Fengduknits the brows, firstresponded, saying that butquickhad doubts: „Thispersonis onlyPseudo Emperor, howcanreleaseforbidden technique, but can also evadeyourattack?”酆都皱了皱眉,第一时间反应过来,但很快又疑惑的说道:“此人只是准帝,如何能释放出禁术,还能躲过你的攻击?”
The palm of Lord of Hell, has not withdrawn, stillfloatabovethatpiece of starry sky, canarrivemomentarilyagain.地狱之主的手掌,还并未撤回,仍悬浮在那片星空之上,随时都可以再度降临。In the meantime, Lord of Hellfeelsin the palmsuddenly, transmits a stabbing pain.
就在此时,地狱之主突然感觉到掌心中,传来一丝刺痛。Hissubconsciousretractingpalm, cannot help butinheartonestartled!
他下意识的缩回手掌,不由得心中一惊!Even ifjustnoticedSu Zimonot dead, heextremelyhas not cared.
即便刚刚注意到苏子墨没死,他都没有太过在意。But the stabbing pain in palm, makinghisheartshake!
但掌心中的刺痛,让他心头一震!This means that justthatstrength, has been ableto harmhim, evenposes the threattohim!
这意味着,刚刚的那股力量,已经可以伤害到他,甚至对他产生威胁!shortly afterwards, underglare of the public eye, inthatstretch of emptystarry skybattlefield, the Su Zimo'sfigure, appearsagain.紧接着,就在众目睽睽之下,那片空荡荡的星空战场上,苏子墨的身形,再度浮现出来。
The condition of nihility, maintaining is too long.
虚无的状态,维持不了太久。Butat this moment, inhisbehind, fivegreat paradisehas been defeated and dispersed, vanishesdoes not see.
而此刻,在他的身后,五大洞天已经溃散,消失不见。Displacinga side world, insideas ifhasuniverseHeaven and Earth, Yin-YangFive Elements, the wind and rainthunder and lightning, the life and deathups and downs......
取而代之的一方世界,里面似乎有乾坤天地,阴阳五行,风雨雷电,生死枯荣……Thispiece of Heaven and Earth seems to be all-embracing, accommodatesnothing which is not!
The personlooksin the presence of everyonewith rapt attention, insideall, vanishesdoes not see, what replaces it isduskymist, slurred.
当众人凝神望去,里面的一切,又都消失不见,取而代之的是一片灰蒙蒙的雾气,模糊不清。Indistinct, cansee that bluish-greenazure lotusshoots up to the sky, drags the emit light!
隐约之间,能看到一株碧绿色的青莲冲天而起,摇曳生光!„Is thisa side world that...... Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)condenses?”
“这是……荒武凝聚的一方世界?”„Zimostepped intoEmperor Realm!”
“子墨踏入帝境了!”Elder Ironcrownand the otherssawthis, finallyresponded,inheartwild with joy.铁冠老者等人看到这一幕,终于反应过来,心中狂喜。„Iknew.”
“我知道了。”In the Linglong (exquisite)Immortal Emperorheartsuddenly, softly mutteredsaid: „Zimowas just drawing support from the hand of Lord of Hell, routshisfivegreat paradise, again the fusionisone, condenses the world.”玲珑仙帝心中恍然,轻喃道:“子墨刚刚是在借助地狱之主的手,将他的五大洞天击溃,重新融合为一,凝聚世界。”„Zimojustthatwords, mentionedSeamless Great Emperor, Avici Hell, is to stimulateLord of Hellintentionally, makinghimmake a movefull power.”
( This chapterends)
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