Underfight within the past and presentblessing, the Su Zimoaurarises suddenly, visiongreatly rises, the left eyeis jet black, the right eyeis pure white, is gazing atFengdu, saidlightly: „Fengdu, youdefeated.”
轰!In the Su Zimo'seyes, bursts outblackwhitetwolight beams, fallsonSupreme Unity's Whisk!苏子墨的双眼中,迸发出一黑一白两道光束,落在太乙拂尘上!TakesYin-Yangasblack ink, Supreme Unityis a pen!
以阴阳为墨,太乙为笔!„BookSix DingSix Jiaholds the line, gods and ghosts all scatter!”
“书六丁六甲持行,神鬼皆散!”Su ZimograspsSupreme Unity's Whisk, writes12mysteriousrunesinvoidrapidly, drinksonelightly.苏子墨手持太乙拂尘,在虚空中迅速书写出十二道神秘符文,轻喝一声。Understimulation of movement of power of the sun and mooninTorch ShiningandNether Glimmeringburst out, 12runesbefore the Su Zimo'sbody, instantaneously the deity that evolves12auraterrifying!
在烛照、幽荧迸发出来的太阴太阳之力的催动下,十二道符文在苏子墨的身前,瞬间演化出十二尊气息恐怖的天神!Six male and six female, Supreme Unitysecret techniques, Six Ding and Six Jia Gods!
六男六女,太乙秘法,六丁六甲神!Thisrecordssecret techniques, reason thatreleasesto the present, because ofSix Ding and Six Jia Godsbattle strength, has the direct linkwithprimordial spirit's power.
这记秘法,之所以到现在才释放出来,就是因为六丁六甲神的战力,与元神之力有着直接联系。primordial spiritis stronger, stimulation of movementsecret techniquesis stronger, Six Ding and Six Jia Godsbattle strengthis stronger.元神越强,催动的秘法越强,六丁六甲神的战力就越强。Butat this moment, Su Zimoreleasesfight within the nine heavens, primordial spirit's powerhas stimulated to movement the pinnacle, is close toGreat Emperorinfinitely!
而此刻,苏子墨释放出斗战九天,元神之力已经催动到极致,无限接近于大帝!Thisalsomeans,takes advantage ofthisSupreme Unitysecret techniques, hecreates12battle strengthto be close to the Great Emperordeityinfinitely!
这也意味着,依仗这道太乙秘法,他创造出十二尊战力无限接近大帝的天神!Naturally, Six Ding and Six Jia Godscondensesbypower of the sun and moon, withoutprimordial spirit, is unable to condense the world.
当然,六丁六甲神只是以太阴太阳之力凝聚,没有元神,也无法凝聚世界。Realbattle strength, is not definitely ableto comparewithsamestepexpert.
真实战力,肯定无法与同阶强者比拟。Butin the close combat, 12deitiescollaborates, Fengducannot resist!
The Su Zimoeyesare bright, tread onTurtle-Snake, graspswhisk, the sidehasSix Ding and Six Jia Godsbehind, treadsaboveLong River of Time, the black hairedchaoticdance, the imposing manneris dreadful, towardFengdudistantonefinger/refers.苏子墨双眼熠熠,脚踏龟蛇,手持拂尘,身边有六丁六甲神身后,踏在岁月长河之上,黑发乱舞,气势滔天,朝着酆都遥遥一指。„Kills!”
一声令下。Su ZimoandSix Ding and Six Jia Godsgotoward the Fengdurushsimultaneously, likemagnificent army with thousands of men and horses, in the starry skybattlefield, bursts out an irresistibleimposing manner!苏子墨和六丁六甲神同时朝着酆都冲杀而去,如同千军万马,在星空战场上,迸发出一股无可抵挡的气势!Fengdulookwith amazement, inheartin great surprise!酆都神色骇然,心中大惊!Hisfleshly body, injustwar, is then badly-damaged.
他的肉身,在刚刚的大战中,便已残破不堪。primordial spirit of Great Emperorrank, cannot do toSu Zimo.大帝级别的元神,也奈何不了苏子墨。At presentSu Zimohas12auraterrifying, the killing intentbone-chilling colddeityto encircleto kill, how does heresist?
眼下苏子墨带着十二尊气息恐怖,杀意凛冽的天神围杀过来,他如何抵挡?Bang! Bang! Bang!
轰!轰!轰!Fivegreat paradiselaunch the offensivetowardFengduUnderworldagain.
五大洞天再度朝着酆都的地府世界发起攻势。Meanwhile, Su Zimowith12deities, erupts the offensive of squally showerclass, mustcutto killFengduinthis!
与此同时,苏子墨与十二尊天神,爆发出狂风骤雨班的攻势,要将酆都斩杀于此!Su Zimo, Fengduis not necessarily ableto win.
只是一个苏子墨,酆都都未必能赢。Let alone, but also were many12close combatterrifyingdeities.
更何况,还多了十二尊近战恐怖的天神。both sidesfightagain, almostwill beshortly, Fengduhas then startedto be repulsed!
双方再度交手,几乎是顷刻间,酆都便已经开始败退!InhisUnderworld, innumerableUnderworldGhost Emperorclash, holding upa side world, preventsbefore the Su Zimobody.
在他的地府世界中,无数地府鬼帝冲出来,撑起一方世界,阻挡在苏子墨身前。World that buttheseGhost Emperorcondense, let aloneresistswithSu Zimo, the battle halberdlong swords of 12deities, cannot resist!
但这些鬼帝凝聚出来的世界,别说与苏子墨对抗,就连十二尊天神的战戈长剑,都抵挡不住!battle halberdwaves, universerelapse!战戈舞动,乾坤反复!
The long swordacross the sky, delimitsbreaking heaven and earth!
长剑横空,划破天地!AfterSu ZimosummonedSix Ding and Six Jia Gods, has formed the potential of steamroll, open slaughter, irresistible!
在苏子墨召唤出六丁六甲神之后,已经形成碾压之势,大开杀戒,势不可挡!Seesthis, creatures of myriad clansfeelsincomparablyinspired.
看到这一幕,万族生灵都觉得无比振奋。ThenwaspastDesolate Martial Great Emperor, perhapsalsono more than so.
便是当年的荒武大帝,恐怕也不过如此。„Youhave not acted, mustwait formeto be killedbyhimagainonetime!”
“你还不出手,要等我被他再杀一次吗!”Fengduholds the brokenbody, retreats in defeat again and again, can only rely on the strength of Netherworldgreat formation, temporarilyprevents the impact of Su ZimoandSix Ding and Six Jia Gods, in an extremely difficult situation, in the mouthscreamedone.酆都托着残破的身躯,节节败退,只能凭借着幽冥大阵之力,暂时阻挡住苏子墨和六丁六甲神的冲击,狼狈不堪,口中尖叫一声。„Hehe.”
“嘿嘿。”In the meantime, between Heaven and Earthhearstogether the Yinsadlaughter, makingonebe afraid.
The nextquarter, the black hairedmancomestogether, puts onbattle armor that piece by piece the white bonesconnectioncastingbecomes, airtight of bodystrategic pointprotection, grasps the bonelance.
下一刻,一道黑发男子现身,穿着片片白骨连接铸造而成的战甲,将身上要害保护的密不透风,手持骨矛。Thismansuddenlyappearsinstarry sky, stands erectinbetween Heaven and Earth, is overlookingbelowSu ZimoandhisSix Ding and Six Jia Gods, the visionis callous, in the eyepupilas ifreflectspiece by piecemountain of corpses and sea of blood!
这位男子突然出现在星空中,屹立在天地间,俯视着下方的苏子墨和他身边的六丁六甲神,目光冷酷,眼眸中仿佛倒映出一片片尸山血海!Boundlessto the pressure that being inconceivable, coversonThree Thousand Worlds, suppressesin the creatures of myriad clansheart.
一股磅礴到难以想象的威压,笼罩在三千界上,也镇压在万族生灵的心头。Thispressure, only thenWar of Slaying the Heavens before twothousand years, whenGreat Emperorarriveshas appeared.
这种威压,只有两千年前的伐天之战,在大帝降临之时出现过。Even ifjustFengducame, notsoqi fieldpressure!
The Heavenly Desolatepeoplelook atbetween Heaven and Earththeman, has guessed correctly the status of thisperson, the complexionis ugly, the lookis dignified.天荒众人看着天地间的这位男子,已经猜出此人的身份,不禁脸色难看,神色凝重。Lord of Hell!地狱之主!ThisistrueGreat Emperorexpert!
这是真正的大帝强者!Terrifyingexist(ence) that in the pastandDemon Lord, Evil EmperorandBrahma Ghost Mothershared the honor!
当年与魔主、邪帝、梵天鬼母齐名的恐怖存在!If notSeamless Great Emperor, sacrificed itself, byfleshcastingAvici Hell, imprisonsthisterrifyingexist(ence), does not know that thisinMedium Thousandfold World, will raisemanybloody rain and foul winds!
若非无间大帝,牺牲自身,以血肉铸造阿鼻地狱,将这个恐怖存在囚禁起来,不知这位会在中千世界,掀起多少血雨腥风!ButthatHeavenly Tribulation before twothousand years, not onlythenDesolate Martial Great Emperorwill write off, but alsomovedto put downIron Circle Mountain, penetratedAvici Hell.
而两千年前的那次天劫,不但将当时的荒武大帝抹杀,还移平了铁围山,击穿了阿鼻地狱。Thiswas suppressed of twoepochterrifyingexist(ence), was releasedinthis!
这个被压制两个纪元之久的恐怖存在,也在这一世被释放出来!Lord of Hellreturns, mustretaliateinevitably, open slaughter!地狱之主归来,势必要报复,大开杀戒!ButhasSu Zimo of complicatedrelationswithSeamless Great Emperor, thenbears the brunt!
而与无间大帝有着千丝万缕关系的苏子墨,便是首当其冲!Lord of Hellmaylet offsomepeople, buthewill not let offSu Zimo.地狱之主或许会放过一些人,但他绝不会放过苏子墨。„How do youcome outto the present?”
“你怎么到现在才出来?”FengduhorizontalLord of Hell, obviouslyhas a resentment.酆都横了地狱之主一眼,明显带着一丝怨气。Lord of Hellsaidindifferently: „YoumustbecomeOverlord of Heaven and Earth, Inaturallymust a demonstrationset up the prestigeto you opportunity, didn’t expect, yoursmallantscannot suppress.”地狱之主淡然道:“你既要成为天地共主,我自然要给你一个展示立威的机会,没想到,你连一个小小蝼蚁都压不住。”Fengducoldsnort/hum: „Before mythree corpsesdharma bodytwothousand years, was destroyedbyhim, if this is not the case, Iwill not be defeated!”酆都冷哼一声:“我的三尸法身两千年前被他毁了,若非如此,我也不会落败!”Lord of Hellhas not made the entanglementwithFengdu, butturns the headto looktoSu Zimo, the visionis spooky, tonedensesaying: „Youreallyinherited the method of Wu Jian (Seamless)buddhist monk.”地狱之主没有跟酆都多做纠缠,而是转头看向苏子墨,目光幽幽,语气森然的说道:“你果然传承了无间秃驴的手段。”„I, sincereturns, will then cancelWu Jian (Seamless)inalltraces that thisworldleaves.”
“我既然重新归来,便会抹去无间在这世间留下来的所有痕迹。”„Practices the buddhist techniqueants, Imustkill, has the life of connectionwithWu Jian (Seamless), Imustkill!”
“修炼佛法的蝼蚁,我要杀,与无间有关联的生灵,我更要杀!”These wordsfall, spread overThree Thousand Worlds!
这句话落下,传遍三千界!Thisis the word of Great Emperor, contains the Great Emperorwill!
这是大帝之言,蕴藏着大帝意志!Let aloneis the ordinarylife, Emperorexpert, was shockedsuddenly.
An invisiblestrength, coversinnumerousexperthearts.
一股无形的力量,笼罩在众多强者的心头。Thisdid not haveDesolate Martial Great Emperor, Blood ButterflyGreat Emperor, but alsowhocansuppressLord of Hell?
这一世没了荒武大帝,血蝶大帝,还有谁能镇压住地狱之主?don’t tell memustplace hopes, at this moment, inMedium Thousandfold World some people of proved the DaoGreat Emperor?难道要寄希望于,在这个时刻,中千世界中有人证道大帝吗?
The hearts of manyexpert, sink to the valleygradually.
不少强者的心,渐渐沉入谷底。Su Zimo that in addition others so, confrontwithLord of Hell, what kind ofpressureis facing, it can be imagined.
旁人尚且如此,与地狱之主对峙的苏子墨,面临着怎样的压力,可想而知。Whatmaking the peoplesurprisedwas, on the Su Zimo'sface, could not see the startledfear, the surfacesinkslike the water.
只是,令众人惊奇的是,在苏子墨的脸上,看不到一点惊慌恐惧,面沉如水。EvenfacingLord of Hell of domineeringreturn, the Su Zimo'seyepupil, such as a well, does not have the fluctuationas before.
即便面对强势归来的地狱之主,苏子墨的眼眸,依旧如一口古井,毫无波动。„Youshould notcome back.”
“你不该回来。”Su Zimoopens the mouthsuddenly, the toneis indifferent.苏子墨突然开口,语气淡然。„Un?”
The Lord of Helleyebrowpeakselects.地狱之主眉峰一挑。Hissomehave not understoodSu Zimothese words the meaning.
他有些没听懂苏子墨这句话的意思。Su Zimosaidslowly: „You, ifhonestflying upwards to Great Thousandfold World , since the choicereturns toMedium Thousandfold World, IthenforSeamless Great Emperor, suppressyouronetimeagain!”苏子墨缓缓道:“你若老老实实飞升大千世界,也就罢了,既然选择回到中千世界,我便替无间大帝,再镇压你一次!”
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